Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 2 – High Level Site Assessment – SHL030 – Land at Hyde Road Confidential Draft - 1.1 – May 2015 High Level Site Assessment Proforma Site Reference SHL030 Site Name Land at Hyde Road Parish Long Sutton Site Address Land at Hyde Road, Long Sutton Capacity Assessment and Categorisation Site Size (ha) 0.71ha Estimated Capacity 17 Comments on capacity The capacity was calculated using a dph figure of 24 (in accordance with gross-to-net ratio of 80%). Housing Strategy Category(s) Strategy 2 (Dispersal Strategy) Land Supply Category Category B: Small sites adjoining existing urban areas Key to Site Assessments: No overriding constraint to development of the site Constraint requiring further detailed assessment Major constraint undermining suitability of site Site Assessment Assessment Criteria Assessment comments Coloured assessment Accessibility to o Bus Stop – (Monks Corner Crossroads, South Warnborough, Service 13 to Basingstoke) 3.3km Employment and o Railway Station – (Bentley) 7.81km services o Employment Centre – (RAF Odiham) 4.2km o Public Open Space – (Odiham Recreation Ground) 5.39km o Health Facility – (Odiham Health Centre) 5.39km o Primary School – (Long Sutton Primary School) 0.18km o Secondary School – (Robert Mayʼs School, Odiham) 5.07km o Supermarket – (Tesco, Hook) 8.45km Infrastructure • Education: There is pressure for places at Primary education level. Although there are no identified deficits in provision capacity at Primary, Junior or Infant schools within the Hook/Odiham area they are full or close to full and Long Sutton Primary School is believed to be continually over-subscribed. Additional housing not already planned for will exacerbate this situation. There are no planned expansions at the local Infant and Junior school but there are expansions planned at 4 Infant or Junior schools in the wider Hook/Odiham area. There are planned expansions at both Robert Mayʼs School and Calthorpe Park Secondary School. • Health: There is believed to be some available capacity at local doctor surgeries and dentists in the area. However, there are no planned expansions of health facilities in the Hook / Odiham area and it is likely that any Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 1 Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 2 – High Level Site Assessment – SHL030 – Land at Hyde Road Confidential Draft - 1.1 – May 2015 significant level of development in the centre of the District will require additional provision. • Retail: Long Sutton is remote area of Hart with very few retail outlets nearby, therefore it is likely that consumers would travel out of the district to Basingstoke where there is a far greater choice of comparative stores. A number of supermarkets in the wider study area are overtrading including Tesco (located outside of Hook). Recent evidence suggests that there is potential for a new supermarket to be located within the centre of Hook. There is also a commitment for 263sqm of new convenience floorspace at Lodge Farm, Hook Road. • Transport (Road): The Hart Transport Assessment Mitigation Corridor Study Report proposes improvements to the B3349 Reading Road/Griffin Way (Hook) to A287 south of M3 Junction 5. The measures include an additional lane on the B3349 and A287 approach plus widening of the roundabout circulatory carriageway to 3 lanes throughout. This will improve access from the site to the M3 and Hook. There are no other specific projects identified in the HCC transport statement project schedule. • Transport (Other): Due to the remote location of Long Sutton and distance from any main roads, there are no local bus routes servicing the area within reasonable walking distance; Routes 10 and 13 are the closest services and run an hourly service between RAF Odiham and Basingstoke Bus Station Monday to Saturday, with two services per hour during peak times. • Green Infrastructure: The HDC Infrastructure Schedule identifies a series of projects that are required in the Odiham and North Warnborough area. These consist of Mill Lane Flood Defences, Allotments with associated parking, improvements to North Warnborough Recreation Ground. There is a lack of provision in certain types of infrastructure in the area and development on the site will only increase the pressure on existing services. The site is unlikely to be of sufficient size to provide the supporting infrastructure onsite. Current Use and This site is on agricultural land. There is no relevant planning history. Relevant Planning History Nature Conservation There are no nature conservation constraints at this site or in close proximity to it. However it is noted that there are a number of trees present at the edges of the site, particularly the north where there appear to be a variety of trees in a dense formation, and a group of trees to the southern edge of the site. These areas could potentially provide habitats to protected species. Minerals Resources The Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan Policies Map indicates that there are no areas within the site that are subject to minerals safeguarding. Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 2 Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 2 – High Level Site Assessment – SHL030 – Land at Hyde Road Confidential Draft - 1.1 – May 2015 Landscape HCC Integrated LCA (2012) Landscape type: Downland mosaic small scale Landscape character: Northeast Hampshire open downs Hart District LCA 1997: Landscape type: Intensive arable cultivation Landscape Character Area: Hart Downs Main features of the Hart Downs LCA: Typical chalk scenery, with strong rolling landforms, rounded hilltops and dry valleys. The LCA does contain scattered blocks of woodland and varied hedgerows with weaker structures on the flatter, more exposed hilltops, and stronger structures in the central and southern parts of the downs on the steeper slopes where there is more shelter. The LCA is rural with few detracting influences except for Odiham airfield, the B3349 and prominent overhead power lines. There is a dispersed pattern of small villages, hamlets and minor roads with an unspoilt rural character. Summary Assessment: The site is at the eastern edge of Long Sutton and forms the northern part of a large arable field. Whilst there is some screening to the north, the other boundaries are largely open and development at the site would be visible, potentially at long distances from the south, southwest and southeast. Additional screening may be able to reduce this impact. Agricultural Land The site is on Grade 2 agricultural land, which is some of the best and most versatile agricultural land available in Hart District. Heritage Assets There are no heritage assets within this site, however the Long Sutton Conservation Area is adjacent to the west of the site, along with an area of significant archaeological interest. Hydegate House and The Court are both Grade II Listed Buildings and are in close proximity to the north of this site and their setting may be impacted by development at the site. Water resources and The Environment Agencyʼs Groundwater Source Protection Zone map indicates that this site is located in a Zone 3 quality catchment area. This could place a constraint on development at this site and would require further assessment. Air Quality The site is not within an Air Quality Management Zone, however consideration would need to be given to the proximity of RAF Odiham as a potential source of air pollution. Flood risk The site is located within Flood Zone 1. It is not at risk from surface water flooding or flooding from artificial sources. The entirety of the site is located within an area that has limited potential for groundwater flooding. Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 3 Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 2 – High Level Site Assessment – SHL030 – Land at Hyde Road Confidential Draft - 1.1 – May 2015 Location and scale of This site is located on greenfield land but does not form part of any strategic or local gap. The Long Sutton development settlement boundary is adjacent to the north and western boundaries of the site. Therefore, given the size of the site it would appear that it could fit within the envelope of the settlement area without allowing the boundary to encroach to far into the countryside. The surrounding land uses include Long Sutton Primary School, adjacent to the west of the site, and a small scattering of large country dwellings associated with the village itself. Large open fields dominate the rest of the landscape. Given the low-density and strongly rural character of Long Sutton, any medium or high-density development at the site would be potentially harmful to the character of the area. Un-neighbourly Uses RAF Odiham is located approximately 1km to the north and is considered to be a potential source of noise and possibly light and air pollution. Availability The site is believed to be available, although this would need to be confirmed by the landowner. Assessment Site Access There are a couple of potential access points; A direct access could be opened up onto the main thoroughfare road of the village named ʻThe Streetʼ, or another option would be to open an access up onto the lane to the west of the site shared by the Primary School. Both options would be subject to highways reviews to determine safety aspects and what upgrades to the local roads would be needed. Due to the rural nature of these lanes, it could be considered that cyclists have a good access to nearby villages such as South Warnborough and Odiham without needing
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