S13 I’l ******** ( ( fir nr l LIT * * r n 1 550 tWI BROADLSTMEMORIAL LIBRflRY WES rf fEl D NJ 07090-7116 aii Populos. Jlon auitus. IJciUrnimus ISPS 680020 Published K\er> I’hursda' Since 1 <S*M) (90S) 232-4407 (H R 114th YEAR - ISSU E NO. 12-114 Thursday. November 27. 2003 Periodical - Postage Paid at W estfield. N.J. w w w.goleader.com press(<»' goleader.com FIFTY ( I M S WF Planning Board OK’s Wolfgang Puck for Elm St. B> KIMBKRIA BROADWI I I too thought the vacant bank was an during then time in the downtown S/Vi U ■ r I < I hr M , ••• , .. / , eyesore and that she felt it w ould area of Westfield. In a seven to tw o vote, the W estfield help increase the walking traffic on Those opposed to the application Planning Board approved with con­ Elm Street for the local business were Planning Board members. An­ ditions the proposal to turn the va­ ow ners. thony I .aPorta and W illia m /iff. w ho cant bank at One E lm Street into a Shorn Cronin. Executive Director both voted against the project. Both Wolfgang Puck Express Restaurant. o f the Dow ntow n W estfield C orp o ­ members thought that the restaurant The applicants. Limited 1 lability ration (DWC) also spoke regarding would onlv make a bad traffic prob­ Company (I I C). plan to convert the the new restaurant stating that she lem in the area even worse. building to a Wolfgang Puck Express thought the business would help pe­ RichardSehkolniek. Esq.ol llersh, Restaurant on the first floor with destrian traffic How. Ramses and Berman, who were rep­ commercial offices on the second. She also noted that she serves on resenting a group of downtown Conditions of the approval include the Parking Advisory Committee and W estfield restaurant ow ners opposed restriction that if the Wolfgang Puck that parking has been a long-stand­ to the proposal citing parking issues, Restaurant does not w ork out. a "fast- ing problem in Westfield, stating that also had a traffic expert to testify. food" restaurant cannot he put in its the first Westfield Parking Report Michael Chasm, a professional place, a deed restriction for any fu­ that she read was written in 1961. planner and traffic engineer, testi­ ture building owners that they can­ She also spoke in favor of the park fied that Westfield "alrcnd) had a not turn the restaurant into a "fast- area that owner. Mr. Berlandt had major parking problem" and that food" business and an implementa­ proposed at the two prior meetings. granting variance relief for the appli­ tion of a Traffic Control Plan and a Mr. Berlandt explained last month cant not to have to provide the 95 Pedestrian Salet\ Plan proposed bv that plans submitted included a pro­ spaces required would make the the applicant's Traffic Consultant. posal to lake the existing parking lot shortfall even greater. Gary Dean. o f the b uild in g and put in a patio w ith Mr. Chasm stated that he thought In addition, conditions of the ap­ a gazebo and trees, shrubs and potted the bank would be better suited as proval state that the second flo o r plants. This, Mr. Berlandt stated, another type of business that required Jeff Siegel for The W estfie ld Le ad er access to the office buildings be DECISIONS I)E( ISIONS...Students and parents met with representatives from colleges around the country during would "dress up an ugly parking lot ." fewer parking spaces. college night at Westfield Nigh School on Thursday evening. deemed as an emergency exit only, He testified that it would be a public He also testified that he was con the applicant work with the Town place for people to sit and relax CONTINUED ON PAGE B Engineer’s office to put in pedestrian crosswalk striping and a further con­ Westfield’s Tree Preservation dition that if the PNC Bank parking lot becomes available, it not be ex­ WF Council to Continue clusive to only patrons of the Wolfgang Puck Restaurant. Ordinance and Fines Reviewed East week. Mitchell Berlandt, Discussing Ttirf Field managing member of the LLC and By FACKKNS. PASS ning Board requires a tree preserva­ Fines shall be no more than $500 co-owner of the building since April Spet uill\ Wrnirn for The Westfield Is o d e r tion plan be subm itted as a condition shall be assessed per tree, per day, or of 2(X)I, testified that he is currently At Conservation Center Westfield's tree preservation ordi­ to its approval of an application, the a penalty of 30 days in county jail in negotiations with the PNC Bank nance not only establishes the Tree approval of the three preservation can oe assessed. A fte r that trees must on Prospect .Street to buy the b u ild ­ By FAIJRKN S. PASS Shackamaxon Drive between Preservation Commission to assist plan by the code enforcement officer be replaced and each must be at least ing, lease the first floor only back to Spry inll\ Written fo r The Westfield I sa ile r Rahway and Westfield Avenues the Planning Board, but also sets out or Tow n Engineer, as the case may four feet above the ground and have the bank and use the parking fo r the The Westfield Town Council held (north side only), Rahway Avenue requirements for tree removal. be, shall be a condition that is the a Diameter Breast Height (DBH) of proposed restaurant on evenings and its regular conference session on (Westfield High School side only), Tuesday night, after press time. A tree removal permit is required subject o f the tree preservation plan. one h a lf o f the tree that was removed. weekends. Dorian Road between Trinity Place The council was scheduled to dis­ when a property is being developed The tow n engineer or code enforce­ Or the violator can contribute the He had stated that this would also and Westfield Avenue (south side cuss several issues including rede­ only) and Codding Road (only on and requires a subdivision or site plan ment officer shall consult with the amount of money necessary to pur­ give him access to the parking lot on velopment project negotiations, the the side of the National Guard Ar­ approval. A permit is also required tree preservation commission in con­ chase and plant replacement trees. East Broad Street across from PNC. proposed turf field and drainage prob­ m ory). when a vacant piece o f land, o r subdi- nection w ith the approval o f the tree The ordinance also sets out the This, he concluded, w ould give the lems related to Orenda Circle. These restrictions w ill he in effect vidable property is being worked on; functions of the commission. They restaurant 44 available parking spaces preservation plan." The council will he discussing on Monday through Friday (school and there is a clause for if 30 percent are to work with the code enforce­ during the weekend and evening Though the commission may make possible locations for the proposed days) from 8 a m. to 4 p.m. of the trees were removed within a recommendations, the Planning ment officer m reviewing all appli­ hours. turf field, including the Conserva­ The Westfield Board of Education three year period. It also applies where Board is not bound by their report. cations and make recommendations Planning Board Chairman Jay tion Center and Area 5 1. During pre­ gave the restrictions a green light a structure is being demolished. If an application is approved and to the planning board for removal Boyle staled that he voted in favor of vious discussions the council has been last week, when they also passed a The exemptions to this application physical changes are to be made to plans. The commission is also sup­ the new restaurant and noted that Mr. split 4-4, with a councilman absent senior code of conduct. apply to commercial nurseries, prun­ the plans, they must be resubmitted posed to perform on site inspections Berlandt, "from day one has been each time, on whether to move for­ The council is set to vote on the ing and removal o f trees by u tility to the planning board for approval. of all applications before the plan­ nothing but cooperative.” He noted ward in studying the Conservation ordinance on first reading at its Tues­ companies, and the Town ofWestfield. If, upon inspection, the plan was ning board. that Mr. Berlandt has taken great Center. day, December 2. meeting. A tree preservation plan is sup­ not followed, the code enforcement In addition they are to create an care to “ maintain the building as it Also on the council’s agenda was The council will also discuss a posed to be drawn up for all subdivi­ officer can withhold the certificate inventory o f trees on vacant land and exists" and that he was quick to the draft o f the W estfield H igh School resolution to demolish a house at sions and those projects requiring o f occupancy. They can also issue a subdividable lots. They are also to "remove the entrance at North Av­ parking restrictions. 1030 Coolidgc Street, and detached The ordinance w ill establish alter­ site plan approvals. stop work order should they find that recommend a species list to the town enue when we asked him to.” garages at 654 Boulevard and 634 nate side of the street parking on Eairmount Avenue.
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