Truck-Lite User’s Guides These guides provide detailed training and education to help readers better understand harness and lighting JVUJLW[Z[OH[HYLYLSL]HU[[VZWLJPÄJPUZ[HSSH[PVUZHZ well as providing preventative maintenance techniques. Truck-Lite’s Lighting and Harness User’s Guides make for excellent training sources in a conveniently sized manual. BASICS IN ELECTRICITY +LÄUP[PVUZ 4HQVY*VUJLW[Z >PYL*HSJ\SH[PVUZ - Useful Formulas WHY LIGHTS FAIL 4HQVY*H\ZLZ - Tips For Longer Lasting Lighting Systems *OLTPJHS0TWHJ[6U3PNO[PUN - Product Pitfalls STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS - Federal Requirements 7YVWLY3PNO[:WLJPÄJH[PVU *VTTVU3LNHS8\LZ[PVUZ 0+*VKLZ 9LN\SH[PVU*OHY[Z EVOLUTION OF LIGHTING - Lighting Evolution 0U[YVK\J[PVU[V3,+3PNO[PUN - Future of LEDs - LED Lifetime Systems - Systems Approach SUPPORT TOOLS - Laboratory Support - Technical Support 0UK\Z[Y`3PURZ INDEX/ GLOSSARY BASICS IN ELECTRICITY SECTION OBJECTIVES 1. +LÄUP[PVUZ 4HQVY*VUJLW[Z >PYL*HSJ\SH[PVUZ 3. Useful Formulas +LÄUP[PVUZ A comparison between electrical energy and water ÅV^^PSSIL\ZLM\SPUL_WSHPUPUNHUK\UKLYZ[HUKPUN LSLJ[YPJHSJVUJLW[ZI\[YLTLTILY·^H[LYHUK electricity generally should not be mixed. 1. VOLT (Potential) V The unit of measurementHWWSPLK[V[OLKPɈLYLUJLPU electrical potential between two points; [OH[PZ[OL WV[LU[PHSMVYLSLJ[YPJP[`[VÅV^ • Usually referenced from “ground.” 0U^H[LY]VS[HNLPZYV\NOS`LX\P]HSLU[[V[OLKPɈLYLUJL in elevation from ground to a tank of water elevated above the ground; the electrical potential is similar to water pressure. ;OLOPNOLY[OLWV[LU[PHSVYLSL]H[PVU[OLTVYLMVYJL the water is able to exert and the more likely it is to ÅV^ 2. AMP (Current) I ;OL\UP[VMTLHZ\YLTLU[HWWSPLK[V[OLÅV^VMLSLJ[YPJHS current through a conductor. • The amount of current (electrons) passing through a conductor or passing a point in a wire or other electrical devices such as a light bulb. 6/49LZPZ[HUJL9£ (ZLSLJ[YVUZÅV^[OYV\NOJVUK\J[VYZ[OL`TLL[ VWWVZP[PVUK\L[V[OLJVSSPZPVUZIL[^LLU[OLÅV^PUN electrons and the electrons and atoms of the conductor. ;OPZVWWVZP[PVU[VJ\YYLU[ÅV^JHSSLKYLZPZ[HUJLPZ measured in Ohms. 4. WATT (Power) P, W or Pw The unit of power applied to the rate at which energy is used. • Power is the amount of work that can be HJJVTWSPZOLKPUHZWLJPÄLKHTV\U[VM[PTL >VYRPZZPTWS`KLÄULKHZJVU]LY[PUNLULYN`MYVTVUL MVYT[VHUV[OLYLNJOHUNPUNLSLJ[YPJHSLULYN`PU[V light energy. 5. WIRE SIZE (AWG) )LJH\ZLL]LY`[OPUNLSLJ[YPJHSKLWLUKZVUJ\YYLU[ÅV^ the conductors that carry the electricity are a critical part of any electrical system. The size of wires is PTWVY[HU[[VHSSV^[OLWYVWLYÅV^VMLSLJ[YVUZ 9LZPZ[HUJLPZVWWVZP[PVU[VJ\YYLU[ÅV^ • Wires that are too small in diameter will oppose J\YYLU[ÅV^[OPZVWWVZP[PVUPZK\L[VJVSSPZPVUZVM electrons which do not have enough room to pass). • These collisions convert electrical energy into heat PMLUV\NOVM[OLZLJVSSPZPVUZVJJ\Y[OL^PYLJV\SK overheat to the point of causing insulation melt-down HUKVYJH[JOÄYL • Wire sizes are measured according to the American Wire Gauge (AWG). +LÄUP[PVUZJVU[PU\LKVUUL_[WHNL% 6. VOLTAGE DROP Vd Voltage drop occurs when power is dissipated across a component of the electrical system. 0U[OLJHZLVMHI\SIVYV[OLYSPNO[PUNKL]PJL]VS[HNLPZ dropped in the production of light and heat. ;`WPJHSS`[OLTVYLJ\YYLU[[OH[ÅV^Z[OYV\NOH Z`Z[LT[OLOPNOLY[OL]VS[HNLKYVW^PSSIL =VS[HNLKYVWHJYVZZH^PYLPZ\UKLZPYHISLHZP[PZHU indication that power is being wasted and heat is being generated. 7. HORSEPOWER To determine horsepower required to operate lighting LX\PWTLU[JHSJ\SH[L[OL[V[HSWV^LYYLX\PYLTLU[ZVMHSS lamps (in watts). Then divide that total by a value of 746 (HP = P / 746). ).#!.$%3#%.4 ,%$ 149 ,!-0490% 4/4!,!-03 4/4!,!-03 #LEARANCE3IDEMARKER)DENTIFICATION ,ICENCE 4AILMINORFUNCTION 2EAR#LEARANCEMINORFUNCTION 3TOPMAJORFUNCTION 4URNMAJORFUNCTION INCANDESCENT LED P = V x I P = V x I P = 12.8v x 14.28a P = 12.8v x 2.04a P = 182.784 watts P = 26.112 watts HP = P 746 HP = P 746 HP = 182.784 746 HP = 26.112 746 HP = 0.2450 HP = 0.0350 2. Wire Size Calculations ;OLSLUN[OVM^PYLPUHJPYJ\P[PZHTHQVYJVU[YPI\[PUN factor to voltage drop. The table below may be used to determine adequate wire gauge sizes MVYZWLJPÄJSLUN[OZVMJHISL^OLU[OLHTWLYHNL (current) requirements are known. ,]LY`[OPUNLSLJ[YPJHSYLSPLZ\WVUJ\YYLU[ÅV^ • The conductor that carries the electricity is a critical part of the system. >PYLZPaLPZ]P[HS[VHSSV^[OLWYVWLYÅV^VMLSLJ[YVUZ ZTHSSLYKPHTL[LY^PYL^PSSVWWVZLJ\YYLU[ÅV^ *VUZ[YPJ[PUN[OLYVVTMVYLSLJ[YVUZ[VWHZZ^P[OPU[OL ^PYLJH\ZLZJVSSPZPVUVMLSLJ[YVUZ^OPJONLULYH[LZ heat inside the wire. WIRE GAUGE REQUIREMENTS TOTAL FOOTAGE OF WIRE FROM POWER SOURCE TO THE MOST DISTANT ELECTRIC LAMP 24v 12v System System 10’ 20’ 30’ 40’ 50’ 60’ 70’ 80’ 90’ 100’ 2.0 1.0 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 3.0 1.5 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 4.0 2.0 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 6.0 3.0 18 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 14 14 8.0 4.0 18 18 18 16 16 16 14 14 14 12 10.0 5.0 18 18 18 16 14 14 14 12 12 12 12.0 6.0 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 12 12 14.0 7.0 18 18 16 14 14 12 12 12 10 10 16.0 8.0 18 18 16 14 12 12 12 10 10 10 20.0 10.0 18 16 14 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 22.0 11.0 18 16 14 12 12 10 10 10 10 8 AMPERAGE REQUIRED 24.0 12.0 18 16 14 12 12 10 10 10 8 8 30.0 15.0 18 16 12 12 10 10 10 8 8 8 36.0 18.0 16 14 12 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 40.0 20.0 16 14 12 10 10 8 8 8 8 6 * Values depict wire gauge >PYL:PaL*HSJ\SH[PVUZJVU[PU\LKVUUL_[WHNL% Example: A lamp is 38’ from the power source HUKYLX\PYLKHTWLYLZ;OPZÄN\YLYV\UKLK upwards to the nearest column heading given in the table is 40’. The wire gauge in the 40’ column corresponding to 10 amperes is No. 12.* *Recommended minimum wire gauge size for stop light and ground circuits. Stop Ground (red) (white) Single trailer up to 50’ length 12 ga. 10 ga. Double trailer 2-28’ lengths 12 ga. 10 ga. Doubles trailer 8 ga. 2-40’ lengths 10 ga. Triples trailer 3-28’ lengths 10ga. 8 ga. *VTWPSLKMYVT:(,;4* 6[OLYZV\YJLZ .180 E E 0110 .160 AUG G G .0067 .140 GAU GE 20 8 AU 1 .0045 G .120 6 1 .100 .0028 14 GAUGE .080 .060 12 GAUGE.0018 10 GAUGE1 .040 .001 VOLTAGE DROP PER FOOT VOLTAGE .020 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 AMPERES 20 GAUGE WIRE 18 GAUGE WIRE 16 GAUGE WIRE 14 GAUGE WIRE 12 GAUGE WIRE 10 GAUGE WIRE 8 GAUGE WIRE 3. Useful Formulas V - Potential in Volts (E)* V I - Current in Amps R - Resistance in Ohms IR * E is the symbol for Electromotive Force in Volts, as defined in Ohms Law. V = I x R Voltage (volts) = Current (amps) x Resistance (ohms) V I = R Current (amps) = Voltage (volts) Resistance (ohms) V R = I Resistance (ohms) = Voltage (volts) Current (amps) Frequently stated as E = I x R 7V^LYJHUILYLWYLZLU[LKHZ7>VY7^ a) Pw = V x I Power (watts) = Voltage (volts) x Current (amps) b) Pw = I 2 x R Power (watts) = Current (amps) x Current (amps) x Resistance (ohms) 2 V c) Pw = R Power (watts) = Voltage (volts) x Voltage (volts) Resistance (ohms) a) Pw = V x I 3æ Pw = 12 x 4 Pw = 48w 2 12v b) Pw = I x R Pw = 4 x 4 x 3 Pw = 48w 4a 2 V c) Pw = R Pw = 12 x 12 3 Pw = 48w WHY LIGHTS FAIL SECTION OBJECTIVES 1. 4HQVY*H\ZLZVM-HPS\YL 2. Tips For Longer Lasting Lighting Systems *OLTPJHS0TWHJ[6U3PNO[PUN 4. Product Pitfalls *V\U[LYMLP[7YVK\J[Z 1. Major Causes Of Failure Corrosion Causes of Corrosion: >H[LYKPY[ZHS[HUKHU`V[OLYYVHK contaminants can enter a lamp or JVUULJ[VYWYV]PKPUNHULSLJ[YPJHS path which can vastly accelerate corrosion. 4PUPTPaPUN*VYYVZPVU! *VYYVZPVUJHUUV[VJJ\Y^OLU[OL bulb is sealed within the lamp OV\ZPUNHZ[OL`HYLPU;Y\JR3P[L»Z sealed lighting products. Further Protection: *VUULJ[VYZZOV\SKILZLHSLK^P[O non-conductive grease like electrical JVU[HJ[ZJPYJ\P[Z^P[JOLZHUK Q\UJ[PVUIV_LZ 7\YWVZLVM:LHSHU[! To totally encapsulate the area to protect it from the elements. Shock, Vibration, & Burnout Major Causes of Shock & Vibration: Trailers experience constant road pounding when they travel down a highway. This pounding can cause ÄSHTLU[ZPUHI\SI[VKPZ[VY[HUKWYLTH[\YLS`IYLHR 0UHKKP[PVUZOVJRHUKPTWHJ[KHTHNLJHUILJH\ZLK by things other than road vibration. Some examples are: -Loading a container chassis on to a truck chassis -Dump truck loading or tailgate banging -Loose mounting of cargo hardware -Unloading operations -Impact with stationary objects, e.g., poles or loading docks Solution To Shock & Vibration: 0UZ[HSSHSHTWKLZPNULK^P[OZOVJRTV\U[LK mechanisms that cradle the bulb and absorb the LɈLJ[ZVMZOVJRHUK]PIYH[PVU[OH[^V\SKV[OLY^PZL IL[YHUZMLYYLKKPYLJ[S`[VMYHNPSLI\SIÄSHTLU[ZVY3,+ lamps. Baseless Bulbs: Suspended to endure heavy-duty applications better than traditional S-8 non-shock mounted bulb units or standard J-slot bulb sockets. (K]HUJLK;LJOUVSVN`3,+Z! 3,+ZHYLYH[LKH[OV\YZVMVWLYH[PVU;OL`HYL ZVSPKZ[H[L^OPJOTHRLZ[OLTT\JOSLZZZ\ZJLW[PISL to shock and vibration.
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