- L. flOBAttn • w • The Only Newspaper The Best Published Advertising /^gisssa • in the Medium ''t- Town of in ct. Northern v*syW, Connect!cat COVERS AN AREA POPULATED BY 30,000 PEOPLE y'fr-' -P i j ' '% Fifty-Sixth Year—17. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1936 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5e. •-;S Town Meeting Throws CORNERSTONE OF NEW FEDERAL Hope For Harmonious Civic Plan Overboard BUILDING IS LAID SATURDAY Caucuses Disappear RESUME TRIAL Exercises Carried Out POND IS DRAINED, Program Presented by Town Plan Commissioner With Congressman H. Both Republican and Democratic Sessions Next Arthur N. Jones Receives Harsh Treatment OF BOYS HELD ON P. Kopplemann Prin­ DREDGING BEGINS Month Sure to See Contests As New Candi­ From Electors At Special Session Tuesday. SERIOUS CHARGES cipal Speaker. TO BOOST CAPACITY dates Make Their Appearance On Both Sides. A modern version of Shakespeare's The laying of the cornerstone of TIT'II T>«cslllf T« R A I It is an old adage in politics as well "Mid-summer's Night's Dream" was Case Involving Young Enfield's first federal building—the ivCSUir in ureat6r enacted in the torrid atmosphere of: His Sudden Death Joins Local Concern as other things, that things that are new post office for Thompsonville— the Higgins School Auditorium Tues-| Girls Again Heard This Volume of Water to Be ("put" sometimes do not stay "put." day evening, at what was intended to; Shocks Community took place last Saturday afternoon As Sales Manager Afternoon—Had Been Used by Bigelow-San- This would seem to particularly ap­ be a special session of the electors. with federal and local officials partic­ ply to the local party caucuses for the When the last scene was played and Postponed Pending In­ ipating and in the presence of sever­ the approximately 300 electors who ford Co. in Departmen­ I nomination of town officers. Just al hundred citizens. The program j when it seemed apparent to the lead­ attended wended their way homeward vestigation. tal Operations. ers on both sides that everything was they had by common consent partici­ of exercises was carried out in the pated in the wierdest gathering of j set for harmonious gatherings on The trials of Arthur Delorge, 18, form planned by a committee of citi­ For the past several days Fresh­ [Monday evening, Septemer 14, the -electors ever held here. and Lawrence Provencher. 16, both j appearances of additional "Richards" It was in all respects a civic com- zens that has been in charge of the water Pond in the center of the town of Highland Park, North Thompson- arrangements. in the local political field complicates edy-drama, with Arthur N. Jones of ville, were scheduled to resume this has been undergoing draining prelim­ the situation and sends the possibili­ the Town Plan Commission, the afternoon before Judge Guy F. Bush- The principal address in connection inary to dredging operations to be ties aglimmering. somewhat unheroic figure. The theme nell in the local police court. Both with the ceremony was delivered by carried on by the Bigelow-Sanford The Republican caucus, which song of the gathering seemed to be, young men are being presented on the Representative in Congress from Carpet Company. The pond which is seemed all set for a peaceful gather- "Out the Window You Must Go," for very serious charges said to involve now completely dry is to be dredged ling, with the assurance that former that is precisely the direction in a young girl or young girls who |Tax Collector Edward J. O'Donnell which the program of civic changes range in ages from 12 to 16. *At "the-, of, Hartford,, , , .., Mr., Kopplemann. , .tot ^Lo^L.^owTrde^peLa ! would accept the nomination for first proposed by Mr. Jones went. Mr. hearing a week ago today a contin-!e(* that he had never worked on a w greater storage capacity for water .selectman and that his running mate Jones presented all the resolutions re­ uance of one week was granted due hich offered more continuous which is used in the scouring and ; would be Selectman Henry E. Smith, garding the articles in the warning to the appearances of perjury being i obstacles than this post office project. dyeing departments of the local man­ ,is not, according to the latest infor- •which were contained in his petition claimed in the case, the court post- j The a* ,P°st. ?„„!} i?^en a?tual- ufacturing company, the composition ;mation. going to work out that way. to the Selectmen that the meeting be poing the case until today. ity. authorized ino 1926. The original a of the pond water for that purpose :Mr. O'Donnell had made it clear that held. Although the petition was sign­ Meantime an investigation has | location was $95,000. Nothing fur- iL was louna Demg. mucn more degir ei was don it was found being much more desir- his acceptance of the nomination was ed by 54 electors, it was through Mr. been in progress by the State's At-!^ ' ® about it, however, un- ,akje than the water from the Connec ears |conditional with there being no cau- Jones efforts that these signatures torney's office under the direction of .''1 three y .ago when the local ticuttient River.Rivpv jcus contest for the position. This were secured and he elected to han- County Detective Edward J. Hickey! committee, appointed by a town meet- The island in the center of the pond seemed acceptable to the party lead­ -dle the entire program at the meet­ in connection with the perjury claims.| m g> called his attention to the appro- ( na has been cleared of undergrowth and ers and the older members of the or­ ing himself. Mr. Hickey spent considerable time j P tion and urged that something be it is planned to take the sediment ganization—but apparently not so to Of the seven resolutions one which here this week interviewing wit-!do??®about it. from the bed of the pond and spread 'a sizable group of the younger mem­ had to do with the minimum wage —— It is claimed that one or sev-j . Mr. Kopplemann praised the per- jt over the island which will raise'the DR. J. FRANCIS BURNS bers of the party. for town workmen was the only one eral ofVi the youngJ V/U1J5 womenn wmvu were»fvj.v tied!wiwu sistency<• , , of the committee in its ef-. height of the island several feet < They do not like the arrangements adopted and this was done after it' with ropes in or near the.. dance. pa-1 . j. ^to secure,, the ..building - as was Meantime, the State Department of ,at all and are saying so in no uncer­ had been made clear by First Select- ll7f\T 4 T TOIUITHPU vilion at Brainard Grove in North |ideated by the volume of corres- Fisheries and Game sent its represen­ HAROLD A. STEWART tain terms. Not only that, but they man Hughes that with the exception' T 111 rl H; llt/lDU 1 Ed Thompsonville, on the afternoon of iPondenee m his files and the person- tative and employees here for the are providing a candidate for a party of a small group, the rate proposed July 14. Police first learned of the interviews he had with the mem- purpose of catching fish at the under contest if necessary. Their candidate •was already in effect. With this dis­ Jcase when the father of one of the I "ers of the committee and the Treas- outlet of the pond which was opened • is Clifford T. Merrill, the plumber, posed of, the "tossing out" process > girls entered his complaint, another! i\ry Department officials. He told of Monday. A fish box was set up be­ H. A. STEWART ;who is understood to have consented "began in earnest. The "work sheet" TO DR. J. F.BURNS complaint coming to the Department r"e vanous obstacles that had to be neath the sluiceway and hundreds of j to enter the race. He will have the proposal was promptly tabled with­ 'of Public Welfare at about the same1 overcome including the guarantee of fish were trapped as they swam ir backing of the younger Republicans, out discussion. The sidewalk build­ IS PAID MONDAY time. The investigation and arrests the lease of the old quarters and the from the pond. Various types of fish JOINS STAFF OF and unless Mr. O'Donnell can be pre- ing resolution, the improvement at followed at once. physical changes to be made in the were caught, principally calico bass, vailed u n region of the present site, until final­ 17 rn\iri7B\t P° to change his attitude the— corner „of Alden Avenue and i < • i ^ another session of the court al- perch and pickerel. VVilljIjIlil towards a party contest he will have Church street; the increase in the po- bCITlCCS at St. Patrick S'so held last Thursday, two youths ly in June, 1924, the final o. k, It is expected that the net will G ,a clear field for the nomination. So lice protection in the four districts of ^,1 i ^ iTT 11 t *i j i who are enrolled at Camp Connor, received from Washington. The fur- catch several thousand fish before I far as Mr. Smith is concerned for sec­ the town were all deferred until the! Church For Well Liked the CCC headquarters on the Somers|th®r obstacle of Bart ey Avenue wid- the operations are terminated. The ond place, no opposition has yet ap- next annual town meeting.
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