1983 " "'" 100 Metres: P

1983 " "'" 100 Metres: P

AI,I$TAALIAIC ATHLETIC lINION (Forwrly the Alllateur Attlll'ttc linton of Australla) 1921 • 1982 (FOl'W!rly the ArraUur Athleti~ Union of AU5tr.lashJ 1897 • 1921 Founded 1891 f€)4I1U OF THE INTERNATIONAl AAAlIUA ATlIlfTJC FHUATlC»i Affl1hted with: Austnl1en Ol~lc Feder4tion ALlStralfan Coamr!\IIIII!! .. 1 til lialleS As50chtlClfl Confedl!!r.. t10n 0 f Aus trll I ian Sport MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS Oueensl'nd WOmen's ~teur Athletic Associat'on Q~ensland Amateur Athletic Auo~fltion New Soutil Wiles ANt.eur Athletic Associ.tio,. Vlctorl .. n Atillettc Assoc1itlon Amateur Athletic Assocl .. tloo of Tas .... nl .. Athletic Auoc1ettOfl of South AlIStr.. lh Athhlic AssochtlOfl of Wl!stern Austr.. l h Australhn c..plto1l TerritoI")' _leur Atillettc Association Austr alhn T,...ctr: .. nd Field Co"nes ASSociation Australhn Assocl.tloo of Veter,"', AUlletic Clubs Austnlian t,Mlveo-sltles Sports Assocl.tlon HON(l!AAY II r[ HDtiERS (Elected by A.A.U. of A.l (E lected by A.W.A.A.U.) • Hugh R. Wefr , C.B.E . 19S1 Miss Gwen Bull (196'1 C. Ronald Altka,.. C.II.E. 196!1 Miss Nell Gould, II.E.N. '96'1 • Arthur J Hodsdon. M.B.E. ,.. , Mrs DorIS Hagee, A.H • • M.II.E. '96' • HOnlln G. Hutton '968 Miss lillian Haville 1962 leonard II. Curnow, O.II.L '968 Mrs . Navis Ebzery . O.A .N. '967 • Robert E. Grah~, O. B. E. ,... Mrs . Malsla McQuiston, B.[.M. 1971 F. Thea Treaty. O.B.E. "rs . ~l'9Irel C.h111 1972 • G. Soptr ,.. , "~s. ""bel Robinson, M.B.E. 1973 C. Herbert Gardl,.er 1974 Mrs. Joyce lIonwlck 1978 ThaNs C. Blue ''''!'980 H. Ceorge Carruthers t Oeceased DIRECTORY Posl.il Address: Crandst.. ncs. OI)'IIIPic Puk Athletic Track, Swan Street. M(! lbourne , Victorl.. 3002 TelegralllS : Jilw lhunlon. HelbourTIe Tel ex M.E . ZOO . ",I bourne 30625 Te lephone: H.. t lOIN I (OJ) 429 son International t61 .3 429 S017 C(JmNTS RESli. TS AUSTRAliAN CHAMPIONSHIP~ Road RWloto9 Cha~ion$"tp5 Har.thotl Raad Walkio9 Ch.mptOOihtps Cross CoWl try Chi~IOfIShtps Australian All Schools Cross Country Cha~iOf'ls"fps Austr.ll," Al l SchoGls Tr.ck 'nd Field ~IOn$h'ps Charle5 J14ft~ 'louise ""Is SIIleld 11/ 16 ~tlt1ons Track 'nd Field ~IOMhlps • ~ TriCk and field ~IOftshlps • *-'t Trflck and neld a. ..tonsttt~ - ~dtr ZO • ~n Track .,d Field ~Iond!f", - !bier ZO • WoIbeo Track W Field OI~OIHhfPl' • l.i\der 18 • Meo Track and Field ~tOftSblps - Under 18 . Woeen Austr.U .... Dtt<1ldll~tlthl00 find lCu1tipl. £Vents AUSTAAL-L~tXHE II lOIS_PI IJITE_TIOtAL CCJfIIlEml1)l LoRcba Ml.TJthon btroul Mlr.thon wo.en's World W.lklng Champlonships Australl. V [n914nd Austr.lla V luly Wo1'1d Cross Country ( h.aqlionshtps C'nQue ""Hoi 5ofo<xIl Tntem.tlon,l Tr.ck and field Ch'lI!pfonships [urope,o Tour Results aMOfWEAlTH GN€S "CDRDS 8est 01\ Record by ao Australian Athlete IIIfcords Austrllhn ~corOs Superseded AUSTRAlIAJrl RANICING LIST rOR 1982/83 Au5trallan Runner HaQllzlne HpW Sout~ W. l u Amateur Ati'llrt1c Auad.aU.. Au~rAALIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 1982/83 SANVO AUSTRAliA WINTER CHAMPIONSHIPS MARATHON . 1'£" (Con du~\ ed in Br isbane on 25th July , 1982) F. Abe (Jap) 2. 15.56 .2; R. Walhce (Vic) 2.16. 02, G. Wood (SA) 2.16.22. t. Adams (Q1dl 2.17.51: H. Sakatllls tl i (Jap) 2. 18.23.8, J. Stanley (NSW ) C. Heave {ACT 2. 18.33.9: G. Han(j (AU) 2.19. 45.2. MAAATllOfrl - WOMEN 8. McKerrow (Vic-Nl); A. Mann (SA) ; A. Coleman (Old) 3.01. 16.9 B. Fay (Vic) T. Cook (Yfc) J. Flood (SA) 3.06.41.B. 25KM - KEH (Conducted In Sydney on 14th AU9ust, 1982 R. de Cutella (Vic) 77 . 02; G. Wood {SAl 77.31; D. Froude (ACT I 77.54: G. Hand (ACT) 78. 44: N. de Castella (Vic 79.08: C. Rama.dge (Yi c 79. 31. T[~: Victoria 19; ACT 26; SO uth Australia 44; NSW 56; Queensland 65. 101(114 - WOKEN S. Plel"!o on (Ylc) 33.57; J . Hams (SAl 35.36; S. Ba rrett (Qld) 35.53; A. Que l ch (N5W) 36.00; K. IIh"nnell (Qld) 26.11; H. Rlur-do (NSW) 36.18. TEAMS: NSW 17 ; South Aus tr<l lia 26; lIe.stern Australia 35. 20KM WAlK - HEN (Conducted In Brisb"nt' on 25th July. 1962) W. Sa .... all (VIC.) 1.7.10; K. KnOll (NSW ) 1.11.05: O. Knox (Yfc) 1.11.25; H. de Cl ifford (ACT) 1.11.20 ; B. Goo~ (ACT) 1. 12.35; G. White (WA) 1.13. 18. TEAMS: Vl cl ori" 22; ACT 37: South Auuralill 38 ; NSW 39. SKH WALK - WOMEN S. Cook (Vic) 22.27.69 ; A. Ryan (NSWj 24.27.00; l. Harpur (SA) 24.36. 91 l. Young (vlc) 24 .41.66; R. IhOOlpson (NSW) 24.55.37; S. Narby (VA ) 25.1 4. 21 TEAMS: Victoria 11; NS'" 15; South Australia 22: Queensland 30. 3J(M WALK - JUNI OR WOMEN l. Harrison (NS ... ) 14.56; S. Narby (WA) 15.05; S. Too hey (Vic) 15. 15 ; S. Doove ( Vi c) 15. 16; J. Paller (NSW) 15.21 ; T. BuCkingham (Yic) 15.26. TEAMS: Yictoria 13; NS ... 13 ; We stern Aus tral!, 19. 2~ WALK - SUB J UNIOR WOMEN Y. Waters IVle) 9.]6.5; W. Nixon (NSW) 9.43.5: P. I'Iurray (NSW) 9.48.6; R. Ta l bot SAl 9.50.0; C. Vanst"n (Vi c) 9.52.0; J. l"mbert (SA) 9.57.0 TEAMS: Victor i a 13 : HSW 13; South Austnlh 19. Cl\OS5 COUNTRY CHAKP IONSHIPS (Conducted in Kobart on 19th June, 1982) 12.000 METRES - MEN l. Whitty (NSW) 36 .24 ; R. de Cas tella (Yic ) 36.47; R. O'Connor (Vic) 37.36; N. de Castelh (Vic) 37.50; D. FrOude (ACT) 38.02; C. Wardlaw (Ylc) 38.06. TEAMS: Victoria 16: ACT 36; NS'" 37; Quee nsland 63; South Australid 80. B.ooo HETRfS - lJIOER 20 MOl S. Mon@gh@ttl (Ytt) 24.51; A. Hoyl@ (Yle) 2~.03; To Woodhous@ (lf2) 25.11. A. Smith (Ol d ) 25.19; A. Wilkinson (Yie) 26.00; M Rut1@r (NZ) 26.01 TEAKS: Victoria 7, Ou@en$l.nd 19 NSW 2'; ACT 2B; Tasmw"'. 43. 4,000 HETRfS - WOMEN M. SIO.M (Vic) 14.04; 5. Pierson (Ylc) 14.06; A. Qu@ l dI INSW) 14.18; J. Ioppolo (WA) 14.20; J. Hi8s (SA) 14.22; S. Brad ley (ACT) 14.29. TINtS: Yictorla 12; HSW 24; laSNnl a. 42. 3, 000 I£TRfS - UHDER 18 - WOMEN T. Tu rney ( Vic ) 10.13; w. W.ltoo (Vfc) 10.16; O. Gould (SA) 10.17; J. Pallai'd (Yic) 10.44; C. 801"9 (HSwl 1 0.'~; K. S.unders (NSW) 10.'7. TEAMS: Victorh 1; HSW 18; Queens land 29; Soutll Austr alia 35. 2,000 METRES - UNDER I ~ - WOM£N ~. Adamson (Qld) 6.55; r. [ ggenront (JIISW) 6.56 ; A. MeYie (Ql d ) 6.56; K. (.amp (SA) 6.57; M. Bleek l ey (ACT) 1.00; P. Aitke n (NSW) 1. 01. IDl'I5: Queenslanr:i 10; NSW IS; Victor ia 26 ; South Austr aHa 27. Jilt, 19B1) 2.000 METRES - UNDER 15 - WOf£N 11. Adalllson (Qhl) 6.51; T. Adur5 (HSW) 6.51; L. Tr @genl' (SA) 6.51: K. OUncas.on (NSW) 7.00; S. ~~n (WA) 7.08; T. fggermont (NSW) 1.09. TEAMS: NSW; Ou@t!nsland; YlctorlJ; Sout1l klstr.,l.; W@Slern Australh . 2 ,000 M(TIl:E:S - UNDU 17 - W(K)I C. Scll\Aolalow IVic) 6.'6; D. Gould (SA) 6.49; A. McWle (Old) 6.51; C. 801'9 ( NSW) 6.55 ; 1(. V,n ~n Heuv.1 (SA) 6.58; J. RoblnsOfI (WA) 7.01. TEAMS: Victor l.; Soutll Austr .11a, Qu&ensland, H@w South W.l@$; West@ r n Australia. 4,000 METRES - LM DER 1'3 - WOMEN T. Tumey (Vic) 14.04 ; P. AltKerl (NSW) 14.46 ; W. Walton (Vic) 14.S7, 1\ . Hlndlllarsh (NSWl 15.09 ; K. Doac@y (Ql d) 15.1 6 ; J. Neal (NSW) lS.l2. TEN1S; New South Wales; Ylc t o r ia; Queens"n!!; Sou t h Aus traHI. 4 ,000 H£TR[S - Lti()£11 15 • Io£N P, W~ rren ( NSW) 13.25: A. McDon.ld (Old) 13.27; R. 6n)lo1n (O ld) n.]!!; G. GriffithS (SAl 13.43; O. WMdc() ~ k (NSlil 13.47: 1. Wilt~ (ItA) !l.~B. ~ New South Wales; [email protected] ; West@ rn Aust r all.; Victor1s. 4,000 I'1ETRfS - UNDfR 17 - MEN P. Murray (VIc;) lJ.oo; 5. Pike (Vic) lJ.OJ; O. Lightfoot (NSW) 13.06; W. AndT'NS (NSW) 13.11; C. O.lton ( NS" ) 13.12; M. Ryan (Qldl 1).15. TEAMS : Ylctorh; Hew SOuth W. le\; lIestern Australia. l)ue<ensl&nd 8,000 METRES - I.lHlER 19 - ~ H. Iiorwood (Vic) 25.59; A. wskle IHSWI 26.33; H. Roberts (NSW) 26.56; S. Hoyle (ViC) 26.59; P. Griffiths WA) 26.59; A. Dobh! ( Vi C) 2:7.06. TEAMS: Victoria; He-w Sou t n W~lest We-stern AustriJlia; Queensland . All SCHOOl TRA C~ AND FJELD CHAMP IONSH IPS (Conducted in Hobart, December 10th· 12th 1982) UNO£R 19 - liMN 100 I£TR[S S. Al t on (NSW) 1 1.99; N. Boegman (NSW) 12.12; S.

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