1 | Anzeiger | April 2017 CONTENTS ANZEIGER | OREGON REGION PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA | VOL. 57, NO. 3 | APRIL 2017 COLUMNS 27 30 REFLECTIONS OF MARCH SOCIAL AT 8 AN AUTOCROSS BUFFALO GAP PRESIDENT’S NEWBIE SALOON MESSAGE Peg Ryan recounts her Great food and fond Collections exciting introduction to a remembrances favorite club event 11 COMING SPINNEN EVENTS Midnight in Stavelot, Part 2 23 18 TECH SESSION REARVIEW MIRROR COVERS TIRES, Driver Training, SUSPENSION Porsche Style Expert information on what change in different types of driving FEATURES 24 DRIVERS SKILLS AND TEST AND TUNE Thirty drivers prepared 28 31 for a great AX season PEOPLE AND PORSCHE PARADE PORSCHES GATHER AT 2017 IN SPOKANE NEW MEMBER Registration for this yearly 21 ORIENTATION event, in the Pacific NW REMEMBERING OUR 25 The Hawks lost, but a for the first time in many FRIEND, MARLENE AX 1 IN THE great time was had by all years, is now open MACEWAN “DRIVING” RAIN! who came! A wet track changed A wonderful woman who the dynamics of 2017’s was always willing to first Autocross help; missed by all 2 | Anzeiger | April 2017 34 37 ANNUAL SPRING RESOURCE GUIDE CLEAN Saturday, April 8 37 MEMBERSHIP 34 APRIL SOCIAL 39 AND DINNER MARKETPLACE 32 Wednesday, April 19 GEAR UP FOR THE 36 2017 AUTOCROSS CABIN FEVER TOUR SEASON May 19 to May 21 HELP Overview and changes 35 WANTED for the new season AUTOCROSS #2 Sunday, April 23 IN EVERY 36 ISSUE WE NEED YOUR 33 PHOTOS ... NOW AUTOCROSS 35 6 MORE THAN EVER! SCHEDULE MAY SOCIAL AND OREGON REGION Complete listing with DINNER EVENTS start times Wednesday, May 17 ON THE COVER March showers at the first Autocross of the season. See story on page 25. Photo by Harold Klein. Anzeiger | April 2017 | 3 ANZEIGER Noun, German 1. One who indicates, shows 2. One who informs EDITOR/DESIGNER PHOTO EDITOR Nancy Scott Harold Klein 503.997.2230 [email protected] [email protected] Oregon Region Porsche Club of America BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2017 PRESIDENT TREASURER Eric Underwood John Brams 503.675.0099 Home 503.550.2030 503.869.2225 Cell [email protected] [email protected] MARKETING DIRECTOR VICE PRESIDENT Lori Brown Larry Hannan 503.703.7440 503.504.0806 marketing@ vicepresident oregonpca.org @oregonpca.org COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR SECRETARY/MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Peg Ryan Steve Miller 503.807.0035 503.313.6908 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PAST PRESIDENT Joe McQueen 503.807.8718 pastpresident @oregonpca.org Anzeiger, the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Oregon Region, Inc., PO Box 25104, Portland, OR, 97298, is published eleven times a year. The ideas, opinions and suggestions expressed are those of the authors and no authentication is implied by the editors or publisher. Editorial contributions are welcomed. By the act of submission, the author expressly warrants that the submitted material is completely original, that all rights are completely available, and that the material in no way infringes on the rights of any other person. The editor reserves the right to edit all materials submitted for publication. The Porsche Club of America, Oregon Region, Inc., has not authenticated claims and guarantees as offered by advertisers in this magazine and cannot as- sume liability for any products or services advertised herein. © 2017 Porsche Club of America, Oregon Region, Inc. All rights reserved. To place an advertisement in Anzeiger, email [email protected] 4 | Anzeiger | April 2017 Anzeiger | April 2017 | 5 OREGON REGION EVENTS APRIL, 2017 8 Spring Clean at SEPTEMBER, 2017 Matrix Integrated 9 Board Meeting 12 Board Meeting 12 Arrive & Drive 19 Monthly Club Social & Dinner 16-17 Oregon Festival of Cars 23 Autocross #2 17 Autocross #7 20 Monthly Club Social & Dinner 23 Board 2018 Event JULY, 2017 Planning Meeting 7-9 Corral—Rose Cup Races 9-15 Porsche Parade Spokane OCTOBER, 2017 12 Board Meeting 11 Board Meeting 16 Corral—Forest Grove 14 Arrive & Drive Concours d’Elegance (Sausage Run) 19 Monthly Club Social & Dinner 18 Monthly Club Social & Dinner 23 Autocross #5 22 Autocross #8 28-30 Corral—Vintage Racing Festival NOVEMBER, 2017 MAY, 2017 30 Summer Picnic 8 Board Meeting 7 Autocross #3 15 Monthly Club Social & Dinner 10 Board Meeting AUGUST, 2017 13 Arrive & Drive 9 Board Meeting DECEMBER, 2017 17 Monthly Club Social & Dinner 12 Arrive & Drive 3 Holiday Party 19-21 Cabin Fever Drive 16 Monthly Club Social & Dinner 13 Board Meeting 20 Autocross #6 JUNE, 2017 26-28 Escape to Newport 4 Autocross #4 10 Arrive & Drive 14 Board Meeting 21 Monthly Club Social & Dinner 22-25 Northwest Passage 26 Hillsboro Hops Baseball Game and Tailgate 6 | Anzeiger | April 2017 Anzeiger | April 2017 | 7 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Eric Underwood Collections uman beings have an innate else material in nature. In fact, some propensity to collect things. collections are intangible and don’t HCollections tend to bring us require upkeep, maintenance or stor- both physical and emotional pleasure age space, for that matter. I will even while also bringing us a sense of pride go so far as to say that we all share and accomplishment. I, myself, have an intangible collection in com- a collection of almost 200 Porsches. mon. This collection is a collection One being an actual car and the of memories. We all collect memories others consisting of the Hot Wheels whether we like it or not. Some good, variety. Both bring me a sense of pride some bad, but a collection nonethe- and joy as well as a certain level of less. I choose to focus on my collec- (much needed) therapy. tion of good memories as they are However, it’s not in every situa- the ones that hold the most personal tion that our collections consist of value and give me the greatest sense Porsches, or of cars, or of anything of pleasure. In recent weeks, the unfortunate event of Marlene MacEwan’s passing has given me pause to reflect on my collection of good memories. Specifi- cally, the ones that I created with her through our friendship. Marlene was a special friend, a very giving person and cherished Club member. Mar- lene’s giving nature was exemplified in the way she contributed to ORPCA. She enjoyed volunteering when- ever she could, participated in many events, she served as the Club Trea- surer from 2010 through 2011 and for several years was the driving force behind the planning of the annual Holiday Party. In recognition of her 8 | Anzeiger | April 2017 service to the Club, she received the a collection of good memories of Marlene MacEwan receives President’s Award in January, 2017, Marlene. She may be gone in pres- the President’s Award in January, 2017, from Eric for her above and beyond efforts. ence, but our shared collection of Underwood, President, Joe She always had a smile and a laugh memories of her will be treasured for McQueen, Past President, and Larry Hannan, Vice and you couldn’t help but feel special a lifetime. President. when you were in her presence. As Club activities begin to pick A celebration of life event for Mar- up the pace, there is a collection of lene was held on Saturday, March 18 opportunities for everyone to enjoy. at the Sherwood Center for the Arts. The Spring Clean event will spring It was a beautiful ceremony with upon us on April 8 from 9 a.m. to 1 a standing room only crowd. The p.m. at Matrix Integrated, the Social Club sent flowers in condolence to Dinner will take place on April 19 the family and contributed a flower from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Standford’s arrangement to the ceremony. Ad- at Jantzen Beach, and Autocross #2 ditionally, the Club will donate to will take place on April 23 beginning Make a Wish Foundation, one of her at 7:15 a.m at the South Paddock. I favorite charities. It was humbling encourage you all to come out to to see how one person could have some, or all, of the events this month such a positive impact on the lives and enhance your collection of good of so many people who also shared memories. n Anzeiger | April 2017 | 9 SPINNEN Randy Stolz Midnight in Stavelot Part 2 of 2 Editor’s Note: In the March maga- sition from the Type 550 to the Type zine, Randy began retelling the saga 718 RSK. At Le Mans, using the same of his time in Belgium, 1967, when he displacement as the 550As, the RSK escaped college to work for Gulf Oil, still accounted itself very well in the and to associate with some true rac- hands of Umberto Magioli and Edgar ing legends. The story continues ... Barth. While running seventh overall and well ahead of the two-litre Fer- s I sat in the bar at the hotel Val raris and its class opposition, it was d’Ambleve in Stavelot, Belgium, involved in an accident with the Athe rain which had plagued ailing Aston-Martin of Tony Brooks the 1967 1000 km of Spa began to fall in the early morning. Despite this, again. But no matter, the race was over Porsche managed an eighth over- and our Mirage team won! I was warm all (first in class) with the 550 of Ed and dry and in great company listening Hugus and Carel de Beaufort. Indeed, to Dick Thompson and Denise Mc- the 550 was still very potent and was, Cluggage reminisce about 1957. perhaps, at the zenith of its racing ca- reer, finishing fifth at the Mille Miglia, 1957 and fourth at the Nurburgring.
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