HEALTH FOR ALL TAIWAN CAN HELP Clarion Call he global outbreak of coronavirus, for many to better understand and fully appreci- fi rst reported in the Chinese city of ate the ways Taiwan Can Help. CLARION CALL 03 Wuhan late last year, is presenting Necessity is the mother of invention. Taiwan the international community with has taken the spirit of this proverb to heart, HEALTH NEWS 04 an unprecedented array of economic, medical, using it to shape a policy applied with great vim political and social challenges. Taiwan, on the and vigor to coronavirus-fighting efforts. When 08 T LEADING BY EXAMPLE front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic less signs first surfaced of atypical pneumonia cases INTERVIEW BY OSCAR CHUNG than 130 kilometers from China, is not immune. in Wuhan, the Ministry of Health and Welfare In fact, the country is soldiering on outside (MOHW) and Centers for Disease Control 12 EXPANDING OUTREACH the support network of the World Health (CDC) drew on the country’s deep experience Reprinted from January / February 2020 issue of Taiwan Review BY KELLY HER Organization (WHO). with severe acute respiratory syndrome and This wholly unsatisfactory state of affairs immediately took action. NEW LEASE ON LIFE 18 is the direct result of China’s refusal to allow This included carrying out onboard health BY MEG CHANG Taiwan a voice in the WHO. Despite a highly inspections of passengers returning from Wuhan, touted National Health Insurance system and fever screening of arrivals, and contact, occupation BORDERLESS CARE 20 a long track record of successful cross-border and travel assessments. Other measures comprised medical initiatives benefiting people of all eth- implementing mandatory reporting of severe nicities, the country remains shut out of the U.N. clinical cases by health care facilities and height- specialized agency on political grounds. Such a ened protective equipment standards for at-risk blinkered and politically motivated approach, medical personnel, as well as raising awareness of which threatens the health and well-being of prevention measures among travelers and keeping Taiwan’s 23 million people, makes no sense when the public abreast of the latest related develop- the international family of nations needs to come ments via TV and social media platforms. together in combating coronavirus and realizing What was perceived at the time as an aggres- Health For All. sive strategy by the MOHW and CDC saved Despite receiving a cold shoulder from the lives and is now known globally as the Taiwan WHO, Taiwan is warmly embraced by allies and Model. It also opened the door for the country like-minded partners, as well as governmental to collaborate closely with natural allies on coro- and nongovernmental bodies acting honestly, navirus vaccine development and studies through openly and transparently in the best interests of Academia Sinica—Taiwan’s foremost research those they represent. ese countries and groups institution—and share surgical masks, forehead are rallying to a noble cause, voicing support for thermometers, gloves, goggles, gowns, rapid test- Taiwan and the need for its meaningful participa- ing kits and other equipment. Agreements with tion in the activities, mechanisms and meetings of nations the world over regarding donations and the WHO like the 73rd World Health Assembly exchanges of such essential medical items have (WHA) scheduled for May 17-21 in Geneva. generated widespread media coverage, winning The unprecedented backing comes from all the country even more friends abroad. COVER DESIGN BY LIN CHIEN-JU corners. Leaders, lawmakers, medical experts, With the COVID-19 pandemic showing no media pundits, activists and celebrities are among sign of abating, cooperation, friendship, support, Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a growing legion acknowledging Taiwan as a trust and unity are just what the doctor ordered Republic of China (Taiwan) 2 Ketagalan Blvd., Taipei 10048, Taiwan, ROC beacon of freedom, democracy, human rights to allow the world to heal. It is long past time for http://www.mofa.gov.tw and rules-based order, as well as a force for good the WHO to heed the clarion call of the interna- Catalog Card No.: MOFA-EN-BL-109-001-I-1 in the world. Sadly and regrettably, it took the tional community and give Taiwan a seat at the ■ First edition, C15 May 2020 COVID-19 pandemic to create the conditions WHA table. 3 Health News Taiwan’s eff orts managing coronavirus earn international acclaim Taiwan’s eff ective coronavirus-fi ghting eff orts have earned acclaim across international media, featuring in articles from 243 outlets and spotlighting growing support worldwide for the country’s inclusion in the activities, mechanisms and meetings of the World Health Organization (WHO), according to the Ministry of Foreign Aff airs World leaders praise Taiwan’s eff orts (MOFA) March 6. In an article titled “ e Coronavirus Outbreak: fi ghting coronavirus How Democratic Taiwan Outperformed Authoritarian China” in e Diplomat, Victor Pu said Taiwan has shown the world the Taiwan’s use of timely, transparent and high-tech methods to best defense against disease is free fl ow of information. Taiwan’s combat coronavirus has earned praise from the leaders of allies success comes despite continued shutout from the WHO as noted and like-minded partners around the world, according to the by David Keene in his piece headlined “Playing coronavirus politics: Ministry of Foreign Aff airs (MOFA) March 24. New Zealand China puts Taiwan and world at risk” in e Washington Times. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said in an interview March He said Taiwan has abundant experience and expertise stemming 15 that when it comes to coronavirus, the country intends to from the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak, adding that in the face of COVID-19, China should no closely follow the “Taiwanese model.” She cited guidelines for longer block Taiwan’s membership of the global body. Other editorials, opinion pieces and stories have been published mass gatherings, which she believes have been instrumental in by media outlets including e Guardian and e Edinburgh Reporter from the U.K.; Le Monde and TourMag. helping prevent community spread of the disease. is follows com, France; International Aff airs Review, India; Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland; Fodor’s Travel, Canada; Getaway, South Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech March Africa; and e Star, St. Lucia. According to the MOFA, a growing chorus backing Taiwan’s inclusion in the WHO is 14 at his Jerusalem offi ce, where he announced intentions to use similar technological methods as those implemented testament to the country’s contributions to global public health. e government will continue working with allies and by Taiwan to track the virus’s spread. Nicaragua Vice President Rosario Murillo also announced March 11 that the like-minded partners to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the ministry added. Central American ally will ask for advice on disease-fi ghting measures from Taiwan’s ambassador to the country. In a Time magazine article published March 18 titled “Taiwan Has Been Shut Out of Global Health Discussions. Its Participation Could Have Saved Lives,” former Denmark Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen described the country’s application of big data, centralized command and clear messaging as highly eff ective, adding that the MOFA thanks UK lawmakers for President Tsai signs COVID-19 relief act World Health Organization needs Taiwan at the table. Approval also came from offi cials, lawmakers and medical supporting Taiwan A bill aimed at professionals of diplomatic allies Belize, Paraguay, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, as well as like- A letter by 55 U.K. lawmakers sent to the World mitigating any minded partners in Argentina, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Panama, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Health Organization (WHO) expressing grave impact from Switzerland, Venezuela, the Netherlands, the U.S., the U.K. and the European Parliament. concern over its unfair treatment of Taiwan is highly the COVID- appreciated, according to the Ministry of Foreign Aff airs 19 outbreak was (MOFA) March 4. Signed by Lord Rogan and Martin signed into law Vickers—co-chairs of the British-Taiwanese All- by President Tsai Partnerships to combat COVID-19 agreed with 蔡英 Party Parliamentary Group—and 53 other lawmakers Ing-wen ( US, EU 文 from both houses of the British Parliament, the letter ) Feb. 25 at Taiwan will work with the U.S. and EU to combat COVID- urges WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom the Presidential 19, spotlighting the country’s commitment to sharing its Ghebreyesus to correct the global body’s wrongful Offi ce in Taipei expertise with like-minded partners, according to the Ministry classifi cation of Taiwan as under China’s jurisdiction. City, reaffi rming the government’s commitment to of Foreign Aff airs (MOFA) March 19. e Taiwan-U.S. Joint e WHO’s erroneous reports regarding the COVID- ensuring public health while maintaining social and Statement on a Partnership against Coronavirus signed by 19 outbreak are impeding timely information exchanges, economic stability. Eff ective retrospectively from Jan. 吳釗燮 MOFA Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu ( ) and American the lawmakers said, noting that Taiwan’s experience 15 and running through June 30, 2021, the relief act Institute in Taiwan Director Brent Christensen March 18 and expertise in dealing with health emergencies could comprises 18 articles providing compensation, subsidies states that both sides will share best practices and collaborate be of great value to the international community. e and tax breaks for businesses, individuals, medical on activities including R&D of rapid testing kits, medicines sentiment was shared by Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, institutions, schools and other organizations aff ected and vaccines; contact tracing techniques and technology; minister of state for the Commonwealth and the U.N., by COVID-19.
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