i,- v . r ■#'41 .■ ■ IIANCHESTEIt EVENING HERALD. BIANCHE81ER. CONN« THURSDAY. JANUARV €7 , 19 B5 IIA^CHESTEH EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, THUR^AY, JANUARY il7 .1955 PAGt iPAOMrm ■X:; thU kubjectsd thk legal r tlcolf. Impulalva' mltodventunh,. rides would be "th e props” '4lie >^,^katint Hoars Harrinla|i,GOP the appolateca to* ’’needleaa un- Wasn't lit " : court ' was going to impose until MILITftpY Senator Doubts Rogers Bargaining Starts; pertoln^."The Issue haa not yet 40 Fe are d L b g t ^ -fDirfh wf i Stritr , Ronald, IbokUig first Mrs. Ronald proved himself aide to -< raachsd a ahowdown. SeheT who was Ihers as hla con- mova about Unsuperviaed wi^u^ Skating boum tonight will Round Four la alMost at -hand. be from 0:30 untlMO o'clock U CtaeteaSeeee sad in ^Black/ Fro«l’ fidante. aide and, odien neceasory, danger of getting Into trouble.-'' Ike Will Hurry Session Will Be Televised Push Swingle It will begin when Harriman pre- prompter, answered: “ Yes, sir, 1 The terms included ocefiif the WHIS at Center Spring! Pdik)^ Cen- aenta hla budget to tbs leglaJature IBVINO BEBUN'O ter Spring! Ahnex, Robartaon The Cas0ofKonct guess| IL Fas. But somehow, it probation officer oqce' 'a week td X FRIDAY. JAN. 2 ^ Feb. 1. Hull, POigUuid, Jan. 2t (P)— Park and Chartar Oak Park. of Similar tciocaata involving other "Th9r**» No iii*liiort seemed' like , the only thing to do. rnort ’dMlhlB -octldiUea; going to • P. M. Aid to Schools Negotiation ilfeetjrtir On companln and unions. On Legislfl ‘Vorty British ssamsB aboard two I wasn't getting .along with my school regttkLriX, behaving himself Tomorrow, weather Mrmlt- Tea Few At Seasions .. trawlers wars feared loot off Iqo- f^ber, I didn't like the w4y things while he Waa Uwre and doing hia "’! MASONIC m0ii ting, the Annex, Rdbertaon Feh, 4^ Subject of TV (CaattaMi from F i ^ OM) LIkt Show Rininou” homework; staying home nights j ; X H C B I A U (Contiwwd frnn Pkc* Om ) A t the preasAt, he said there are School Donations land today—vidtUna of tbs draoiM Referl'^ to Juvenile Court Jan were going at home, and 1 waa al- Park and Charter Oak will be too few management people who , 41 1)16 ^ ways getting into trouble in school. and away from' street corners. Ckapmaa CJonrt. Ordfr « f open to akattng from 10:30 un- Broadct^^ttf^^hicago "black frost," report on the nnUonls school needs. have.ever bqpn In • n a nej|otlatlng The Governor can't get kia pro^ nai KabeH YrasrU la "Sanibea 1 guess, 1 thought New York would Jiidge Coils Patents l AnarMtli Mrs. Hobb>- hss urted that no til 5. Center Sp.rihga' wit! be acasion. ’’Dsufclly, only top man- gram through tha legislature with; ost Polio Drive Twenty men wars aboard each he better then Whet I had.’ ’ - When Ronald's Interview with open tomorrow afternoon fromi By LEONARD ZRnMDNiSBBO out Republican help—and credit rriMS" 4:»-U:46 8ei. 1 901. Samvair*. Jtcfrpalmiriita large scale federW school building agement aits In on .thbse sessions,'' Bazrr*—CariMsi! Hea., MartiB sad of tha flaldng ahips, tha 810-ton Judge GUI turned the coii- the Judge was completed. Judge aid be undertakeh tMitll the con- 8 to 6.' 7^ Rogers Corp.'s managemantluid. -)» said, "and there are nuuiy for the GOP. The Republicans don't the subject of the boy's Gilt asked him to leave and called IkMMitMia 7 i Cents MoncliaMer echool children, from l.r«ri<” S Was area*” tech. Rodertgo and the 559-ton Lorella, ference haa reportAl. The after-dark hpura of \union contract negotiators opened ibcocntlvea whoee work la affected have tbe votes to override Harrt- falaUdrikhjP with h'ia parents, par* In hla parents. From them he was man'a veto on their own prograina. the klndei^i^en to high school, which sMt out diatreaa' aignels last Clements was the first witness akating art atandard dflly., their ahow, "Mow /one -company by what lii^>pste.-a! sessions UeiUari]r'hia.4*i*’*‘'-' able to ($raw the promike that they Three major quarrahs havd by contribuUng a record total of sight /Wins they ymre heeling ’•HOW do you feel about your at hearings scheduled to cdotinue negotiates a work contract," In but who don’t reiQ)jCknow what would continue acting as they had they ore like." broken out already. $1,M9.19, puahed the locel March over M a Imrrleaaa and snow- foUu, Ronnie?’’ be asked. "You in the past two weeks, when they, tomorrow and Monday Into vari- Rogers, Conn., yesterday. of Dimec drive the $9000 mark LaFO N D , stonit. knhW, they were ^ety concerned ous proposals to furnish im- . He said be doubted that"Af-^e Roltpd one: Harriman ssdd U)e as well as their son, had been The show la to be put on in front 2,000 AMA members expected state hi^ been spending beyond Ua today, Treasurer Otorge Frost re- seven minutes distress sig- when they liMmed you'hAd,.gotten shocked into keeping on their beat mediate emert;ency school building poursd from the trawlers' Into trouUe. Your motb^.Ataypd^ O UR AboutTownN of tbe televlaion cameras*in Chi- the convention there are ‘Tne In income nw yeora \mder Dewey. He ported. --Tv br o ther s behavior. aid through federal grhnts. to 100" who have ever' observed a Thomas Bentley, vstmsn chair- illos. Then there was silence. line from work at qulte-a ka^- atates. The U.S. Office of Educa- cago next month for the edlflcation asserted that the state's eoptlal Mrs. Mitchell, a small, harried Members of Andersoa-Shea Poet of 2,000 members of the American contract AcgoUation. constructions fund was over-«om- man of the "p lffy bank" cam- STEAK HOUSE Slock frost" is the seamen’s ice so aha could s^nd more Ume^ looking woman whose nerves had SALE tion estimates the nation. Is short *1710 AMA is paying, for the mHted and ahqrt of cash. paign, reported the ih^vidual MQNSOI^, MASS. - X name for clouds of icy haze which with you. 370,000 classrooms. 2046, VFW, will meet at the Management Assn, attending k MC|i drawn taut by the physicar NEW Holmes F^mcral Home tonight at personnel convention, and yester- transportation to Chicago of fonie One of his Grat acts was to school totau as foltows: Monchsa- Tel. Moneen M27 ikim along the eurface of tha sea "And your father '.was- quite ■train of holding a full-time job V All the bills under considera- 37 negotiators for both manage- freezd big atate 'qpnri.-ructlon con- ter High School. $248.40; Bokters, Shows .Thnrsday, Friday,' and wrap ships in a cocoon of ■hocked. |He promised to cooperate tion, Includfn^ proposals by 8 o'clock to {>ay reafwcts to iht.eet day’s dress reheanal indicated the and keeping house and by her in- liy tS (| M st> J. MiJfally, a member of the post. AMA will get an'education. ment and the Oak end Maple tracts 'pending a jeview of $281.15; HolUatcr 318T;69; BuelHfy Saturday aod Sunday spray which frecfMs hard. Unlaaa with ua in every way poisMble. He ability to K^d her family together, dements himself and by Commit- The members of the negotiating Uoign of the International Broth' fund, \ $133.13; Manchester Sreen $11$. the crewa can hack^thls ice away, ■aid ha would atop drinking, Ohd said ^ e would uot go back to work, PRICES tee Chairman Hill (D-Ala), call erhood df Paper Makers, AFL. The Republicans cc^ended that St. James $ m .a ; Washington its weight can capalza a amul try to get along better with you. ■t tlw rffUlar prio Tbe Woman’s Auxiliary of the committees of the two A FL paper- AnnewecemOwi but would atay wqme and make only for building aid. Army and Navy Club will hold a maJAng locals apd of -management - The negoUatora are leaving by he was "je<^iar^lntf tjnqusonds of $108.87: WaddeU $106.21 ^ Ve^pl anck h ■hip. He'S worked hard all his. Ufa to Ronald tbehave and do whatever Tha Lorella, nicknamed "Lucky" l(ive you and your aiater and ' w M A t ggM jL, •Thus," dements said of his card party Monday night a t.8:30 wSre unruffled by the preaence of train Feb. 13 and will stay in Chi- jobs" and demanded that he rS' $101.16; Barnard $101.64; Uncoln ) Onr New Sunday Aftoiweeu the court wanted him tbdo. and Hill's bills, "those who might cago at the Palmer House until voke a "hasty Ond ULadviaed. de- $9T.tt; Nathiui Hole $M48; High- dly SlMw 8 P. M. te • P. ML bscauas of her big citches, said la >rothar tha things, he thinks ' you Mr. Mltchel) said he wbu|d quit at U>e Army and Navy clubhouSa. about a doeen vlairors sitting lii her last mesaago aba - was lying need. third f tr M iy be inclined toi oppose federal Feb. 15. cision." \ land Park ro.Oi; Robinson $66.60; Udren Welcome drinking and try to get overtime iPritea will be awarded. Rogers Community Center.' South $46.14; Buckland $27.24; on her aide north of 'Jcelaad’a course, he as well Sa your, legislation on aid to schools be- And the give-and-take of the The telecast will originate'from Round two: T h e Repidiiicaas work or odd jobe'to offset the l(Jas cause of fear of federal participa- a room in the hotel, and will l>cRln, paaeed bills keeping stats tncotoe Kaaney $18.31 and Silver Lane tr Food Prices -, North Capo.
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