TriMet Passenger Census - Fall 2017 1 All Day Ons and Offs by Route and Stop Weekdays Route: MAX Blue Line - To Gresham Monthly Stop Location Location ID Direction Position Ons Offs Total Lifts Hatfield Government Center MAX Station 9848 S AT 1,058 0 1,058 | 0 Hillsboro Central/SE 3rd TC MAX Station 9846 E AT 747 46 793 | 0 Tuality Hospital/SE 8th Ave MAX Station 9843 E AT 436 65 501 | 0 Washington/SE 12th Ave MAX Station 9841 E AT 377 111 488 | 0 Fair Complex/Hillsboro Airport MAX Stn 9838 E AT 760 111 871 | 0 Hawthorn Farm MAX Station 9839 E AT 283 114 397 | 0 Orenco MAX Station 9835 E AT 911 320 1,231 | 0 Quatama MAX Station 9834 E AT 1,125 257 1,382 | 0 Willow Creek/SW 185th Ave TC MAX Station 9831 E AT 1,305 482 1,787 | 0 Elmonica/SW 170th Ave MAX Station 9830 E AT 1,096 248 1,344 | 0 Merlo Rd/SW 158th Ave MAX Station 9828 E AT 590 211 801 | 0 Beaverton Creek MAX Station 9822 S AT 735 123 858 | 0 Millikan Way MAX Station 9826 E AT 1,095 387 1,482 | 0 Beaverton Central MAX Station 9824 E AT 422 417 839 | 0 Beaverton TC MAX Station 9821 N AT 1,298 1,548 2,846 | 0 Sunset TC MAX Station 9969 E AT 1,310 394 1,704 | 0 Washington Park MAX Station 10120 E AT 286 212 498 | 0 Goose Hollow/SW Jefferson St MAX Station 10118 E AT 244 1,053 1,297 | 0 Kings Hill/SW Salmon St MAX Station 9759 N AT 194 365 559 | 0 Providence Park MAX Station 9758 E AT 724 672 1,396 | 0 Library/SW 9th Ave MAX Station 8333 E AT 810 1,429 2,239 | 0 Pioneer Square South MAX Station 8334 E AT 989 2,455 3,444 | 0 Mall/SW 4th Ave MAX Station 8335 E AT 762 1,052 1,814 | 0 Yamhill District MAX Station 8336 E AT 672 592 1,264 | 0 Oak/ SW 1st Ave MAX Station 8337 N NS 376 292 668 | 0 Skidmore Fountain MAX Station 8338 N AT 331 373 704 | 0 Old Town/Chinatown MAX Station 8339 N AT 569 405 974 | 0 Rose Quarter TC MAX Station 8340 E AT 971 751 1,722 | 0 Convention Center MAX Station 8341 E AT 391 415 806 | 0 NE 7th Ave MAX Station 8342 E FS 358 474 832 | 0 Lloyd Center/NE 11th Ave MAX Station 8343 E AT 745 873 1,618 | 0 Hollywood/NE 42nd Ave TC MAX Station 8344 E AT 362 638 1,000 | 0 NE 60th Ave MAX Station 8345 E AT 167 448 615 | 0 NE 82nd Ave MAX Station 8346 E AT 463 565 1,028 | 0 Gateway/NE 99th Ave TC MAX Station 8347 S AT 1,702 1,348 3,050 | 0 E 102nd Ave MAX Station 8348 E FS 522 640 1,162 | 0 E 122nd Ave MAX Station 8349 E FS 556 1,238 1,794 | 0 E 148th Ave MAX Station 8350 E FS 198 627 825 | 0 E 162nd Ave MAX Station 8351 E FS 352 1,157 1,509 | 0 E 172nd Ave MAX Station 8352 E FS 126 415 541 | 0 E 181st Ave MAX Station 8353 E FS 223 803 1,026 | 0 Rockwood/E 188th Ave MAX Station 8354 E NS 179 611 790 | 0 Ruby Junction/E 197th Ave MAX Station 8355 E FS 240 479 719 | 0 Civic Drive MAX Station 13450 E AT 81 335 416 | 0 TriMet Passenger Census - Fall 2017 2 All Day Ons and Offs by Route and Stop Weekdays Route: MAX Blue Line - To Gresham Monthly Stop Location Location ID Direction Position Ons Offs Total Lifts Gresham City Hall MAX Station 8356 E OP 68 542 610 | 0 Gresham Central TC MAX Station 8357 E AT 66 946 1,012 | 0 Cleveland Ave MAX Station 8359 W NS 0 1,086 1,086 | 0 TriMet Passenger Census - Fall 2017 3 All Day Ons and Offs by Route and Stop Weekdays Route: MAX Blue Line - To Hillsboro Monthly Stop Location Location ID Direction Position Ons Offs Total Lifts Cleveland Ave MAX Station 8359 W NS 1,027 0 1,027 | 0 Gresham Central TC MAX Station 8360 W AT 896 78 974 | 0 Gresham City Hall MAX Station 8361 W AT 558 62 620 | 0 Civic Drive MAX Station 13449 W AT 303 83 386 | 0 Ruby Junction/E 197th Ave MAX Station 8362 W FS 330 146 476 | 0 Rockwood/E 188th Ave MAX Station 8363 W FS 660 167 827 | 0 E 181st Ave MAX Station 8364 W FS 759 239 998 | 0 E 172nd Ave MAX Station 8365 W FS 411 124 535 | 0 E 162nd Ave MAX Station 8366 W FS 1,129 365 1,494 | 0 E 148th Ave MAX Station 8367 W FS 603 209 812 | 0 E 122nd Ave MAX Station 8368 W FS 1,228 550 1,778 | 0 E 102nd Ave MAX Station 8369 W FS 659 568 1,227 | 0 Gateway/NE 99th Ave TC MAX Station 8370 N AT 1,281 1,457 2,738 | 0 NE 82nd Ave MAX Station 8371 W AT 577 518 1,095 | 0 NE 60th Ave MAX Station 8372 W AT 484 206 690 | 0 Hollywood/NE 42nd Ave TC MAX Station 8373 W AT 562 449 1,011 | 0 Lloyd Center/NE 11th Ave MAX Station 8374 W AT 805 969 1,774 | 0 NE 7th Ave MAX Station 8375 W NS 499 471 970 | 0 Convention Center MAX Station 8376 W AT 495 400 895 | 0 Rose Quarter TC MAX Station 8377 W AT 717 1,116 1,833 | 0 Old Town/Chinatown MAX Station 8378 S AT 433 759 1,192 | 0 Skidmore Fountain MAX Station 8379 S AT 383 384 767 | 0 Oak/ SW 1st Ave MAX Station 8380 S FS 429 417 846 | 0 Morrison/SW 3rd Ave MAX Station 8381 W NS 1,072 802 1,874 | 0 Mall/SW 5th Ave MAX Station 8382 W AT 1,390 1,180 2,570 | 0 Pioneer Square North MAX Station 8383 W AT 2,235 692 2,927 | 0 Galleria/SW 10th Ave MAX Station 8384 W AT 1,254 1,005 2,259 | 0 Providence Park MAX Station 9757 W AT 783 1,083 1,866 | 0 Kings Hill/SW Salmon St MAX Station 9820 S AT 259 215 474 | 0 Goose Hollow/SW Jefferson St MAX Station 10117 W AT 701 282 983 | 0 Washington Park MAX Station 10121 W AT 182 413 595 | 0 Sunset TC MAX Station 9624 W AT 498 1,626 2,124 | 0 Beaverton TC MAX Station 9818 S AT 1,677 1,737 3,414 | 0 Beaverton Central MAX Station 9823 W AT 392 408 800 | 0 Millikan Way MAX Station 9825 W AT 400 1,048 1,448 | 0 Beaverton Creek MAX Station 9819 N AT 124 728 852 | 0 Merlo Rd/SW 158th Ave MAX Station 9827 W AT 204 611 815 | 0 Elmonica/SW 170th Ave MAX Station 9829 W AT 313 1,138 1,451 | 0 Willow Creek/SW 185th Ave TC MAX Station 9832 W AT 521 1,330 1,851 | 0 Quatama MAX Station 9833 W AT 257 1,068 1,325 | 0 Orenco MAX Station 9836 W AT 327 929 1,256 | 0 Hawthorn Farm MAX Station 9840 W AT 100 299 399 | 0 Fair Complex/Hillsboro Airport MAX Stn 9837 W AT 110 785 895 | 0 Washington/SE 12th Ave MAX Station 9842 W AT 102 368 470 | 0 TriMet Passenger Census - Fall 2017 4 All Day Ons and Offs by Route and Stop Weekdays Route: MAX Blue Line - To Hillsboro Monthly Stop Location Location ID Direction Position Ons Offs Total Lifts Tuality Hospital/SE 8th Ave MAX Station 9844 W AT 62 449 511 | 0 Hillsboro Central/SE 3rd TC MAX Station 9845 W AT 36 891 927 | 0 Hatfield Government Center MAX Station 9848 S AT 0 952 952 | 0 TriMet Passenger Census - Fall 2017 5 All Day Ons and Offs by Route and Stop Weekdays Route: MAX Green Line - To Clackamas Town Center Monthly Stop Location Location ID Direction Position Ons Offs Total Lifts PSU South/SW 6th & College MAX Stn 10293 N NS 466 49 515 | 0 PSU Urban Center/SW 6th & Montgomery MAX Stn 7774 N OP 1,131 45 1,176 | 0 SW 6th & Madison MAX Station 13123 N NS 543 105 648 | 0 Pioneer Courthouse/SW 6th Ave MAX Stn 7777 N NS 906 549 1,455 | 0 SW 6th & Pine MAX Station 7787 N OP 664 279 943 | 0 NW 6th & Davis MAX Station 9299 N NS 385 202 587 | 0 Union Station/NW 6th & Hoyt MAX Stn 7763 N AT 507 299 806 | 0 Rose Quarter TC MAX Station 8340 E AT 889 305 1,194 | 0 Convention Center MAX Station 8341 E AT 311 193 504 | 0 NE 7th Ave MAX Station 8342 E FS 349 218 567 | 0 Lloyd Center/NE 11th Ave MAX Station 8343 E AT 713 518 1,231 | 0 Hollywood/NE 42nd Ave TC MAX Station 8344 E AT 474 434 908 | 0 NE 60th Ave MAX Station 8345 E AT 161 324 485 | 0 NE 82nd Ave MAX Station 8346 E AT 274 404 678 | 0 Gateway/NE 99th Ave TC MAX Station 8347 S AT 1,351 1,159 2,510 | 0 SE Main St MAX Station 13124 S NS 351 528 879 | 0 SE Division St MAX Station 13125 S FS 224 496 720 | 0 SE Powell Blvd MAX Station 13126 S FS 153 820 973 | 0 SE Holgate Blvd MAX Station 13127 S NS 121 472 593 | 0 Lents/SE Foster Rd MAX Station 13128 S NS 161 476 637 | 0 SE Flavel St MAX Station 13129 S FS 98 395 493 | 0 SE Fuller Rd MAX Station 13130 S AT 45 378 423 | 0 Clackamas Town Center TC MAX Station 13132 N AT 0 2,369 2,369 | 0 TriMet Passenger Census - Fall 2017 6 All Day Ons and Offs by Route and Stop Weekdays Route: MAX Green Line - To Portland City Center/PSU Monthly Stop Location Location ID Direction Position Ons Offs Total Lifts Clackamas Town Center TC MAX Station 13132 N AT 2,176 0 2,176 | 0 SE Fuller Rd MAX Station 13133 N AT 347 42 389 | 0 SE Flavel St MAX Station 13134 N NS 408 91 499 | 0 Lents/SE Foster Rd MAX Station 13135 N FS 491 175 666 | 0 SE Holgate Blvd MAX Station 13136 N FS 483 111 594 | 0 SE Powell Blvd MAX Station 13137 N NS 707 174 881 | 0 SE Division St MAX Station 13138 N NS 461 227 688 | 0 SE Main St MAX Station 13139 N FS 503 314 817 | 0 Gateway/NE 99th Ave TC MAX Station 8370 N AT 1,110 1,279 2,389 | 0 NE 82nd Ave MAX Station 8371 W AT 399 245 644 | 0 NE 60th Ave MAX Station 8372 W AT 333 172 505 | 0 Hollywood/NE 42nd Ave TC MAX Station 8373 W AT 380 496 876 | 0 Lloyd Center/NE 11th Ave MAX Station 8374 W AT 475 788 1,263 | 0 NE 7th Ave MAX Station 8375 W NS 237 362 599 | 0 Convention Center MAX Station 8376 W AT 281 283 564 | 0 Rose Quarter TC MAX Station 8377 W AT 281 766 1,047 | 0 Union Station/NW 5th & Glisan MAX Stn 7601 S NS 318 586 904 | 0 NW 5th & Couch MAX Station 9303 S NS 271 420 691 | 0 SW 5th & Oak MAX Station 7627 S NS 288 698 986 | 0 Pioneer Place/SW 5th Ave MAX Station 7646 S NS 849 1,048 1,897 | 0 City Hall/SW 5th & Jefferson MAX Station 7608 S NS 153 645 798 | 0 PSU Urban Center/SW 5th & Mill MAX Station 7618 S FS 57 1,424 1,481 | 0 PSU South/SW 5th & Jackson MAX Stn 7606 S NS 150 800 950 | 0 TriMet Passenger Census - Fall 2017 7 All Day Ons and Offs by Route and Stop Weekdays Route: MAX Orange Line - To Portland City Center Monthly Stop Location Location ID Direction Position Ons Offs Total Lifts SE Park Ave MAX Station 13720 N AT 1,762 0 1,762 | 0 Milwaukie/Main St MAX Station 13721 N AT 690 42 732 | 0 SE Tacoma/Johnson Creek
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