Girls' Dance Dresses Beach sl'95 Boys' Robes, ^ Originally $5.95 Were $3 and $4 |-55 WOODWARD & LOTHROP 13, in ootton organdy and mar* 13 Summer cotton robes in woven checks lightweight quisette, in pastels and white. 11th F and G district and cloth. Sizes 12 to 16. 10th Terry ’Teen-age and ehubtoee sises 12 Streets__Phone 8300_ 9 Lightweight Sleeveless Sweaters of all-wool. White and to 16. shades. Sizes medium, Were $2. Now f I.1S jfaatel small, large. 34 Girls’ and Teerf-agers’ Presses 82 Neckties for boys and, youths. Rayons and silks In light ; in cotton prints and organdy. Sises colors. 50c and 73c. Now..l8e and 25e Summery Originally 7 to 16. Were $3. Now-(1.95 27 pairs Socks in striped ribbed cotton. Sizes 10 and 10 H. and Were 39c pair. Now...8 pairs 81 12 Wool Coats, fitted straight- line 133 Boys’ Union Suits, one-piece, open seat, lightweight cot- styles. Brown, tan, navy, aqua, sises 14 and 16. ton mesh. No buttons, sizes 10 to 18. each_55c rose. Teen-age REMNANT Special, FRIDAY Originally 919.95 and $22.95. Thz Boys’ Store, Fourth Floor, Now 919.95 Invalids' Girls’ Apparel, Fourth Floor. Week-End Candy Trays Juniors' Pajamas, 95e SAVINCS 95 S2 Licorice Caramels, Originally $7.50 Originally pound—35c Merchandise is not returnable or not $2 20 pairs of juniors’ two-piece cot- Foiled Mint Squares, Remnant Day exchangeable; 6 wooden trays for serving or comfortable reading. ton pajamas, assorted stripes. Sises pounds -35c sent C. O. D. or on approval; telephone or mail orders not accepted. 11 to 17. Two of Assorted 9 Kitchen Chairs; eight white, one green. Slightly Imper- pounds 22 Girls’ Pajamas in cotton Chocolates-S5c fect. Originally $2.75. Now.$1.50 crepe, solid colors and Floob. 8 Imported Chinese Metal Fireplace Screens. Imperfect. two-piece; prints. Candy, Aisle 14, Tost Be Closed All 6th Sises $1.65. The Store Will Originally much higher priced. Now..$2.95 4, 8, 10,12. Originally Day9 August .$1.15 -——--—■—— 100 dozen rolls Toilet Tissue, fine quality, 1000 sheets to Now 15 Vanity Fair Rayon Panties in a roll, special, doaen rolls..75e Sizes 13 to 17. Nest of Tables, *5 17 Fruit Bowls, glass with chrome base. Originally $1. Now 25e blue, white, pink. Were 79c. Now....45e Were flO Housewares, Fitth Floor. Girls’ Furhishwgs, Fourth Floor. Silk Satin *2'95 Misses' Dresses Reduced 3 white painted wrought Iron nests Nightgowns, ir I of three round tables, with red or Sizes 12 to 20 In the group. Were S4.95 black. $12.95. blue glass tops. 8. in printed cotton; navy, brown, Originally NOW .....$3-»5 3 Coffee Tables, slightly Imperfect, 11 in pure-dye silk satin. Handmade with machine- at silk or in colors and Several ma- Iron with stitched inner seams. Butterfly and floral prints 9, rayon, plain prints. In white-painted wrought and $19.95. blue or blush. Sizes 34 to 40. ternity styles Included. Originally $13.95 Men's Summer *|<4*75 blue or black top. Originally on white, Suits, and Now _$5.95 4 pairs Pajamas in pure-dye silk satin. Blush, siaes 16 $12.50. Now..-.$5 and Were 17. Were $5.95. Now..$1.95 15, In cotton, silk, spun rayon, silk chiffon. Prints pastels $27.50 The Gift Shop, Seventh Floob. to Now..$7.75 8 Nightgowns, made in China, of silk-and-rayon brocaded in many colors. Originally $10.95 $22.95. Handsome sizes 32 to 36. Were Now 15, In cotton, rayon, linen, rayon Bemberg. Prints, pastels, 61 fine, cool, lightweight suits taken from stock. tropical crepe. White and tearose; $4.95. $3.45 in silk brocaded crepe. Made In dark color*. Several Lans of Salzburg styles included. worsteds that you insulated against the heat. Regulars, sizes 36 to Carter Pantie Girdles 7 Nightgowns pure-dye keep China; handmade with Inner seams machine-stitched. originally $12.95 to $22.95. Now..-59.75 sizes 36 to sizes 38 to stouts, sizes 39 to 46. 517.95 46; shorts, 40; longs, 40; In white and tearose; sizes 34, 38, 40. Were $6.50. Now.-f3.fl 1$, handmade silk pastels, dark silk chiffons. Originally Originally $2JO to $25. Now $13.5# 38 Three-piece Summer Suits, including imported crashes, gabardines and flan- $| Under wzar, Third Floor. 11 Dramas Including rayon Sharkskin Jacket styles, rayon nels. sizes 35 to 44; shorts, sizes 36 to 40; longs, sizes 38 and 39; stouts, colors. Sixes 26, 28, Regulars, 11, In assorted Lans of models. Originally $19.95 sizes 39 and 44. Were $35. Now---- $19.75 Bemberg prints, Salzburg >0. to $29.95. Now.IM.50 3 22 Sports Coats, mostly in small sizes. Regulars, 35, 5/36, 4/37, 2/38,1/40. Shorts, • Warner Coraelettee, two-way. S Jacket Dreams of linen end Were $25. Now...$9.75 *43 beige rayon crepe. 1/35, 2/36, 1/37, 2/38. Originally $16.50 to $25. one-way stretch, of cotton-and- Lapin Coats, Now _-_$1$.50 Sizes Thi Men’s Store, Second Floor. rayon. Medium length. 36. Were i79.75 4 Dramas In rayon net and silk marquiseto. Were $25 and 38. 39. 40. Were $5. Now.-32.95 529.96. Now.$19.60 4 LUy of France Duosettes, of four- 2 in brown, 1 black; all size 18. t CsMsat Laes Dresses in aqua and peach. Were $29.05. Men's Panama Hats ply cotton net, sizes 35 and 40. 2 Babbit Coats, dyed gray. Size 16. Were 1110. How..f66 Now $22 Youths' Coats 310. Now-83.95 1 Rabbit Coat, size 18. Was $110. Now-872 Sports Originally Beaver-dyed Missrs' Damn, Time Floor. 8 WAL Special Step-in Girdles of 1 Brawn Lapin Coat, size 16. Was 898.75. Now.858 75 *145 to *3” cotton-and-rayon, with two-way 1 Brown Moleskin Jacket, size 16. Was 8159.75. Now...895 Were $16.50 stretch elastic. Rayon panel front. 1 Brown Lapin Coat, size 14. Was $129.75. Now-$74 of Panamas in S9 63 hats, a selection Sixes 25, 26, 28, 29, 30. Were 1 Manchurian Ermine Coat, size 18. Originally 8425. Women s and Misses Coats standard blocks, pinch fronts, novelty 83.50. Now .31.95 Now 8188.5# in smart and double Broken II coats single weaves and leghorns. sizes, 4 Woodthrop Elastic Net Step-ins, 1 Black Fox Jacket, size 16. Was $325. Now_.-$229.5$ models in check and breasted herring- mixed styles. white and tearose. Small sizes 25 1 Lamb Jacket, dyed brown. Size 16. Was $195. Now. .$125 and Suits Reduced wool fabrics. bone patterned Regulars, •Til 7 t7'/s|7y4|7H|7%|7%! Were | Now and 26. Originally 810. Now -83.45 1 Caracul Coat, eel gray. Size 18. Was $250. Now-8165 to38. sizes 1/37 and 1/38. 11 Sommer gotta In rayon Congo cloth and cotton-and-rayon sizes33 Longs, S 11 of France Stej^ln Girdles 1 Coat, size 18. Was $395. Now.....825$ i I 1 I 1 I I 3 | | $2 | 11,45 Lily Leopard bengallne. Tailored styles. Navy, black, brown. Bines 12 of tearose silk satin and elastic 1 Cape, brown, size 18. Originally $125. Now_$55 18 Prep Suits in lightweight all-wool tweeds 1 3 1 1 $4 $2.15 Lapin to 20. Were $11.85. Now.$18 VJi I I | | i | | 16. Sizes 34 to 38. Were 825. cotton batiste. Talon-fastened. 1 Mink Sides Trotteur, size Was 8310. Now.$189.56 gotta, atom 14 to Were and worsteds. 2 9 8 3 4 *2.65 4 Tropical Wonted Tailored 1$. 2 | | | | | | | $5 | boned front. Sizes 26. 27. 1 Raccoon Coat, size 18. Was 8310. Now-$185 Now ___$14.75 Lightly $22.85. Now-.$17 1 1 3 | 2 5 2 *7.50, *10 *3.95 32;. Were 37.50. Now...34.95 1 Black Persian Lamb Jacket, slse 14. Was $275. Now..$165 | | | | | | | 31, 5 ffo—iei Coats In lightweight woolens in green, beige, blue. 13 pairs Cotton Slacks in 27 and 28 inch 1 Black Persian Lamb Coat, size 18. Was $350. Now. .8256 The Men's Store, Second Floor. Coasrrs, Third Floor. Sims 14 to 20. Were $28.86. Now.$17 waist sizes only. Were $2.50. Now-$1.65 1 Black Kidskin Tunic Coat, size 11. 8195. Originally 3 Capes. Navy, black. Full length, at Juilllard woolen. Now...875 8ims 14 and 1«. Were $25. Now.-.$17 Prep Clothing, Second Floor. 4 Rabbit sizes 16 and 18. Children's Lisle Anklets Seal-dyed Coats, Originally $98.75 18 Tailored gaits of men’s wear wonted. Navy, gray, brown. Hamilton Razor and $129.75. Now....855 Slses 10 to 20. Were $25. Now ..-.$18.75 1 Moleskin size 16. Was Jacket, $175.. Now_$95 10 Coats suitable for Fall wear. Boxy or fitted models. Leisure Shoes Blades Special Furs, Third Floor. Juilllard and Forstmann’s fine woolens. Navy, black, toast. Men's to 38 to 42. Were $28.85 to $38.95. Would Regularly Be 25c Blaes 14 to 20, 2$ft 41>£, 95 Now _$2$ *95 Jacket Salts In or black. Botany Were for 25c 250 pairs with plain and fancy 4 Dressmaker Short navy $3 pair 25 Women's $4 14 and 18. Were $29.85. Now- $22 51 Special tops. Sizes 6 to 10’/2. Shoes, wool. Sixes 3.000 good weight blades with a keen 4 Three-piece Wool Salts. Navy, black, rose. Slses 14 to 18 Children's Hosiery, aisle 17, Originally $8.75 to S16.75 25 pairs of restful, knockabout shoes.
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