Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 4-30-1998 Spectator 1998-04-30 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1998-04-30" (1998). The Spectator. 2058. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/2058 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. SEATTLE UN I V ER S I TY Spectator KEEPING WATCH APRIL199830, VOLUME TheLXVIII I This Week: New questions raise old debate Athletic department makes another bidforDivisionII JASON LICHTENBERGER decision. "We want togotoschool AssociateSportsEditor here, wepay togeta greateduca- Former Seattle University ath- tion,and he's treating us like the leticdirectorEdO'Brienoncesaid, stupidest peopleon earth." "Athletics,perhapsbetter thanany Since then,SU has tailored its other department in theuniversity, athletic program to meet the re- embraces virtually every facet of quirements of the NCIC, adding SU hosted First university life. programslikemen'sand women's Amendment expert "Forinstance,athletics—servesas swimming, men's golf and CameronDeVoreatthe arallyingpoint foralumni itmeets women'ssoftball toits varsitycur- fourth annual Sharon a social need for students, faculty riculum. The universitystillhas to and — add one more program in Memorial Lec- administrators and it gives men's James the university invaluable public order to meet the conference re- News,page 2 ture. exposure, of benefit to those quirements. chargedwithrecruitingand public BecauseofTitleIX, aregulation relations." thatentails theathletic department Over the last three years, the fu- toproportionallybalance thenum- ture of SU athletics has been a berofmenand womenathletes,SU New website makes cents heavily-debated issue, and its fu- wouldhave toadd atleast another ofSocialSecuritydollars.Page tureis stillinquestion. women's sport,butmostlikelytwo. On February 22, 1996, the Se- Becauseof— costs and limited fa- attleUniversity BoardofTrustees cility space bothin theConnolly FitnessChallenge winners voted 18-3 to apply for member- Center itself and— the university's flex their abilities. Page 4 ship in the Northwest Conference athletic fields university Presi- ofIndependentColleges,anNCAA Steve Ford / Spectator dentFather StephenSundborg,SJ, Division has decided to reopen issue, 111league,after a heavy FatherStephenSundborg,SJ, will withthe Board the meet ofTrusteesnext compe\Vm%VV\eavV\\eV\cdepawmewv Opinion pushfromFatherWilliamSullivan, Thursday they willdiscuss the University as futureofSeattle athletics. (o SJ,thepresidentofSUat the time. makeanotherpushatjoiningthe 11. Education at SU requires With this decision, SU would no opposedtothisdecision,and itstill D-IIor D-111 anymore,it's about NCAADivision studentinvolvementandcon- longergrant athletic scholarships. remains acontroversial decision. what Father Sullivan wants," said Father Sundborg willmeet with cern outside the classroom. Many SU athletes, students and "We've voiced our opinion, disgusted basketballplayer Mark Page6 staffintheathleticdepartmentwere they'veshotitdown...lt'snotabout Stottlemyre.onthedayofthe1996 SeeD-llon page12 Politicalcorrectnessunder- mines tradition and truth. winners, crowd Page 7 ASSU elections draw not a MeghanSweet who is a junior majoring in busi- her statement makegraduatestudentsmoreaware ManagingEditor ness, statedthatheis committedto In the election,public adminis- of campus events, and to propose improving student relations with tration major Patty Linehan de- thoughtfulideas to thecouncil. Features ASSUheldits final electionsof ASSU, and he also wants to see feated Geneva Foster in a close Linehan and Alvarezjointhestu- yearon events, as race. to Students find thatpictures the Tuesday,drawingonly better campus well as dents who were already elected 326voterstodecidewhowould fill more support for the sports pro- Linehan received46.24 percent the 1998-99 council. can tell a thousand words, the tworemainingpositions. grams. of the vote, compared to Foster's JasonMadrano,DaveDoranand especially whentheyare tat- Alex Alvarez defeated Christo- The second election which was 43.25 percent. No votes madeup Frank So make up the executive tooedonarms,legs,or other pher Delacruz in the race for mi- decided on Tuesday was the race 9.51 percentof the vote. team nextyear. They wereelected body parts. Pages8-9 nority representative, receiving forgraduaterepresentative. Linehan, whowas waslastyear's president, vice president and ac- 67.48 percentof the vote. Theracehadbeenpostponeddue non-traditionalrepresentative,said tivitiesvicepresident,respectively. Delacruzreceived30.37 percent, toone candidate'sfailuretosubmit in her statement that she wants to BetsyYanasak,SandraGodincz, A$E while no votes Lillian accounted for Carabeo, Ken Well-written poet creates 2.15 percent. Johnson,Anne visions with words. Page10 In the pri- Cassinelli.Guy mary elections Sutherland, Far gets started on their held the previ- Ani s h a longhaul. Page 11 ous Tuesday, Hathiramani the raceformi- andAuraMaria nority repre- Cuellar were Sports sentative was all elected to the only one representative Men's tennis didn't quite which drew positionsinthe swing into gear in Tacoma. enough candi- primaries. Page13 dates to man- Changing date a final past election A week'srestgetsthecrew election. policy, the again. team'soarshumming In that elec- ASSUelection Page14 tion, Alvarez committee de- and Delacruz cided to hold ... page 15 edgedout third the transfer Classifieds. contender representative ASSU backpage BophaChan to election in the vie for the po- fall, with the On the Web: sition. race for fresh- www.seattleu.edu/ In his state- man represen- student/spec ment,Alvarez, PattyLinehan AlexAlvarez tative. NEWS 2 Speaking about free newsspeech packs a room Meghan Sweet ManagingEditor The currentU.S.SupremeCourt is very adamant about protecting FirstAmendmentrights,according to First Amendment expert CameronDeVore. DeVore, whois a seniorpartner at the law firm of Davis, Write, Tremaine, StudentRecognitionAwardswillbeHeldonMonday,May spoke yesterday to a standing-room only crowd in the CaseyCommons. TheannualStudent Recognition Awardswill takeplaceMon- "Ithink we'reall fondofsaying day,May11in the CampionBallroom. The awardshonor the (the First Amendment)is first be- contributions ofindividuals as wellas student clubs and organi- cause it's the most important," zations. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. Free tickets are DeVore said. available at the Campus AssistanceCenter,located on the first DeVorebeganhisspeechbyfirst floor of the Student Union Building. Contact the Student In- discussing the history of the First volvement Office at 296-2525 for moreinformation. Amendment, asserting thatpart of the reasontheUnitedStatespartici- pated in the AmericanRevolution wasto free themselvesof therigid Local Health Care Centers Unite to Fight Hungerin the English justicesystem. Seattle Area "There is a dreadful, plaintiff- friendly system in England," RegenceBlueShield andNorthwest Harvesthave launched DeVorestated. "Englandis asink- their first annual Mother's Day Challenge, a new campaign hole ofspeech." aimed at fightinghunger. Northwest Harvest, which provides DeVorepointedout thatthecon- speech servicestomore than 500,000destituteindividualsinWashing- cept of beinga connection ton,andBlueShield,the state'slargesthealthcareprovider,hope betweenthepeopleandthegovern- Steve Ford / Spectator ment is a completely American that theprogram willrevitalize support for the needy. Cameron DeVorelectures about thehistory oftheFirstAmmendment. To participate in the program, shop on-line at phenomenon. www.northwestharvest.org. Those withoutInternet access can At the heart ofthe First Amend- dia," callNorthwest Harvestfor a"virtual shoppinglist." Check the mentis thegoalofhearingasmany DeVorebrought upover ahalf a DeVore said. which haveset Afterhis DcVoreinvited items you want to purchase, and send them into Northwest peopleand as many voices aspos- dozenlegal battles speech, sible, Harvest with your donation. Ifyoumake the donationinyou according toDeVore. the stage for themodernuse ofthe questions fromthe audience. /J mother's name, she will receive a Mother's Day card from "ThepurposeoftheFirstAmend- FirstAmendment, whichincludes A law professor from SU's legislature NorthwestHarvest. Thepromotion runs from April 27 toMay mentis toprotectthemost...robust the idea that the should Schoolof Lawaskedabout theSu- — not to preme B—but8 butdonationsare takenallyearround.ContactEllenHansen criticism... of thepublic process," have thepower decide what Court's decision toprotect by at 1-800-722-6924 formore information. DeVore stated. is printed orbroadcast the me- hatespeechunder theFirstAmend- One idea that also was woven dia. ment. throughoutDeYore'sdiscussionof DeVore also discussed other DeVorerespondedtothisinquiry the FirstAmendment'shistory,as thingsrelatingtoFirstAmendment byciting thecases whichhave de- issues, defamation, Registrationfor Summer Quarteris Beginning,and Stu- well as throughhis later detailing such as libel terminedthe currentprotection of dents Need toGet IDNumbers ofimportant legalcasespertaining andprivacy. hate speech, and decided against toit,wasthe concept that the defi- "Inprivacy, we'refinding anew respondingto theprofessor'sques- Almosthalfway throuhSpringQuarter,
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