USA West Province Newsletter • San Francisco, California May 20, 2018 and kindness. We thank Bishop O’Connell for his presence and Salesian style. We are also grateful to St. Dominic Savio Parish for all the work that went into preparing and executing a beautiful ceremony and reception. The parishioners and many others outside the parish did so much to welcome Fabian’s fam- ily and deliver such a wonderful MAY BIRTHDAYS event. To all who contributed, we say “ THANK YOU!” Fr. Luis Gryzko.....................1 Fr. Joe Farias.........................8 God has blessed us with another or- Fr. Bob Delis.......................13 dination which will take place on June 30th in Guadalajara, Mexico. Fr. Rafael Saiz....................16 Dear Salesian Sisters and The Provincial Council has ap- Fr. Edward Liptak...............16 Brothers, proved the ordination of Br. Gus- Br. Benito Guerrero............20 tavo Ramirez to the Diaconate. Br. Fr. Lucian Lomello.............27 Today I head back to San Francis- Gustavo has asked to be ordained Fr. Juan Muñoz...................29 co. I have been in Los Angeles for in Mexico (Guadalajara) with the the last week attending Br. Fabian Salesians who will also receive their Cardenas’ Ordination and several diaconate. Gustavo’s family lives in PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Mexico and it would be easier and meetings. Fr. Lucian Lomello, SDB more economical for members of Br. Jerry Weirich, SDB We are grateful to God for the bless- his family to attend closer to home ing of Br. Fabian’s ordination to the rather than flying out to Califor- Fr. Jesse Montes, SDB Diaconate. We thank his family for nia. We congratulate Gustavo on Br. Pat Maloney, SDB making the effort to attend and be this wonderful occasion. A number Br. Phil Mandile, SDB of Salesians from the Province are a supportive presence. It meant a Fr. Armand Oliveri, SDB lot for Fabian. The ceremony took planning to attend. Fr. Arthur Lenti, SDB place at St. Dominic Savio Church on Tuesday, May 15th at 6pm. We Both Br. Gustavo and Br. Fabian REST IN PEACE were blessed to have Bishop David have had a long and challenging O’Connell preside at the ceremony. journey to reach this milestone in Br. Tony Matse, SDB Many people commented on Bishop their vocational calling. We thank 1928 - 2018 David’s pastoral style and warmth. them for their confidence and pa- Viewing and Rosary at 10:00am, tience in allowing God to guide Wednesday May 23rd,2018 He even spoke Spanish addressing followed by Mass at 11:00am and Fabian and his family. We felt re- them and bring their hard work to burial at noon. laxed and “at home” with his style fulfillment. It has not been easy All at Salesian Richmond, CA INTOUCH • May 20, 2018 1 and both have, hopefully, learned called him to serve and help make lemnity. It is the 150th anniversary something beautiful from all of this. this world a better place. And, even of the construction of the Basilica And, we pray that this experience, in his last years, with difficult ail- of Mary Help of Christians in Tu- while not always easy, will make ments, he never gave up his sense rin, Italy. We thank God for sending them better ministers and Salesians, of humor and continuous search us his Mother, Mary, to guide and men of prayer, compassion and for ways to help the world, even in strengthen Don Bosco in his call to pastoral sensitivity to others who some little way. In his last year or reach the hearts of the young. Don struggle and suffer, to the weak and so, Tony lived at Nazareth House, Bosco firmly believed that he could vulnerable. Everyone has a story, a a retirement home, in San Rafael, not have accomplished anything journey and struggles. The young just outside of San Francisco. He without her intercession and guid- long to be listened to and accepted. was happy there and made friends ance. Don Bosco also wanted Mary This was Don Bosco’s style and easily. I am sure he will be missed be our Mother and teacher. He secret. He won the young’s hearts also wanted the Salesian Sisters, the because he listened and understood Daughters of Mary Help of Chris- their world and their need and desire tians, to be the living monument of to belong and be loved. May Fabian this wonderful Mother. So, as we and Gustavo’s call to be deacons and pray the novena and celebrate the later to be priests, be a call to grow feast of Mary Help of Christians, deeper in God’s love for all, espe- let us pray that, like Don Bosco, we cially, the young to whom they will may have that same devotion, love be sent. Congratulations to both of and trust in Mary’s intercession and our brothers and we wish them all blessings. Believe in her and you the best as they journey towards or- will see miracles, as Don Bosco was dination to the priesthood and to a quoted saying throughout his life. life of service. May it be so for each one of us. We mourn the loss of Br. Anthony This coming weekend, some of our Matse. Br. Tony was 90 years of schools will be having graduations age and passed away last week at a and farewell ceremonies. We con- hospital in San Rafael. Originally gratulate our Seniors who are gradu- from Holland, Br. Tony also had a ating and entering into another stage journey that took many turns in his of their lives. May Mary bless and life. This journey took him to Aus- by the residents there. Surely, we protect them. May they be instru- tralia and Canada and later brought will miss Br. Tony and his presence ments of peace and forgiveness in him to California. He served at Don among us. We thank God for Tony’s a world that is often divided and at Bosco Tech for many years but also life, his contribution to the Salesian war. Don Bosco believed that Mary in Richmond and other communi- Province and for giving him the sent each young person to our insti- ties as economer and counselor. grace to say, “yes” to his Salesian tutions. May she now guide them as Tony was known for his love of call. May he rest in the peace and they leave us and keep each of them reading, searching the internet for love of God and intercede for us, in her maternal care. spiritual stories and writing. He had asking God to send us many more hoped to have written a book from healthy and holy vocations. With warm regards and gratitude, all his reading, cutting and past- ing. The book was never written This week we celebrate the feast of but the book of his life definitely Mary Help of Christians. May 24th was. He was a faithful Salesian, a has always been a special day for kind and gentle man and searched the Salesian Family. This year, the Fr. Ted Montemayor, SDB for ways to make his life meaning- Salesians celebrate the feast of Mary ful. He was convinced that God had Help of Christians with special so- INTOUCH • May 20, 2018 2 Province Calendar 2018-19 Province of St. Andrew the Apostle San Francisco, California As of April 16, 2018 February, 2018 May, 2018 1 TH Mass for Deceased Confrere 1 TU Initial Formation Evaluations due. 1 TH Initial Formation Evaluations due 2 WE Members Meeting, St. Francis, Watsonville @ 10:00 AM 2-4 FR-SU Provincial Visitation – St. Bridget’s 3 TH Members Meeting, Richmond Parish, Los Angeles 5 SA Salesian Family Day, SJB, 5-11 MO-SU Provincial Visitation - Salesian High Bellflower Province Calendar 2018 -19 Community, Los Angeles 6 SU St. Dominic Savio Province Calendar (Not Celebrated this Year) Province of St. Andrew7 theWE Apostle Pius IX 6-8 SU-TU Provincial Council Meeting, San Francisco,9 CaliforniaFR Bl. Eusebia Palomino Yenes, vir. Richmond As of April 716 , 2018WE Members Meeting, Watsonville 12 SA Salesian Family Day, 11-13 SU-TU Provincial Council Meeting, St. John Bosco H.S., Bellflower February, 2018 May, 2018 De Sales Hall, Bellflower 13 SU St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello 14 WE Ash Wednesday (Not Celebrated this Year) 1 TH Mass for Deceased Confrere 16-181 FRTU-SA PracticalInitial Formation Training Workshop,Evaluations SUE due.- 15 TU Diaconate Ordination, St. Dominic 1 TH Initial Formation Evaluations due 2 WE SUO,Members California Meeting, St. Francis, Savio Church, 6:00 PM, 16-19 FR -SU ProvincialWatsonville Visitation @ 10:00 – AMSt. Mary’s, Bishop David O’Connell 2-4 FR-SU Provincial Visitation – St. Bridget’s 3 TH LosMembers Angeles Meeting, Richmond 16 WE St. Louis Orione Parish, Los Angeles 18-195 SUSA-MO Principals’Salesian Family Meeting, Day, Salesian SJB, HS, 16 WE Members Meeting, Watsosnville 5-11 MO-SU Provincial Visitation - Salesian High RichmondBellflower 17 TH Members Meeting, SJB, Bellflower Community, Los Angeles 196 MOSU President’sSt. Dominic Day Savio 22 TU Trust Meeting, Provincial House, (Not Celebrated this Year) 7 WE Pius IX 19-25 MO-SU Provincial Visitation – Don Bosco San Francisco @ 10:00 AM 6-8 SU-TU Tech,Provincial Rosemead Council Meeting, 24 TH Mary Help of Christians 9 FR Bl. Eusebia Palomino Yenes, vir. 25 SU SS.Richmond Louis Versiglia & Callistus 26 SA Graduation, SJB, Bellflower 7 WE Members Meeting, Watsonville 12 SA Caravario,Salesian Family Salesian Day, Protomartyrs 26 SA Graduation, St. Francis, Watsonville 11-13 SU-TU Provincial Council Meeting, (NotSt. CelebratedJohn Bosco this H.S.,Year) Bellflower 28 MO Memorial Day De Sales Hall, Bellflower 2613 MOSU Curatorium,St.
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