THE COAST VOLUME I. No. 49. BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, MAKCH 24, 1893. &1.OO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. "Please, don't joke, George dean it's JfRAXK T. McDERMOTT, AHARON E. JOHNSTON, TENTH AVENUE COTTAGE, THE OLD HEARTHSTONE. —The Wheeler Opera Hetim at Toledo. —The death of Squir. Abingdon Baird ia BKLMAII, N. J. a matter of life or death. Do ran op* NEWS OFJTHE WEEK. We (rather 'round the old hearthstone, stairs and see before'it is too late." Ohio, was entirely destroyed by Arm Satur- New Orleans of pneumonia will hare no ef- ATTOBNY AT LAW Two Blocks from the Ocean. of InipnrtanI E»fnU DtiHrng day. fect on tbe Mitchell-Corbet* fight. COUNSELLOB AT LAW. Will o«t is heard tho north wind's moan. So finally, after useless protests, I OLICITOR AND MASTER IN CHANCERY. Every Modern Convenience. Within all is delight, ' . the Pfta* Savcn Day*. —Belva Lock wool has appliepp d ffo r admisd - —The Alamo Hotel at Colorado Offleo Adjoining Post Office, Flrst-clsaa Board. Gncrd Spring Water, WLile 's^klaat ite pane ihe whispering rain was seut up to my bedroom with pen- sioi n to ththe practictiee off lal w in NeN wY Yorkk Col.. was almost entirely destroyed by Bra Office Opposite Taylor's Hotel, on Mala Street. —Honeadale, Pa., was visited Sunday by ft. D. PARKS. SpeaLs ot a starlcsa Big!iL . cil and paper to report on the appear- a $86,000 fire. State. Friday. The guests escaped amid much FREEHOLD, HRW JERSEY. FREEHOLD. N. J. ance and location of any "spots" 1 *7c BIER the eonga r.z uscJ to sfng. Henderson Smith, aged 119, died excitement. At Farmlngdale Every Evening. When youth wit* o'^is and pleasure king, might happen to possess. >-The bullion in the Bank of England In- creased $141,000 during the past week. Quincy? 111.t , Wednesday'night. He was j —Chess Player Walbrodt was beaten by gAMUEL A. PATTERSON, ' Nor heed ttc angry utorm. "Oh, I'm so thankful," said my wifo bora in Virginia, In 1774. Delmar ia a Fompeiiaa opening Saturday MAPLE SHAPE. For Mndiy cbtcr Eialtes tirl^ht the sphem when sha was told that but few pim- —There an 7,000 families along; the Kansas Ot tome where hearts are warm. o bonier ready to rush into the Cheroke* -St. Patricks any was generally observed in New York. Walbrodt, who played the ples that had existed long before the strip. In the usual manner in all th* larger cities defense, resigned after 4o moves. * Attorney & Counsellor at Law.The European House, COB. FIFTH AVENUE ANP F STREET, Stories are MU or that dear lima era of food lectures, my skin had a of .the country Friday last. —Tbe Klnyon block, and the Janaa Mock When life Cowed on like smoothest rhjme, clean bill of health, "I am glad that —The Senatorial elections la Spain have re- brick structure*, four •UiriMi bfeh. sad in (ESTABLISHED 1880.) BELMAK, JT. J. —The California Legislature has adjoorasd In' the (AT long ago; our folly has not, up to the present, sultedjn a sweeping victor? for the Mou- the principal part of Oswcgo. X. Y., wen and Master in Clancery, Open-tor tbe season of 1892, and wilt continue When ensiles rare were built ID sir. had any serious consequences. Dr. arcbisto. sine die. destroyed by lire Thursday night COR 9th and RAILROAD AVENUES. open all th« year. To melt, i«aj llko maow. Rooms 4 & 5, Monmouth Building, Hutchioson, the greatest surgeon in —Erank Shevy was burned U death is a —Three firemen were hurt by falling walls —One hundred miaera an on strike at thm Thla hcnse occupies one of H>» txwt locations Tbe bouse faces Shark River, and bad All the Crandfaihcr and grandmother tefl England, says Pro! Spatling, has fire which destroyed the City Hotel at at a fire in Minneapolis. Lose^tfO.OOf). - Wheeling Steel Works miaes at Benwood. jnveclenees of location aud furniBblng. to rea- Of olden days, when love'« tweet ipell ASBU.BY. PARK. N. J. In the place, convenient tu railroad, rtver and proved conclusively that leprosy is LewistoD, Idaho. W. V« , for higher wages, laying the Deach. Itn rooms are large and cool, aud Itsder It attractive and comfort*ble to permanent Their hearts together drew; a—Baros a soldien dru anCuased J write, conspicuour on militars i" yFranc sube- :lor» pleasant and inviting. Attached to the and transient guests. When hope was bright with tenderest light, solely caused by eating too much fish; —Matt Keely, the St. Louis politician, A thousand men are out JH« 1B a restaurant, where the beat, cheapest For terms and other information address who was shot by Mi*, liar? Frush two jeets. is dead. B. fl. BrETOX, D. D. 8. },1. BCBTOI, D. D. S. And sorrows were but tew. coast districts are always the parts of work. and qulcketst meals can be aerred at any boar. Tux UAPLE SHADE. " - weeks ago. U dead. —The entire senior class in tbe medical 10 claim to p#8seBB the beat 34-Inch by TO Good Uncle John, Just hrnir from se«, principally affected. Norway, the only —Tbe Rev Dr. Thomas Edward Ver- .WIUIK alley in the State. And both ladles Selmar, 3?. J. European country where leprosy flour- —A bill to extend provincial franchise to department of tbe Minnesota State Uni- mi Jye. one of tbe oldest elwgxroen in New BURTON BROTHERS, And gentlemen who delight tn the mme BSTB Tells of far aistaut lands, while wo versity has been suspended. ample opiwrtunities to amuse and exercise Drink in bis honeyed words: ishes to any considerable extent, finds women has been introduced in the Nora York: city, who was the senior pastor o£ Scotia, Legislature. —Mrs. Anna Elisabeth {Bartlett), wif« of j the Cfcllegutfe Reformed Duieb church, RESIDENT DENTISTS. themselves. As sweet t&cy arc. as swee' aud fair. in fish its staple food. And oysters As sweetest uonss of Oirds. —Fire has destroyed about tfty small | James Phillips, jr.,. owner and editor of dead iu ms 71^ Tear BOWK'S BLOCK, 505 BANGS AVENUE, Families supplied w^th Oysters. Clams, Ice oysters for supper! Good gracious, the New. York Press, is dead at Fitch- Junction ot Cookmao \ venue. Cream. Contncltona and other delicacies. And thus with story, lauffh and song, buildings occupied by the* poorer clawea ot —The Municipal TeMesjBBfetl JCo.. ha* been Havlnij had 20 years' experience in segar JOSEPH YONGEN, George, how could you be so foolish!" Eureka Springs. Art. burg. Mass. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY. laklng. I feel justified In saying that I can Wo pass the stormy night and long, "Paulina brought them in," 1 ex- itincorporated ^ witih tbtbe New York Secretary supply the trade with a better ftegar for less TON8OBIAL PARLOK. Oiir hearts all free from e^re; —The Farmers" Exchange Block, at Easex *—The Hon. Thomas Lawrence, a venerable of Sialtaswith a capital of $100,000. The money than any otnvr firm possibly can, either Thank Heaven tor this: To-night there Is plained, feebly and rather meanly. Of and leading citixea of New Jersey, is dead, New York Office, 33 West 26th Street. wholesale or retail. Give me a trfal and be con- F Street, Between Blxth and Seventh Avenuee. Junction, Vt.. w-ns burned Thursday night. majority of the* tnsorporatora en iuwreai - At home DO vifcaol choir. course I had given Pauline the money. Lota, $24,ft00; insured. at his home in Hamburg, Sussex county, ed in an Albany pool room. Office Hours. 9 A. n\ to 5 F. M. vinced. - iiELMAK, K. J. —Caleb IJuiiii. in N. V. I aged 76 years. JTOH ALLSPACH k WIFE, Propr's. "I suppose you don't really want to —The weekly statement of the Back of —A Urge lot of deals, plank*, and batten*, AppoiDtmeuta made by Hall or Telephone. N.J. get rid of me, George? I suppose you France abowa an increase of 85,000 francs in —A special election has been ordered In belonging to an American vessel, have been MANUFACTURERS OF 020Z- haven't got them with the deliberate gold and 1,460,000 franca in «lver. the Seventh Massachusetts Confrmwional washed asfcore at OMOrtme? [.Oral*. Th* THE ETHICS OF FOOD. intention of giving me blood poisoning district on April 35, to choose a successor wreckage bears the appearance of having —Mma. Cottu, whose revelations in the or typhoid fever? Vet rarely you ought to Hear; Cabot Lodge. been a long time in tbe water. Panama Canal case created a sensation, has —Tremont Temple in Boston waa destroyed Io know that Thames oysters always— left Paris with her children for rest. —A special assembly «f tbe Presbyterian MILOH.CREGO, John E,. Brows, George's Experience with ProC Vou haven't any pains about the—the Church in Ireland, convened in Belfast, by lire, which started by some unknown S. E. HALL, Epatlias's Course of Lecture* breast, have you, George?" —Th- report of [a fatal land slide on th« has unanimously psarwi resolution* con- cause, in tins organ loft, Sunday morning;. Canaiian Pacific railroad is declared to be demning the Home Rule bill. The structure has been celebrated as ths When 1 had satisfied my wife on this bttnel*** by the superintendent at Wm- Dealer In Soon after our marriage, my wife, Austen & Pool, druggist*. largest Baptist church in New England point, she went over her notes of the —'The city attorney of Indianapolis ha* sub- Justice of the Peace, who ia somewhat of a stickler for hy- lecture, and one by one knoeked most —It Is stated by the Texan delegBtion that K.
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