B^BBBB^HBBVHiflBBHflVHfeBWBkflBB^fllflVJBiBBBk LXVII, Volume Number TWO Davidson College,Davidson. N.C. 28036 September 15, 1978 Code *" College Httfej? '- -rma HK 4j closes - H^HHMHMRW readied J^BaH^BBnflKTsHffnK ByDONALDCALDWELL Asst. « I B^KfllflH bVMEHM^B^BB^BBB^b1 WDAV's News box Editor - For the first time in its 141 mi -»* >k IBflfltf9 HBHHl "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^rb^b ByDENNISMCLAWHORN year history, Davidson College NewsEditor "* . - may soonhave acomprehensive— ■mHbVbmHbTJbT^ When WDAV Publications Director Rob Payne went to the Codeof Faculty Evaluation. post office to pick up the station's mail Saturday morning, he In last Friday's scheduled PMBHMNHH ' found the box not only empty,but closed. meeting, S m&^^mMf - Upon officials, the Professional Af- fHHI m^BmXzfr-bhbbkmbV tA B^BwWiB questioningpostal WDAV staff members fairs Committee (PAC) consi- ■ t *■■*_"* discovered thatMarthaRoberts, Assistant Director of Communi- s 1 afl Rr ' - dered and recommended further BBk 4t ■ HLu. im^bL v cations had closed the post office box Fridav afternoon. W yBBTJ^B^Bi^BM Bite, in the proposedCode. fltfttt. According to General Mana- about how it looked from the This draft,the document's ' ger Carrington Thompson, the pbst office point of view and icond, is being revised by / v^^^B^B^B^BI ©Hii WDAV staff was not notified tianges '■# >a$iAXSviiH^9v3^BEBfiCEBiEM Br '^iNHHHMOTII^B decided to have all the mail cademic Vice-President and delivered to the College's Com- Dean of Faculty Price Zimmer- see munications Department. mann and was to be focus released * * "Students getting t B * ■'■ this morning. ' a* ■■■- **,,■ - mbbbMHbVi- pp. 4&5 ■■ mail," "* I dB "--— blamed for lost Roberts Professor of History Brown continued. Patterson, who was elected prior to the Administration's She explained that the box said, PAC chairman Friday, com- action. He "(Director of closing "takes die pressure off WDAV) mented, "There were no major Don Lovell had talked the students." * ' to before, differences between the draft ■ ■■ — me a few days and S&E&hBbI bh\ ■■■ »-*■■■ Thompson said the station's suggested and our recommendations. We we have one person post office box ispaid for outof did make some changes and I pickup the mail. the $6000 allocated to WDAV "The next thing Iknew the ' feel weare fairly near beingable (see College, page 8) finish the Code." boxwas shut down." « Patterson alsonoted that the Lovell said the box closing new draft will go before the was "strictly a business move. entire faculty at its Tuesday We'reabusiness,nota student Kresge meeting,rather than before the activity now." PAC. Lovell asserted that the con- Regardinga timetablefor the solidationof the station's mail- awards Code's completion, he added, boxes, with all of the mail "This might be the final draft. presently going through the of $200,000 If we do have problems we College's Department Com- hadn't anticipated we will have munications, alleviates the con- ByMARKBARRETT plentyof timefor consideration. fusion of sorting WDAV mail. StaffWriter sent to We don't want to curtail at- WDAV mail was being The S.S. Kresge Foundation to tempts atfurther improvements different boxes according has given Davidson College a addressed, or modifications." BB^BRwBBBBflMB bIH flrBlBBnHBWSv how it was causing $200,000challenge grant to be mail, In an interview Wednesday, delays and loss of accor- used for construction of the Zimmerman talked about the ding to Lovell. plannedCollegeCommons. Pre- changeshe made in his original Lovell said two checks al- sident Spencer made the an- draft as a result of PAC and legedly sent to the College, one nouncement Wednesday. student recommendations. earlier in the summer and one Inorder toreceive themoney, Asked about religious wor- last week, were lostin themail. Davidson must match it by dingin the old draft which met He stressed, however, that raisingan equal amount.The with opposition, Zimmermann the lost checks did not directly Commons, scheduled for com- said,"We'vesmoothedover the prompt the box closing, but pletionin 1980, will be the new language and have brought it that the fact that the station is eating facility for freshmen and complete conformity in receiving money necessitated independent upperclassmen. the move. According to Duane Ditt- tto>rd as well as inspirit. There TOGA. TOGA.TOGA All it took was a sheet, a seaman's cap, Lovell gave the problem to man, Vice President is nothingthat would bea block and a clarinet for Senior Steve Lewis to add a little pep to last for De- Roberts, requesting that she velopment, the College Com- to a non-Christian." Saturday's football game.He andother PepBand members have solve it. mons willbedesignedtotake Moreover,he mentioned that become as much a feature ofDavidson's athletic encountersas the on Roberts commented, "I Richards and Bailey Houses' i"largesections of it wererewrit- teams themselves. Irv Wilson tenby thePAC." Among these talked with the postmaster present function. wasa condensation,from 6 to 3, Drop-Add in the number of criterion areas Over that wouldguide the review of a faculty member. Zimmermann pointedout that this is a "more Registration ills bedevil concise" draft of the document. students "In many cases the Code ByCHARLES ERWIN Responsibility. for Special Studies, which only offers called for theDean tosolicit the NewsEditor This is just one small part of the entire seminars and independent studies, make it advice of tenured members of College Registrar Richard Burts said registration problem which faculty mem- harder for the so-called average student to the department in reviewing yesterday he believes some students have bers say has bedeviled the campus for get his courses. professors. Tenured' has been been buying and selling their courses several years. Itgoes far beyond add-drop "From an enrollment point of view, yes droppedin those phrases." duringdrop-add. itself. it's a drain— it's expensivein many ways. TheAcademic Vice-President Asked whether he thought students who "What'snotworkingisnotdrop-add;it's TheCenter is a calculated risk the College alsonoted thedeletion of "phy- were desperate to get certain courses ever theoriginalregistration,"observed English hasstructured,but we think thereought to sical vigor" as a criterion for offered or agreed topay cash to get them, Professor Anthony Abbott. A.lot of beplaceslike that,"said Burts. consideration. Burts,said,"Yes sir— Ican't document it, students sign up for courses they do not Asked why the College has failed to In commenting on the stu- but I've heard it enough to believe it's get,toput it simply. increase the number of professors to make dent role in the on-going deli- true." Abbott suggested one of the basic upfor the k>w-ceilinged seminars, Zimmcr- berations, SGA Vice-President Burts speculated the amount of money reasons forthisis thatmoreseminarywhich mann retorted that the faculty is actually John Jackson said. "We have changinghands is around $10, adding that occupy a professor's time.with only a few larger this year. been hesitant to get completely in his opinion this is no violation of the students when they might otherwise be "We are committed to -a 13 to 1 involved,as it involves mainly Honor Code. teaching 30,have been offered in recent student-faculty ratio,"he explained. thefaculty and the administra- Academic Vice President Price Zimxher- years, but the faculty has not been, Despite this. Dean of Students Will tion. We realize that we don't mann said he was unaware of any courses increased proportionately. , | Terryearlier stated that, while thenumber have the ability to assess the being sold,but that ifit really is going on, Burts agreed with this assessinjfcfc. of Davidson students has grown markedly competence of instructors." he considers it a violation of the Code of adding that programs such as the Center (see Terry, p«g« 2) September 15,1978 -2- / Grrv csiiis tor morG couro"w lu w«o y daysa weekinthe afternoon,an initial registration period, than Some of the things which he classes in the afternoon, stretch would saidtraditionally there hourand-a-half at a decide they rather tab has already done include mo- Burts bis entirely different in the kurt decade, the number been an unwritten rule each session. Conceivably, things during vingsomepredominently fresh- has science drop-add. ofcourseshas stayedabout the against scheduling classes in students can take a ment cUssei to 1 p.m., when Monday same— creating sect of an aca- afternoon, due to possible course with a lab. Burts said whenhe talkedto mostupperclassmenare oating, the de- someof them it demic logjam. conflicts with science labs, and Althoughhe originally becameobvious so that therest of theclass day as they were "We have increased,but we that for thisand other reasons, scribed the course to Burts not serious about winbe leascrowded by courses. experiment." Ratliffsaidhe their original schedules. have not increased the number" computer print-out in many department chairmen "an This offering, said A to see real advan- clogs up the whole process, ofcourses we're Burts' office clearly that failed tocomply. has begun ha Terry. shows said, and sometimes keeps many students do not get the But he argued that now tagesinit. quick to point out do the first place, he said it those students who are Terry was courses they want,not because two-thirds of the students In serious the fall add-drop have., during a students to have more from gettingtheir courses. that term the courses are filled up, but not even labs allows , period Tuesday "" material to sink in But whatever . which ended because there are time conflicts given term. time for his combinationof have longer factors contribute to with an estimated 2500 course another class the student "There's an attitude that and,secondly, they registra- beenmade, with tion difficulties,itis transactionshaving already received.
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