^c And whereas the parishes of Hungerford and and all churches and chapels, and the whole CJhilton Folliatt are locally situate partly in clergy and others your Majesty's subjects, locally *the said county of Berks and partly in the said situate within the limits of such parishes and ^county of Wilts; and although the church of places respectively, shall, notwithstanding any *the said parish of Hungerford is in that part of peculiar or other ecclesiastical jurisdiction or the same parish which is locally situate within exemption from jusisdiction which any of 'the county and archdeaconry of Berks, and the such parishes, places, churches, chapels, or •church of the said parish of Chilton Folliatt is clergy may now possess or be subject to, in that part of the same parish which is locally or claim to possess or be subject to, be situate within the county and archdeaconry of respectively under and subject only to the Wilts, doubts have been suggested respecting jurisdiction and authority of the bishops of the the episcopal jurisdiction over those parts of the said two several dioceses and the .archdeacons =said parishes which are locally situate within of the several archdeaconries of such several •the other of the said two counties respectively : dioceses within the limits of which several dioceses " We, therefore, humbly recommend and pro- and archdeaconries they shall respectively be so .pose, that it be declared and provided that the locally situate.? except that the cathedral churches whole of the said parish of Hungerford, and of and within the said several dioceses, and the the clergy and others therein, are and .shall be royal residence and your Majesty's free chapel of in the diocese of Oxford and archdeaconry of Saint George within your Majesty's castle of Berks, and subject only to the jurisdiction aad, Windsor, shall respectively remain and be subject authority of the Bishop of Oxford and the Arch- to the jurisdiction and visitation, if any, to which deacon of Berks for the time being; and thatr they are now by law respectively subject, and t,cf ithe whole of the said parish of Chilton Folliatt, none other; and we further recommend and pro- .and the-clergy and others therein, are and shall' pose, that, with the like exceptions, all and each :be in the diocese of Salisbury and archdeaconry of such parishes, places, churches, and chapels • of Wilts, and subject only to the jurisdiction so possessing or being subject to, or claiming to :aaid authority of the Bkhop of Salisbury and the possess or be subject to, any such peculiar juris- ^Archdeacon of Wilts for the time being. diction or exemption from jurisdiction, and aH other parishes, places, churches, and chapels " And we further recommend and .propose, with locally situate within the said several dioceses, ithe consent of the Right Honourable and Most' shall severally and respectively be included in JReverend William Archbishop of Canterbury, and form part of the dioceses and archdeaconries (SO far as relates to the peculiar jurisdiction of respectively within the limits of which they shall >the Archbishop of Canterbury in and over respectively be so locally situate; provided •certain parishes and places locally .situate within; always, that nothing herein contained shall .in any tfhe said diocese of Oxford, and <of the Right manner prejudice or affect any .rights, privileges, {Honourable and Right Reverend Charles James or exemptions of the University of Oxford, or SBishop of London, so far as relates to the of any college or hall thereof, except so far as Jurisdiction of the Bishop of London and the relates to the exercise of any ecclesiastical juris- Archdeacon Of Saint Albans in and over certain diction, by any such college or hall or the head "•parishes and places locally situate within the thereof, over any parish or the churches or ssaid county of Buckingham, which consents are. chapels of such parish or the clergy or others testified by their having -respectively signed and within the same-; provided also, that nothing .•sealed this scheme, that upon and after the herein contained shall deprive the collegiate ftwenty-first day next after the day upon church and parish of Eton of their present <which any Order of your Majesty .in Council, exemption, if any, from the jurisdiction of the sratifying this scheme, shall be published in archdeacon of Buckingham. tthe London Gazette, all parishes and places locally situate within :the limits of the said " And we further recommend and propose, that iseveral dioceses of Oxford and Salisbury, and of nothing herein contained shall prevent us .from &he several archdeaconries thereof respectively* recommending and proposing any other measures.
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