TO HANDLE CORONAVIRUS, VIGILANCE IS KEY PAGE-8 (OPINION) PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT Pyithu Hluttaw convenes first day Amyotha Hluttaw holds first day meeting of 15th regular session meeting of 15th regular session PAGE-2 PAGE-2 Vol. VI, No. 286, 4th Waxing of Tabodwe 1381 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Tuesday, 28 January 2020 Pyidaungsu Hluttaw resumes with convening 15th regular session, discusses ODA loan from Poland of Myanmar. The Speaker then an- nounced approval of Hluttaw for the new currency notes. Union Legal Aid Board Sec- retary U Khin Zaw reported on the activities of his board in the past six months and implementa- tion of its eight policies, including providing legal supports regard- less of race, faith, belief, age, gen- ders and nationalities. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker invited the names of MPs who want to discuss the report. Pyidaungsu Hluttaw MPs also discussed the issue sent by the President for taking ODA loan Euro 50 million from the Gov- ernment of Poland to implement a project for debris recycling in Yangon municipal area. The motion was approved by MP Daw Ei Ei Pyone from con- stituency 8 of Ayeyawady Region and MP U Nay Kyaw from Dagon Myothit (East) constituency. Pyidaungsu Hluttaw holds the first day meeting of its 15th regular session at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Hall in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA The issue was also discussed by the other MPs — Dr Tin Tin YIDAUNGSU Hluttaw be- He also called for submit- Hluttaw MPs, including Chair- 1,000-Kyat new currency notes Win from constituency 5 of Bago Pgan the 15th regular session ting proposals of development man of Joint Committee on with better quality paper and high Region, Daw Aye Mya Mya Myo yesterday, with an extended programme for the remaining Amending the 2008 Constitution security to prevent counterfeit from Kyauktan constituency, Naw greeting by its Speaker U T Khun areas, out of the approved 324 U Tun Aung (a) U Tun Tun Hein notes after seeking approval from Hla Hla Soe from constituency 10 Myat. townships, as 113 areas have (MP of Nawnghkio constituency). the Union Government in line of Yangon Region, U Khin Cho In his opening remark, U T presented it. Deputy Governor of the Cen- with Articles 65 and 66 of the Cen- from Hlaingbwe constituency Khun Myat said the MPs to have The Speaker advised coop- tral Bank of Myanmar U Soe Min tral Bank of Myanmar. and U Nyan Linn from Shwepyi- better views and opinions for the eration of MPs in fulfilling re- explained about reports on imple- The new currency notes with tha constituency. future Union through mutual quirements for the country and menting monetary policy and sta- the picture of Bogyoke Aung San The Speaker concluded the respects and understanding in people by overcoming possible tus of financial stability between were released to public on 7 Jan- first day meeting after announc- friendly discussions as the term challenges and accomplishment April and September 2018. The uary 2020 to mark the Independ- ing the remaining discussions of second Hluttaws is about to of building a democratic federal Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker in- ence Day of the country. to be continued on the following reach four-year anniversary in union and lasting peace. vited the names of MPs who want The Deputy Governor also meetings of Pyidaungsu Hlut- coming days, expecting cooper- The Speaker also informed to discuss the reports. asked for approval of Pyidaungsu taw.— Mawsi, Myo Thu Hein ation in respective duties in line the Hluttaw about receiving the The Deputy Governor also Hluttaw as it is required to meet with relevant laws and bylaws. bills signed by 351 Pyidaungsu reported on the circulation of the Article 66 of the Central Bank (Translated by Aung Khin) INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL NATIONAL BUSINESS Ministry of Health Thai camera crew Agro exports and Sports speeds up films segments of touch US$1 bln efforts againts 2019 ‘Around the World’ in current 2019- Novel Coronavirus in Myanmar 2020 Fiscal Year PAGE-3 PAGE-4 PAGE-7 28 JANUARY 2020 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyithu Hluttaw Pyithu Hluttaw convenes first day meeting of 15th regular session THE 15th regular session of will be implemented on the ba- upgrading major rural roads Second Pyithu Hluttaw began sis of allocated budgets and in his constituency to tarred or yesterday morning, with the technical assistance of Direc- concrete roads. welcoming speech of its Speaker torate of Water Resources and Deputy Minister Dr Kyaw U T Khun Myat. Improvement of River Systems. Linn replied that the project will The session is scheduled MP Dr Than Aung Soe be implemented on the available for discussing 13 bills, tabling 3 from Minhla constituency asked budgets of Mandalay Region in motions and raising 217 aster- about the sale of railway tickets 2020-2021 financial year. isked questions. online system like for express MP U Bone Myint Aung Speaker U T Khun Myat ex- buses. from DaikU constituency asked tended a greeting on the first Deputy Minister U Kyaw for paving concrete on a road be- day, saying the needs of efforts Myo replied that the proposed tween two villages in his constit- to conform with the democrat- plan might be carried out com- uency, MP Daw Ni Ni May Myint ic norms during the period of mencing 2023-2024 financial from Taungup constituency for fledgling democratic transition year after the completion of construction of a creek crossing and the crucial role of MPs in Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat. PHOTO: MNA Yangon-Mandalay railway up- bridge in her constituency. laying a stronger foundation for grading project level (2), with Deputy Minister Dr Kyaw the country. the use of real-time information Linn also replied these ques- He also urged the MPs to are working for legislations and The Speaker also informed system. tions. work their best for prosperity checks and balances.” the Hluttaw about an extension MP Dr Sein Mya Aye from of the country and people as the The Speaker continued of Complaints and Appeals Com- Dala constituency asked about Discussions for Industrial Hluttaw have been mandated to saying that the Hluttaw MPs mittee , which was formed on 22 designing urban development Zone Bill draft the laws, and to carry out are responsible for ensuring the February 2019, to one more year plans in Dala Township and tim- In conclusion, the Pyithu their duties in line with Hluttaw Hluttaws as a stronger legis- when the committee expires on ing of decision on policy by the Hluttaw Speaker announced the laws and bylaws. lative pillar and for promoting 23 January 2020. Ministry of Construction and receiving of Industrial Zone Bill “As the term of Second democratic practices among Yangon Region government. sent by the Amyotha Hluttaw Hluttaw is about to reach four common people and he advised Asterisked Questions Deputy Minister for Con- with recommendations and years, the MPs are advised to that questions, motions and bills MP Dr Khin Soe Soe Kyi struction Dr Kyaw Linn ex- called for submitting the names review advantages and weak- should benefit to the people. from Pyay constituency asked plained that the plans will be of MPs who want to discuss the ness of previous sessions in Speaker U T Khun Myat about prevention plans for coordinated by the ministry, the bill. building capacity of the legisla- announced the record of Py- bank erosions along Nawin local government, MPs and rel- The 15th regular session tive estate,” the Speaker added. ithu Hluttaw on the oversea visit creek near the villages of Pyay evant stakeholders, matching of Hluttaw will be convened “The MPs need to perform of MP Daw Mi Kun Chan from Township. with the data collected by the on 30 January for the second regional development tasks of Paung constituency to Thailand Deputy Minister for Trans- Yangon Region government. day meeting .— Aye Aye Thant relevant constituencies to gain for a workshop on gender issues port and Communications U MP Dr Lin Lin Kyaw from (MNA) the trusts of public, while they from 13 to 16 January. Kyaw Myo replied that the plans Myitta constituency asked for (Translated by Aung Khin) Amyotha Hluttaw Amyotha Hluttaw holds first day meeting of 15th regular session THE Second Amyotha Hluttaw sic education primary school The Deputy Minister also convened its 1st day meeting (branch) to a primary school in replied to the questions. of 15th regular session yester- Aungtharyar village in Maung- Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Com- day, with an opening speech taw Township, and construction mittee member Daw Kyein Ngei of Speaker Mahn Win Khaing of a two-storey building at the Mun read out the committee’s Than, urging the MPs to per- Mawrawadi Middle School. report on amending bill for My- form the works of respective The Deputy Minister an- anmar Medical Council Law, committees in line with laws, swered that although the school sent by the Pyithu Hluttaw with bylaws and regulations and the has only 55 primary school recommendations. requirements of checks and bal- children, it will be allowed for MP U Aung Thein from ances on administrative and leg- promotion in 2020-2021 aca- Bago Region constituency 12 islative estates, in addition to demic year, and also agreed on submitted a bill for lawyer’s regular functions of the Hluttaw. construction of a new school council and advocates to the MP Dr Win Myint from building. Amyotha Hluttaw for discus- Bago Region constituency MP U Myint Naing from sions, and MP U Thein Lwin 11 asked for promoting a ba- Rakhine State constituency 5 from Kachin State constituency sic education middle(branch) Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than .
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