■ Props Tate Beating; ‘Big Green’ Falls, Term Limits’ possibly passed/Page 3 ■ Gridiron Hype: The Nexus’ Annual Homecoming Supplement Kicks/Page 1A Daily Nexus Volume 71, No. 44 Wednesday, November 7,1990 University of California, Santa Barbara Two Sections, 24 Pages Wilson Wins; I.V : Kopeikin, Dobberteen Californians Put Senator Wilson in State Capitol; Feinstein Ends ‘Triathlon’ By Larry Speer Staff Writer W Republican Senator Pete Wilson was elected Ca­ lifornia’s 36th Governor Tuesday, narrowly defeat­ ing Democratic challenger Dianne Feinstein and becoming the first Republican in almost 40 years to follow an incumbent Republican into the gover­ nor’s mansion. With more than 4 million votes counted and v /: fewer than 100 precincts unreported, Wilson led RESULTS Feinstein by two percentage points, 51 to 49 percent. * denotes en estiméis ss of 3:45 AM Wilson’s road to victory was paved with a high Governor number of absentee ballots cast in his favor. Many Wilson I K E H of the mail-in votes were tabulated just after the Feinstein i polls closed, contributing to a 20-point lead the for­ mer San Diego mayor held early in die evening. Lt. Governor Feinstein suiged back through the night, and as McCarthy | See RESULTS, p.5 Bergeson U.S. Congress Lagomarsino mm IVRPD Race Over; Perez-Ferguson rrs LorenZ Not Avail Incumbents Tossed PROPOSITIONS From Local Office MARC SYVERTSEN/Daily Naxos By Jeanine Natale and Patrick Whalen I.V'. Suds & Duds Staff Writers______________________________ 128 - Big Green Isla Vista voters Tuesday chose newcomers Matt Dobberteen and Hal Kopeikin to sit on the board of The spirits were unleashed in | the highly politicized Isla Vista Recreation and 130 >\Forests I.V. following Tuesday’s ballot­ Park District, spuming furious re-election cam­ ing. Newly elected IVRPD paigns by incumbents Mitch Stockton and Bruce board member Hal Kopeikin 1 Murdock. The final tally split the heavily financed, (above) cooly sips a Bud Dry, § 131 - Term Limit* landowner-backed Kopeikin-Murdock slate, and a sure sign that the results | elected Dobberteen, the middle-of-the-road candi­ whetted his whistle. Kopeikin § date who hadsidedwith Stockton during one of the garnered more votes than most vicious and expensive campaigns the park second place finisher Matt § board has ever seen. Kopeikin, a UCSB lecturer and an outspoken Dobberteen, shown here con- § longtime I.V. resident, won 27.5 percent or 962 soling a glassy-eyed Mitch | votes; spring 1990 UCSB graduate and political Stockton at a post-election § newcomer Dobberteen came in second with 27.4 137 - Tax Changes party (right). Stockton, an In-§ percent or 959 votes; Stockton followed with 25.9 cumbent in the race, came In f percent or 901 votes; and Murdock trailed with a distant 19 percent or 667 votes. third and will give up his seat | on the board. 1 138 - Big Stump See IVRPD, p.ll M UTIUYA TAKEN AO A/Dvily Nexuc Band Fires Up Plaza, Rockers Roll to Legalize Marijuana 140 - Term Limits* By Scott Lowe tempts to convince a laughing, cally founded. “Marijuana has making its war unfounded. Reporter cheering and, in some cases, pot­ some side effects. It’s not harm­ “One would think that if this smoking crowd of more than less, ... but I would have to say it administration in Washington, 143 - Higher Ed, three hundred that there are is less harmful than many legal D.C., was honestly concerned The United States govern­ sound medical, political and recreational drugs.... It is much about a drug war, that they ment’s campaign to eradicate economic reasons why drugs safer than alcohol or barbitu­ would begin by prosecuting drugs is fraudulent, and mari­ should be legal in America. rates,” he said. themselves,” Home said. juana plants could make a good Dr. David Bearman, founder Black studies Chair Gerald Deviating from the theme of Texas - Governor alternative energy source if Big of the Isla Vista Open Door Home delivered an informed drug legalization, UCSB stu­ Business was not standing in the Richards K i Clinic and the first professor to speech urging students to re­ dents Shari Menard and Chris Yeutter l J way, speakers told a sizeable teach a drug course at UCSB, search more about the U.S. gov­ Peterson discussed the use of the Storke Plaza crowd Monday opened the rally with a medical ernment’s anti-drug campaign hemp (marijuana) plant as an N. Carolina - Senate night argument for the legalization of known as the “War on Drugs.” environmentally sound alterna­ Five speakers, including a marijuana. According to Bear- According to Home, the Ameri­ tive fuel source. Citing that the doctor, a lawyer and two UCSB man, the government’s objec­ can government is actually in­ Gantt I I students, made their best at­ tion to legalization is not medi­ volved in the sale of drugs, thus See RALLY, p.7 2 Wednesday, November 7,1990 HEADLINERS Daily Nexus 7.0 Earthquake Rocks Iran Administration’s Drug Czar Kahane Supporters Mourn, 550 Miles South of Tehran William J. Bennett to Resign Vow Retaliation for Killing TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — A major earthquake struck a WASHINGTON (AP) — William J. Bennett, who LOS ANGELES (AP) — Followers of slain Jewish ex­ mountainous area in southern Iran on Tuesday night. One crafted the strategy for the Bush administration’s war on tremist Rabbi Meir Kahane renewed his call Tuesday for preliminary report indicated there were about 100 casual­ drugs, will resign within a week, an administration source expelling Arabs from Israeli-held lands. Other Jewish ties in 20 seriously damaged villages. said Tuesday night. leaders denounced Kahane’s anti-Arab views, but said The U.S. Geological Survey’s facility in Golden, Colo., Bennett, 47, feels he has completed the task of design­ they feared the assassination will trigger more violence. said the quake tentatively registered 7.0 on the open- ing a strategy for the drug war and that it is working, said “My fear is that it will deteriorate into a tit-for-tat situa­ ended Richter scale. the source. tion between radical elements,” said Joe Gelman, Los Spokeswoman Rebecca Phipps said that the epicenter This source said personal reasons, including safety con­ Angeles spokesman for Friends of the Israel Defense For­ was about 550 miles south of Tehran and that the quake cerns for himself and his family, also played a role in his ces, which provides educational and Humanitarian sup­ struck about 1:46 p.m. EST. decision to resign as director of the Office of National port to Israeli soldiers. Early reports from the region told of 100 casualties — Drug Control Strategy. The group’s members “deplore any acts of terror, dead and injured — counted an hour after the quake The Washington Post reported on the resignation in to­ whether it be the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane or vigi­ struck, said Hlirez Jafarzadeh, the Washington, day’s editions. lante attacks seeking revenge for his murder,” Gelman D.C.-based spokesman for the People’s Mujahedeen of The White House has scheduled a ceremony to an­ added. “We call for calm and restraint in the Jewish Iran. nounce the resignation, and that it “could possibly be be­ population.” The Mujahedeen seeks to overthrow the Tehran regime. fore Friday,” said the source, who spoke on condition of Yet, in New York, one man sung a different tune. The total number of casualties in the area was expected anonymity. "There will be revenge. We believe in revenge,” said Sol to rise as the search for victims continued, Jafarzadeh said. The personal reasons and security concerns have be­ Maigolis, president of Kach International, the U.S. arm of His information came from the Mujahedeen resistance come increasingly important in the past few weeks. Kahane’s extremist party, which advocates the ouster of network in the area, he said. “There’s been some threats, bomb threats, personal Arabs from Israeli-held territory. Jafarzadeh said he had no breakdown between dead threats,” the source said. Tens of thousands of people jammed a synagogue in and wounded in the estimate of casualties. Brooklyn and spilled onto a four-lane highway for Ka­ \ hane’s funeral. His body was to be flown to Israel for bur­ Iraqis Annouhce Release of Marines Order First Use of ial Wednesday. 10$ Hostages, No Americans Reservists for Combat Roles Elderly Man Taking Driving WASHINGTON (AP) — The Marine Corps said Tues­ BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP)—Iraq on Tuesday promised to day it was ordering to active duty about 630 reservists from Test Crashes Through DMV free 108 hostages, none of them American, and insisted units in eight states for combat roles in the Persian Gulf. It anew its foreign “guests” are well-treated. Secretary of is the first such use of American combat reserves in the LOS ANGELES (AP) — An elderly man taking a driv­ State James A. Baker III pressed U.S. allies about their crisis. ing test crashed into a Department of Motor Vehicles of­ willingness to go to war. Also Tuesday, the Pentagon announced that more than fice Tuesday, sending dozens of people scattering for The Baghdad government was keeping an eye on Tues­ 230,000 U.S. forces are deployed in the gulf, and that de­ safety as the pickup truck plowed 30 feet into the building. day’s midterm elections in the United States. It claimed ployments are continuing. The total is 20,000 more than Only six minor injuries were reported but damage to the any slippage in Republican support would reflect as lack the Pentagon’s previous official estimate, issued last office was extensive, authorities said.
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