An index for Robert Riggs’ I, D A N I E L ( www.bahai-library.com/riggs_i_daniel ) by Bruce Limber 1998 Starred entries are definitions or explanations. Because the Books of Daniel and Revelation refer to the same “beasts” by different designations (Daniel’s fourth beast is the equivalent of both the first and second beasts in Revelation), this index refers to the beasts in Revelation with a capital “B” for clarification, and the beasts in Daniel in lower-case. ~s 34, 45, 46*, 67*, 67-68 ——— A ——— between Jews and Christians 46*, 80 of Desolation (33), (41-42*), (45-46*), 67*, 67-68*, A. Square see Flatlander 80, 80* Ab 44, 44 end 10, 32*, 80-81*, 81* ‘Abbasid dynasty (House of ‘Abbas) 26* first 8 also had ten horns 26* second 9 capital 26* Abukir 71, 75 defeated Abraham 47 by Turks 26 Abu-Sufyan 25*, 25, 25, 26 by three Umayyad commanders 26 Abu’l-’Abbas ‘Abdu’llah 26* fall 10 Abyssinia 77 is ~n women 75 the image of the first Beast 27* Acre 77; see Akka the second Beast of Revelation 9*, 27* AD (calendar designation) 32 overthrew Umayyad dynasty 26 Admiral Brueys 75 defeated three Umayyad commanders 26 Admiral Horatio Nelson 75, 75, 76 founded in Persia 26 Adrianople 52 rose by trickery and deceit 26* Advent of the Messiah see Anointed One/coming usurps Caliphate 9 Adventurist 76 ‘Abd al-Rahman 26*, 26 Africa 26, 73 ‘Abdu’l-Bahá 83n Age (Era) 14, 21n, 81; see also Kingdom as one of two Lambs of Bahá’í Dispensation 83n* astrological see Astrological/age explains date symbolism 80*, 83n*, 83n Bahá’í 83n may be symbolized astrologically by Taurus 21n has two Lambs 83n* ‘Abdu’l-Malik 25, 26, 26 Bronze 7, 14, 16* Abdullah 26 End of the ~ 5, 10, 13, 14*, 21, 31*, 32, 32*, 69, 69*, Abel 15 73, 80*, 80, 80, 81 Abhorrence, Eternal 79 Golden 7, 14, 15* Abolition Iron 9, 11, 14, 16* of Caliphate 11, [48*] prophetic 80, 80 of regular offering 30, 31, 34, 38, 39-40, 40, 41, 41, Silver 7, 14, 15-16* 43, 44, 48*, 80*, 80* Ahmad Pasha Djezzar 77 Abomination Akka 77 Bahá’u’lláh imprisoned at ~ 11, 52*, 52 America 73 defeat of Napoleon at ~ 10 Ammonites 73, 78* fortress of 77 Ancient of Days 27* Napoleon’s siege of 77-78* Ancient World, Seven Wonders of 15 siege of 77-78*, 78* Ancients, Council of 73 taken by Islam 10 Andalusia 26*, 26 al-Amin 26 Andronicus 63 al-Hadi 26 Angel 31, 51* al-Hudaybiyyah, Truce of 83n Gabriel 21, 21, 21, 21n, 31, 31, 32, 32, 34, 37, 37, 41, al-Mahdi 26, 26 41 al-Ma’mun 26 appearance brings an Announcement 21n al-Mansur 26, 26 delivered message al-Mu’tasim 26 to Mary 21n al-Mutawakkil 26 to Muhammad 21n al-Walid 25 to Zechariah 21n al-Wathiq 26 is Archangel of Yesod 21n Alexander IV 56* is the archetype of the Announcer 31 Alexander the Great 16, 16, 16, 17, 56, 65 represents the Báb 21, 32* admired/emulated by Napoleon Bonaparte 76-77*, 78 Michael 21, 21, 21, 31 conquered Persia 7, 16, 37, 55, 56 aids the Báb 11 death of 37, 56, 57 appearance of 10 dominions established at ~’s death 24* is Archangel of Glory 31* empire of 24 is Archangel of Hod 21n as “beast that was not” 84n* is the archetype of the Victor 31 comments by Toynbee 84n* literal and/or figurative existence 21n divided at ~’s death 30, 56, 57 may watch over equinox 21n conflict between subparts 57* represents Bahá’u’lláh 21, 32* second division 57 birth date 79* is not the beast that was, is not, and yet is 84n* prince 51 produced no permanent change in civilization Raphael 21, 21 84n Remiel 21 seemed to reappear under Umayyad dynasty 84n Uriel 21, 21 symbolized by four new horns of he-goat 29-30* Zerachiel 21 four victories of 24*, 24* Animal sacrifice see Sacrifice home of 24 Anoint 35 Napoleon believed to be ~ reincarnated 77 ~ed One (Messiah) 33, 33, 35*, 35, 36, 39, 40, (44), successors to 16, 16, 16, 56* (45), 48*, 48 symbolized by single horn of he-goat 29-30* coming 37, 38* was Greece’s first major king 29-30 cut off 9, 33, 35*, 38-39 Alexandria 57, 59, 66, 66, 75, 75 ministry 38 Napoleon’s siege of ~ 75 ~ing 33 revolted against its regents 65* Announcer 31 ‘Ali 17, 26, 27 Anti-Roman movement 64* ~ Muhammad 55* Antigonus I 57* Caliphate usurped from 25, 81* Antioch 58, 58, 62, 63 falsely maligned by Caliphate 26* Antiochis (mistress of Antiochus IV Epiphanes) 64 was Muhammad’s rightful heir 25 Antiochus (name of several kings of the North) Aliens 70, 72 ~ II Theos (r. 285-246 BC) 58 Allah 71; see also God death 58 Allegiance, Test of 67 ~ III the Great (r. c. 223-187 BC) 59*, 59, 60 Alliance daughter 61* between Northern & Southern kingdoms 58* desired the East 62* fraudulent ~s 63 disappeared campaigning in the East 62 Alp 28n downfall 61 Alphabet, Modern 14 made peace with Rome 61-62 Altar 47, 67 married Cleopatra I to Ptolemy V 61* Ambassador, Roman 66-67*, 67 planned to dominate Egypt 61* Ambition 70, 72 sons 61-62, 62 successor (Seleucus IV) 62* Archetype treated the Jews well 60* of a number 3*, 3, 34*, 41 ultimately conquered of the collective unconscious 21n Asia Minor 60 Architect 76 Palestine 60-62* ~ure 15 ~ IV Epiphanes (r. 175-163 BC) 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 42, 63- Ark of the Covenant 34, 41 68*, 77, 78n Aridaeus 56 attacks on Jerusalem Army caused Maccabean Revolt 68* French 74, 76 first 66* Mamluks 72*, 72*, 75* second 67* of the Orient (74), 75, 76, 77, 77, 78 broken but not by humans 30, 31*, 32 of Xerxes 56* brother of Cleopatra I 64 recruits 77 conquered Egypt 65-66* Arrogance 20, (67), 70 counsellors 64* Arsian 28n declared himself a god 67* Artaxerxes defeated ~’s Decrees Egypt’s invasion of Syria 65* to finish the Temple 7, 35*, 36, 38*, 47, 48* Egypt a second time 66 to rebuild the gates 35* Ptolemy VI Philomater 65* Artillery 74, 77 died of insanity 30 Artists 3, 15, 76 false rumors of death 66* As-Saffa 10*, 26 revenge on Jerusalem for 66* rules Islam 26*, 27* known as Epimanes (“Madman”) 63* was second Little Horn 26* machinations in anti-Roman movement 64* Ashraf Moussa 75 mistress 64* Asia 24, 24, 73, 77 ordered to leave Egypt 66-67* ~ Minor 58, 60, 62, 64 ousted Heliodorus 63 was part of Northern Kingdom 56*, 57, 57 plotted against rivals 63 Assimilation of the offering 40* predecessor 64 Assassins 58 replaced Jehovah 64 Assyria 14 violated Treaty of Magnesia 64* ~ns 56 was a Roman hostage 62 conquered by Chaldaeans and Medes 23 was a spendthrift 64* symbol of 23 was first Little Horn 30 Astrological was not heir to the throne 63 Age 14, 14 was “playboy emperor” 63* connotation 14* was younger brother of Seleucus IV 63 specific ages withdrawal from Egypt 67 Leo-Aquarius 14, 21n Apocalypse of Saint John 5, 45*, 49n Virgo-Pisces 14* Apocalypse Unsealed 5, 83n, 84n signs of equinoxes 21n changes to 5, 83n*, 84n* symbolism 5, 14*, 21n*, 27* Apocalyptic works 5 time of Daniel 14* Apostle 40, 40, (40), (41), 42 Astrology 14, 21n Appointed time 30, 30*, 64 Astronomers 14, 27 Appolonius 67 Astronomy 14 Aqaba, Gulf of 78 Athenians 24 Aqasi 52 Athens 56, 63 Aquarius see Leo-Aquarius Atlantic Ocean 78 ar-Rashid 26 Atonement 33, 35 Arabic 75 Atrocities 46* Arabs 47, 72, 77 Author of Desolation 9, 34, 45-46*, 48* Arabia 26, 57, 69 Awakening of those who sleep 79* ~n warriors 16 Ayyubite Sultan 75 Archangel of Glory 31* of Hod 21n ——— B ——— of Yesod 21n Báb, The 17, 51, 51, 55, 55, 69, 83n was capital of ‘Abbasid dynasty 26 birth 10, 81n* Bahá’í Faith condemned the Shah 52* duration 17 Daniel’s vision of 51*, 52* firmly established 11, 80*, 81*, 83n Declaration 10, 28*, 81* has two Lambs 83n* imprisoned in Mah-ku 10, 52 history 5, 52 is Lamb of Babi Dispensation, not Bahá’í spiritual power 17 Dispensation 83n* symbolism of the two Lambs 83n* Martyrdom (9), 11, (33), (35), 83n teachings 5 Michael is sole ally 55 will transcend other religions 17 prophesied Bahá’í Revelation 17, 52 deliverance of Israel 79* Bahá’u’lláh 27, 81 travails of the Jews 79* ascension [death] 11 sacrifice of 83n and the two Lambs of the Bahá’í Dispensation 83n specified Bahá’u’lláh’s birth date 79* birth 10, 79 specified Michael’s birth date 79* condemned the Shah 52* symbolized by Gabriel 21, 31-32* confirmed by Daniel & Revelation 5 symbolized by Aquarius 21n Declaration 11, 80*, 83n Tablets revealed by 52* exiled from Baghdad 11, 79-80 tells Daniel the future 52* family background 51 titles hair 28n* Figure clothed in linen 80* imprisoned at Akka 11, 52* Gabriel 21*, 32* Proclamation see /Declaration One like a man 52 sacrifice of 83n one of the Twin Holy Trees 79* symbolized by Leo 21n Babel 15 symbolized by Michael 21, 31-32*, 52*, 55* Tower of ~ 15* titles Bábí Faith Ancient of Days 27 history 52 King of Glory 27, 32, 55 independence of 52 Lord of Hosts 27, 55 Bábís 52, 52 Michael 21*, 32*, 55* exile of 79-80 one of the Twin Holy Trees 79* Babylon/Babylonia 4, 13, 14, 20, 35, 47, 56, 57; see also one like a man coming with the clouds of Neo-Babylonia Heaven 27 captivity of Jews in ~ 15 Prince of the Jewish nation 55 declined Speaker on Sinai 55 after Cyrus’ conquest 15-16* Voice from the Burning Bush 55 under Islam 17 will sit on the throne and govern 27 falls to Islam 9 Writings d four eras of ~ 13-17 Lawh-i-Sultan 11, 52* insurrection against Darius 15-16 Tablet to Nasiri’d-Din Shah 52* invaded by Nebuchadnezzar II 20 Balzac 76 Hanging Gardens of ~ 15* Bani-Umayya see Umayyad dynasty kings Banishment Belshazzar 23 of Jews palace 20 from Jerusalem 46-47* partially destroyed by Cyrus the Great 15 from Judea 45 visited by Herodotus 15* of Nebuchadnezzar II 20 was winter capital of Media-Persia 16 Banks of the Tigris River 79-80*, 80* walls 15 Baptism 15 destroyed by Darius 15-16 Bar Cochba 45 was magnificent in Nebuchadnezzar II’s day 15* ~’s revolt
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