' r .6. ^w^i^.-^l^;^^,-^-^,^^^^^;, ^!^ I — I. High hopes me Tugwins Assembly candidate Kevin OToole Greg L. Hlnes of Hillside White Sox top Royals, Orioles hopes GOP success will continue is the force behind new and Pirates in Junior Baseball in the 21st District, Page B1. band. Page B4, League action, Page 14. Springfield Leadei UK. v(j ^ Tour Besf Source For Community Information' o o A WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SPRINGFIELD, N.J., V0L68 NC32-THURS6AY, MAY 18, 1995 TWO SECTIONS — Community Brain power Board of Health Update receives 3 bids Board work-session Ity Juy Hochbcrg heullh, ani| matcrnnl and child health flic Union County Roglonal Mininglng Editor • Health Inspector services — lo be 1 High School Board of Education In it's Final net, the Spcciiil Advisory piovidcd "on emergency basi . only, will meet Tuesday at 7,30 p m. Committee on Establishing a Local when Springfield's inspector is not in Jonathan Dayton Regional Department of Health relayed three available" — at $30 per hour High School for u work session proposals, submitted by neighboring • San Pilippo also (old the commit- 'I ho public U-mvitet] to attend departments of health, to the Spring- tee thai he would IK uyniUblcJor con- and listen, but nuy not com- field " Board" "of Health (or " Millallon by tclcplionc and for occa- ment consideration. sional Bo.ird of Health meetings at a 'Ihe board will discusi a Health officers representing the cost of S2.S00 pel yenr study on staff moinlc; u propos- Township ol Union, the lownship of « In addition, the Union health al lo io-establish » special edu- Millbuin and Ihc Wcstfield Regional olliLcr would visit Ihe Springfield cation proginm lor orlhopcdical- Health Dcpurt.ment were Ihc respon- Board of Health for supervision and ly handicapped students, and $ dents to Springfield's advertisements program development on a woekly pioposuls on summer arid year- for bids to contract henllh services. In basis al n'jiosl of $5,000 per year. round cuniclular and In-service their proposals, each Outlined ihc If accepted, truil option would ren- workshops. ', t • types of service that would be avail- der Union Vbid tho most expensive ol able to Springfield nnd at what cost. 'the three received. , ••'•.;• ' Job; Interviews The committee voted to recom- mend Union's bid — the least expen- • Union's'.'Department of Health The Union Coiinly Regional. and Environmental • Protection also I ligh School Bourd of Education sive of the three — to Ihc Board of Health for/discussion. If approved by may offer Springfield some of Ilie ser- Will meet again iiiiJDaylon on vices it provides locally. Wednesday at .7:36*'p.m.. The • Hie board, Springfield would leave ihc Summit Regional Department of Computerization of paperwork and board, will meet in executive 1 Health, for .Union's. ' ; . •' statistics; inspection of underground session to Interview, candidates tanks; inspection of business, indust- I ho Board of Health had been scher lot iho post of principal of •' rial, nnd food service .facilities; and Jonathan Dayton. After inter-,. •, (Inltd In meet last night, lifter this : testing of water wejls. Currently, the viewing.intei'c!)lctiapp(icanls, tlfi newspaper had: gone to .'prcjis.V. ., . GaMdineer,student Scott Kassel hears an explanation of the wortln^'of"the"" .'-.Sumnti't, Regional-Jjoafd. of: Health is board, will return tii-.regulur ses- b iri m 3 d sm l Jim Lin I he proposal' submitted by Union not computerized. • .'' W ••' • sion and may, vote to fill.the onS in ^?Hdent 'IS "?* *f 5 g 7Y «• ttamldde school's since Fa.r Health Officer Dennis San Filippo SSn2ii^ In grades 5-8 participated in the two-day event, during which ; . The second half of Springfield's science projects were displayed and demonstrated. itemized, ihe services, that • would be,. piovided on .an annual, basis:.. .• .. health scrvlco firograin •—• public Tht:.'hoard, also will.nieel on health nursing —.also was addressed • Health Officer services at May 30 lit 7:3.0. p.m. in Dayton in Union's proposal. * M'i.OOO. ' to interview applicants for the 5 •To start up and operate a flu clinic vacant Berkeley Heights'seat on Specific .services will Include, but Township shotted in health contract mil be limited (o supervision in adnii- for n first year T- until _self- the Board of fiducalionl After sufficlency is attained — U/ilon's interviewing euiidldu'lcs, the Studies show Regional Department provides few services msii uion, adiill health services, com- board wll| return to regular ses- municable disease, environmental- See HOARD, Page 2 sion and may, vole to fill Ihc . By JujrHochbtrg those nuising seniees wiumnt in vacant seal. .: -.•-.. Mhihuglnpj Mitnr independent evalu ilion because Bune Other business may be '.- • According to studies performed by To Your Health has not Londueled an .innii il imhl ol H!gh sehooI program bioughl before the board. Ihe Summit Regional Health Depart Second in a series Ihe eonliacl ie(|Uiiements •went, Ihe Township of Spiingfield h is i ommeifls. made in leeenl months revives work ethic -bemfilcd least in Id.of the • • "' ^pimglii III sinmnill /that hoard hiis, provided to Its four . Ily Cynthin It. Gordon . •.:,;•' Spanish teacher Barbara Obcrding, Springfield Lions -have joined ,cal examiiialions performed,'Spring- • tee lo, study Ihe feasibility of cslab- constituent municipalities. ! Stuff Writer who organizes Ih'e program ul Daylon, other chapters Hcross Ihe slate field raiiked last on both lists. lishing a local department of health '••. In, seven additional services, said Ihe progruni was designed lo in .in effort lo raise money fiir • In Ihe' category of nurse counsel- • cclioed the results of Ihe Summit Reg- , At Jonathan Duyton Regional High Springfield was lied at zero with other. : change Ihe climate of school by moti- Ihe viciims of the bombing of ing, Springfield ranked lust oil both ioiml's internal study. School,, traditional work ethic; have towns. .•.,'•..•-•-•• vating iinderachievcrs lo excel in Ihe 'fedeYal building In • . list's. '••; During Ihoir meetings, members of been revived as Iho Renaissance Prog- A loWn-by-lown1 comparison of academics. ; ' .... • Oklahoma City. ;., • For Ihc nulnber of children- that committee have complained ram lies .academic achievement lo public health nurse activities, com- social acceptability. , , ' "We want lo make jt; cool lo be New Jersey Lions have. ' immunizbd, Springfield, ranked last ' aboul the level of services provided to ( piled by former Regional Heallh • According lo Principal Judith sniarl," Oberding said,"so they're not opened a hank account hv Okla- on both lists, , . " ' . > ...... •:ihe iownship,.alleging both dispropor- Department Director Henry Birne in Wickline, the program was created to embarrassed if they do we)l." homa'City-, whefc the public • • In Ihc lo'liil numhar of immuniza- tionalg costs for services rendered and 1002, shows Springfield ranked last in provide, iin environment whure "stu~ m.iy send donations. Those.' . tions administered, Springfield a failure of Ihe Regional 'Department "It's a small thing to say how' much II of 10 categories of services 'pro- d6nls do the right thing, rather (hair wishing lo 'participate' shdtild . ranked lust on both lists. • lo account for the money paid by . we appreciate their good behavior and vided' lo Summit, New Providence, Ihe wrong thing!" / : . send, checks, lo Lions Cliih. Dis- Not 'only do Springfield's children Springfield. • the nice things they do for each Berkeley Heights and Springfield. Do the Right-Thing is the aspect of ' other," Wicklihe said. "I think they ict 311, 8016 N, May, Okluho- receive Ihe least in per capita services, In the report submitted to Ihe Thai 3-year-old study was Ihe most • the program in which teachers reward enjoy it." nu City, OK 73120. according to Ihe survey, but the Reg- Township Committee and lo the recent made .available lo.Springfield's ipnal Department serves between two •Board of I lealth, Ihe advisory com- . students whose behavior tliey consid- The Renaissance Program was born • .-.pcciar .Advisory Committee im~ and three times Ihe numBcFlTf cliiltF" miltcc -alicge.T^'thc—pulTlic—health- .-eriCxoh)pltiry..Xhe teens are giv.eojV.; Jiisl. ..year- whun-Obcrding-lnught-nt - Pre-K Wrap Around . lisliihlishing a Local Department of b:\dge by ii teacher, and eaclr week '. Johnson Regional. High 'School in'.' 1 ren from other constituent townships. needs of Springfield will continue lo The-Board'Of lidiicalion and1 Health.. ;.' • , ' •• 1 ' . Air internal review of the manage- fail to.be udilresscd due lev different Wickline presents each with a c'erlifl-!. Oliirk; upon arriving (it Daylon, slie Su'nunil' Child Care Centers • "We've been throwing nioncy on ment of the Summit Department i>f agendas and priorities of an outside cale in recognition of .tlieir 1 siarlcd. over again al . Wickllne's have announced the I're- Ihe table and. gelling politick," said Health say's jho.regional "is deficient provider of services." .' '" •, • achievements. ' r«|iies'l. • ; • Kiudergarlen, Wrap Around .committee Chair/nan Charlie Jacques, with lesp'ect'lo programdevelopmenU , I;or' the cunent fiscal year, tluv Sipce ilie inception of the program , . "I think it's a fanlnslic program." I'ogriun'Will be continued in during, a meeting in January. pursoiiriel development ami lucks in January, approximately 300 awards •Oberding said. "You can't help hut 'V- Township of Springfield contracted he'.jiexl. school • year. •, . The comparison is a two-fold .list of administrative guidance and Ihe .Summit. Regional Dcpiiiiinenl.'ol'. have been, presented. • . ...'. ; See DAYTON, Page 2 The'Wrap Around Program Is child-care services. ' direution." - lleallh for. the niusiiig" services, iiffeied lo working parents of . .On one list of nursing activities per- Thai repoft is criliclil of Birne, slat-. niliong others-, al a ' cost of nearly :hildi'cii'needing daycaie formed .for infants niid pre-sphool ing^ "no.supplemental delivery plans $.14,00(4.
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