McManus The Air To-day BRINGING UP FATHER By rtw GO'NG TO TAKE A»BAP iM 1 Gis/t Kie Mr CABIN AND TO 6E “iUW TM«e« HOLYOKE SMITH TO GIVE TOO OOrsIT MiNCU VJlTH card* CLUB TO SING TALK TODAY THl CREW- I'M COlMC To AM TOu I'M- HAibfc TOW LOCK TOO IM- TOLD ME TWO BITS »ri' of Mount Holyoke Alfred E. Hmlth, former cover* TMli VvAJIA TAKS TWO college" In which nor of New York and democratic pleasure S CARD* YACHT- forma an Integral part of the candidate ror president In 1323, will be the during the curriculum, will be held in the speaker all off broadcast of the National Demo- of seven concerts flffh of a eerie* cratic Forum program over the I'M LOCKED by the glee clubs and choirs of the WABC-Columbla network from feeding women's colleges of the 2:JO to 1:00 p. m., E8T. to-day. His subject will be "The Home country, to be broadcast over Rule Plan as Applied to the Eight- WABC and a nationwide Columbia eenth Amendment." network Monday, February 2», The broadcast will originate in of Dem- from 3:45 to 4:00 p., m., KST. the ballroom the National ocratic club. New York city. For- Picked voices from the ensemble mer Governor Smith will be Intro- direc- of 100 members, under the duced to radio listeners by Judge tion of Dr William Churchill Ham- Cornelius F. Collins, of general is of mond, head of the department of sessions court, who chairman in this music at Mount Holyoke college the committee charge of aeries broadcasts over and director of the Glee Club, will of presented the WABC-Columbla chain. THE NEW FANGLES (Mom’n Pop) Old Timer! Wood Cowan offer a varied program of carols. By In the concert to be broadcast, the Glee Club will first present "Aye Waukln O'." a celebrated old 220 1330 POP, I WANT SIT DOWN. SHE'S Scottish air, the first verse of which Meters WDRC Kilocycles T INTRODUCE VOU OUTDOORS PLACING WITH Burns. wgs written by Robert Hartford TO AN OLD ONE OF THE NEIGHBOR’S "Pan's Holiday," a composition by FRIEND OF LITTLE CHILDREN. I*LL late of Dr Frank Bridge, orgunist — 5:00—Eddie Duchin's Central MINE CALL HER Westminster Abbey, will follow: Park orchestra. the first half of the program and 5:30—Melody Mart. will be concluded with “The Nuns 5:45—Ross Gorman's Dlltmore of a carol dating from St Mary's,” orchestra. taken from the old Chester 1327, 6:00—Freddie Martin’s Bossert Mystery Plays. orchestra. arranged by E. A composition 6:30—Oilie Swenson and Pete Geer of Vassar College, Harold Johnson. heard last week In the who was 6:45—Connie vocalist. concert broadcast over the Boswell, Vassar 7:00—“The Political Situation in network, entitled "Hark! Columbia Washington To-night” — will the second Bethlehem” open Frederic William Wile. An old folk part of the program. 7:15—Bing Crosby. "The Keel Row” will next song, 7:30—The Bright Spot. be heard, and the program will end In 7:45—Morton Downey. Anthony with the presentation of "Love Lefebvre Wons, Jacques Renard’s or- Brlttanv,” by Channing chestra. church and di- organist of Trlntty and Glee club 8:00—Fray Bragglotti, piano rector of the University duo. In New York city. 8:15—Abe Lyman’s band, glee club, comedy team, concer- tina player. 282.8 ,0*° 8:30—Hoosier Editor—Frederick WTIGVV 1 1U Meters Kilocycles Landis. WASH TUBBS The Missing Door! By Crane Hartford 8:45—Vaughn De Leath, contral- to. home forum 9:00—Cocoanut Grove orchestra. 12:00—Farm and 'ATS SURE I SWEARS YA DID r»RiEDA service with 9:30—Smith Rrothers. \ TOO, SPORT, OH/ WE'RE ONW LOST. 'fLl V) WE been examining good meamens*. \ ivl.vovrt Agricultural 9:45—Arthur Jarrett, vocalist. FUfJNY. I’P 'N‘ rr WAS RIGHT ABOUT HERE. LOOK AROUND THE W RETURNS. brass band, concert. OTHER ] The wall 'N' CAN'T WHAT TOCS IT \nowlv. Echoes Jo- 10:00—Columbia's Public Affairs SWEAR I LOOKING 19 |o_Blue Iloom tWEM FIND A CRACK MEAN, fc\P? WA’AM. director. Institute. h Blume, LEFT PALE AND seph 10:30—Music that Satisfies. COULD WOLEG MiG'S WE’RE OVtt/. Five—Hen Ber- SECRET 1:10—Rhythm 10:45—Jack Miller and his or- WORRIED. —'* VT OES director. WEN OH, DEM*! man, chestra. POOR. OPEN./ WE game protective VOU DON'T WEANS 2:30—American 11:00—Don Redmon's Connie Inn 1 ■ talk. SUPPOSE’THEY—? HAG To hanjos—Austin orchestrn. NEW -2:15—Whispering 11:30—Knrlc Madrlguera’s Cuban EtND A Scrivener, director. WAN Conservatory of Hlltmore orchestra. OUT, ”2:330— Hartford ALL- Music recital. ir i: ^AK’S .3:00—Knights of Melody. 349 860 concert. WABC 3:30—Saturday Matinee Meters Kilocycles New York 4:00—Silent. w'ltns a. is_WTIC synchronized 660 k.c. (See WEAK on 5:00—Duchln orchestrn. WEAF for program). 5:30—The Witching Hour. 1:00 a. m.—Silent. 5:45—Vivien Ruth, songs. 6:00—Martin's orchestra. 6:30—lielasco orchestra. 6:45—Connie Meters WEAF Kilocycles Roswell, songs, New York 7:00—The Political Situation In Washington To-night — Charles G. Ross. 5:15- -Sklppy—Sketch 7:15—Ring Crosby, songs. r.:50- -Cuckoos—Sketch. 7:30—Lombardo music. -Dandles of Yesterday. 5:45- 7:45—Morton Downey, Room orchestra. tenor; BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Who Did? Martin 6:00- ■Hcrt Renard's orchestra. By ■ orchestra. 6:45- Funk 8 :00—Kray and Hraggtotti, piano 7:00- -To be announced. Date team. 7:15- -Legal Effect of Fixing c*o«. x vvgorf. ojt c* Voo vom.—ONE of One 8:15—Lyman's hand. THERE S. two of Wedding Beyond wore'. VOOTT A ^>WE.£T OA«rt«> GOT TAKf OVWrtOMO '. VOO TMWE.'E. GOT Archer. 8:30—Hoosler Editor, Frederick tot -Gleason L. \V* MV HUNCH THE.V — — Year- Landis. V\V_’ VUKVMMt T*' WVO GOT fs VWSVfJ Ofc(S\_ GOT YOU ST GMT Alice Joy, contralto; Van VNOW VEENW MORE. GOT 7:10— 8:45—Vaughn De I.eath, songs. *»' x'm oks w*> *>\oe , •aa. ? OOMTCWS GWt Loan's orchestra. xou TEAH IV. VMOTO V^ 60 9:00—Rand concert. fcfcOOT TH\<b NFEIHR. OV» ? 7:4 fi- The Goldbergs—Sketch. Lambert and TAKVl TWfcVVJfc ToW> tt'^EU. TAW; WE. Civic concert. 9:30—Scrappy Billy le 00- •Chicago CANE. ‘bVENCE THAT Advisory Council Hlllpot, songs; Novelty or- 6:30- -National chestra. K TOR AOA Radio In Education; VOCVC.E.T ? on 9:45—Arthur Planning— 1'rof- Jarrett. songs. Business 10:00—Debate: Khali the Epstein, University Congress Ralph Knact the American Legion of Buffalo; Animal Drives Carl J. war- National Defense Program ? —professor —Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, of Columbia unlver- den negative; Father Joseph affirmative. band; Revelers I.onergan, 0:00—•Pryor’s 10:30—Khllkret orchestra; Ale* quartet. bari- Gray, baritone. 9:30- Harold Van Emburgh, orchestra. 10:45—Jack Miller, songs. tone; Wlrges’ 11:00—Redman orchestra. orchestra; Walter 10:00— Dance 11:30—Madriguera’s orchestra. Winchell. 12:00—Lombardo orchestra. Harris, songs. 11:00- Marlon 12:30 rn.—Stern organ. a. orchestra. 11:16- •Jesse Crawford, 1:00—Klesle orchestra. orchestra. 11:30- •Vallec 1:30—Roulaneor orchestra. 12:00- ■ Ralph Kirbery. songs. s or- IVOR. Newark—710k 12:05 „ n)—Coon-Sanders 5:00—Winter orchestra. chestra. 5:30—French Course — Dr Thatcher Clark. 395 780 6:00—Uncle Don. FRECKLES Freckles Has An Idea! By Blosser Meters WJZ Kilocycle* 6:30—Sports talk. New York 6:45—Uxcitlng Electricity—Allan Rroms. 7:00—Dave -> i—Dance, band. Franklin, songs. 5:00 7:1 5—Merger's orchestra. SOSH...TWATS PISHT... \NeLL,yoO UMoW I H*/£ I'Ll. GET ybo back to I4JOV* that FELLOW 5:15 •America at Work. ..-AM' IF IT ISN'T ASkivJ' Too you Annie. 7:45—Jarr Family—Sketch. *= 5:45 Little Orphan A H00S£ OUER. OKI CURSokJ ST. ITS BC6U SMPiy ■>bOa ROOH\ KJONK AMD GO WE 8:00—Little orchestra; KAUCH OF ■jOU. DOCTOR, I'D THAT SANJ LiSTEMIMS Raising Junior. Symphony His OMSK TO 6:60- For Rjp /VOMTHS...VPIJOW, ITS HARD Tb REMT AKl THIS PLACE OF TH£ ■ orchestra. Mary DIttler. piano; Philip LIKE ■Jtso to set it OPTSloe VIKIDOVJ ?? 6:1 > Van Stecden James, conductor. OLD Llk£ THAT«= OHDER THE STOW/ 'tfJUKS IM THE MORMlMG.. v Kay Perkins, songs. AMD WAND IT OVER TO HOUSe FLOOR. NMCLL...I ear A </ !6:3 Speedway. HUtiCH ■Sylvia Froos, songs. 9:00—Melody IF PULL Tout>/\ AS LOMG AS THE MOWS/ vf.;4« 9:45—Wood orchestra. /AES. BEDFIELD...NOBODY OF 1H6 8ACP ROOAA >OU yjU AMP X WILL SO 7:00- Arnos ’n' Andy. IM 9:45—To be announced. THE RUS FROfA THE FAR SIDE OLD MAK» MAS BEEM ITS WIDIMS OMER 7:15 Mathilde Harding, piano; ELSE KNlOU/S ABOUT BACP Tb THAT Moose Birkenholz. violin. 10:15—Jack Arthur, baritone. PLACE ALL THIS IT'LL Arcadio THE WlDlWS PLACE.... of the vjiwdov/, yxi'LL see a board MELUMSER, TIME, RlfiHT ANMAy....AKl‘ SAy -Coon-Sanders orchestra. 10:45—Globe Trotter. , BE SAFE OKIE '7:30 weather. MARRED VJITH AVJ‘X'.... LIFT THAT MORE To The Sleeper—Sketch. 11:00—Time; AS VMS N01H1M’ AMyeopy J):00 11:02—Dance orchestra. nisht. Jt: 30 Kelvin's orchestra. Board up ahp,ih a 11:30—Woodworth orchestra. kMow 0 (I ■Minstrel show.
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