
Worcester Polytechnic Institute DigitalCommons@WPI Newspeak All Issues Newspeak 4-22-1980 Newspeak Volume 08, Issue 09, April 22, 1980 The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/newspeak Recommended Citation The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, "Newspeak Volume 08, Issue 09, April 22, 1980" (1980). Newspeak All Issues. Book 180. http://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/newspeak/180 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspeak at DigitalCommons@WPI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Newspeak All Issues by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@WPI. The deslgnet ol the Gosaemet Albetrosa, Dt. Paul 8. MecCtHdy, Jr., wlll be th• guest spHl<er at the 1980 Commencement ceremonies. Th• Albatross Is shown abo.-e cronlng The English Channel. Story below. The WPI Commuter The student newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Volume 8 Number 9 Tuesday, Aprll 22, 1980 'Cream of the Albatross Faculty discusses MBA crop' chosen designer program at WP/ for class of '84 is speaker by Maureen Sexton stated In the memorandum, " The ob­ by Lynn St. Germain NewspeaJc staff jective la to train managers Inter­ Newspeal< staff Dr. Paul B. MacCready, Jr., whod~ ested In applying management skills signed the first man-powered air­ In technlcally oriented organizations." craft to fly the English Channel, wlll The Department of Management's As the year comes down to an end proposed Master of Buslneaa Ad­ WPI undergraduatee would have and around campus one sees signs of give the commencement address at the option of participating In a five Worcester Polytechnic Institute. ministration (MBA) program was the Spring Fever and D term apathy, few major topic discussed at a recent fa· year dual degree program In which undergrads care to think past Spree The 112th graduation will begin at both a Bachelors and Masters degree 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 31, In culty meeting held In Klnnlcut Hall. Day, and dare not speculate about The program, If adopted, would be could be earned In a five year period. September. However, on the flrat floor Harrington Auditorium. In addition to the Master of Science Both the Management Depart­ of Boynton Hall there la a lot of talk program now offered though many ment and the CGSR have evaluated about September. As thla year ends courses would be a part of both de­ the demand and feulblllty of the pro­ the Admlaalona Office la already far In­ greee. gram, both finding the propoeed pro­ to September, working on next year's The MBA propoeal, which la out­ gram quite teulble. freshman class. lined In an Aprll 9th memorandum A demand analysis showed 66 per­ What will the Claaa of 'M be llke? from the Department of Management cent of thoee enrolled In WPI 's grad· Undoubtedfy, this year's freshmen con­ uate management program perferred tend, " they won't compare to us." It to the Faculty, would require 45 credit hour1 and operate within WPI'• the MBA over the M .S. degree, 10 ta true, the class of 'M won't be In the preeent evening education format. Ae ·percent of WPI 'a undergraduates same league as the class of '83. No, planned to pur1ue a MBA degree, next year's freshmen will be and many local companlea expressed smarter, have higher grade point No summer Interest In the propoaed program. averages and SAT'a and hopefully Twelve new courses · Computing for there wlll be more glrla than ever be­ Business, Economic Theory, Produc· fore. work-study tlon Two, New Product Development, Yet, there will be some almlllarltlea Management Science Appllcatlons, between September'• freshmen (not this year Advanced Financial Planning Models, the reclasslfled ones) and the upper­ Information and Oeclaloo Sup­ classmen.The bulk of the freshmen There will be no work study program port Systems, Industrial Marketing, wlll be trom New England and the this summer at WPI because of the Law, Management and Society and In­ Northeast and wlll major In the already Dr. Paul B. MacCready, Jr. demand put upon the funds during dependent Studies wlll be added If the crowded fields of EE, ME, and CS. the rest of the year. According to Edgar MBA program Is adopted. These new Why are next year's freshmen going MacCready, a New Haven, Conn., Heselbarth, Director of Flnanclal Aid, courses would be taught every other to be once again, better than ever? native conceived the plan and guided "the students demonstrated a flnan· year by preeent faculty members and " It's simple," explains John Brandon, the team which designed and bullt the clal need for these tunds to attend the a few new profeuora which would be Director of Admissions. " As the num­ Gossamer Albatroaa which Bryan academic year - that's the primary Integrated Into th• program gradually. ber of applicants goes up, (this year Allen succeaafully flew 23 mlles from purpose of the work study program. A motion was made that the faculty Brandon reviewed over 24'00 appllca· England to France on June 12, 1979 In The funds were used up during the approve the MBA proposal. Professor tlons), the Admissions office can afford 2 hours and 39 minutes. The aircraft's school year to assist students to at· Gerstenfleld then made a statement to be more choosy, and seek out the only power was provided by the pilot, a tend WPI. This year, for the first time, Indicating the assets of the proposed cream of the crop." 26-year-old blcycle racer, through a flnanclal aid packages for freshmen program. The MBA program, which Is However, there are unique prob· chain drive pedaling device. Include work study as well as loans unanimously supported by the lems attached to accepting the bright· McCready said that much of the suc­ and soholarshlps." Management Department, should er students. Many of these same stu­ cess of the flight of the Albatross could However, Plant Services, the Gordon strengthen both graduate and un­ dents are applying to Ivy league be attributed to the exoeptlonal struc­ Library, and the dining hall operate dergraduate programs, eventually schools, a.a well as RPI and MIT, and tural design work completed by Klrke programs during the summer that are becoming an Integrable part of the for many WPI Is not a first choice. That Leonard, WPI graduate In 1951 , not funded by the Flnanclal Aid Office present program according to Is why admissions, aeelclng a clua of formerly of Oatervllle, now of Redondo and they will be hiring during the sum· Professor Gerstenfleld. The program 580 has accepted 1150 and placed an­ Beach, Callf. mer. Also, Individual departments wlll · would Increase enrollment, but more other 200 high school aenlors on a MacOready'a feat was underwritten be hiring support staff and research Importantly Increase the quality of the (continued to pig• IJ (continued to page 8) aaalatants. (continued to page 6) NEWS PEAK TUMct.y, Aer!I 22, 1llO LETTERS Daka spends on tulips FAO forms reasonable To the editor: tlona are reviewed beginning May 1st, the milk machines as fast as he can: To the editor; On Friday. April 11, I was told that fifty percent of the appllcatlons are though the aaled bar runner wlll be Appllcatlona for financial aid because my .. attitude toward• the op­ told to find eomethlng to do when he still Incomplete, despite the paalng for the 1~1981 academic year eration was poor" that I wu being let has a five mlntute break from filling of three months time. Secondly, a review were dlatrlbuted to the WPI mall­ of a student's expenses and reeoorcee go. To put It bluntly, I was fired from • crocka becuee the flow rate has de­ boxea of current financial aid r• daka because of my attitude. I was creaaed. The attitude of the manag• Is helpful not onJy In showing what ooeta clplents In the Class of 1981, 1982, a student wlll be faced with, but aleo somewhat surprised to learn that de· ment seems to have become, "let's and 1983 by Monday, January 28,1980 make absolutely aure the workers are to Instill an awareneea of the neceealtiel votion and aupport of company policy (the beginning of Term C80). Attached earning the money they are getting of budgeting, anticipating P«80nal and the company ltaelf was partly to the application a note paid and that we (the company) aren't packllg88 was coeta and reviewing how ooets were what I was getting paid to do. Informing atudents that the application getting ripped off'·, becauae then met In the current yeer. The point of In­ First. to make It clear to those who forrna would be collected during a two am again, you can't poaslbly trust a crazy dicating to a student their bud­ might think otherwlae, I not writ· week period (March ~7 and 1().14 ). college student. I can't say for sure get was above a certain planned tng thla letter out of flfa of anger at The amount of time between the begin­ that thla la the definite attitude of the expen188 ooula not the manager - he may be doing the ning of Term C80 and Marcil 3 Is six be covered, management, but then they can't aay even though those expenses may belt fob he knows how - or the com­ weeks, almost all of Term C80. During be pany. I to write It after being what my definite attitude toward• a reality to Individual student. ln­ decided this six week period, studenta had the an the operation la.
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