!Reg.lIiO.GR,lRNPIGOAI32! !RNINo.GOAENG/2002/6410 ! Panaji, 21 st July, 2005 (A~hada 30, 1927) I " SERIES III No. 16 OFFICIAL~~GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA GOVERNMENT OF GOA and 154 (5) of the ExplOSives Act, 1983 for grant of licence to possess/store following kinds and quantities Department of Tourism of explosives in the property surveyed under Directorate of Tourism 29/1-A(Part) Conquirio of Satari 'I'aluka. Sr. Name & Description Quantity of No .. of explosives explosives to be stored at a time . Order 1 2 3 No. 5/NBH(18·175)/2005-DT/3136 1. Nitrate Mixture 50 2. Safety Fuse 200 By virtue of the powers conferred upon me 3. Detonators 2000 under Section· 10(1)(a) of the Goa Registration of Tourist Thade Act, 1982, i, Elvis Gomes, Prescribed' Whereas a copy of the application alongwith the Authority, hereby remove the name··of Ms. Sunset plan is available in the Offices of Mamlatdar of Satari Cia. Dr. (Mrs.) Ema Proenca.H. No. 7/119A Sauntavaddo and SDO of Bicholim for inspection. Calangute, Bardez-Goa from the Hotelkeeper Register . No. D 35 vide pag<; No. 8 maintained under the Whereas, the undersigned will hear the application aforesaid Act, as the said Ms. Sunset Clo. Dr. Mrs. Ema in this office at the Collectorate Building on expiry of Proenca, has ceased to operate Paying Guest House in period of 30 days from the date of publication ·of this his/her premises bearing H. No. 119A situated at notice. Saunta vaddo, Calangute, Bardez-Goa. Therefore, public notice is hereby given that any Consequently, the Certificate of registration person objecting tothe establishment of the explosives No. D/2/07 issued under the said Act stands cancelled. magazine or store house in the property or site, may give notice of such objection to the undersigned and p.maji,. 23rdMarch, 2005.:"'" The Director of.:n>urism to the applicant of not less than seven days before the . & Prescribed Authority, Elvis Gomes. day of hearing of the application together with the _._-•... -.- .. -' . name and address and calling and a short statement of the grounds of his!her objection as provided in AdVertisements sub-rule (4) of Rule 156 of the Explosives Rules, 1983. Office ,of the DisiriCtMagistrate,.North Goa District, Giver. ur:.der my hand and seal of this office dated Panaji-Goa' . this day of July, 2005. Public Notice G. P. Nallr, Additional District Magistrate, No. 26/3/2005jEXP/MAG North Goa District, Panaji. Whereas, Shri Ritesh Stone Industries, Silvanagar, Panda-Goa has applied in form 5 under Rule 154 (4) V. No. 34498/2005. i-- --',----,-----,~~ "--'--,--, ---- 234 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 16 21ST JULY, 2005 In the Court pI the Civil Judge, Senior Division at 4. Whereas Shri Sessow Sesvonata, resident of . ' Panda-Goa Zuarinagar, Birla, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa desires to change his ·name/surname from "Sessow Sesvonata" to "SheshavS. D'Silva"under the Goa Change of Name Matrimonial Suit No. 3/2002/A. and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). , , ' ShriPrasad PandurangNaik Gaonkar, Any person having any objections to the change may rIo Tamsulim of Village Khandola, lodge the same in this office within thirty days from the Ponda Thluka, Goa. - Applicant No. 1 date of publishing this notice under the provisions of , VIs. theGoaChahge of Name and Surname Act, 1990 in force. Smt. Prakshita Prasad Naik Gaunkar, rIo, C/o. Shri Dattaram M. Tirodkar, Panaji, 6th July, 2005.- The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub­ H. No. 47-B, Vadde, Vasco, Goa. -Registrar, Chandrakant Pissurlekar. , '!\Iotioe, V. No. 34452/2005. 2. It is hereby made known ·tothe public that by Judgement and Decree dated 11th day of March 6fthe 5. Whereas Kum. Moga Ganesh Gawas, resident of year 2002 passed by this Court, the marriage between Smt. Prakshita Prasad Naik Gaunkar, C/o. Shri Dattaram Amaral Waddo, Thleigao, Tiswadi-Goa desires to change M. Tirodkar, H. No. 47-B, Vadde, Vasco, Goa and her name/surname from "Moga Ganesh Gawas" to Shri Prasad Pandurang Naik Gaonkar, rIo Tamsulim of "Maya' Ganesh Narvekar" under the Goa Change of Village Khandola. Ponda Thluka, Goa, registered against Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). entry No. 622 of the 1992 in the Marriage 'Registration Book before the Civil Registrar of Ponda, Goa. is hereby Any person havlng any objections to the change may annulled. lodge the same in this office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 in 7th day of July, 2005. force. D. D. Dhumaskar, Civil Judge, Sr. Divn., & 'Pariaji, 7th July, 2005.-The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub­ -~- J-~M;F.C';t-::Pon4a<ofGda. _ -Registrar, Chandrakant Pissurlekar. V. No. 34482}2005. • V. No. 34513/2005 . Office 01 the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, IIhas, Panaji-Goa 6. Whereas KuJu. Sarvat Narvenkar, resident of Amaral Waddo, Thleigao, Tiswadi-Goa desires to change. her Notioes name/surname from "Sarvat Narvenkar" to "Sharada 3. Whereas Shri Rajesh Rodrigues, resident of Pirabhat, Ganesh Narvekar" under the Goa Change of Name and Bambolim, Tiswadi-Goa desires to change his surname Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). from "Rajesh Rodrigues" to "Rajesh Kavlekar" under the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990) .. Any person having any objections to the change may lodge the same in this o.ffice within thirty days from the . Any person having any objections to the change may date of publishing this notice under the provisions of lodge the same in this office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 in the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 in force: force. Panaji, 7th July, 2005.- The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub­ u .Pa~~ji, 6th July, 2005.- The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub­ -Registrar, Chandrakant Pissurlekar. -Registrar, Chandrakant Pissurlekar. V. No. 34439/2005: V. No. 34514/2005. ji OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 235 SERIES III No. 16 21ST JULY; 2005 Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Dorotea Pereira, married to Aleixo Rasquino; Ponda-Goa (2) Mr. Hilario Agnelo Pereira, married to Clarissa Dominica Alphonso; (3) Mrs. Lucia Brigida' Pereira, married to Jose Sebastiao' Piedade Lourenco Notice Fernandes; (4) Mr. Francisco de BOrja Santana Pereira, married to Eliza Antonieta Rodrigues; (5) Mrs. Ubaldina 7. Whereas Shri Framod Gaude, resident of Nagzar, das Neves Pereira, married to AIeixinho Agostinho Bhoma, Ponda-Goa desires to change his surname from Gonsalves and (6) Mr. Joao Bernardo Jose Caridade "Pramod Gaude" to "Pramod Ramnath Bhomkar". do Carma Pereira, married to Patricia Dapline Therefore, any person having objection is hereby Fernandes. invited to file the same in this office under the provisions of Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name That the above sole and universal heirs are legally and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No. B of 1990) read qualified to concur, prefer, succeed and compete in the with Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname' estate of the said deceased and besides them there Rules, 1991 within thirty days from the date of are no other person or persons competent. in Law to publication of this notice. succeed to the aforesaid deceased persons. Ponda, IlthJ:uly, 2005.- The Civil Registrar-cum­ And, that besides the above heirs there are no -Sub-Registrar,Smt. Asha S. Kamat. person, or persons who as per the prevailing Law in force in this State of Goa, who may prefer or concur V. No. 34499/2005. or succeed to the estate left behind by the above • mentioned ,deceased. Vasco:da-Gama, 5th July, 2005.- The Notary Public Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex-Officio of this Judicial Division of Ex-Officio, Vasudev T. Hadkonkar. " M()W'ug~o-Goa V. No. 34447/2005. -_..• -- Shri Vasudev T. Hadkonkar,Civil Registrar-cwn-Sub- ' -Registrar and Notary Ex'Officio' of this J:udicial Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Division of IVrormugao-Goa. Mormugao-Goa . B. In accordance with the 1st para of Article' 179 of Notice Law No. 2049 dated 6th August, 1951 and for the purpose of 2nd para of the same Article, it is hereby 9. Whereas Shri Rajeev Pandey, resident of 136-A, made public that by a Notarial Deed of Qualification Noira II, Airport Road, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa desires to of Heirs of Declaration for Succession dated 1-7-2005 change his minor daughter's name from "Anu Pandey" recorded before me in Book No. 170 of Notarial Deeds to "Kalyani Pandey" under the Goa Change of Name at pages 7 to 10 the following is noted,: and Surname Act, 1990 (Act Bof 1990). That on 4-12-1964 died at Vasco-da-Gama Shri J:ose Any person having any objections t() the change may Caridade Pereira alias J:ose Caridade Carma Pereira by lodge the same in this office within thirty days from other name J:ose Caridade d() Carma Pereira hailing the date of publishing this notice under the proviSions from Vasco-da-Gamaand his wife 'Mrs. Maria Cecelia of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 in Tereza D'Cunha e Pereira alias Maria Cecilia Thresa force; da Cunha or Maria Cecelia Threza Da Cunha died at Vasco-da-Gama on 6-4-2000, both of them without any . Vasco-da-Gama, 13th July, 2005.- The Civil Will or any other testamentary disposition of the Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Vasudev T.
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