November 14, 1964 Great New Name in CONTENTS NORTHWESTERN - OHIO STATE WILBUR E. NYPP, Editor and Advertising Jfanager John F. HummeL ___CircuJation Manager ational Advertising Representative Spencer Advertising Co., 271 Madison Ave., ew ork 16, . Y. The University Presidents ---------------------------------------------------- 2 Northwestern University Officials ------------------------------------------------- _____________ 3 The Football Hall of Fame -----·----- ---------------------------- 4 Northwestern University Campus Scenes ---------------------------------------------- __________ 5 Stars Among the Wildcats ____ ·-·---------------- ------------------------- ____ ------------- 6 Ohio State University Winter Sports Schedules ----------------------------------------- 7 Story of Northwestern University ______ ·-----· ____ _ _ _ ... __ _ ___ 8 Ohio State Football Coaching Stoff ------------------- ______ -------------- 9 Ohio State University Football Player Pages ______________ l 0, 18, 22, 32, 36, 44, 46 Northwestern University Football Player Pages _____ _____ __ _ _ _ _12 , 20, 30, 3 4 Scientists Explor e Plant Life ___ __ _ _____ ____ _ -------- _ __________ l 4 Ohio State University Athletic Staff ________________________________________________________ 16 Big Ten Schedules and Scores _ ___ __ ·- __________ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ ----------------- 1 9 N orthwestern University Football Coaching Staff ______ _ _ _ --------------- _19 Ohio State University Football Roster -------------------------------------------------------- __ 24 N orthwestern University Football Roster ----------·------· ______ _ ____________________ 29 Study Mode of Bees' Behavior _______________ -------- __ _ ---------------------- 38 Half-time Music by the Marching Band ----------------------------------------------------.41 Football Rules and Signals ____________ --------------- _____ ---· ______________ 42 Ohio State University Freshman Football Ro ster ________ ----------------------- .48 FROM POW ER IN THE MAKING 100 million years, from the age of the mighty dinosaurs, when oil was forming in the earth, comes Sinclair DINO SUPREME, the advanced premium gasoline that OHIO STATE FOOTBALL cleans as it powers- keeps your engine running smoother, longer. REWARDS THE SMART DRIVER who wants all the power he paid for in his high­ powered car. Try a tankful today. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED by Sinclair- or your money back. Stop at the si~n of the Sinclair Dinosaur. 0 I):, y 4 , P{J. DRIVE WITH CARE ANo euv S1nc/111r ANNIVERSARY SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY • 155 N. WACKER DRIVE • CHICAGO 6, ILL. The University Presidents Representing Northwestern University STUART K. HOLCOMB Director of Ath letics DR. NOVICE G. FAWCETT President, The Ohio State University ALEX AGASE Head Football Coach DR. J . ROSCOE MILLER PROF. T. LEROY MARTIN President, Northw estern Un iversity Faculty Re p resentative 2 3 National Football Hall Of Fame Week ATIOXAL Football Hall of Fame 'Weeki b - The local chapter of the °;\Tational Football N ing celebrated by th °;\Tational Football Founda­ Foundation are cognizant of contribution to the tion and Hall of Fame as a salute to amateur foot­ game of football made by civic m inded officials in ball through ut the country as played by the col­ each community. For the e leaders pecial a \Yards lege and high school · of our nation. are made at the annua l award !inner . Th National Football Foundation afford an op­ Recently the Football Foundation announced plan portunity for for a nationwide drive for ftmd to build the Foot­ scenes on the all tho e be­ ball H all of Fame on the site of the fir t college lieving in th footbalJ game in 1959 between Rutgers and Prince­ NORTHWESTERN principl s of ton at New Brun wick. ALICE S. MILAR CHAPEL amateur foot­ Tl~i s beautiful Hall of Fame, designed by famed CAMPUS ball to gather a rch itect Edward Durell Stone, will be a amateur together in a footbalJ 's alute to those who have help cl make thi · ingle organ­ game the intregating ymbol about which are gath­ ization. ered the loyalties of tudents, faculty, alumni anrl HARRIS HALL The Foundation ha pl edged its r s urce to help friend of the college. cle\·elop on th playing field and in the cla room the kin I of man \\"ho can face succe sfully the chal­ ince 1954 one hundred and ·e\·enty--three men leng-es of our com1 etitive economy and to direct have been selected for membe1· hip in the National that economy toward defendin g our country from Footba ll Foundation's Hall of Fame. the enemies 11"110 vow to destroy u,;. On December 8 the Foundation will ;:rwa rcl it Furthermore. the Foundation has had an op­ Gold f dal of Achievement to Donald B . Lourie. portunity to review many studie · concerned with I rinceton '22. P reviou winners of the , old Medal the contribution of football players to ·ociety. \\ e in clude the late General Douglas . Mac rthur. can rep rt that studies show the overall contribu­ Dwight D. E isenhower, the late Herbert C. Hoover. tion ' ro universitv life an I societv as a \\"h ole for the the late President John F. K nnedy, up 111 Court football players. , · Ju tice Byron \ i\Th ite. Amo A. tagg and Roger The Foundation view. it elf a the ingle unifying Blough. Chairman of the Board of the 1 teel g roup of all amateur football eeking to be influential Company. not through Jegi lation but rather through com­ Not only will the Hall of 1"'a rne honor the men munication of the problems and benefit of the game. who have been elect cl on the ba is of their ac­ Through it 98 chapters in each of the 50 states complishment on the field and their contribution, and in J apan, the Foundation has provi led a rall y­ to Society fol lowing graduation, but it will also ing l oint for over 5,000 concerned adult · interested feature the Gold Medal Award winner a long with in the growth of football. a pecial I ri ck wall of champion - a brick wall The Foundation recognize , excell ence on the built to honor tho e championship high school teams oTicliron and in the cla sroom in two of its most desiring to have their records enshrined a l the H all poµular proo-ram . A nnua lly the Foundation honors of Fame. the eio- ht outstanding scholar-athletes in coJJege foot- To be induct cl into the Hall of Fame on Decem­ 1,a ll who ha ve al o demonstrated campu leader hip ber , following pecial ceremonies in their honor in other extracurricular activitie . h .ecipi nts of during National Football Hall of Fame Week are the,,e awards. based on the eight districts of the Earl H. Blail , former head coach a t rmy and ;( AA, receive aC $500 scholarship to help defray Da rtmouth ; Charle 0. Carroll "L' ni ver ity of \Vash­ the fir t year of graduate study through the gener­ ington, 1926-27-2 : Ray R Evans, Kansa Univer­ a -it\· of Earl H. Illaik who makes this contribution sity, 19-H-42--1-6-47; Robert J. H erwig, University fro1~1 hi· regular newspaper articles on amateur foot­ of California, 1935-36-37: llison Hubert, Univer­ ball during the fa ll season. sity of A labama, 1922-23-2...J.-25: William N. Mal­ [11 addition. each of the local chapter annua lly lory ( dee ased), Yale 1921-22-23; K yle Rote, honor the outstanding schola r-athl ete in the high Southern Methodist, 1948-...J.9-50 and \V. Earl -chool in their area. Some chapters elect the out­ Sprackling. Brown, 1909-09-10- 11. standing 'Cho lar athlete in the entire area . other Pre-1900 selections were Langdon ( B iffy) Lea, chapters cite outstanding hi gh sch ol cholar-ath­ Princeton. 1 93-94-95 and Cha rl es R. Rinehart, letes from s \·era! chools or conferences. Lafayette, 1895-96-97. NORTHWESTERN CHICAGO CAMPUS ( FOREGROUND) 4 5 STARS AMONG THE WILDCATS OHIO STATE WINTER SPORTS SCHEDULES BASKETBALL March 25-26,27 NCAA meet ot GYM NASTICS OCA RT[J{B CK TO'.\IJ\JY '.\[YER, - The lexi­ m·erage of ..J. ...J. yard · in 123 running attempt . He's (Saturday games, 2,30 p.m. Non· Iowa State University Jon . 9 At Indiana, here con oi superlati,·es a lready has been nearly exhausted a l ,t sure-handed recei,·er, catching ti 1·e passes fo r Soturdoy dates, 8,30 p.m.) Coach - Rob ert Bartels Jon. 16 At Iowa Dec. 2 South Dakoto, here Jon . 23 At Michigan in describin g his accompli . hments. H e ha all but St' yard · last year. But of greater significance we re Dec. 3 St . Louis, here Jan. 30 At Michigan State Dec. 5 At Texas Christion FENCING Feb . 6 At Wisconsin displaced the great Otto Graham in the record book. hi s fiv e snare of pa ses throll"n by the oppo ition. Feb. 13 Minnesota and Southern Dec. 7 At Houston Jan. 9 F enn and Case, here Dec. 9 Butler, here 1llinois , here Tom ha , et I 2 pas ing giying him th e Big Ten Jan. 23 Oberlin, Air Force Academy Feb. 20 1llinoi s, here Dec. 19 At Davidson ond Wayne State, here record and shar a I adership 111 in tercep­ Dec. 22 At Brigham Young fforch 5-6-7 Big Ten Meet at Ill inois Feb. 6 Wisconsin ond Detroit, here Cocch - Joseph Hewlett 13th with Graham. H e is ti ons. Dec. 2 l Dartmouth, here Feb . 13 Illinois ond Indiana at Illinois Dec . 30 Duke, here Feb . 20 Michigan Stole and Notre the fir ' t \\'ilcl cat to ha1·e EXD D1 K .\IITH ­ Jan. 2 Georgia Tech, here, 4 :30 p.m. Dome at Notre Dame TRACK (regional TV ) Feb. 27 Iowa and Chicago ot Chicogo Jan. 30 Michigan State, here ea r 11 e cl All-Am rican Dick has b e e n shifted Jan.
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