VOL. XVIII.. I8th YEAR. No. 1 DUNCAN. B. C.. THURSDAY, JANUARY Sth. 192Z Subicription $2.00 Yearly in Ad»iac» BOARDWntADE CITY COUNCIL . NORTH COWICHAN AFFAIRS FIRE IN DUNCAN FROMGRMETOGAY Varthtr Inquiries Cooeeming Tsls> No Plcbtscttt -Report On Resident Badly Burned — Children Dttncan Firemen Provide Merry Eo* Power Plant Doingt Retcue4 From Upper Rooms tertximnent At Annual Ball phone Rebstes and Bay Wharf Only Nine Chemahms Residents Attend Special Though just four hours previous to The festive season had a bad influ* Mayor Pitt. Aldermen Prevosl Mr, C. G. Thornton was badly cace at the attendance at the council Smythe and Whidden attended the burned and is lying at Duncan hos ­ the commencement of their annual meeting of Duncan Board of Trade at' council meeting held on Tuesday night pital and Mrs. Thornton, her little ball on Monday evening the Duncan in Duncan. Although a petition re­ Meeting-Facts Concerning Consolidation daughter. Pamela, and Gwen Owen Volunteer Fire Department were -the Agricultural office last Wednesday evening. A bare quorum comprised questing a plebiscite on consolidation had narrow escapes from death wlun fighting one of the most -erious fires that has occurred in Dunean for some Ur. Hugh Savage, president, Messrs. has been in circulation in the city it fire broke out in the rooms occupied and there were reasons to hope that H. F. Prevost, J. M. Campbell, H. W, was not presented to the council. Whether due to complete satisfac ­ by Mr", ami Mrs. Thornton above time past, their reputation as tnconi- iiicy would have the school rcclassed [larabie host- was in no way affected. Fox and £. W. Neel. The council submitted a report to tion or merely to apathy it it hard to the Cowichan Garage, corner of Is- as a superior one with first year high l*ut wa*. if pos-ible. enhanced. Mr. Neel outlined corresnondcnce the ratepayers which will be found land Highway and Covemm« m -trecl. tell but only nine ratepayers from school w'ork. with the/Hon. Frank Carvell. chair­ in the correimondeocc columns of this Duncan, on Monday evening la-t. .At the scene of the fire they had Chemainus district attended the an­ 1'hry had doubts as to continuing proved their worth as untiring work­ man, B^rd of Railway Commission ­ issue. Mr. H. R. Garrard, city elec­ It appears that cual oil wu- being Chemainus three room schuol ers, con^rning the rebate on telephone trician. also submitted a report. nual meeting called by the North used to ignite the kitchen -tove and ers at all times to protect residents Cowichan council on Tuesday even- owing to the drop in attendance, but threatened by that dread menace, fire. rates sought by the council. This has Accounts totalling $S,008.5i. includ- an explosion resulted. Mr. and Mrs. inn at Chemainus court house. Tbere the Hon. Dr. McLean, mini-tcr of Later they shf>w*ed that they could be already been reported in the press. $3,477.71 school board expenses. Thornton were in the kitchen, fmm w'ere also ten ratepayers from the education, had just notified them of as successful in entertaining those It was decided to request the B. C. were passed for payment. Permission which an outer stair leads to the south,end of the municipality. hi> willingness to continue the school whom they .-erveil. Telephone Company to make a state- was granted the Cowichan Merchants, ground. Mr. 1’hormon was smoth­ Mr. H. K. Smiley wa-. voted to the as at present. tnent concerning the situation. It was Ltd., to install a stationary awning. ered in flames from the waist down The floor of the .Agricultural hall chair am! had no trouble in keeping The problem at Westholme was a wa- in splendid condition and tm* also resolved to bring- the matter to The receipt of $353.9$, being the ciw s and da*hed down the •.♦air in rtdl in difficult one. Parents objected to tlirec hundred dancer- made a hrighi the attention of Hon. W. L. Macken­ ihare of government liquor profits, the decorum of the meeting. Reeve the snow. Mrs. Thornton was thrown Paitsou. Clr. Ashby and Mr. W. M. >rnd their children to Duncan owing pictiiri of colour with shaded light- zie King, premier of Canada. was reported. to the door ami went to her husband’s Dwyer, of the school board, were the to the long distance. A solution was and red and white -treamer- overhead. Nothing further has been heard of The council endorsed Nanaimo assislanee. Acce-s to the front of official representatives present. Clr. to liuul the children to Chemainus and the Cowichan Bay wharf contract ti council ’s resolution asking the pro- the building wa- cm off by the flames. The symbols of the fireinen'a vol ­ Riveii-Carnac was absent through an to do thi^ they had fitted up a room untary profession were in evidence in was decided to write to the .successful vincbl government to set a>ide funds By this time hrli» was coming. Mr. there, engaged a teacher and hu*. The the lengths of Im-e, ladder.- and axi- tenderers for information. With an­ for testing dnir>* herds as often os injury to his knee. R. H. Wh'dden hail turned in an The reeve, who was called upon bus ran empty for two weeks and, alarm and whir some helped to pot groiiped on the stage. other session of parliament imminent, municipal councils desire and for first. d«‘iailr«l -onie of the main items this looked fi»oli-h. they withdrew it. The musk left nothing to Ik* tie- the council was anxious not to have to systematizing the work of inspection out the flame- on Mr ’rhornton, in the finaneiaj statement which he Westholme people wanted a school other- started to lave the children. sireil. Heaton ’s seven piece orchestra repeat the long expensive fight to have Mr. Garrard’s report was as follows: gave us approximate, as they had not of their own and had requested that There was delay in securing la«!ders winning more ren«Avn a-- the star this appropriation re-voted. Power House and Plant the incomplete hall there be used. dance imi«>ic performer^. Two brown­ With the Chemainus branch min- "The plant and machinery is in good been verified by the auditor. hut two young fellows behaved ■The receipts for the year were \\'hile the hoard had something to d<> ie-. with Mr. Heaton directing the Dtes came a resolution in which the order. In November last a flaw devel­ -plcmlidly. $67,218.00 and total expenditure,urc, $64.$64.- with this the education department Emmett P<ntrter climbed the tekb movements of the dancers, proved branch endorses the resolution of citi­ oped in one of the valve guide hous­ hand of hud most and he had arranged for zens of Chemainus- in their desire to ings. as was reported at the time. This 722.00. leaving a balance shone pole at the corner, iuniped t' very poiiutar item-. $2,496.00. them to send an inspector to go into Moonlight dances are always fa­ form a separate board of trade. The has been temporarily repaireil and a ledge on the burning building an>l. Road expenditure was $22,052.00 as the matter. smashing the window', got into tlu vourites and during the evening sev­ branch held that a separate body could new part ordered from the makers in against $23,631.00 the previous year. This did not debar them from send­ eral of these were introduced, with function with better efficiency than the England. room where the children were. Row­ •xpenditurc was less than ing their children to be educated a'- •Mr. K. Hawksfonl operating the -pot present committee of Duncan Board of 'The night load varies from 85 to 90 School land Tonihs. a member of the fire Mainguy Island road had the hoard was still wiling to give brigade, tmik the children from him light. Quite a number of new dre-sr« Trade, owing to the fact that the dis­ K.W., occasionally exceeding 90 for a estimated. ------- ------------------ cost the ratepayers in all $7,500or the them a conveyance to Chemainus. and passed them down to safety. made their fir-t appearance and added tance to Duncan proves too much of a short time, as compared with from 70 Means 16,160 Extra Tax hardship to members from Chemainus. to 75 this time last year. equivalent of mills. Tax collec ­ Potirler’s initi.alive afid hr.ivery cer­ not a little to the charm of tlie wear- tions were most satisfactory, repre­ Cost of education here compared The council decided to refer the "Ai the maximum that can he car­ tainly deserve puldic recognition. crs. senting 76Jper cent., while 41.7 per favourably with all other districts in The supper arrangement- were in matter to the quarterly meeting of the ried is 120 K.W.. it follows that Ahe Child’s Presence of Mind ceou of arrears had been got in. B. C. and so also did cost of tran— Pamela was taken out fir-t and it the hands of that connoi-sriir. Mr. F. board. This will be held on Wednes­ plant is now running folly 75 per cent, Their sinking fund was intact and portation. Mr. Dwyer laid before tlie I.eylaml. who provided ;:ti rxctllcm day, February 1st next. The annual of its capacity. was not realized that Gwen wa- with meeting the demands of the teachers repast, with very little delay hetweru general meeting has.
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