Seattle Post-Intelligencer 2nd SECTION Radio-TV Women Today s Fri •• Oct. II. 1968 ~.S It is another canard, says Gallant, that Greene did not discuss the issues: it is charged that, in Emmetl Watson beating his opponents, Bob Odman, Stanley Gallup, IInl1llllmlllllllllllllUlIlIllInnnnlllllllUmlillfiillllmllUlilUllllnlllllllllUIIIIIIIIJIIWIIJlllIIlIU!lORIIIIIIIIIUllill. and Bob Satiacum in the primaries, he did not make a single speech. "Not true," s·ays Gallant. "He spoke to me twice during the campaign." Out of these talks emerged the substance of Green.e, the This, Our City candidate for land commissioner. "I will go out and bravely commission the land," he said. He also plans to increase. the state's natural resources by mmmJnl1l1llllnnl!lllllllllmnnnllnllnnnnnmnmlll1ll1111l1ll1llll1ll1ll11111ll1111lll1llnnnlD1llnllDlJm\IIIID declaring Boeing a Wilderness Area. As land com­ missioner, he would actively work for the amalga­ Man for Our Times mation of the towns of Forks and Pysht into Pysht­ Forks. He developed a plan to give Eastern Wash­ OCCASIONALLY, a candidate comes alon.g ington to Idaho. who, by the force of his personality, his ideals and A SECOND TALK preceded candidate Greene's integrity, becomes a political force, in and of him­ departure for the University of Hawaii, where he self. JFK was such a candidate. Wendell Wilkie was now teaches Greek and Latin. At this time, he re­ another, and so were Adlai Stevenson, Teddy Roo­ fined his plan to turn Boeing into a Wilderness Area by proposing its transfer to the Olympic Rain For· sevelt and Fiorello LaGuardia. Today they call it est, "where the heavy rains will keep pickets from "charisma," the quality that not only attracts fol­ picketing for higher wages, thus benefiting the lowers, but sets a tone, a style, a force-in-being; the stockholders." He also formulated his proposal to "it" quality, the drive to inspire greatness in others. turn the UW back to the Indians and deuorting trou­ Such men are rare, but I had the fortunate experi­ ble-making pseudo-intellectuals to Urk, Wash. It was here, too, that he set the spirit and tone of the enc.e of interviewing one . yesterday. I talked not office of rand commissioner. "Land," he declared, only to the candidate himself, but to his highly "should be used gently, but firmly." profe.ssional, dedicated staff. I THEN placed a long-distance call to Hawaii I refer, of course, to Richard A. C. Greene, who for a personal talk with Greene. On the subject of Is running for state land commissioner. I do not ov· campaign funds he was candid: "A single don(}r erstate his qualities. He is living proof that the spe­ gave me the $200 filing fee," he admitted. "He had intended to use the money to get married,. but broke cial genius of the democratic process will, in times off his engagement when he heard I was running." of crisis, produce the right man for the right job. Does he feel that Bert Cole, the incumbent land Richard A. C. Greene is such a man. He is a Repub. commissioner, is unfit for office? "Good Heavens, Hcan and a scholar. Rare is that combination, but no!" he replied. "He is too good for the office, much he is both; he is a teacher-Dr. Green's special dis· too good. When elected, I intend to make him my assistant." ciplines are Latin and Greek-and an activist. He racked up 73,794 votes to win the Republican nomi· The Nixon-Evans-Greene ticket, he predicted, nation for land commissioner. will usher in a new era of morality. "There will be a crackdown on crime," he said. "The smuggling of YES T E R DAY I met with Richard A. C. Washington wines to California must stop." Where Greene's research director, Dr. Jon Gallant, the does he stand on l:aw and order? "We will establish man who heads a skilled volunteer oampaign staff. law and order to our forests," he said. "Hunters no longer will be permitted to shoot each other. Cou­ Dr. Gallant is an associate professor at the UW. His gars must stop killing deer. Looting of birds' nests specialty is genetics. is no longer tolerable." "Although Richard A. C. Greene was an indif· THE CANDIDATE also is tough: "If Eastern ferent student at Warren G. Harding High School in Washington refuses to be annexed by Idaho, I will Crete, Illinois," said Dr. Gallant, "he came to reo appoint General LeMay direc1.Qr of the Hanford vere the name of our 29th President. Harding was Atomic works." He IS 'tIl favor of lnit. 32 (shipping logs to Japan), despite the possibility that a stout his mentor, but he has also deeply admired Herbert Oriental will make transistor radios out of Washing­ Hoover ever since the beginning of the Great ton logs. "Not in the cards," said Greene. "My run­ Depression. " ning mate, Spiro Agnew is an authority on fat GREENE is a realist, but sentimental. He sup· Japs." ported the domed stadium, which he now wants to WHEN I HUNG up the phone, I was an una· call, out of respect to.his pOlitical mentor, the Tea­ bashed partisan for Richard A. C. Greene. "We are pot Dome. Ideologically he is to the left-of Coolidge, ready to debate Bert Cole at any time on TV," an· and west of Hoover. He was born in the heartland. of nounced research director Gallant. "All Mr. Cole ....Ainerica-in a lo~ cabin. Skeptics say "the log eab­ has to do is fly to Hawaii fora face-to-face debate in tnt is a sham, ' but Dr. Gallant, the geneticist, with Dr. Greene •. Then the voters can make their says it is entirely possible for a man to remember choice." his own birth. "Richard A. C. Greene vividly recalls being born in a log cabin," he affirms. .
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