ver the years commercial malpractice insurers have come and gone from the Alabama marketplace . End the worry about prior acts coverage. Insure with AIM. We're here when you need us: Continuously! AIM: For the Difference (We're here to stay!) "A Mutual Insurance Company Organiz ed by and for Alabama Attorneys .. Attorney s Insurance Mutual of Alabama , Inc.• 22 Inverness Cen1e, Park way Telephone (205) 980 · 0009 Sulto 340 Toll Free (800) 526 - 1246 Birmlng ht,m, Alab-Omo 352 42- 4820 FAX(205)980 -9009 • CH ARTER MEMBER : NATIONAL AS SOCI ATION OF BAR •REl.ATE O IN SUR AN CE CO MPANI ES INSURANCE SPECIALISTS, INC. SUITE 135 2970 BRANDYWINE ROAD ATLANTA, GA 30341 404-458-8801 800-241-7753 FAX 404-458-7246 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET TO: AlabamaAttorneys, their employees.and dependants. FROM : InsuranceSpecialists, lac DATE: NO. OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER):_... __ _ MESSAGE: C m re our Ma·or Medical rates. Call tod COVERAGE AGE MO. PREMIUM* MO. PREMIUM** SINGLE 26 $36.00 $28.00 SINGLE 30 $41.00 $34.00 INSURED & SPOUSE 30 $78.00 $61.00 INSURED & SPOUSE 35 $89.00 $69.00 FAMILY 35 $123.00 $94.00 INSURED & SPOUSE 40 $101.00 $79.00 INSURED & CHILDREN 40 $88.00 $70.00 FAMILY 40 $135.00 $104.00 0 •$5,000 deductible, 80/20 co-Insurance to $5,000 • $5,000 deductib le, 50/50 co-insurance to $5,000 per calendar year per calendar year $2,000.000 lifetime maximum $2,000 ,000 lifetime maximum Our Major Medical plan is totally underwritten by CNA, which consistently receives high ratings from A.M. Best company, Standard & Poors, Moody's and Duff & Phelps. The plan offers a choice of deductibles and co-insurance options for you, your staff, and eligible dependents. Please send me information: Name.________ _ _ ___ ~ [ ]Major Medical [ ]DisabilityIncome Addres,.____ _ ____ _ ____ _ [ ]LifeInsurance (Amoun ) City/State/Zip__ __ _ ______ _ ( ]BusinessOverhead [ ]Hospital Indemnity THE ALABAMAL AWYER SEPTEMBER 19931281 IN BRIEF SeptemberI 993 Volume54, Number5 Pub~ nve n times a year (the sevwnthlaauo II I bQ!dlf9Clory «ht!On) by th& Alabama Si:ato 8DJ, ON THE COVER: P.O. Box •156, Mon,gomory,Al4bam1 sa101 . James R. 'Spud" Seale, the newly-Installed president of the Alabama Stale Bar, is P•one (205}269-1515. shownwit h his familyi n lhe Patrons' Room of the Alabama Shakespeare Festival in Montgomery.First lady Nancy is to the lefi of Spud. Their children, seated left lo Robert A. 1-lJtlaker··----- • Eo,tor Sn,rocl<OePltoJa _ •1ow1i. E~ll>f right, are Shelby,23, Margaret.14, and Brooks,21. -Photo by Ci/lingsol Al/1,n/a &IAn ~MutllhY -- ~- INSIDE Tms ISSUE: State or th e Judi cial')' By Ch/efJusliceSonng Homsbv.................................... ........................................................309 Batwn: From an Appellate Jud ,le'a Viewpoint 811Ju stice I/ugh Maddox.... ....................................................................................................3 16 Bat6on: Cballen&es from th e Perspective of a Trinl Judg e- Some Practical Consideration• BvI/on. Joseph Phelps........................................... .................................................................320 ADAP'S Rural/Jllinoril,)' Oulttuh and Auutance Progra m Completes Successful Yur BvR('l)ben W t,,,,Jc....... - .................................................................................................- ... 325 __,.- Plrll Kida' Chan ce Scbolanblp Awarded ..................................................................342 Doat d OfCom mt1alonetw -- IMC.cult. Edwo,dP . Turner.JI .. OIMIIOm.2nd --Orcull. JoM In th e Int erest of Ju stice: A Tribute to Judge Edwin Horton, Jr. and A NICflOII,l.iNOffl8 • 3,d Clrwll, l)'M ROC>tf!MH'IJOC._JIOl'I, Ci.II~, 41h c1,cu11. JoM w Kell)', II, Solma • Ciln~ll. Clarence ue Watts JohnPOfVf otwr. I~ OilOIY\Oe• 6ttl Oro.ill, Pf.xt No. I , w• ttf f' Cl'QWt'IOVOt, T1,11C11loosl• &h- Cirtui, Pllee No a.Jol'lrl 811James R. Accardi ..................................................... ...........................................................344 A. 0-..na. TulCllool.a• M Ortl;lt, NNK F. FIie,iii AlrillOn , "" OrctA..klfln s. 1<.y. Oec:ai.s, *"CIIICllt. w"' w..-on . F'o,i~ • ICln CirQ.111,~ H9 1. ~ H ,,..,...,_ Pruidcnt's Pag<...- ..................................284 Opinionsoftht Ctntnl Counstl............ ..313 llli•llQf- • lOVI Cwwd. Pllce No 2. M11Nt W GfolW' flit"'-~· ,a Cilcuf..,.._ ~ i,..,.... • UD,ra....,. FocWl'AXPoll ...... - .............- .................287 CLE Opportunih" ....................- ....- ......314 ........ too. c.aa. Pllal ND..' s...,,.t A. ........ JI Exccutiv•Dirednr's R<port........... ...........288 DisciplillllryReport .. ........- .....- .............326 .. , • • • • IOti c.a..,. P'- Mo 6. f.....,l.. OltMI. ~"·"' , ,. c.o-. -P11ctHo • · "- a ~ Bar Britfs.................................................. .289 J4jslati"•Wrap·llp ................................. .327 ... •• q tedft • 11». CiloA. PIW Ho. 1, J ~ DIY11,,9ml­ i\boul Members,Among f'irrns ................ .292 Con\'entionHigh lights.... ,_ .....................328 .,.._,, ... -.._ ..... No. a, ew.,,onN .,_ - lftOnam • 101h Cireult , Ptac:• No 9, c,,n,$ wrioru Buildingl'und Honor Roll........................ 294 RecentDecisions .................................... ...333 ~..., • 1Olb Cftuh. Bes.mer O.·Olt, 0.0,pe tlcP't­ YoungI..OW)'ers' Sectio n ............................295 Volunteer l..oW)'Cn;Program ......... ...........343 bo I tlam . B••••"'•r • 1 Hh Circ:..in. Rolltrl M HIii, Jr , FIOtonct• lalh C~I. W. Keim Watkl,., Troy • 131h Cb01111. Building Alabama'sCo urlhouses....... .......297 Memorials.. ................................................3 47 PlaceHo I, Vic'IOtH lolt .. .. Mobile • 13111Clrcull, PIIIOlt No 1993-0.1 Commiltees.. ...............................302 Classified Noticu .......................................3 4.8 2. 9'00) 0 ~ Mobil• • 13th Cll'CUII,Pleet '- 3. CIIN 0-Affr. Ht. Moolle • 1311'1Citctlil,, Piao, No A 8tfllatMl'IT Aowt Mobilil• 1<1111ClraM. Ft Jett OonaldtO!\,.IMP1r • I 5'1h AL/\llAMA STAT£ BAR HEADQUARTERS STAFP CIIQIIL "- Ho ,. Rld'wo tc GI . Mu.,._,,.,7 • IO!ho, 415 OtxttrAvtnut. Montgom.ry,AL 361CM1205) 269• 1515 • FAXf:105) 261 ·6310 o.;11,. f'\tC:11No. 2., WMlda O ~ . Moi"OC.U*f• 15ch OftW. PtiaoeMo. 3. .-- E............. Mut.ap:w7 • tWl £ucww Otrtttor RlC,.IVldT . Hamntr,CU: !4anbmlllp.wuunt __ Chrutitlmnttno C«ull, ,-. lb <I Aiciwd 9. a.,.a,. ......... , • Ill\ i:..a.,,,,-..,, !bril,lm- ___ ., ... ~eo. .... _ .. Kt,tl,B.- Assbwit ·--- °""""•,,.,_ Admiuions-·- · ~D-­Ombtfh. Sblorts Cell.I-'*'90~.... •• IMCiQll._....._~Jt o..t• Amnl.... ,,.,... ........... ,..........,,. _o..n,w.- - L>w 0.•oa«- T'rK}'o...d Found>.... Inc. tocnam.. V.'.edtH.---·""'--$ Badey, lliolNilt•ll•QCUI. ~' ..._,.. s.cm.r, Kim Elli> >LI' s.cm..,. ___J l>Ydffl0-Rw PubliclhontD,......- --ll>'l'ttl L M...,,.,, Bookkff,ptr,.. .. _.. Clk Skmntr • 2)rd C.C-. P\tot No 1. Doma S p ... ~· • :3,4 \'olwitffr Lh')'(rs PrQa:nimDtrector , .MtllnA M. \\'lltrt Cnphb ArU Oltteto, Slulltr --·:r2Joc--A.-tC:-,,.-No f.S Dip!-.-·t<1nc:.n:u; ..- ---- ···--·.M1",l, A RIIIMI. Ill. Alicftl.. • 25th Cirel.lll.Nlllflft Vlnlol\. 1•uhli0Uonj & VI.PStc~t11y _ _, _,.,_,lJnd.\P . Smllh l.ll"W)'erRe(tml SttrtlA,Y ............_ Katherine-C. Crtamt.r John H.lmlhO!'• to! Oll'Cdt,Bowen H Bl41tsell,PtlM.\ Cltt • 27-t kembtnhlp Scnicu Oircc:tor·-·- ··········-"llttJo Hend'ri.1t R«tpdonir;t ..............., _. .......... ......................Ton)'3 Boo nt Cdull . D•l'llli T W,rne, , Gunte,ivlllt • 28tl\ Ciro.iii,Jo~ Eltltf ChMOtl 641)'f,fi'nen• • 291hCl rci.t, R. &uik.1Wtfl~, ALABAMA STA1'£ BAR CENTER FOR PR0P£ SS10 NAL RESPONSIBI Ll 'n' STAFP raJIIICNIOI• 30 1h Ctrcu11,A.. Dwlghl 811it, Pell Olly • )111 Cir­ 415 Ot.icr Avenue.M ontgomery.AL 36 IIJ.I (2051269-1515• FAX(205) 261·63 1I clliL 'MIilin'! K Hewlea, T~ • 32nd Cll'C\IL SM!on-,K. Onl!'cl\ ~•n • s:Jrd Circuit. Rot.1 t-l 8'o0dln, 01M. • Ce,icr,ICoun~t ...._, _________ ,RobertW. Norris CLEICSfCompl!Jnc. Coo,dlnacor _ _ -13on:nse }binot a... Cira.I.-,C ......_ ,,_ • - -.II. W'.llm AuiltAnlGcnrnl Cowuitl J, ~ Md.tin hnl~tNUll~tors _ _ \'1CkiCb.moth 0 """°"'[~ •36ltt C.C.....T Kll,Y MOlllgO/NIW, """""' Ccnml Cowu;rL___l. C..ill<rtKfflJrick LoAnnJ\dims ._..,. • J1'l CrQJiC.J.. Tg¢ e.n....~ ' .... ClfaA, I ~ M ~ . ScClbiOOtO• at CifQ.11..~ V MJlton ......_,CcnmlCc,umd L '*' ~~-- -"·~c.nut ...... ,a ,.,..,. •4GltC.ctilLJoMK ~,.._., Ed,IQ 0,,,,,-c-.iinltOT. \' ..... l'mman _ Tmi HceuUns 1ht AltlMIII ~. p.ltllWIM .... .,..,.. tor c.n.,i.,lnU 1.-..i..eoarm...... - Cl,c,y4- ,,s .,.. ,-, "' me,.,,_., ~ 11ni;1sao '* \'Mr cw.o0t 1M: UnoN .... Dy,.~~ a..,,, OMlr ,....,_,., MolilgOll•r' , Alll:leml l$104 SingJa illUN ... U . ~ tlftl , ct.u CIOl&AQe:, tor Ole }olnlll and UM40 tor I'll OltteWY Stcof'ICl-dn1 poslllQt pact at t.lonlQOfMIY,AlllbllNI Po1tm111or: Send addressc hanges 10 ~ Al.'lbrame uwyo,. p.o. Bo, • 156.M on•gomory.Al.36101. 282 / SEPTEMBER199 3 THE ALABAMA !.AWYE R PRESIDENT'SPAGE take this opportunity in th is first "President's state bar associations pressing issues confronting their bars. Page'' to thank you, the members of the Alabama The number of bar associations facing problems with their State Bar, for giving me the privilege to serve as executive director and staff are too numerous to mention and your president. I look forward to an exciting year I cannot tell you how blessedwe are to have the professional Dand, with your help, I am sure it will be successful. staffwe have. ReggieHamner, Bob Norris and Keith Norman, The "President's Page" of The Alabama lawyer has been just to mention a few, are among the finest. if not the finest, used by my predecessorsto comment on matters of interest to in the nation. The entire staff works diligently to serve and the bar in general and the president. I will continue th is meet the needs of our lawyersand , in my opinion, they per­ precedent, but I also want to use this space to tell you some form in an outstanding manner. I encourageyou to call upon facts and history about our state bar association I hope you the state bar headquartersfor adviceand assistance in matters will find interesting. In subsequent articles I will discuss the relating to bar activities, and more importantly.
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