ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS SCIENTIARUM BUDAPESTINENSIS DE ROLAi'H)O E01VOS NOlvllNAJAE .i V. S c i. Budapest. Sect. Geol. 26 /1986/ S&P,\R,ITU;n SECTIO GEOLOGICA TOlIUS X:tVL TECTONIC UNITS OF HUNGARY: THEIR B01JNDARIES AND STRATIGRAPHY ~) (A BIBLIOGRAPHIC GUIDE) nUDAPEST 1936 M.KAzMER E6tv6s University, Department of Palaeontology, H-lOS3 Budapest, Kun Bela tel' 2, Hungcuy ABSTRACT This review pa,per presents a brief description ofpre-N eogene tectonic units of Hungary. Their boundaries are defined, stratigraphic cohm1ns are described and possible palaeogeog­ raphie relationships are outlined. Bibliographic references for descriptive papers (stratig­ raphy, palaeontology, sedimentology, petrology, geochemistry, metamorphic grade, radio­ metric ages, etc) are included. Data for igneous activity, metamorphism, deformation, tec­ tonic position and eeonomic geology are supplied. N eogene and Q.uaternarybasin evolution and volcanism are discussed. Appendices list books on the geology ofHungary, review papers of each periods, available maps and periodicals publishing geological information. Introduction This paper presents a brief review of fundamental geological infor­ mation on Hungary. The style is concise, similar to that used by PALFREY­ MAN (1984) in his treatise on Australia. First, boundaries of tectonic units are defined. Then each unit is short­ ly characterized, followed by a more detailed treatment (rocks, fossil content, c1epositional environment, magmatism, metamorphic grade, racliometTic age. etc) with references to the latest relevant publications, wTitten or having summaries in English, French or German. Our aim is that the interested rea,der would find the last paper on his problem to start with. The review of pre-Neogene units is followed by the outlines of Neo­ gene and Quaternary sedimentation, volcanism and tectonics. Up to now no distinct tectonic units have been recognized, so a gener11l picture is given only. The four Appendices (on books, review pc"tpers, maps and periodicals) serve to define the available sources of information on Hungarian geology. All publications were used to make this compilation received prior to 31 March, 1985. The author knows it for certain that sevenl,l omissions and mistakes occur in this paper; therefore readers are asked to tell or write him on mis­ sing, unnecessary, outdated or otherwise imperfect information contained 46 in this paper to the following address: IV!. KAzAnI:R. Eotvos University. Department of Palaeontology, H- 1083 Budapest, Kun Bela ter 2, Hun­ gary. Maybe an updated version will follow some years later. Thank you. Boundaries of tectonic units (Fig. 1) All boundaries discussed below are subsurface in Hungary. 1. Overthrust plane of Lower Al1stroalpine (Sopron) nappes on Penni­ nie (Rechnitz -K6szeg) units. Age of overthrust: Campanian. Transport of chromite from Penninic llltrarnafics into Gosau and flysch basins of the Alps ceased before Late Campanian, when the northwards moving Austro­ alpine nappes covered the Penninic units (OBERHAUSER. 1973). 12. 4. '..... 1\(:;:;';:1 Pre - Neogene on surface % Strike-slip fault ~ Nappe //.... Uncertain boudary RABA units R,ma faults Fig. 1.: Tectonic units in Hungary and their boundaries (after CsAszAR and HAAs, 1984, modified). Numbers refer to descriptions of boundaries in the text. Stippled: pre-Neogene formations on surface. Note, that nearly all tectonic boundaries are below thick Neogene- Quaternary sedimentary cover. RB = Rudabanya unit. PECTONIC UNITS OF HUNGARY 47 2. Overthrust plane of Upper Austl'oalpine (Raba) nappe on Lower Austl'oalpine (e.g. Sopron) units. Age: certainly pre-Goscl,U, i.e. before Senonian. Gosau sedimellts in Austria are deposited on folded Austroalpine rocks; possibly pre-Cenomanian: chromite of Penninic ophiolitic origin was directly supplied to Upper Austroalpine "Randcenoma,n" ba,sin in its immediate southern neighbourhood, i.e. Upper Austroalpine units were thrusted over Lower Austroalpine ones to reach that position before Ceno­ manian (OHERHAUSER, 1980). :3. R:iba fault. Left-bteral strike-slip fanlt, direct rontinuation of Periaclriatic northern branch DAV lineament (KOVACS S., 1983). Age: not older than Middle Eocene, not younger than La,te OJigocene. Displa­ cement: ca. 450 km. Formed during continental escape of Bakony unit from the Alps (KAZlVIER, 1984a). 4. Balaton fault. Right·lateral strike-slip fault, direct continuation of Pusteria- Gailtal-Karavanka lineament (Periadriatic southern branch) (Kov_4.cs, 1983). Displacement: ca. 450 km. Formed during continental escape of Bakony unit from the Alps (KAZMER, 1984a). Age: not older than Middle Eocene, not younger than Late Oligocene. Most probably Middle Oligocene, as shown by contemporaneous tonalite plutonism and andesite volcanism along the leaky transform Balaton fault (KAZMER, 1984b). 5. Unnamed left-lateral strike-slip fault. Age: unknown, probably Cenozoic. 6. Darno fault. Left-lateral strike-slip fault of Late Miocene age (BALLA and HAVAS, 1982). It is nota main palaeogeographic boundary as considered before, since it falls within Bi1kk unit (ZELENKA and BAKSA et al., 1983). 7. Overthrust plane of Silica nappe over Rudabanya unit. Age: cer­ tainly younger than Medial Triassic (age of ophiolites mixed in the basal evaporitic melange) and certainly older than Seno11ian (age of post-tec­ tonic sediments in Czechoslovakia). 8. Probable overthrust plane of Silica nappe over subsurface Geme­ ride units. Age: pre-Senonian (see No. 8). 9. Hernad (?) fault (confusions with name). Probable strike-slip fault of unknown displacement. Age: unknown; possibly lVIiocene (significant calc-aJkaline volcanism along its strike). 10. Zagreb -Zemplin fault. Right-lateral strike-slip fault. Age: un­ known. PossiblyMiddle Cretaceous (palaeogeographic causes: "VEIN, 1978), or latest: Miocene (significant calc-alkaline volcanism along its strike). Explanations for positioning its eastern end between ZempJen and Mecsek units: it is localized here (instead of between Blikk and Zemplen units) to fulfil its definition: the Zagreb -Zemplen fault forms the northern tec­ tonic margin of Mecsek unit. 11. Unnamed strike-slip fault. Definition: separates lVlecsek and Vil­ lany units. Age: unknown. 12. Overthrust plane of Bekes (Codru) nappes over Vilbiny unit ("Bi­ ho1' autochthonous"). Age: pre-Coniacitl,n (BLEAHU and Lupu et aI., 1981). 48 M. KAzMER Pre-Neogene tectonic units Neogene and Quaternary is characterized by a diffuse extensional regime (HORVATH, 1984) (see later), where distinct tectonic units haven't been recognized. Pre-Neogene formations are grouped into tectonic units (bounded by strike-slip faults and thrust planes) after their common lit­ hologic, metamorphic and/or deformation character. Layout of this chapter follows PALFREYMAN (1984). References: the most comprehensive one and/or the latest one are included. Formations younger than Oligocene are not discussed in this chapter. KOSZEG -RECHNITZ UNIT (FIG. 2) Age - Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. Margins - Lower Austroalpine units \V, Nand E; Upper Austroalpine: S. Extends to Austria. Physiography - Low to medium hills. Mostly covered by lowland of Neo­ gene sediments. Elements - Marine metasediments, some ultramafic intrusions. Stratigraphy - Lower unit: Jurassic(?) quartz phyllite and calcareous phyllite (with conglomerate lenses) and greenschist. Upperunit: Creta­ ceous( ~) calcareous and graphitic phyllite, greenschist, serpentinite. Igneous activity - Mesozoic tholeiitic ultramafics and mafics. Metamorphism: - Alpine greenschist facies. Small HP/LT metamorphism. Cooling age: 12 m.y. Deformation: - strongly folded; tectonic (thrust?) contact between lower and upper units. Tectonic position - Probc\'bly c\'utochthonous. Lies below Lower and Upper Austroalpine units. Connections - It is the easternmost Penninic window of the Alps. Nearest small windows: Bernstein and JYIoltern in Austria. Economic geology - Antimonite in the lower unit, at the calcareous phyl­ lite-greenschist boundctry (Schlaining, Austria). Talcum: Felsocsatar (Hungary). Precious serpentinite. References -PAHR (1980a), KOLLER and PAHR (1980). Strai'igr'aphic details Coloured map: BANDAT (1932). Stratigraphic continuity of the formations is not proven; tectonic (thrust) contacts are possible. Total thickness of all formations (Rechnitzer Serie of P AHR, 1980a): 2000 m. The whole unit is metamorphosed in greenschist facies (PAHR, 1980a). 1. Koszeg Q1lartzphyllite Format'ion. Quartz phyllite, metasandstone, quartzite (PAHR, 1980a). 2. Velem Oalcareo1ls Phyllite Formation. Calcareous phyllite (with limestone beds in Austria) and greenschist. Age: Lower to Middle Cre­ taceous based on sponge spicules (SCHONLAUB, 1973). The Upper Jurassic­ Lower Cretaceous biostratigraphic data of K6vARI from Ikervar- 2 bore- TECTONIC UNITS OF HUNGARY 49 .. KOSZEG AAA AAA greenschist @ AAA K1 Fe[socsatar A~", Cl> o 0 0 J (?) Cak conglomerate 0 J (?) Velem cale. phyllite .....~- ..... -j.. G) -j.. ..,. -f.- J (?) Koszeg quartzphyllite -f.- ..,. {- F~'g. 2.: Hypothetical stratigraphic column of Koszeg unit in Hungary (after CSASZ.A..R and HAAs, 1983, modified). Numbers refer to the text. hole (in JUI-L~SZ and KOHkl'I, 1966) based on tintinnic1s and Lombardia must be revised (these possibly belong to a tectonic soale of Bakony unit). l\1:ineralogy: FELVARI and VrczIAN (1973). 3. Oak Oonglornerate Format'ion. Interoalations in the upper part of Velem Calcareous Phyllite. Mostly dolomite pebbles with rare limestone and gneiss ones (,
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