as 2,695,215 United States Patent Office Patented Nov. 23, 1954 1. 2 slurry of sulfur in sodium hydroxide, or to a solution of sodium sulfide or polysulfide, or to an aqueous mass 2,695,215 containing a mixture of such reagents. Although the PRODUCTION OF CHROMUM OXDE chromium compound used may be either the chromate, the dichromate or mixtures of the same, superior re William A. Pollock, Allentown, Pa., assignor to C. K. sults are obtained when a mixture of about 14 to 18 per Williams & Co., East St. Louis, Ill., a corporation of cent of the former with about 82 to 86 per cent of the Delaware latter are used. The reaction is ordinarily carried out at elevated temperatures up to those at which the re No Drawing. Application May 16, 1950, O action mass boils. Serial No. 162,397 In accordance with a special feature of the invention, the alkalinity of the chromium hydroxide-sodium thio 5 Claims. (Cl. 23-145) sulfate reaction mass is reduced to a level approaching neutrality. It has been ascertained that the shade of the This invention relates to the production of chromium 5 chromium oxide ultimately obtained is lightened by this oxide and more particularly to the manufacture of chro adjustment and pigments in greater commercial demand mium oxide pigments by the reduction of sodium chro will result. This step, which also increases yields, can mate or dichromate and calcination of the reduced be accomplished simply by the addition of sulfuric acid product. or other suitable acid. If the alkalinity is not changed a It has heretofore been proposed that chromium oxide 20 shade of green is obtained of limited commercial value. be produced by this general process through steps in In its broadest adaptation, the invention is applicable volving reducing sodium chromate with sodium sulfide to the production of chromium oxide from any slurry of or with sulfur or with either or both in the presence of chromium hydroxide no matter what the source. The sodium hydroxide, next washing with water to remove simple addition to the slurry of sodium thiosulfate in the sodium thiosulfate formed as well as other impuri 25 any desired amount forms a suitable reactant for the ties from the chromium hydroxide colloidal precipitate second reduction reaction. formed, and finally calcining the chromium hydroxide. In accordance with this second or main step of the These processes have several disadvantages including es present invention, the reaction mass or specially pre pecially the expense in recovering the sodium thiosulfate pared slurry containing the chromium hydroxide, so due to the difficulty in separating the same with various 30 dium thiosulfate and generally also various salt im other impurities from the chromium hydroxide which is purities is reacted with an additional quantity of a sodium in a semi-gelatinous condition. This purification step chromate compound which may either be in the form of requires large equipment and takes much time. These a concentrated solution or in the form of crystals, the prior processes generally must sacrifice yields for the amount of the lattter used being preferably sufficient to sake of high quality in the final pigment. 35 react with most but not all of the sodium thiosulfate The purpose of the present invention is to provide a present in the reaction mass. The resulting mass in dry process which is more practical and economical than to-moist condition containing the two chromium re such prior processes. Specifically, an object is to pro action products, sodium sulfite and impurities is then vide a straight line production method for preparing subjected to a calcination in any suitable furnace which chromium oxide using conventional handling means. 40 may be of the reverberatory, muffle or rotary type. Another is to reduce the quantity of and utilize the by The first reduction reaction is believed to proceed in products formed. accordance with the course indicated by the following Another object is to eliminate the above mentioned equation: hereinbefore required difficult and costly pre-calcination A steps employed for the purification of the chromium com 45 NaOH -- 12S -- 4NaCrO4.4H2O -- 2Na2Cr2O7.2H2O -) pounds and by-product recovery. Additional objects are to reduce the time consumed in the process and to According to publisher reports the sodium hydroxide and produce a product which can be calcined at relatively low sulfur form sodium sulfide initially which in turn reacts temperatures and therefore at lower cost. with the chromates. Still another object of importance is to provide a proc 50 ess for producing various shades of chromium oxide by The second reduction reaction is believed to proceed simple manipulation of the process not requiring any in accordance with the following equation: substitution of different chromium salt raw materials. In a preferred embodiment, the present invention in volves the production of chromium oxide by first re 5 5 ducing sodium chromate with sodium sulfide thereby Since the sodium sulfite formed is itself a reducing forming a reaction mass containing chromium hydroxide agent for the chromate, an amount of chromate in excess and sodium thiosulfate, next reacting sodium chromate of that which will react with the thiosulfate may be added with most if not all of the sodium thiosulfate therein, and additional hydrated chromium oxide will be pro thereby forming hydrated oxide of chromium in the re duced. This modification, however, is not as efficient action mass containing the chromium hydroxide and then 60 as when the lesser amount of the chromate is employed. calcining the mixed reaction product to produce the chromium oxide. To bring about the reaction of the First reduction reaction thiosulfate the alkalinity of the reaction mass must be In accordance with a preferred procedure, an emulsion reduced and, as hereinafter disclosed in the specific ex 65 is prepared by heating together sulfur (325 mesh), so ample, it is preferably accomplished by adding an acid dium hydroxide, and water in an amount sufficient to and sodium dichromate (an acid salt). This oxide pig permit adequate agitation and to provide a mass suit ment may then be easily purified and prepared as a pig able for pumping to the vessel in which the reaction is ment by dissolving out the soluble salts, drying and to take place. This emulsion is satisfactorily produced by grinding. 70 heating 4,000 pounds of sulfur with 350 pounds of sodium For the production of the chromium hydroxide in ad hydroxide together with the required amount of wa mixture with sodium thiosulfate, the invention broadly ter. This mass is heated to 170° to 180° F. and trans contemplates any of the known processes described in ferred to a large precipitation vessel. the art. These processes inherently involve highly al Thereupon an aqueous solution containing the equiva kaline reaction conditions due to the utilization of salts 75 lent of 5 pounds of sodium dichromate per gallon (which which hydrolyze in solution and provide hydroxyl ions. at pH 7 actually contains approximately 15% sodium di Such processes provide for mixing the reactants in any chromate or Na2Cr2O7.2H2O, and 85% sodium chromate way in which the desired reaction will occur with either or Na2CrO4.4H2O) is carefully added to the emulsion. reactant being added to the other, or both flowed to After the exothermic reaction has commenced, the rate of gether. Preferably it is accomplished by adding a solu 80 addition of the sodium dichromate is properlpy regulated tion of sodium chromate to an emulsion, suspension or 3. to cause the desired reaction to proceed. If it is introduced 2,695,215 . - - - - - 3 4. too rapidly, the formation of sodium sulfide will cease and ture of chromium oxide and sodium sulfate and gener thus stop the reaction, and if it is too slow, it will cause ally also smail amounts of other soluble salt impurities. a drop in temperature and a resultant cessation of sulfide This mixture is cooled and then introduced into dissolving formation. tanks where dissolution of the sodium sulfate is effected A total of 2,400 gallons of solution or 12,000 pounds 5 by agitation of the slurry with water. The solution of the of the equivalent of sodium diehromate is added over soluble salts may then be easily removed from the dis a period of approximately 3 hours. The temperature of crete chromium oxide particles by decantation or filter the mass will ultimately reach about 220 F. Upon corn pressing or a combination of both, and then Washing. pletion of the reaction, the mass will contain chromium Thereupon the oxide may be pressed to approximately hydroxide slurried in a solution of sodium thiosulfate and O 24% moisture content and then dried suitably on a moving sodium hydroxide. t . apron drier. The dry product obtained is then pull Sulfuric acid of a specific gravity of 1.2 to 1.3 is siowly verized, stored and then packed for shipment. A high added to the reaction mass during agitation until there is grade chromium oxide pigment is thereby obtained. obtained a definite pH value predetermined to provide the The instant invention has a number of important ad shade desired in the final calcined product. Adjustment 5 vantages including the following: to different levels between pH 7 and 10 will give a good 1. A smoothly operating process is provided using only variety of shades. A pH 9 will ultimately yield a some conventional types of operations and equipment. what lighter shade of chromium oxide, while an adjust 2. Purer chromium oxide pigments are more easily ment to a pH of 7 will yield a much lighter shade. obtained. - - Although the neutralization may be effected imme 3.
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