C tgloti #atrm irajeiil *>' iPit&ItHlieiJ b % Stuffim ttig. No. 5,894 — FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1902. P a r t I,— General: Minutes, Proclamations, Appointments, Part III.—Provincial Administration. and General Government Notifications. Part IY,—Marine and Mercantile. P a r t XI.— Legal and Judicial. Part Y.—Municipal and Local. Separate paging is given to each Part in order that it may be filed separately. Part V. — Municipal, Local, and Miscellaneous. PAGE PAGJB Proceedings of Municipal Counoils . 981 Notices affecting Small Towns ... Local Board Notices ... .1010 Notices affecting Village Communities (Gansabhawa) Road Committee Notices 1011 Unofficial Announcements ... ... !.’l010 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL NOTICES. MUNICIPALITY OF COLOMBO- Minutes of Proceedings of a General Meeting of the Municipal Council of Colombo held at the Municipal Office on Friday, October 10,1902. The Council met this day at 3 p. sc., pursuant to notice dated October 4, 1902. Present:—Mr. A. S. Pagden, Chairman ; Dr. J. L. Vanderstraaten ; the Hon. Mr. F. A. Cooper, C.M.G.; Mr.Pestonjee Dinshaw Khan ; Major A. W . de Wilton ; Mr. F. H. Grinlinton ; Mr. W . Shakspearo ; Mr. Chas. Perera ; hlr. Chas. P. Dias ; Mr. R H .M organ; Mr. Arthur Alvis ; Mr. James Pieris ; Mr. H. A. Jayewardene ; and Dr. Solomon Fernando. The Minutes of September 12,1902, having been printed, and a copy thereof having been sent to each Member of the Council, were taken as read. Mr. H. A. Jayewardene moved—That the Minutes connected with resolution No. 3 be corrected by the addition o f the words “ Messrs. Arthur Alvis, H. A. Jayewardene, C. P. Dias, and It. H. Morgan dissenting, as well as Mr. C. Perera.” M r. Arthur Alvis seconded.— Carried. 1-. Pursuant to notice, the Chairman moved—That the names o f Mr. P. D. Khan and Mf: W . Shakspeare be included m the Special Committees on which Messrs. D . W . H. Skrine and the Hon. Mr. Giles F. Walker served. Mr. R. H. Morgan seconded.—Carried. 982 P a r t V . — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE - D e c. 12,1902 2. Pursuant to notice, the Chairman moved—That the Sanitary Officer make an experiment as to the practi­ cability o f dealing with the contents of the night soil buckets bacteriologically, and that the Council authorize the immediate construction o f such experimental tanks and other appliances as the Chairman considers necessary for this purpose. The Hon; Mr. F. A. Cooper seconded.— Carried. 3. Pursuant to notice, Mr. Arthui* Alvis moved—That this Council do present to His Excellency the Governor ftii address dn his return to the Colony, and with the permission of Council amended it by the addition of the following paragraph :— “ And the necessary funds for the address and for a contribution towards a suitable reception be provided by the Council, and that a Special Committee consisting o f the Chairman, the Hon. Mr. F. A. Cooper, Mr. C. Perera, Mr. James Peiris, Mr. H. A. Jayewardene, and the mover be appointed to draft the address—three to form a quorum.” The motion as amended was seconded by Mr. C. Perera and carried. 4. The following extracts from Minutes o f Standing Committees of September 19 and October 3. 1902, were laid before the Council:— September 19,1902. (3) Letter No. 1,039 of September 5, 1902, from Superintendent of Works, forwarding a revised estimates for repairs to Lock-gate forRs. 480 and requesting a supplementary vote of Rs. 30. Approved. Work to go on. To be provided in Supplemental Budget. (4) Estimate for alterations to meat, mutton, and offal stalls, Dean’s road market, Rs. 300. Approved. Work to go on. To be provided in Supplemental Budget. (6 ) Letter No. 1,066 of September 11,,1902, from Superintendent of Works, forwarding an amended estimate for upkeep of Havelock Park for Rs. 970 and requesting a supplementary vote of Rs. 118. Approved. To be provided in Supplemental Budget. (7) Letter No. 1,068 of September 11, 1902, from Superintendent of Works, forauthority to employ a boy for the punkah in the Assistant Engineer’s room at Rs. 5 per mensem. Approved. To be provided in Supplemental Budget. (10), Papers with reference to compensation to a fisherman who met with an accident in consequence o f the blasting operations at the Cliff House quarry. Approved. Chairman may pay from the estimate if possible, otherwise to be provided in Supple­ mental Budget. (15) Supplementary vote of Rs. 100 on account of refund o f vehicles and animals tax. Approved. To be provided in Supplemental Budget. (25) Memorandum dated September 17, 1902, from Chief Clerk, applying for a supplementary vote of Rs. 500 on account of Vote 138. Approved. Complete circulation. To be provided in Supplemental Budget. (33) Letter No. 1,077 o f September 13,1902, from Superintendent o f Works, asking for a supplementary vote of Rs. 750 on account of urgent repairs. • Approved. To be provided in Supplemental Budget. Circulate with the expenditure of the last five years, i.e., votes, supplementary votes, and expenditure. (34) Statement o f expenditure in connection with the celebration of the Coronation of His Majesty King Edward V II. and Secretary’s report thereon. Resolved that the Secretary be thanked for the work he has done, and that an addition of Rs. 100 be provided in the Supplemental Budget. Chairman may pay the claims. (42) Application for additional vote for Rs. 400, cost of advertisement, Assessment Account. Approved; To be provided in Supplemental Budget. (43) Estimate for metalling Nnrahenpitiya road, Rs. 2,56410. Approved. Work to go on. T o be provided in Supplemental Budget. Circulate papers. October 3, 1902. (3) Estimate for building an open concrete drain through 255, Dematagoda, Rs. 115. Passed. Work to go on. To be provided in Supplemental Budget. (4) Estimate for an additional fish block to Colpetty market, Rs. 17-60. Passed. Work to go on. To be provided in Supplemental Budget (5) Estimate for repair o f cooly lines, Dematagoda slaughter-house, Rs. 37-95 Passed. W ork to go on. To be provided in Supplemental Budget. (6) Estimate for metalling Malay street, Rifle street to Kew road, Rs. 1,300-77. Passed. W ork to go on. To be provided in Supplemental Budget. (7) Estimate for metalling Vauxhall str eet, DawSon street to Kew road, Rs. 1,966*80. Passed.. Work to go on,' T o be provided in Supplemental Budget. (13) Application from Superintendent of Slaughter-house, Dematagoda, for a supplemental vote o f Rs. 250 on account of feeding charges. Approved. To be included in Supplemental Budget. (15) Application from Manager, Health Department, for a supplemental vote of Rs. 50 on account of Vote No. 104, Refunds. Approved. To be included in Supplemental Budget. (41) Estimate for six resters for the Dematagoda slaughter-house, Rs. 38; Approved. Work to go on. To be provided in Supplemental Budget. (42) Regulations under “ The Cemeteries and Burials Ordinance, 1899.” Approved regulations dated October 1, 1902. The vaults 8 ft. by 5 ft., 8 ft. by C ft., and 9 ft bv 7 ft, to be omitted, and only 9 ft. by 8 ft. retained. For “ Senior Officer o f Police” read “ Police Inspector,” P art V. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — D e o . 12,1902 983 (44) Application from Kalakuti, cemetery cooly, Kanatta Cemetery, for retiring allowance. Approved along service allowance o f Rs. 5 per mensem. (46) Memorandum from Secretary applying for a supplementary vote on account of Inspectors’ uniforms. The Committee approve a provision of Rs. 150 in Supplemental Budget. Chauman may ordei the necessary uniforms. (53) Clerical list and suggested appointments. , ,, __ , The Committee recommend a special allowance being given, pending the adoption o f the new Olerioal Scheme, to any officer who is deserving o f promotion, but who cannot be promoted, when there is a vacancy, by reason o f his being better fitted for his own work than that o f the post which is vacant, The Hon. Mr. F. A. Cooper moved—That the recommendations and items contained in the foregoing Minutes of the Standing Committees of September 19 and October 3,1902, be adopted. Mr. P. D. Khan seconded.—Carried. 5. Letter No. 120 o f September 17, 1902, from Colonial Secretary, with reference to the address from the Council on the occasion of His Majesty’s Coronation, was laid before the Council, having been previously printed circulated. 0. Papers regarding the rights o f the Municipal Council over Parson’s road, Kew road, and Malay street were laid before the Council, having been previously printed and circulated. Mr. James Peiris moved—That the Chairman’s action in the matter be approved and that he do take further in the matter. Mr. Arthur Alvis seconded.— Carried. 7. Papers regarding the proposal to acquire a portion of the Elie House grounds not required by Government for the purpose o f taking gravel and for a recreation ground, and papers regarding the proposal to take gravel from the portion acquired by Government, were laid before the Council, having been previously printed and circulated. 8. Application from Messrs. Delmege, Forsyth & Co. to lay a pipe line from Kochchikada to Maradana was laid before the Council, having been previously printed and circulated. Mr R H Morgan moved—That the matter be referred to a Special Committee consisting o f the Chairman, the Hon. Mr.’ F.’A. Cooper, Mr. F. H. Grinlinton, Mr. P. D. Khan, Mr. R. H. Morgan, and Mr. H. A. Jayawardene —three to form a quorum. Mr. C. Perera seconded.— Carried. 9. Application from the Inspector o f Private Buildings for increase of salary was laid before the Council, having been previously printed and circulated.
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