Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1993 Daily Egyptian 1993 7-6-1993 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 06, 1993 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1993 Volume 78, Issue 170 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 06, 1993." (Jul 1993). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1993 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1993 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern :lIino is University at Carbondale Tuesday. July 6.1993. Vol. 78, No. 170. 12 Page, < Officials study bar renewal process By Shawnna Donovan Commission has renewed all 57 In the past. the Carbondale UqUOl" coUege 10wn," Yow said. small compared 10 lhe lotal amounl City Writer liquor license applicalions despile Advisory Board has ",viewed liquor In April. Ihe Liquor Advisory of underage palronage the bars the 231 underage drinking licenses based on Iheir salely and Board reviewed the amount of encountered over the entire year. Carbondalf chy officials He violalions of eighl local bars. t.eaJth inspection =ords. underage drinking violations al an Maggie Hanagan. a commission considering a new liquor iicen~ American Tap. Clx>:ke%s. FranIdes. John Yow, a Liquor Control earIiu meeting 10 dobate the city's bar member. said she would support renewal procedure whicil will Gatsb}'S. Hangar 9, Sidetracks, Stix Cp.mmission member, said the erury age which they will recommrnI looking at .;ach applicanl c1O'"..ely. examine bars with underage and ' ·!'ird< had 231 vi<>lalions vlolalions are p!ediclable. '" the commission Ilucr this year. ul am toncerned about the drinking violations ""'''' closely. combined lasl year. American Tap, "You are going to have The board mled the number of Tbe Carbondale Liquor Control 518 S. DIinois Ave.. had 62. violations because Carbondale is a underage drinking violations was see LIQUOR, page 5 (Left) Independenr.e Day brings a large crowd to Abe Marth'! Field for a spectacular firework show primarily sponsored by the Lions Club. The show started around 9 Sunday night and lasted approximately 45 minutes. (Above) Three m ''llsters each said a prayer for the 217th celebration 01 Independence Day in front of the Voices United Choir durIng the outdoor church service Sunday morning at the festival In Murphysboro, The Voices United Choir sang country gospel selections durins the service. Computer network proves costly WSIU br~dcaster By Sean L N, Hao mainframe computer and all _ operate at substanliaJly lower General Assignment Writer personal compulers on campus. speeds, and aren'l able 10 utilize Charles Campbell. associate Loeir full capabilities." be said. ends 5O-year career SIi.!C is cOOlinuing development direclor of Compuling Affairs, said Campbell said each departmenl on OJ $40 miJlion computer network a fiber oplic link 10 Ihe Campus must pay for individual installation By KsrenHam Coppi worl<ed as an announcer despite the fact that many Umver­ Area Networl< allows departmental once the fiiler-opLic line has been Entertainment Writer and hehind-the·scenes at WSTU· TV sity depamnenIs cannot affon:110 use it computers to interface with the run into the building. for over two decade!>. Ill! made The Departmenl of Compuling mainfrdfTle al a faster rate. "Prices for the servi e vary Afler 50 more than a name for ! . mself in Affairs is continuing a two-year-old " Com pUlers using the older depending on the number and I)'pe years in Lhe Jocallelevision, he became a true (elephone dial-in method 10. broadcasting project to install a fiber-optic _ COPPl, page 5 network between the U,iversia-y's connect with the nlailiframe see COMPUTERS, page 5 industry. Erv Coppi is !eMy 10 relin· Gus Bode quish his base· slue to sponsor Field Day for local fanners mentoffice in By Tracy Moss sponsored by SIUC Iuly 7. is a planl and animaJ production. the Commun­ General Assignmo;'lI Writer training session fnr .,'''' farmers that "When lIIId if tree Jevelopmen!s ications CoppI updates them on currenJ fanning "'" oornpIeIed. the use of inseaicides Building for a SIUC agriculwral scienoslS at ,n.. lechnologies. / will no k.<1ga" be rocessa,),: he said. beuer ... iew. Universily sponsored Fanner's Field George Kapusta, SIUC plofessor '1fthc rootw<r n-resistant rom hybrids "After I~ years with a basemenl Day which wiU ooUCale area farmen; of plant and soil science. said <nne 00 the marIa:t, Ibis oouJd put out office, i think iI'S time to get out aboul lechnologies thaI could biolechnological developmenl\ of of business all the inseaicides used fa­ and smell the roses," Coppi said. eli'llinate the need for harmful com and soybean seeds through rooLwmn right oow." "Besides, iI 's aboul time I ..,n..,­ insecticidrs. genetic engineering will have a I'm 67 years old and I've been Gus says Erv Coppi will be a The 27lh annual field day. profound effecl un pest conlIOllIIId see AELD, page 5 cloing this for 50 years." tough act to follow. IFormer University Interfaith Center Opinion I New U2 recor~ Sampras wins high schO<'I classes may close doors -5ee page 4 release marks men's Wimbledon celebrate reunion because of budget change-In style last weekend Cluslfled I : ....:story on page :; -5ee page 9 -story on page 8 -Story on page12 Page 12 July6,1993 Sports Sampras swings past critics for win The Washington Post of !he year's nr.;. two G~d11d Slam His 7~ (7-3). 7~ (8-6). 3~, 6-3 toughest competitors ir lhe 'him as tenn is's lOp man. His first (Qumaments. He even made the victory was something of an anti­ business, Sampras proved just ac: Slam victory. af.er all. came a. me WIMBLEDON Engla"d-The londoi' tabloids look prescient for climax. Sampras's straight-set mentally resilient. He survived the 1990 U.S. Open. He was 19 men. pre-<lic.ions - good and bad - all running headlines such as " Bored semifinal victory over three-lime mosl rigorous gauntlet of any seed the youngest man ever to win it. He came true for Pele Sampras on the Fourth of July" a.op their Wimbledon champion. Boris in !he .ournament '0 gel to his flJ'S' played without .he pressure of Sunday. His sledgehammer serve advance stories about Swtday's all­ Becker on Friday was flawless, and Wimbledon final, and he won me being among !he hunted ones. He ag;tin cMTied him to victory. He American men's final against Jim his five-sel quarterfi nal thriller first Wimbledon men's cham­ didn ' t know. in h,s words, "how fulfilled three·.ime Wimbledon ('..aurier. against defending champion Andre pionship be.ween a world No. I much it takes to win a Grund champion Fred Perry's prophecy At limes. Sunday's mal,ch was Agassi held more artistry. and No.2 olayer in 12 year.;. Slam:' And he did i. despi.e an that he'd win Wimbledon one day. ukio to warching two men yank a Bu. Sampras, who plays .ennis Sampras also may corne .0 look inflamed tendon in his ri gh t He sileneed critics "Who questioned free saw back and fonh. But as as mutely as a mime, couldn '. care back on mis day - only his second shoulder mal almost forced him to .he No. I rank ing he achieved Sampras likes to say, s.yle doesn't I..... Grand Slam title - as !he corning­ wimou. making !he final in ei!her coun. - results do. Agains\ Courier. one of the of-age achievement mal announced see SAMPRAS, page 11 Staff Photo by John Parker Summer swing Two American Legion baseball teams, Carbondale vs. Du Quoin, play morning on the 4th of July_ Tha Carbondale team beat Du Quoin in the baseball In the summer heat. The gam.. was played early Sunday favorite regular summer pastime sPOtt with a score of 7-6. Summer heat has ex-pected effect on golf center By Dar. I.1!8hy Damon SoP.er. manager of golf operations can be .ough on young golf courSf!S, bu. Greens (If'l new golf courses are sometimes $port'i Writer a.~ a PGA professional, said !he allendance Soper said Hickory Ridge is holding up well. left a little 'onger in height to protect against was about what j;;: !tad expected. '1'he heat and golf carts are causin ~ some being worn ..\ way. Hard-core golf fans braved me heal mis "The mornings were full ·till noon. bu. tI>e rough areas around !he .ees and !he greens, ··Ct,uing them any shoner in this weather pas. weekend '0 check 'lUt CaJbonda1e's first afternoon heal caused Ihiogs to slow down a bu. mat is unavoidable." Soper said • I mink could I:ertainly do some damage:' Soper public golf cour.;e. little." Soper saiel. '1'hen also !here are a fair mis cour.;e has held up extremely well . ' said. " Bu. even a. !he lenglh .hey "'" now. The Hickory Ridge Family Golf Cenler amount of players that start late in the Soper said !hey have no. cu. me greens 10 !hey have been gelling beller every day:' opened its doors '0 !he public friday and has afternoon or early evening." Ihe lengm .hey wan •• bUI i. has nol made been doing good business despite !he heal The brutal heal of 90 degree temperatures !hem unplayable. see GOLF, page 11 Wimbledon appeal more than just tennis The Washington Post sometime be.ween !he fir.;. week Navratilova regains tennis ( 'ommcntary of.he fortnigh.-when hundreds of WIMBLEDON.
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