Triveni Volume 11 | 2016-2017 Message from the Editorial Board Triyog is an institution which has completed its 30 years of excellence in not just providing quality education but also developing the students intellectually, emotionally, physically, socially, and morally. We came here as children, hungry for knowledge, and have developed into ‘Triyogees’ with all essential life skills and moral rectitude imbibed in us. We are excited to present the eleventh edition of our school magazine, Triveni which contains a reflection of the hard work and dedication of the entire Triyog family. Triyog believes in appreciating students’ works, rewarding them and help them to be exposed in public. Keeping that in mind, the young authors and artists of Triyog have expressed their talents via articles and art works which have been selected for this magazine. It was definitely a herculean task for us to select, edit and digitalize numerous articles but the experience of being part of a larger project and watching it slowly take shape was a reward in itself. With one more edition of Triveni presented before you, we are happy to have been able to contribute in our own way to keeping the legacy of Triyog alive. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our Principal, In-charges, the administrative staff and all of our teachers who have been constantly supporting us in shaping the school magazine. Their unflinching support and wonderful guidance has been our constant companion during the development of Triveni. Hats off to each and every one who has laboured hard and contributed to this magazine. We hope that our readers will have a cheerful time reading and appreciating the imagination, hard work and zeal of our students. Happy reading! Editorial Board Editorial Board 1st Row (L-R): Divya Angsha Rocca, Ashma Pandey, Yashaswi Shah, Aarya Dhital, Niraj Baral, Ms. Jenesha D. Kunwar 2nd Row (L-R): Ms. Savita Kapruwan, Prasen Man Shrestha, Pradipti Shrestha, Prithu Adhikari, Spanda Michella Rana, Ms. Reeta K.C. 3rd Row (L-R): Ms. Sabina Katwal, Mr. Nikendra Gurung, Mr. Niladri S. Parial, Mr. Bed Prasad Aryal, Mr. Churamani Pandeya Original Cover Artwork By: Kanchan Dhakal, VII ‘C’ Acknowledgement • Ms. Sabina Katwal, Mr. Nikendra Gurung Tamu, Mr. Churamani Pandeya and Ms. Savita Kapruwan for their support in constituting the editorial board. • The teachers of the English and Nepali Departments for their valuable support in finalizing the articles. • Mr. K.H. Dhakal and the entire Administration Team for their help in shaping the magazine. • All the teachers, students and staff involved in making this magazine a success. • Ms. Jenesha D. Kunwar for playing a pivotal role in bringing this magazine to life. • WordScape the Printer for their cooperation. “Let All The Private And Boarding Schools Be United” lghL tyf cfjf;Lo ljBfno cu{gfOh]zg g]kfn (PABSON) Regd. N o. 203/2047/2048 CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ref.No. 19/073/074 Date: 2073/12/25 z'esfdgf >L lqof]u pRr dfWolds ljBfno, wfkf;L–^, sf7df8f}n] ljleGg z}lIfs Pj+ ;fdflhs r]tgfsf 1fga4{s ;fdfu|L;lxt ljBfyL{, lzIfs–sd{rf/L tyf lj4t ju{ tyf z'elrGtsåf/f /lrt ax'kof]uL n]v–/rgfx? / ljBfnosf] k|ult ljj/0f ;dfj]z u/L z}lIfs klqsf lqj]0fL sf] c+s !! k|sfzg ug{ nfu]sf] s'/f yfxf kfpFbf dnfO{ cToGt} v'zL nfu]sf] 5 . ljljw 1fglj1fgsf ljifoj:t'x? ;dfj]z u/L k|sfzg ul/g] o; lsl;dsf] ax'kof]uL z}lIfs klqsfn] lzIff If]qdf ljBfnon] k'¥ofPsf] of]ubfgsf ;DaGwdf cfd hgdfg;nfO{ ;';"lrt u/fpg, ljBfyL{x?df cGtlg{lxt ax'k|ltefsf] phfu/ ub}{ afnaflnsfx?sf] ;[hgzLntfnfO{ pTsif{df k'¥ofpg / pgLx?sf] ;Lk, bIftf Pj+ snfnfO{ lgvf/tf k|bfg ug{ dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]Ng] 5 eGg] d}n] ljZjf; lnPsf] 5' . :yfkgfsfn b]lvg} u'0ffTds lzIffsf] clej[l4 ub}{ ljBfnon] z}lIfs Pj+ ;fdflhs If]qdf k|fKt u/]sf] pTs[i6tf, pknAwL / k'¥ofPsf] of]ubfg cToGt} ;x|flgo 5 . ;fy}, ljBfnon] lzIffsf] dfWodaf6 r]tgzLn, ;Eo / ;';+:s[t dfgj ;+zfwgsf] pTkfbg ub}{ ;dfh / /fi6« ?kfGt/0sf] sfo{df k'¥ofPsf] cd"No of]ubfg k|z+;gLo 5 . ;dfh / /fi6«k|lt ;dlk{t of] lgZjfy{ ;]jfefjn] cfufdL lbgdf ;d]t lg/Gt/tf kfO/xg] 5 eGg] xflb{s ck]Iff JoQm ub{5' . cGtdf, o; lsl;dsf] ;[hgfTds Pj+ /rgfTds klqsf k|sfzg ug]{ sfo{df ;+nUg ljBfnosf ;+:yfks÷lk|lG;kn, lzIfs–sd{rf/L tyf ;DalGwt ;a}df xflb{s wGojfb JoQm ug{ rfxG5' . ;fy}, cfufdL lbgdf >L lqof]u pRr dfWolds ljBfno, n] o'ufg's'n lzIff k|bfg ub}{ ;du|df /fi6«nfO{ g} Ps z}lIfs ko{6lso s]Gb|sf]?kdf :yflkt ug{ dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{5 eGg] ck]Iff;lxt ljBfnosf] lg/Gt/ k|ultsf] nflu xflb{s z'esfdgf JoQm ug{ rfxG5' . -ljho ;DafxfDkm]_ cWoIf s]Gb|Lo sfo{;ldlt, KofA;g Æu'0f:t/Lo lzIffdf lghL If]qsf] ckl/xfo{tfÙ ;d[4 /fi6« lgdf{0fdf KofA;gsf] k|ltj4tfÆ Central Office, Dillibazar, Kathmandu, P.O. Box No. 24973, Phone : 01-4420663, Fax : 4438404, E-mail : [email protected], Website-www.pabson.org Message from Executive Director Dear All Welcome to another interaction with Triyog, a community of vibrant learners and passionate educators! It is a matter of delight for me to write to all our avid readers as we present TRIVENI, our school magazine. This magazine provides a wonderful opportunity for the young creative writers, artist and keen photographers of this school to showcase their talents. The venture also underpins our efforts to build individuals who are exposed to multiple learning platforms besides being encouraged to pursue academics with commitment and sincerity. It may need mentioning here that we are committed to academic excellence. Students will be challenged intellectually to excel in academics whilst getting equally fine opportunities to do extremely well in other areas too. Numerous competitions, both in-house and external, would build abiding confidence in our youngsters and impart life skills. Notably, a host of extracurricular activities at the School, managed by experts, would continue to ensure that all-round learning, the essence of Triyog education, never stops. All who have worked hard to bring out the eleventh edition of TRIVENI must be congratulated! We are sure that you – our well-wishers – will appreciate the hard work that our pupils, teachers, and the administrative team have put in composing this enjoyable publication. Happy reading! Ajit Lama Message from the Principal Welcome to the 11th iteration of walked through the gates of Triyog our School magazine, Triveni. It is a through their lenses. It is at such labour of love from many quarters platforms that students discover – from the young writers that send themselves beyond academics. in their submissions to teachers hoping that their article, poem, or We want Triveni to be not just art work gets printed, to the Block the reflection of ideas that our Coordinators who sift through students nurture. We want it many hundred pages to select to be a true reflection of the appropriate content, to the central environment that the school person that coordinates all written functions in and hopefully we have and photo content painstakingly been able to capture snippets of putting them into digital folders, such. and the design team that works on aesthetics of visual presentation With each passing year, we will - the final outcome comes across continue to evolve Triveni into multiple stages. something worthy of attention whilst remaining true to the core I feel very pleased to see the values of the School. Let me also members of our publication club take this opportunity to wish all interviewing social celebrities and of our readers a very Happy and change-makers, both at school Prosperous New Year. and elsewhere. The students of the photography club have patiently captured the many events that have taken place at School and Niladri S. Parial captured the people that have Parent -Teacher Association Mr. Ajit Lama Mr. Niladri S. Parial Ms. Jharana Singh Ms. Sarika Bista Mr. Prakash Shrestha Mr. Dhruba Ms. Savita Kapruwan Chandra Dhungana Mr. Churamanai Mr. Nikendra Ms. Sabina Katwal Mr. Jagdish Baral Pandeya Gurung Tamu Parents’ Representatives Class I Ms. Bijaya Shahi Ms. Tara Paudel Ms. Nim Digi S. Kharel Mr. Shravan K. Mishra Class II Ms. Bindhu Aryal Mr. Sagar Khanal Mr. Samir Neupane Ms. Parbati Adhikari Mr. Birendra Lamichhane Ms. Brinda Shrestha Ms. Sarika Bista Ms. Sushma Shrestha Class III Ms. Bhumika Sapkota Mr. Daya Sagar Dahal Ms. Sharmila Sharma Ms. Goma Maharjan Parents’ Representatives Class III Class IV Mr. Ganesh Raj Bhandari Ms. Anita Onta Khanal Ms. Sushila K. C Ms. Manju Neupane Mr. Ambir Thapa Ms. Yashoda Shah Mr. Anil Ratna Tuladhar Ms. Jharana Singh Class V Mr. Bhoj Raj Adhikari Ms. Sara Khadka Karki Ms. Rabina Nepal Ms. Sunam Lalchan Ms. Shambhabi Vasistha Mr. Subodh Ghimire Ms. Anita Karki Mr. Nirmal Adhikari Parents’ Representatives Class VI Mr. Shiva Kumar Bohara Ms. Bishnu Karki Adhikari Mr. Prakash Koirala Ms. Sangita Adhikari Ms. Lata Poudel Ms. Punam Shrestha Ms. Puspa Bhusal (Bimali) Ms. Kalpana Lamichhane Class VII Mr. Tikaram Lamsal Ms. Saraswati Bhujel Ms. Anjala Shrestha Mr. Ashok Kumar Shrestha Ms. Pratima Bhandari Ms. Kamala Khanal Mr. Kiran Chapagain Ms. Sudha Adhikari Parents’ Representatives Class VIII Ms. Rima Kharel Mr. Ram Krishna Agasti Mr. Laxmi Prasad Sharma Mr. Ram Sharan Pandey Mr. Prakash Shrestha Mr. Krishna Man Shrestha Mr. Basu Dev Dawadi Mr. Tek Bahadur Aryal Class IX Ms. Sangita Shrestha Ms. Manjushree Hada Mr.
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