Tomorrow's flight Water Usage C-130 St. Croix 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 6 Guantanamo Bay 1:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. NAS Norfolk, Va. 8:45 p.m. 9:45 p.m. Usable storage: 9.91 MIL - 71% Pope AFB 12:45 a.m. Goal: 825 See page 3 Consumption: 845 K Guantanamo Daily Gazette Vol. 45 -- No. 186 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Wednesday, March 7, 1990 Afghanistan battles rebel soldiers AP - Despite an Afghan gov- in the city-apparently because U.S. ranked fourth in population ernment report that it has defeated they're "hunkered down in their soldiers who tried to overthrow the bunkers," as he puts it. Washington - The United leaving every three minutes. government, fighting reportedly Kabul radio has reported Tues- States, which numbered just The country's population hit continues in the Afghan capital. day night that rebel soldiers were under four million people when 50 million in 1880, doubled to A Western diplomat inneighbor- defeated by troops of Afghanistan's it was born, now has a popula- 100 million by 1915, achieved ing Pakistan say mutinous Afghan President Najib. The rebel soldiers tion of 250 million-a quarter of 150 million in 1949 and climbed Soviet Union - Soviet President Air Force pilots have been bombing were led by the Afghan Defense a billion people. to 200 million by 1967. Gorbachev is ruling out "NATO" loyalist positions in Kabul. Minister Maj. Gen. Shah Nawaz The Census Bureau According to the Census Bu- membership for a reunified Ger- And a second diplomat says it's Tanai, who is now being hunted by estimates the magic number was reau, the U.S. ranks fourth in the many. In remarks carried by the been very difficult to contact anyone Afghan Security Forces. reached yesterday. It further world in population. That com- state news agency Tass, Gorbachev calculates America's population parcs with: says it's "absolutely out of the could hit 300 million within 30 1. China- 1.1 billion question." He spoke after meeting Libya producing chemical weapons years. with East German Communist 2. India - 833 million Premier Han Modrow. Gorbachev AP- U.S. officials say Libya is about West German firms and other The Census Bureau 3. Soviet Union - 289 million also says the reunification process producing limited amounts of nerve foreign suppliers. estimates the population grows 4. United States - 250 million should proceed slowly. and mustard gases usable as chemi- As the officials tell it, the Liby- at one new person ever 14 5. Indonesia - 188 million cal weapons. ans over several months had kept the seconds. That number is based 6. Brazil - 151 million Paris - Amnesty Intemational calls According to the officials, aplant assembly line active. But they say on one birth every eight sec- 7. Japan - 123 million Chad's human rights record dismal. in the north African country also is that only toward the end of last year onds: a new immigrant arriving 8. Nigeria- 115 million The watch-dog group says the capable of producing canisters to did Libya achieve a "certain opera- every 35 seconds; a death every 9. Bangladesh- 115 million African country's government con- to selected tional capability." 14 seconds, and an emigrant - tinues to detain, torture and summa- carry the lethal chemicals 10. Pakistan 110 million rily execute political prisoners in targets. One of the officials says the Liby- spite of recently adopting a new It's not clear whether Libya's ans are not able yet to go into full constitution guaranteeing human Col. Moammar Gadhafi is relying on production. rights. outside help in accelerating a chemi- Secretary of State James Baker is cal weapons program. That program to address the chemical weapons 900 involved Nicaragua - Nicaragua's Presi- seemed to have subsided a year ago issue during an appearance on Capi- dent-elect, Violeta Chamorro, is under a barrage of U.S. complaints tol Hill today. asking Costa Rica's president to IRS targets criminal lawyers endorse her proposal to declare AP - There's word that the offices. Sonnett, a Miami attorney, Central America a demilitarized Congress closing farming loopholes Internal Revenue Service has served says he's heard from enough lawyers zone. The visit to Costa Rica was Hill, South threatens the small farmer's exis- summonses on criminal defense at- to Chamorro's first foreign trip since AP - From Capitol recognize that this is "a nation- her election. Carolina Congressman Butler Der- tence. And the National Farmers torneys around the country. Accord- wide assault upon criminal defense rick says some farmers have found Union voted against the proposed ing to attorneys, the IRS is demand- lawyers." South Africa - Unrest is spread- loopholes in the 1987 Agricultural changes earlier this week. ing that they reveal the names of One lawyer served says an IRS ing in South Africa's black Credit Act "big enough to drive their In another case, it will be a close clients who paid large lawyer fees agent told him that 900 lawyers were homelands. Protesters in Bophuthat- tractors through." But that may soon call, but supporters say the House with cash. to receive summonses. swana today fought with police and change. The House has approved leg- might override the president's veto Lawyers argue that such disclo- Tax collectors are acting now set fire to government buildings- islation that would close the loop- of a bill designed to help end the sures would violate the fundamental under a disclosure law passed by demanding that the territory again holes, and the Senate's working on a Eastern Airlines strike. The vote right of attorney-client privilege. Congress in 1985. The law, initially be part of South Africa. Violence legislation could come today, and union offi- National Association of Crimi- flared earlier this week in the Ciskei similar measure. The widely ignored, was aimed at expos- homeland, following a military coup isn't meeting with favor from some cials are counting on some Republi- nal Lawyers President Neal Sonnett ing tax evaders, including major on Sunday. farming groups. The National Fam- can congressmen to desert the presi- says the attorneys have been told to drug dealers who often transact busi- ily Farm Coaliation says the measure dent and help win the override. bring their financial records to IRS ness in cash. (continued.page 3) 'No Smoking' prevails on all Guantanamo flights GUANTANAMO BAY - Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. right to smoke. It's taking away our about the regulation. "I love it," said USA Smoking is now prohibited on all "The only time this new policy smoking section," she said. "How non-smoker Petty Officer 1st Class scheduled flights coming into or wouldn't effect us in Gitmo, is when would the non-smokers feel if the Harry Lewis, base communications News going out of the naval base. we have a non-stop flight from here regulation was reversed, and the supply petty officer. "Smoking on "Because the new FAA regula- to somewhere like California," said entire aircraft was made for smok- planes is unfair to non-smokers, tion states smoking is not allowed on Patrick. "But, the chances are great ers?" especially to children." New York - Two East-European commercial airline flights of 6 hours the plane would stop somewhere on Petty Officer 2nd Class Inez Patrick says although there may countries have come out on the side or less, leaving or arriving in the the way to refuel, making the flight Hoggard, assistant deck supervisor be a difference of opinion about the of westem delegations on two United U.S., MAC (Military Airlift Com- six hours or less." at the Naval Station Post Office also regulation, he has not had any com- Nations votes dealing with human mand) has adopted this policy too," Some of the residents of Gitmo smokes, but has a different opinion. plaints. "Everyone seems to be rights. Hungary and Bulgaria have said Petty Officer 1st Class Robert have mixed feelings regarding the "I don't think we should be able to complying to the regulation," he voted in favor of a measure critical of FAA policy. Seaman Appren- smoke on the planes," she said. Cuba. And they've also sided with Patrick, air terminal manager. new said. "I guess they know they don't the west concerning a proposal re- This new policy is to include all tice Tami Baser, who works at the "Just because I smoke, why should I really have a choice." garding human rights in China. The flights, commercial and military, Commissary, sees no sense in the pollute everyone's air." What's that old Navy saying - votes are without precedent in the within U.S., to Alaska, Hawaii, regulation. "It's taking away our And some residents are happy "The smoking lamp is out!" United Nations history. Miami - Police in Miami say some express views on base closures 8,000 people took part in a demon- Gitmo residents stration protesting a federal ban on U.S. military presence at 14 Cheney said. tricts." the city. It's too big of a metropolitan Haitian blood donations. Protesters overseas bases will end by fiscal "Once we've successfully nego- Closing the installations will not area. Detroit can survive on it's own. outside the Food and Drug 1994, and 35 stateside bases have tiated a NATO-Warsaw Pact reduc- be easy, said Cheney. "There are a "But if you took a place like Administration offices carried signs tion in conventional forces in Eu- series of complicated steps that we Jacksonville, S.C.
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