Election Summary Report Date:11/23/10 Time:09:52:24 OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL ELECTION Page:1 of 5 NOVEMBER 2, 2010 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, OHIO OFFICIAL FINAL Registered Voters 385652 - Cards Cast 188491 48.88% Num. Report Precinct 360 - Num. Reporting 360 100.00% Governor - Lt. Governor U.S. Senator Total Total Number of Precincts 360 Number of Precincts 360 Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Total Votes 185142 Total Votes 184391 Kasich\Taylor 89218 48.19% Eric W. Deaton 2697 1.46% Matesz\Leech 4059 2.19% Lee Fisher 76441 41.46% Spisak\Rios 2397 1.29% Daniel H. LaBotz 1027 0.56% Strickland\Brown 89379 48.28% Rob Portman 102338 55.50% David L. Sargent II 3 0.00% Michael L. Pryce 1738 0.94% Write-in Votes 86 0.05% Arthur Sullivan 1 0.00% Write-in Votes 149 0.08% Attorney General Total Rep to Congress 3rd Dist. Number of Precincts 360 Total Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Number of Precincts 310 Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Precincts Reporting 310 100.0 % Total Votes 185324 Times Counted 163241/326392 50.0 % Richard Cordray 82565 44.55% Total Votes 159290 Mike DeWine 93659 50.54% Joe Roberts 57103 35.85% Marc Allan Feldman 4341 2.34% Mike Turner 102187 64.15% Robert M. Owens 4759 2.57% Rep to Congress 8th Dist. Auditor of State Total Total Number of Precincts 52 Number of Precincts 360 Precincts Reporting 52 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Times Counted 25250/59260 42.6 % Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Total Votes 24619 Total Votes 179981 John A. Boehner 14081 57.20% L. Michael Howard 7506 4.17% James J. Condit Jr. 424 1.72% David Pepper 80970 44.99% Justin A. Coussoule 9490 38.55% Dave Yost 91505 50.84% David A. Harlow 624 2.53% Secretary of State State Senator 5th District Total Total Number of Precincts 360 Number of Precincts 128 Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 128 100.0 % Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Times Counted 55961/141681 39.5 % Total Votes 182509 Total Votes 54077 Charles R. Earl 7012 3.84% Bill Beagle 16752 30.98% Jon Husted 99693 54.62% Fred Strahorn 37325 69.02% M.O'Shaughnessy 75804 41.53% State Representative 36th District Treasurer of State Total Total Number of Precincts 80 Number of Precincts 360 Precincts Reporting 80 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Times Counted 44101/80376 54.9 % Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Total Votes 41676 Total Votes 181944 Carl D. Fisher Jr. 14078 33.78% Kevin L. Boyce 76819 42.22% Michael E. Henne 26368 63.27% Matthew P. Cantrell 6939 3.81% Cheryl K. Watson 1230 2.95% Josh Mandel 98186 53.96% Election Summary Report Date:11/23/10 Time:09:52:24 OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL ELECTION Page:2 of 5 NOVEMBER 2, 2010 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, OHIO OFFICIAL FINAL Registered Voters 385652 - Cards Cast 188491 48.88% Num. Report Precinct 360 - Num. Reporting 360 100.00% State Representative 37th District State School Board Member - 3rd Dist. Total Total Number of Precincts 77 Number of Precincts 360 Precincts Reporting 77 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Times Counted 42843/81122 52.8 % Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Total Votes 41027 Total Votes 133647 Steven C. Byington 12429 30.29% Mark Haverkos 47094 35.24% Peggy Lehner 28598 69.71% Jeffrey J. Mims 86553 64.76% State Representative 38th District Chief Justice of Ohio Supreme Court Total (1/1/11) Total Number of Precincts 76 Number of Precincts 360 Precincts Reporting 76 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Times Counted 45586/82473 55.3 % Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Total Votes 43410 Total Votes 161394 Terry Blair 29298 67.49% Eric Brown 49375 30.59% John R. Doll 14112 32.51% Maureen O'Connor 112019 69.41% State Representative 39th District Justice of Ohio Supreme Court Judge Total (1/1/11) Total Number of Precincts 57 Number of Precincts 360 Precincts Reporting 57 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Times Counted 22958/64194 35.8 % Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Total Votes 21345 Total Votes 148336 Harlene Holland 4083 19.13% Judith Ann Lanzinger 84911 57.24% Clayton R. Luckie 17262 80.87% Mary Jane Trapp 63425 42.76% State Representative 40th District Justice of Ohio Supreme Court Judge Total (1/2/11) Total Number of Precincts 71 Number of Precincts 360 Precincts Reporting 71 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Times Counted 33003/77487 42.6 % Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Total Votes 29660 Total Votes 111160 David H. Wilson 8399 28.32% Paul E. Pfeifer 111160 100.00% Roland Winburn 21261 71.68% Court of Appeals Judge 2nd County Commissioner Dist.(2/9/11) Total Total Number of Precincts 360 Number of Precincts 360 Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Total Votes 115602 Total Votes 181151 Mary E. Donovan 115602 100.00% Dan Foley 92201 50.90% Jan Kelly 88950 49.10% Court of Appeals Judge 2nd Dist.(2/10/11) Total County Auditor Number of Precincts 360 Total Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Number of Precincts 360 Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Total Votes 113717 Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Mike Hall 113717 100.00% Total Votes 181835 Harry Bossey 84701 46.58% Karl L. Keith 97134 53.42% Election Summary Report Date:11/23/10 Time:09:52:24 OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL ELECTION Page:3 of 5 NOVEMBER 2, 2010 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, OHIO OFFICIAL FINAL Registered Voters 385652 - Cards Cast 188491 48.88% Num. Report Precinct 360 - Num. Reporting 360 100.00% Court of Appeals Judge 2nd #2 Kettering CSD - 4.9 Mills Dist.(2/11/11) Total (Additional) Total Number of Precincts 360 Number of Precincts 43 Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 43 100.0 % Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Times Counted 23982/41943 57.2 % Total Votes 102648 Total Votes 23639 Mike Fain 102648 100.00% FOR THE TAX LEVY 12679 53.64% AGAINST THE TAX LEVY 10960 46.36% Common Pleas Judge - General (1/3/11) Total #3 Oakwood CSD - 5.75 Mills Number of Precincts 360 (Additional) Total Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Number of Precincts 7 Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Precincts Reporting 7 100.0 % Total Votes 113730 Times Counted 4511/6975 64.7 % Mary Wiseman 113730 100.00% Total Votes 4461 FOR THE TAX LEVY 2816 63.12% Common Pleas Judge - General AGAINST THE TAX LEVY 1645 36.88% (Unexpired 1/4/13) Total Number of Precincts 360 #4 Springboro CSD - 6.83 Mills Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % (Additional) Total Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Number of Precincts 1 Total Votes 105137 Precincts Reporting 1 100.0 % Connie S. Price 105137 100.00% Times Counted 404/744 54.3 % Total Votes 401 Common Pleas Judge - Juvenile (1/5/11) FOR THE TAX LEVY 258 64.34% Total AGAINST THE TAX LEVY 143 35.66% Number of Precincts 360 Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % #5 Trotwood-Madison CSD - 7.5 Mills Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % (Additional) Total Total Votes 120904 Number of Precincts 21 Tony Capizzi 120904 100.00% Precincts Reporting 21 100.0 % Times Counted 7402/16190 45.7 % City Council - Trotwood (1st Ward) Total Votes 7075 (Unexpired 12/31/11) Total FOR THE TAX LEVY 3448 48.73% Number of Precincts 6 AGAINST THE TAX LEVY 3627 51.27% Precincts Reporting 6 100.0 % Times Counted 2792/5740 48.6 % #6 West Carrollton CSD - 3.25 Mills Total Votes 1935 (Additional) Total Nicole I. Johnson 1935 100.00% Number of Precincts 19 Precincts Reporting 19 100.0 % #1 Beavercreek CSD - 11 Mills Times Counted 8738/19226 45.4 % (Renewal) Total Total Votes 8558 Number of Precincts 2 FOR THE TAX LEVY 4191 48.97% Precincts Reporting 2 100.0 % AGAINST THE TAX LEVY 4367 51.03% Times Counted 646/1153 56.0 % Total Votes 635 #7 Jefferson Township LSD - 2 Mills FOR THE TAX LEVY 348 54.80% (Renewal) Total AGAINST THE TAX LEVY 287 45.20% Number of Precincts 8 Precincts Reporting 8 100.0 % Times Counted 2430/4404 55.2 % Total Votes 2367 FOR THE TAX LEVY 1375 58.09% AGAINST THE TAX LEVY 992 41.91% Election Summary Report Date:11/23/10 Time:09:52:24 OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL ELECTION Page:4 of 5 NOVEMBER 2, 2010 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, OHIO OFFICIAL FINAL Registered Voters 385652 - Cards Cast 188491 48.88% Num. Report Precinct 360 - Num. Reporting 360 100.00% #9 Montgomery Co. Human Service - #15 Local Option HUB 4-C (Q2) 6.03 Mills (Replacement) Total Frickers Total Number of Precincts 360 Number of Precincts 1 Precincts Reporting 360 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 1 100.0 % Times Counted 188491/385652 48.9 % Times Counted 672/1568 42.9 % Total Votes 184719 Total Votes 660 FOR THE TAX LEVY 129360 70.03% YES 407 61.67% AGAINST THE TAX LEVY 55359 29.97% NO 253 38.33% #10 City of Brookville - 0.25% Levy #16 Local Option KT 1-F (Q2) Kettering (Additional) Total Am Vets Total Number of Precincts 4 Number of Precincts 1 Precincts Reporting 4 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 1 100.0 % Times Counted 2311/4166 55.5 % Times Counted 528/997 53.0 % Total Votes 2269 Total Votes 514 FOR INCOME TAX 916 40.37% YES 354 68.87% AGAINST INCOME TAX 1353 59.63% NO 160 31.13% #11 Municipality of Carlisle - 2 Mills #17 Local Option KT 4-B (Q2) Capri (Replacement) Total Lanes Total Number of Precincts 1 Number of Precincts 1 Precincts Reporting 1 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 1 100.0 % Times Counted 85/145 58.6 % Times Counted 735/1512 48.6 % Total Votes 84 Total Votes 721 FOR THE TAX LEVY 47 55.95% YES 527 73.09% AGAINST THE TAX LEVY 37 44.05% NO 194 26.91% #12 Local Option CV-I (Q2) Archer's #18 Local Option KT 4-B (Q2) Meefs Tavern Total Total Number of Precincts 1 Number of Precincts 1 Precincts Reporting 1 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 1 100.0
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