T h t W M th fr Averagt M ly Cireul«tion Foreessi of WottBssr Waa Ismg - For tha M w tli aoptambar, 1040 commander Frank'VaUuaat leulflit Hear­ The business property m Mata / ■treet south of the turnPlke, Party Is Given plained that the post had planned 6 ,4 4 1 ing by Friday nwralog. eoMer FH- which Is owned by to give the local National Ouarda- day aftamoaa .and aigM. nettl, did not chsnge men a fartwaU party end decided Naoiboi III tiw Audit ^or Guardsmen to hard tha offlcara and men aa the Burs— ot OIrawlatInua i i l i r Ouator o f 435 EM t terday, as was expected. EMiy Th€ J M C H A ^ corr / In September James W, Foley, n d ^ s gueata befera ofdbra art re­ Manteheitet’^ A City o f VOlage. Charm "H i TurapUt* and Joseph J. Sul* ceived and the men busy with MANCNISrm CONN* rW • In n i arrest are among acting for a man who was tater-^ other duties to accept. PRICE THREE CENTS BOW students enrolled at ested In the proper^, Officers and Men of MANCHESTER, GONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17,1940 (FOURTEEN PAGES) ^ Junior OoUe»e, Hartford, posit to Mr. UrbaheTti. The ^ t e Spesehea' Mtads 1 AtfvertMag m Pago 12) for cloelng of the sale was set at Local Units Are Enter­ Talks wsfe given to the men of risrsB. 4 ■ 1 . October 15. The option was not tained by tke V. F. W. the National Guard nnlU by Past A New Shipment O f m . T. H. Dlasouette, head of taken i|p yesterday and the sale Commander David McCollum, a UoloKy department o f Trimty has been called off. war-time aergeant In the old Com­ Reopening of Burma Road Makes Orient Tense ,^wUl speak at the \ Tri- one hundred and fifty officer* pany O 102nd Regiment of the imd members of Mancheater’s two Yankee Dlvlaion and Archl# K il­ Switch Unlon roeetlnf at Marl- The Held work of taking the Martha Mi Director of Draft Germans I Octoiber 18, instej^ of school census which started eaWy NaUonal Guajd units. Company-K patrick. who saw aervice in the or Edward I* Troxell, who In September,''Will be finished this Phlllpplnea with the U. 8. Marines. and the Headquarters Company of Industrial movlea were shown Models \n. ^ tS unable to keep thh date. week. The cards will be turned the 169th Regiment were the Corduroy and Snun Rayons over to Superintendent Arthur | - . .t — the men through the courtesy ot MILES ' H is fall rUmmaare ' sale of the Illing, and a check will be made ! guests of. Anderson-Shea Post. Alfex Cols after which the enter­ See§ Registration ; Womens H^SitS^^AUxUlary will Green tainment Gommltte served jefresh- To Ma^ against the school records, before ] v F W at the Manchester ConluroyB In one-pji^ and two-piece' models ments of sandwiches, doUghnuts . ^ike place tomorrow at the store, the final statement sent to Home last night. Archie" K il­ Lxsvely shade* of b)de, rose and tan. Size* .2 and coffee, cigarettes and cigara. 1009 Mala street ' Hartford for the toum’s share of to 20 patrick. first commander of the The men enjoyed games and darts . the school grant. As Effective Job Croup 5 of Center church worn- VFW unlt w’sa toastmaster and during the evening. en. Mrs. A. Hi Illlng, leader, ?111 Captains of ,the six teams that called on the officers of the units, $ 5 .9 8 Nazis’ War\ Bases Hit have a work meeting this evening Capjtain James H. McVeigh, Capt. ” Mght"o%rocrta"i:he'5.urch par" members"Tthe ^ym on d E. Hagedorn, Captain Declares Those Who Be-1 Selin Rayon* In pastel shade* with embroid­ Hiimlreds of Warplane# lor. _ ! ington Social -Club are to meetNH o ra ce F. Murphey and Lieut. e r s motifs on blouse*. Colors>s.Aqua, rose Ilevetl We Are SoCtf^“ V " N ew ‘Extfjnfflive Fires’ at P lr w n n S n t r A daughter I fore* th^ start" o*f\he ‘ league ptaV. TeiTy Yanishewaky for remarks. M d natural. Sizes 14 to 20. KielKi-I ami Fresh DamDam- ^ J -E U n f l U t g Attack England Tmlay to Attorney and Mrs. Jay E. Ru 1 I games will be played in the The dfflcer* thanked the post for |Apd Supine and^ As the destlmonisl smoker held In Willkie Win . —Most of Nazi FighteP- now of / v - ^ M d club and in addition to h a ^ g five Democracy -Could Not age at Hamburg, Bre- E v a C U a t C la the first grandchild of Mr. and ^ the.dfx teams their honor. Mrs. William Rubinow of East |mrniueio ----- $ 3 .9 8 Boml>ers Forced Back there are also resents In each Move with. Effective- men, Cuxhaven Is Re­ Center street. Her maternal grand- team that will assure sufficient In Election L o / l r f o / l / O 6 a , By Anti-Aircraft Fir- sult of Incessant Bom- parents are Judge and Mrs. Jacob ; members' present at all league Spun Rayon Plaids In soft tones of hrown, ness Disappointed. Schwolaky 'of Balnbrldge ____ . Some Manage ’ games. green and wine. Sizes 14 to 20. hartlment by Royal West Hartford. THIS COKE IS Anrdyit Who Forecast ' By The Associated Press To Penetrate London I ----- Air Force; I a j s s of Five Mm* Nannie Hlldlng of 65 Blge- GUARANTEE^ Ciarence A. Dykstra de­ Election of Roosevelt British Government Has street ia confined to her ,horne New^ooks Added UQUORS $ 3 .9 8 Planes Acknowledgetl. Defenses, Drop Bombs If you are not satlolteB wWk He clared in his first public atate- In 1932, 1936 Fore­ ISo Intent of Leaving with an attack of grip. I^iDwest Pride* use. wo will remove th,/6oke and nients as draft director today To Cheiiev Ubrarv refund the mouCT/ for the Cotton Shop. London Despite Re­ Bulletin! The usual Wednesday, evening that “ those who had thought sees 1,500,00(1 Margin nulietin! In Town. amount removed. London, Oct. 17.— </P)— setback party will be held to ^ P ^ we were soft and supine and, London, Oct. 17.— (/P)— cent Heavy Bombings. Rayon Taifeta German warplanes, which fill at eight o’clock at the CHECK OGR p r ic e s Cash Price ^ . 0 0 Per Ton. as a dcmocracj’, could not Chicago, Oct. 17—(IP) — Emil Ami/m Tons of hljfh explosives and Home, Manchester Green. Three New books In thej Mary Cheney . Ortaa day. had beaten at E n |(lan d jn Jumpers moyc with effectiveness, may Hurja, who aa a Democratic ana­ incendiary 'Jionibs were drop­ London, Oct. 17^(J';—The Brit­ prises will be awsrded the winners Library: ish government haS no Intention of and home made refreshments serv­ lyst forecast the election of Preal­ formations o f hundreds, re­ Reginald Carter. ''He and his ; for S lip s lie/, disappointed.” The 57- ped on the German Naval leaving London despite recent ed. Anderaon-Shes Pgdl and auxil­ ARTHUR LTVwOODCo. dent Roosevelt-ta 1032 and hla, re- turned early tonight to .1^.* '■ 'Emanuel Celler, ."'Draft and you” ; Children and Misses year-old University of Wis­ election In 1936, predicted yester­ ba.se St Kiel last niifht, some heavy bombings, it waa made iary are combining bn these socials^ :szo De la P.oche,"W hiteoak Phone 4496 Select a slip to match your luiown In parliamentary circles don Tor their 41st consecutive this season, wlthdlfferent commlt- DRUG STORE consin president, who had day the election of Wendell- L. of them “straddling” a war­ heritage” : T. R. Duncan, "Com­ , Two models in cor­ new E-Jll frock. Four gore, to ^ y . nightly assault. Five times teea serving s*'ch month. Mrs. W, taken the oath of his new po­ Willkie bv a plurality of from 1,- This map ahowa In detail the Burma road and surrouhdlrtg territory, where new fireworks thwaten ship. the A ir Ministry news pile book of progressive knit­ duroy and all wool flannel. beautifully tailored slips of The eorreapondent In the, Houae during the day the sirens had J. Fortin hc4da the October com­ sition in the office of Secre­ SOO.OO” to 3,000,000 vote*. the powder-keg Far East situation aa England reopen* the mountain highway, after closlpg it for service announced In a bulle­ ting” ; .Nina Fedorova. "Family” ; J. Z Wine, green, soldier blue crisp, swlshy Celaneae in red, “ So great is the defection of Commons lobby for Reuters, mittee. A ll players are welcome. black, spruce, soldier blue, three month*. China may again be able to obtain Buppllek fott her war ag^nat Japan oVer thta road authoritative British new* agency, sounded and. while most of T. Flynn,^ “ Country squire In the ! and plaida. Wear them tary Stimson in Washington among 19.36 Rooaevelt voter* in It tin said drifting clouds made with blouses or sweaters. brown. Slzes-32 to 40. although the Japanese, by seizing baae.s In French Indo-Chtaa, kre now In better position to bomb wrote tonight that "there is no the raiders had' been turned M afy C. Keeney Tent, Daughters White HobM” : James Ford and K, ■ but a short time earlier, add­ urban area*,’’ Hurja aaid, “that if observation of results diffi­ Sizes 7 to 16. from the nlr. Inset shows location of the trouble apot in relation to other countrlea. question of the government leav­ back before reaching the city, o f Union 'Veterans of the Civil M.
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