MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 4: Administrative Files, 1945-1994. Box Folder 48 9 "Report to Members: United Jewish Appeal National Campaign Council, Volume XIX." 1964. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org Jan. 1964 1290 Ave nue of [he Amcricas, Ncw York ' 100 19 NOT FOR PUBLICATION TEST ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE YEARS SETS $105,000,000 GOAL TO MEET RISING NEEDS • 2,000 Delegates Forge Mighty 1964 Campaign • Name General Chairman Joseph Meyerhoff to 4th Term • Elect Max Fisher as Associate General Chairman 1964 HIGH COMMAND, fa, ..... [froel P,I... Mlnl ol .. MO lh, Sho ...., ••con d "0'" ' Ighl, .ho .... n 00 h. g,ee,ed the men who .... ltl . ha •• 'op , u ponilbilily ,A, lead'"Mp of the UJA '. 26,h annval na ti onwide d.I" • • A .... mber of h .o. I'. Kn.... 1 and Chair ma n of the J . .... loh Agl ncy fa, Ilfo el, J. rv lol . m, M. , Shor. " "olced h.n . 01 1. lo(l1on wl!h a clion of o nnvol Conf... n <l d. l.go te •• Th .. e Inc lvded re lvrn of JOllph Meye,hoff of 5altlmo .. 10 a fov rlh . vu.ulv. 1.. "1 0 . Gln.. o ! ChOI'ma n; , Iee llon of Max Floher of O. lroll to the new po. ! 01 An oe;a l. G. ne,a l Chairman, and .... I. ct lon of Rabbi Hltber' A. F, I.d mon of N.w York to 10lh eon .. eutl"e te.m eli UJA h ec vliv. Vl ce . Chalrman, L. fl to . Ight, abo .. " Robbi Frl. d man 'and M.... " MeV" ho", Sho r. " a nd Floh., UJA's FIRST AIM IN ITS 26th YEAR OF WORLD SERVICE 1\164 CAMPAIGN KEYNOTE , Th, (~tlnu.d m"u ...... e of up,.. o'ed ond dl" '''.ed Jews, OM th, l. lull .<o ~oml< . loclal oncl <ullu.ol oll. o.pl1ol>­ In \""e' and In all oth •• f,., lond. thai 'tlke them i_r, Ih, ,hl.f "bl . dl~ .. of rh , UJA', 1964 <"mpaign. Oe l'gol .. \I"I.d $IOS,OOO,OOO gool to In ..... olloln"""1 of th, .. olm., ,011,01 fo, I......... d givlns both 10 th e .,gul", drive .. "d Spedo' Fund. hpe.1o . 1, . ...01 1964 again .... 111 I .. mou Immigration in I""el ma,ked by " """ ' ''''' n in p."vldlng jobl, hOIl.ln9, , eI .. ",,;O" ond 10ci<o' .""den. IS,. a .... luUon on I'og, 231 The United Jewish Appeal is now launched on its 1964 nationwide campaign. In terms of leadership. goals and worldwide objectives, it is one of the greatest campaign efforts to be undertaken in many years. Its powerful shape and form was ham­ mered out on the anvil of the UJA's 26th Annual National Conference, with more than 2.000 delegates in attendance at the New York Hilton Hotel from hundreds of communities throughout the country. It was -- in sheer size alone. yet also in the personal im­ portance of each and every man and woman there -- the largest and most impressive body Of its kind to come together in years to forge a program for. and to advance. the UJA. The discussions, reports. addresses and decisions -- each imbued with a special appreciation of the value of life. and of the need for speed in dispelling and dis­ solving the threats and shadows overhanging Jewish lives in lands around the world -­ held the delegates in their grip from Friday morning, Decembe r 6 t o Sunday noon, December 8. And when finally the delegates departed, there came the realization that what had been achieved was not only the launching of an extraordinary campaign for the year 1964 but the successful orbiting of the UJA into a new era of service and oppor­ tunity after 25 years of unsurpassed effort and achievement in the saving of J ewish lives and the building of human freedom . Two-Part Goal: $69,000,000 Through Re\lUlar Drive; $36,000,000 Through Special Fund Here is what the delegates did; • voted the UJA its greatest goal in five years, setting it by unanimous vote at '105.000.000. or $9.000.000 higher than in 1963 . • made provision that this increased goal -- in behalf of 751,500 oppressed and distressed Jews in 31 countries. the largest number to require aid in more than a decade and at least 102,000 more than were helped in 1963 -- be raised in two ways : MRS. JACK KARP: D,nOJnlo Now National Cha4-man 01 UJA Woman Mrs . Jaok Karp of Los Angeles 1s the newly named National Chairman of the UJA Women's Division. A long time leader 1n Jewish communal causes, Mrs. Karp made her seventh trip to Israel this past November as head of the Eighth Annual Women's Division Survey of UJA-flnanced aid and wel­ fare programs in Europe and Israel. During this trip. she conferred on immigrant aid problems in Israel with Prime Minister Levi Eshkol. former Prime Minister David Ben-Gurlon. and Moahs Sharett. former Prime Minister and currently Chair­ man of the Jewish Agency Executive. A Nattonal Board member - ot the UJA Women's Division since 1950, she helped to orga­ nize the Permanent Women's Division of the Los Angeles United Jewish Welfare Fund, and served as its first preSident. Mrs . Ka rp is also a member ot the National Board of Hadassah and was its National Vice-President from 1952 to 1955. In 1956 , she was a delegate to the World Zionist Congress. Among the many honors conferred on her are the 1961 Woman of the Year Award by the Los Angeles B'nai B'rlth, the World Citizen Award by Hadassah's Southern Pacific Coast Region , and the Israel Bond Award. In 1946-47, Mrs. Karp served as Chairman of the SOS (Save Our Survivors) Campaign in Los Angeles which collected clothing for distribution in the European Displaced Persons Camps. Mrs . Karp is the wi fe of Jack Karp, Vi ce-President of Paramount Pictures. • $69,000,000 through the Regular Campaign to finance the ongoing rescue, resett­ lement, rehabilitation and absorption programs of the UJA's constituent and benefici­ ary agencies, namely: the United Israel Appeal-Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc., the Joint Distribution Committee, and the New York ASSOCiation for New Americans, plus * $36,000,000 through a 1964 UJA Special Fund to meet the extraordinary costs arising out of Israel's continuing high immigration, the movement of Jews to other lands, and other emergency costs. The United Hias Service as Jewry's world-wide mi­ gration agency will be a participant in the Special Fund, along with the UIA-Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc., and the JDC. MASS ATTENDED BANQUET OPENS UJA'S 26th YEAR AMUICA' S JEWISH COMMUNAL LEADERSHIP . S"own he, . on Salu,doy , ,, , nlng, Decembe r 7 , In II" G.eond III1l1room 0' I'" N, w York Hilton Hotel II the lop lead","lp of t"e Am .. lcon J,wlsh (omm"nlly a , It ap. ned II" Unlled Jewi, .. Appeal'l 26th conllculiv, onn"ol nQtlonwid, compo lgn. ,,,, hundred, af d, l.gal" Qnd gu" t, " eord ou','ondlng add ...... by luo, 1 Ambossador la ,'', Unlt, d Stat .. A\IIo"om Ho.man; UJA HonarQry Cheol.mQn Edword M. M. Wa.burg. who prnlded) and UJA E.. (uti" . Vice.C"ol.man Robbl Herbert A. Frl,d man. UJA YOUNG LEADERSHIP CABINET MARKS ITS FIRST YEAR NEWEST ARM OF NATIONAL UJA . Cr .aled One y.a. g90, UJA '. Nollon,,' You ng hod.flllip Cablne! me' •., no• • III fir., gol". and 10 mop plono fo r 1964. Shown In phol" 01 I.f, Of. Alon Sogne. 01 N.wor ~ . N. J •• I.ft, th' Coblne" , firs ' Nollono' Ch"I,man, and hi. luceenor, Jo.eph I(on". col Cin(innotl, 0 ., "gh •• o. rhey we .. cong,olulaled by Mo_ FI,h • • of Oe '.oit, U1A '. neW An.,ciol. G.neral 'lIal. mon. Delegat.. Name Forceful Leadership For 1964, Cite Four In Particular The delegates also: * Re-el ected Joseph Meyerhoff of Bal timore. by accl amation, to a fourth success­ ive term, as the Gen eral Chairman of the UJA - an action which was al so a tribute since it returned him to the highest and most responsible voluntary office the American Jewish community has to offer. * El ected Max M. Fisher of Detroit to be Associate General Chairman -- a new post that was created not only in the light of the intensified needs and emergencies con­ fronting the UJA and the American Jewish community, but in special recognition of Mr. Fisher's exceptional l eadership qualities. * Returned Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman of New York to a lOth consecutive term as the UJA' s Executive Vice-Chairman and accompanied the vote of acclamation with a tribute to his dynamic l eadership of the UJA over the past decade. * Named Mrs. Jack Karp of Beverly Hills, Calif., as the new National Chairman of the UJA Women ' s Division. * El ected Joseph Kanter of Cincinnati, 0., as the new Chairman of the UJA's National Young Leadership Cabinet . * Brought back and introduced others to posts of the highest responsibility in the senior l eadership of the UJA (See complete l ist on Page 17). * Accorded special honors to four of the UJA's highest l eaders in recognition of their services over the l ast several years: to Joseph Meyerhoff for his General Chairmanship from 1961 through 1963; to William Rosenwald of New York, a founder of the UJA, for his especially distinguished work in focussing the Ameri can public's att­ ention on the UJA's 25th year in his capacity as Chairman of the Committee for Comm­ un i ty Activities of the Anniversary; to Mrs.
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