O p in io n S p o h t s Don't just totally like blame tfie Greeks Women's basketball finishes the season better for thrashing tbe '?/ Plus, students upset than exp>ected. that ASI officers get to CAPTURE first. Pages Page 12 C A L I F O R N I A PO L Y TE C H N \ G U N KV E R S I T Y SA N LUIS OBISPO Mustang Da iiy MARCH 10, 1998 VOLUME LXII, No.85 TU E S D A Y ‘Bubba’ is his name, running for president is his game ly Midiele toryluR coach to call him that. His team­ mates. his friends and swin the rest of the sch<x>l staru-d calling him “ If you can’t rc'mcmtx'r my ‘Bubba.’ and the nicknaoH' stuck nanM'. you can just call me ‘Bublja.’" “But 1 have never h<*ard my Thi.'i IK an impiirtanf name to mom call me that, sh«' always calls rt'memlxT, b».<au.se N<xfl "Bubtia” mt' NiX"!,” he said. “My dad will call -\lurarka ik running for A.’kI prt*si- me Bublxi though, as a joke " dent. NiAV 19. .Murarka kxiks liack at While a freshman at Monte his high schixil years as “a gr>m ing 98 VisUi Hiiih .SchiMjl in ( ’upi'nino. and living experierux* fiir me., and I've aime out with alxiut a lialf- .Mustang Dail> wants to Murarkit fiiund out that one* ot his doxen lifek»ng friends who I k<ep hear your comments on fcMithall c»iachi*s. who liail just uat<*d from hit;h scho«j! a few cl*»se txintiKi with " the. candidates and your He htgan to display his leader­ months Ix'fore, was calUsj “B<x*- ship qualiti«*s when h«' (.tartid th«- PRESI0€NT1AI ideas about wliich issues 1k ar" by hi*^ mom .Murarka Bull Spirit i ’lub 'which was also you'd like them to n'sjsindi'd to the commands the GRIN? ASI preii- known as thi* Bi>. Clubt at his CTOiich Ixirluxl at him with, “OK. Bins dentiai candidate address. schixil. a group which attend<*d hear." and u.»uallv found hmi.*«elf Neei 'Bubba' To rekrh us with your games and held danc<*s to add runninji extra laps for it while his exaU*ment to events. For his stmior Murarka bopev election comments, e-mail teammates nxired with laughter. y€*ar he was elected .s(x*ial manager 40 Mororko jamiller @pohmailxalpol>. ‘ lV*spite the daily teasinji. the for the* Associated Studimt Body, a hopes to bring coach never rememh<*red edu or . drop a note b> (xjsition in which he* organi/>(xJ ral­ his legocy of Murarka’h. or any of the other play­ Building 26. room 226. lies. dances ;uid exher events. His leodership to the ers* nami-s. instead referring to biggest ac-hiiA-ement was orgiuiizing Please lea«e a phone num­ them by their jersey numbers. role of ASI presi­ a 4f)-ffxit-tall bonfin* on Um- school’s ber or -'e-mail' address .Murarka thought back to a clas.s- dent. / Doily track one night. »here »e can reach vou. mate fnim junior high who was photo by joe nicknamed Bubba. and told the See BUBBA poge 4 Johnston Chinese railroad workers Do n 't honored with new statue orget BySIdlyftrrfti ed to highlight.” Baxtc'r said. F Baxter said ChiiWise worki'rs Tom My sioff Writer built th(' Stnithc'iT) Bacific Railroad, San Ixiis f >bl«pr) will srxm have a which canx' from the north, and thi' Central f ’oast Railway that canx' T he Ca n d id a te s * for th e 2 2 n d coupk' of permanent new vi.sitors. About a month ago. Buck <a from the south arxl erxled in San TO V ote C ongressional D istrict Elec tio n character from .Shakesp»'an'’s “A Ixiis Obispo. .Mid.'iumrTM'r Night’s I>n'am"l made A 15-inch high maqur'tti', or modi'l. of tlx* sculpture sits in Cafe *Um r tarian Robert Ba k a u s is A lso a a statu<*sque apyx'arantx* in the I Viwntown ( ’<'ntre. Roma, a restaurant alxnit 5tJ fex't Can o io a ti Q i k k Facts Today Buck’s sculptor, away from the site of tlx* profXiM*d local artist * Ihe- Arti*l « K«* sculpt un*. •4 iHr Wwiat ocMrtwy ot Ti<»yow TnbtrnF I i z a h e t h Baxti*r said .Mac</u**«*n and her .MacQueen. has \ .a a.ssistant will creaU* tlx* piece in also recently hi'i'n -iHfL“ »ill al», clay. A mold will lx* mack* from the Special interest groups battle in House racecommissioned to - uli*« ii*.^ rail clay and bnin/x* w’ill lx* jxiun*d into pnjduce a statue the* mold I-aU*r, the* moldc*d bninzc* to Ix' pliKX'd at th<' * ' I » •"'*» will be* oxidizc'd. Finally, workers ly Aweede (ovirrvEiat Welcome to Flection S<*ason Rep. Walter Capps. His widow. ■ ^ m«»«l*'l i4 ll»#* <'nd of Osos .Stnx*t will install the scxilptun* at the site. 1998. Ia /ih, a former nurse and — ul|)lurr >ii> in Asvocioted Press “It's the* artist that has the* tak*nt What Mrs. Odom has been teacher, is running against Railroad < .sir Square. The life- and insight and cix'ativity to create* SA.N’TA BAKBAKA — When expe-nencing is a preview of con.serv'ative Republican Tom sizc'd KculptuiX' an image* that ix*ofik* enjoy and Dale Odorn went to the post what voters throughout the Bordonaro Jr, a tw'o-term state will depict two 19th Century from that, then* an* fx-opk* that ofTice .Monday she had 23 nation may face this year. Assemblyman. Chirx'si' railroad workers. have skills and talc'nt to n-nder that pieces of mail waiting for her Special-interi'st groups “Outside interests are turn­ 'fTH' f'itizi'n’s CommitUx' for Irtin into nx*tal." BaxU'r said. Twenty-one were campaign based in Washington, D.C., ing these into smear cam­ Road Bionrx'rs commissioned “TTx' city bc'lie've's public art is pamphlets. vowc^d to inHuence this year’s paigns," .Mrs Odom said. “O f MacC^ucx-n Ui cn'aU* tht' pieo', ‘TTx' important btxause' it c'nhano*s the* When the Santa Barbara congressional elections and all the commercials on TV, 90 Irrm Road Fionix'rs." erity for the' tommunitv itsi'lf It’s city employee' staye*d home sick their first chance to do that percent don’t have anything to Commititx' nx'mber Don BaxU'r also gexxJ for tourism." said Wc'ndy last week, her recuperation was in the 22nd Congressional do with the candidate. They’re said thi' gnxjp formed thm ' years (ieorge?, assistant to the' city admin­ was interrupU-d by a barrage District spanning Santa just a smokescreen. It makes agri to d<*\’elop th«' prrjjt'ct in hrxior istrative eiffitt'r. of phone calls from pKilitical Barbara and San Luis Obispo you not want to vote for either of the Southern Bacific Railniad's The' eximmitU*«' nex'ds to raise* organizationK. counties on the California one because' you can’t find the 100th annivf'rsary in 1994 and to $125,iXK) Ui compk*U' the* pnije'ct They were asking her to coast. truth.” reaigni»' Chinem' axitributxxi to Funding will go Uiward paying for vote — KometimeK for a partic­ Two candidates are vying to Among the special-interest th(' railntac's. the* worke'rs’ salarie's arxl materials ular candidate in Tuesday’s fill the seat left open by the “It wasn't any (ttw issui' but a special congressional election. death of the late Democratic Sec E lECnON poge 5 »xnbination of issues that we want- See STATUE page 5 TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1998 MUSTANG DAILY Congressman and wife get sentenced campaign fund-raising scandal NEWS briefs ly XUdMielNUdMcl FW««Mti organization,organization, likelike anan individual.individual, TheThe sentences sentences cappe capped the dra­ AsMooteti Press can be convicted of criminal matic downward spiral for the Poly engineering professor honored charges. Diamond Bar congressman, whose suburban 41st Anny Mom)bel-Sosa. matonaln cnginwring pmfessor and chair of LOS ANGELES — Rep Jay Kim’s wife, June Oak Kim, Cal I^Jly » Academic Senate, is one of 35 Americans in higher educa­ Kim was sentenced Monday to who also pleaded guilty to misde­ Congressional District east of tion to be selected a 1998 American Council on Education <ACE1 two months home confinement meanor charges, was sentenced Los Angeles includes parts of Los Fellow. under electronic monitoring for to one year probation, fined Angeles, Orange and San Morrobel-Soia was nominated for the award by Cal Pkily President accepting and hiding illegal $5,000 and 250 hours community Bernardino counties. Warren Baker and will work closely with a college or university presi­ political contributions in what serx'ice. She, too, made a brief Kim became the first Korean dent and other senior officers at a not-yet determined host institution prosecutors called the largest statement, telling the court in a American congressman when he for a year. case of campaign finance viola­ soft, trembling voice. “I'm very was elected in 1992, but he “l‘m pretty happy and ver>- honored." Morrobel-Sosa said in a press tions in US history. sorry, really sorry, for what has quickly was faced with allega­ release.
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