The Denver Catholic R egister A P h lk I t t i v o Im lx iv n o . 14 CM OnKW *t It w f w y 3t P A Q It as C IN T t ‘Frontiers of Wealth and Poverty’ A Cathedral Symposium on the encyclical ‘On Social Concerns’ In a major effort to heighten awareness of Pope The panelists will include Vincentian Father Dennis John Paul II’s newest encyclical — “ On Social Con­ Kennedy, director of the archdiocesan Office of Jus­ cerns” — Archbishop J. Francis Stafford is sponsoring tice and Peace; Nancy J. McCallin, research econo­ a symftosium April 20 at the Cathedral of the Im­ mist with United Banks of Colorado; Jesuit Father maculate Conception. James S. Richard associate professor of economics Entitled “ The Frontiers of Wealth and Poverty: An at Regis College, and Dr. George W. Shepherd, Jr., Analysis of John Paul II’s Encylical ‘On Social Con­ author and professor of international relations at the cerns,’ ” the Cathedral Symposium will feature experts University of Denver. in international law, economics, politics and theology. “Because it is the duty of the Church to scrutinize The symposium is scheduled from 7:30 p.m. until 9 the signs of the times and to interpret them in the p.m. The public is invited and urged to attend. Fol­ light of the Gospel, it is important that the Church of lowing short presentations by the panelists, participa­ Denver become involved,” said Father Hoffmann. tion from the audience will be welcomed. “ We are all members not only of a local commu­ The program will be moderated by Father Edward nity, but of the wider world community. What happens M. Hoffmann, chancellor of the archdiocese. Arch­ on Wall Street or here on 17th Street can and does bishop Stafford will offer concluding remarks. Continued on page 3 ■1 - . “Yoo are dios$n fiaJted to be holy,” Ar^- bishop J. Francis Stanm t(M yoiu^ Confinnatioa candidates at the annual dirisin M m March 29 at the cathedral. “That says something about your approach'to al- cohiH^, drags, and sexuaU^, iduch n The W d ib ish t^ targebed sevaial tejjiun ^ during his Mass homily to the young people,' inuiy who came from Catholic schools thrmighwit the c l ^ to partici­ pate in the yearly Chrism Mass at the Cattiedral irf the Immaculate Coi^ptlon. At the Chrisnti Mass the ancidht rite of blessing holy oils to be used for sacramental purposes in parislws throughout the year takes place. Also, clergy in the archdiocese reaffirm their ministolal commitmaat to the people God. Archbisluq) Stafford exfUained to his young audience that “ this is a very sp e c if day for the Church,” citing the three types Of oil Messed on that day for arointing tte sick, for use in Baptism, Confirmation, in or­ dinations and dedications of churches. Baca/DCR Photo ‘Afmay used* “Oil has always been used for arointing kings, Dropping in at Loyola queens, fnopbets, Mshops, i«riests,” he said. “I was anointed with oil wfaoi I was ordained and when I Channel 4 helicopter pilot Mike Silva lands his Schools April 11 to meet with students. Olmos stars became a bishc^. ” craft March 29 at St. Ignatius Loyola School, one of in the new film "Stand and Deliver” about an inner- The prelate again diallroged the young candklates the inner-city SUN Schools (Schools in Urban city educator. The film’s Denver April 11 premiere is to a “holy life. You are called in season and out of Neighborhoods), as students keep their distance co-sponsored by the SUN Schools and the Parokes season to be hc^ by reason of your Baptism — to be and try to avoid the dust created by the whirling Alumni Association. Olmos and Silva will appear at a holy at school, to be hMy at home.” blades. Silva attracted attention last month for chas­ “tribute reception” at the Warwick Hotel April 11 He added that AMaham Lincoln once said that the, ing down a robbery suspect with his helicopter. He from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. to benefit SUN Schools. American people m r e almost the d io sa i peo|de, add- is a 1969 graduate of Cathedral High School and a The seven SUN Schools are Annunciation, Guardian ii%,“ you are chosen people — and t b r o i ^ your booster of the SUN schools. He will pilot "Miami Angels, Presentation, St. Francis de Sales’, St. Ig­ firmation you are called to greatmindedness, caUed^ Vice" star Edward J. Olmos to the seven SUN natius Loyola, St. Joseph’s and St. Rose of Lima’s. Priest-jubilarians Just a little Regis High School are honored more effort focus of feature Priaata celebrating their 25th, 40th or 50th an- The Archbishop’s Annual Campaign for Prog­ Cansaraderie and friendship are two of the im­ nhreraary of ordination to the priesthood were ress is expeotsd to make its goal of $2.4 million portant aspects that help make up the spirit of the honored Mareh at. soon with just a little more effort. Jesuit-run school in N o ^ Denver. Page 4 and 5 Page 2 Pages 15-18 2 — Wed., A|Kil 6 ,198S — The-Denver Catholic Register IN T H E T h e SPOTLIGHT Archbishop’s Colum n Father Bob Poirer, S.J. Occupation: Principal, Regis Jesuit High School Thy kingdom come! Age: 40 What is it that led you to In commenting upon the Lord’s Prayer in the Gospel in season and out of season — Jesus of Nazareth. This choose your profession? kingdom has two characteristics: according to Gabriel s of St. Luke I come to the second petition; At the age of 18 I had a sense ■■ ‘Thy kingdom com e!” In the first petition, “Hallowed message to Mary, it is universal because Jesus is the .aik> that I wanted to give something be Thy name!” we look to God’s self-communication in Son of the Most High, His divine Father and according of my life to God and that I human life and history, i.e. His presence in word to Mary, the kingdom is revolutionary, unlike any be­ w ant^ to make a difference in (nam e); in the second, we express desire for God’s fore or since, for God “ has put down the mighty from the lives of other people. I liked transforming power over individuals and society, i.e. their thrones, and exalted those of low degree (Lk. what the Jesuit priest-teachers His presence in deed (kingdom), “rhese two constitute i:52). In Jesus’ teaching, the Kingdom of God effec­ were doing at the high school the Christian vision of reality. tively reveals the Father's presence and authority that that I attended in St. Louis, and I is now in the world, transforming the old into the new, felt drawn to be a priest and an My approach will be the the unjust into the just, and sickness into health (Lk, educator. I could not put it into Isame as before: first, I will 7:22). words very well at 18 years old, but I knew that it was what ■develop the meaning and For the most part Jesus uses parables to describe the I wanted and what God wanted of me. ■implications of the petition Father s kingdom. There is surprise in finding it, re­ What do you like best about it? land then examine the act of versal of one’s personal values in responding to it and Working with teen-agers is always exciting. Each day (praying the petition. patience in the paradox of its presence and hiddenness something happens that is new or surprising. To see the In Jesus’ time, there were (Lk. 8:4-15). success, the achievement, or the growth in young people is ■many earthly kingdoms — "Thy kingdom com e!" is the theme of our year of rewarding. I probably receive much more in this way than I meditation on the Gospel of St. Luke and the bishops ■the over-arching Roman give. (empire, the Nabatean king- Pastorals on peace, the American economy and the What is your most memorable experience? (dom to the southeast of “pro-life" movement. When we pray this petition with It has to be becoming a Jesuit. \^en I was twenty years ( Judea, the kingdom of Ar- Jesus and through the Father’s gift of the Holy Spirit, old, I took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience That (menia to the North, and the the presence of the kingdom is intensified and has been the most awesome of God’s gifts because in that (Parthian empire to the east. strengthened among us. Origen ( 253 A.D.) taught that moment I was given the support and friendship of many *Jesus contrasted His king­ the kingdom is a gift and task. It is the goal of our talented Jesuits as well as a sense of God’s grace strength­ dom with those and lesser political structures. He said. hope: “Th e kingdom is in our midst It is clear that ening me to follow Him in an exciting, life-long adventure "T h e King of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; when we pray “Thy kingdom come' we are praying that What is your favorite pasttime? and those in authority over them are called benefactors. the kingdom of God is growing, that it is bearing fruit, Relaxing and talking with friends, going out for a Big But not so with you; rather let the greatest among you and that it will reach full maturity” Mac or a pizza, and going to Regis High School games become as the youngest, and the leader as one who The preface for the feast of Christ the King describes What one person has had the most influence on your life? serves” (Lk.
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