THE Autobioiraphy OVA WINNEBAGO Indian

THE Autobioiraphy OVA WINNEBAGO Indian

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORfNIA PtGUCATIONS Y , 0 - ; , - ~~IN -S'r,0-; AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY, ANDETHNOLOGY, Vol. 16, NO. 7, PP. $81473 " April 1920 * - j - uf; -0 - \- ., ; T ;t ,.12 f -' . - 4 - \- THE AUTOBIOiRAPHY OVA WINNEBAGO INDiAN ' . ; PAUL RADIN 'A ,R I.s 'I 1- ..- 4 4 .# . J " " " Z, .- I , i. ,, ',.I f, ,. i 2, UNIVERSITY'OFCAL1FbX 1 1 , ,t , R I I .-q.,.1, I -.-1 ---1-.,...-I. 1, II'll.,'_..I-..-- -.1.- .', ,-.: " ., ;--4. ,_.,,1.II.,.,--.I.,., ,,,..".II.,.. 'I.,. 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"I.-.1- I-1--'. ,-.I.,I.,a-I.I.-.6J, ahult.v..--:.-,--. .I-. ._j.., ..467,2i.,!.-...,.._._.I".,--,.,..N-;.,..:.I"..".'.-.II.-!),I--I.I1, -9 .........."-.A-.....,..,.,.,.---'I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY Vol. 16, No. 7, pp. 381-473 April 15, 1920 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A WINNEBAGO INDIAN BY PAUL RADIN CONTENTS PAGE Introduction.......................................... 383 Part I. The story of my life.........................................

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