Copyright © 2013, Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Maryland CONGRESS (410) 268-6110 www.usni.org Committee on Armed Services—U.S. Senate Democrats Republicans Carl Levin, MI Kirsten E. Gillibrand, NY James M. Inhofe, OK David Vitter, LA Jack Reed, RI Richard Blumenthal, CT John McCain, AZ Roy Blunt, MO Bill Nelson, FL Joe Donnelly, IN Jess Sessions, AL Mike Lee, UT Claire McCaskill, MO Mazie K. Hirono, HI Saxby Chambliss, GA Ted Cruz, TX Mark Udall, CO Tim Kaine, VA Roger F Wicker, MS Kay R. Hagan, NC Angus S. King, ME Kelly Ayotte, NH Joe Manchin, WV Deb Fischer, NE Carl Levin Jeanne Shaheen, NH Lindsey Graham, SC (D-MI) Chairman Committee on Armed Services—U.S. House of Representatives Republicans Democrats Howard “Buck” McKeon, CA John C. Fleming, LA Adam Smith, WA Colleen Hanabusa, HI Mac Thornberry, TX Mike Coffman, CO Loretta Sanchez, CA Jackie Speier, CA Walter B. Jones, NC Scott Rigell, VA Mike McIntyre, NC Ron Barber, AZ J. Randy Forbes, VA Chris Gibson, NY Robert A. Brady, PA Andre Carson, IN Jeff Miller, FL Vicky Hartzler, MO Rob Andrews, NJ Carol Shea-Porter, NH Joe Wilson, SC Joe Heck, NV Susan A. Davis, CA Dan Maffei, NY Frank A. LoBiondo, NJ Jon Runyan, NJ James R. Langevin, RI Derek Kilmer, WA Rob Bishop, UT Austin Scott, GA Rick Larsen, WA Joaquin Castro, TX Howard "Buck" Michael Turner, OH Steve Palazzo, MS Jim Cooper, TN Tammy Duckworth, IL McKeon John Kline, MN Martha Roby, AL Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Guam Scott Peters, CA (R-CA) Mike Rogers, AL Chairman Mo Brooks, AL Joe Courtney, CT Bill Enyart, IL Trent Franks, AZ Rich Nugent, FL David Loebsack, IO Pete Gallego, TX Bill Shuster, PA Kristi Noem, SD Niki Tsongas, MA Marc Veasey, TX K. Michael Conaway, TX Paul Cook, CA John Garamendi, CA Doug Lamborn, CO Jim Bridenstine, OK Hank Johnson, GA Rob Wittman, VA Brad Wenstrup, OH Duncan Hunter, CA Jackie Walorski, IN Committee on Appropriations—U.S. Senate Democrats Republicans Barbara A. Mikulski, MD * Jack Reed, RI * Richard C. Shelby, AL *+ Dan Coats, IN *+ Patrick J. Leahy, VT *+ Frank Lautenberg, NJ + Thad Cochran, MS *+ Roy Blunt, MO * Tom Harkin, IA * Mark Pryor, AR * Mitch McConnel, KY * Jerry Moran, KS + Patty Murray, WA *+ John Tester, MT + Lamar Alexandar, TN * John Hoeven, ND Dianne Feinstein, CA * Tom Udall, NM Susan Collins, ME * Mike Johanns, NE Richard J. Durbin, IL *† Jeanne Shaheen, NH Lisa Murkowski, AK *+ John Boozman, AR Tim Johnson, SD * Jeff Merkley, OR Lindsey Graham, SC * Barbara A. Mary L. Landrieu, LA +∞ Mark Begich, AK + Mark Kirk, IL Mikulski (D-MD) * Serves on Defense Subcommittee; † Subcommittee Chairman / + Serves on Homeland Security Subcommittee; ∞Subcommittee Chairman Chairman Committee on Appropriations—U.S. House of Representatives Republicans Democrats Harold Rogers, KY Mario Diaz-Balart, FL Nita M. Lowey, NY Debbie Wasserman Schultz, FL C.W. Bill Young, FL*† Charles W. Dent, PA + Marcy Kaptur, OH * Henry Cuellar, TX + Frank R. Wolf, VA Tom Graves, GA Peter J. Visclosky, IN * Chellie Pingree, ME Jack Kingston, GA * Kevin Yoder, KS José E. Serrano, NY Mike Quigley, IL Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, NJ *+ Steve Womack, AR * Rosa L. DeLauro, CT Bill Owens, NY *+ Tom Latham, IA + Alan Nunnelee, MS James P. Moran, VA * Robert B. Aderholt, AL Jeff Fortenberry, NE Ed Pastor, AZ Harold Rogers Kay Granger, TX * Tom Rooney, FL David E. Price, NC + (R-KY) Michael K. Simpson, ID Chuck Fleischmann, TN + Lucille Roybal-Allard, CA + Chairman John Abney Culberson, TX + Jaime Herrera Beutler, WA Sam Farr, CA Ander Crenshaw, FL * David Joyce, OH Chaka Fattah, PA John R. Carter, TX +∞ David Valadao, CA Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., GA Rodney Alexander, LA + Andy Harris, MD Barbara Lee, CA Ken Calvert, CA * Adam B. Schiff, CA Jo Bonner, AL * Michael M. Honda, CA Tom Cole, OK * Betty McCollum, MN * Tim Ryan, OH * * Serves on Defense Subcommittee; † Subcommittee Chairman / + Serves on Homeland Security Subcommittee; ∞Subcommittee Chairman 142 • May 2013 www.usni.org Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation—U.S. Senate Democrats Republicans John D. Rockefeller IV, WV Mark Pryor, AR John Thune, SD Tim Scott, SC Bill Nelson, FL Amy Klobuchar, MN Roy Blunt, MO Deb Fischer, NE Frank R. Lautenberg, NJ Mark Begich, AK Kelly Ayotte, NH Claire McCaskill, MO Brian Schatz, HI Dan Coats, IN Mark Warner, VA Ted Cruz, TX Richard Blumenthal, CT Ron Johnson, WI William Cowan, MA Roger Wicker, MS John D. Barbara Boxer, CA Marco Rubio, FL Maria Cantwell, WA Dean Heller, NV Rockefeller IV (D-WV) Chairman Committee on Energy and Commerce—U.S. House of Representatives Republicans Democrats Fred Upton, MI Bill Cassidy, LA Henry A. Waxman, CA Jerry McNerney, CA Ralph Hall, TX Brett Guthrie, KY John D. Dingell, MI Bruce Braley, IA Joe Barton, TX Pete Olson, TX Edward J. Markey, MA Peter Welch, VT Ed Whitfield, KY David McKinley, WV Frank Pallone Jr., NJ Ben Ray Lujan, NM John Shimkus, IL Cory Gardner, CO Bobby L. Rush, IL Paul Tonko, NY Joseph R. Pitts, PA Mike Pompeo, KS Anna G. Eshoo, CA Greg Walden, OR Adam Kinzinger, IL Eliot L. Engel, NY Fred Upton Lee Terry, NE Morgan Griffith, VA Gene Green, TX (R-MI) Mike Rogers, MI Gus Bilirakis, FL Diana DeGette, CO Chairman Tim Murphy, PA Bill Johnson, OH Michael F. Doyle, PA Michael C. Burgess, TX Billy Long, MO Jan Schakowsky, IL Marsha Blackburn, TN Renee Ellmers, NC Jim Matheson, UT Phil Gingrey, GA G. K. Butterfield, NC Steve Scalise, LA John Barrow, GA Bob Latta, OH Doris O. Matsui, CA Cathy McMorris Rodgers, WA Donna Christensen, VI Gregg Harper, MS Kathy Castor, FL Leonard Lance, NJ John Sarbanes, MD Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure—U.S. House of Representatives Republicans Democrats Bill Shuster, PA * Reid J. Ribble, WI Nick J. Rahall II, WV * Sean Patrick Maloney, NY Don Young, AK * Thomas Massie, KY Peter A. DeFazio, OR Elizabeth H. Esty, CT Thomas E. Petri, WI Steve Daines, MT Eleanor Holmes Norton, DC Lois Frankel, FL * Howard Coble, NC * Tom Rice, SC * Jerrold Nadler, NY Cheri Bustos, IL John J. Duncan, Jr., TN Markwayne Mullin, OK Corrine Brown, FL * John L. Mica, FL Roger Williams, TX Eddie Bernice Johnson, TX Frank A. LoBiondo, NJ * Trey Radel, FL * Elijah E. Cummings, MD * Bill Shuster Gary G. Miller, CA Mark Meadows, NC Rick Larsen, WA * (R-PA) Sam Graves, MI Scott Perry, PA Michael E. Capuano, MA Chairman Shelley Moore Capito, WV Rodney Davis, IL Timothy H. Bishop, NY * Candice S. Miller, MI Michael H. Michaud, ME Duncan Hunter, CA *† Grace F. Napolitano, CA Eric A. “Rick” Crawford, AR Daniel Lipinski, IL Lou Barletta, PA Timothy J. Walz, MN Blake Farenthold, TX Steve Cohen, TN Larry Bucshon, IN Albio Sires, NJ Bob Gibbs, OH Donna F. Edwards, MD Patrick Meehan, PA John Garamendi, CA * Richard L. Hanna, NY André Carson, IN Patrick Meehan, PA Janice Hahn, CA * Daniel Webster, FL Richard M. Nolan, MN Steve Southerland, II, FL * Ann Kirkpatrick, AZ Jeff Denham, CA Dina Titus, NV * Serves on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee / † Subcommittee Chairman Note: All listings by seniority U.S. Senate home page: www.senate.gov U.S. House of Representatives home page: www.house.gov www.usni.org PROCEEDINGS • 143 INFORMATION SOURCES U.S. Navy General Casualty Assistance (Active)/Family Liaison 800-368-3202 Department of the Navy 703-545-6700 Retired Activities Branch 866-827-5672 Washington, DC 20350-1200 www.navy.mil Next-of-Kin Liaison for Casualty Navy Office of Information www.chinfo.navy.mil Assistance (Retired) 866-827-5672 1200 Navy Pentagon Benefits and Claims (Active, Retired, Deceased) 800-368-3202 Washington, DC 20350-1200 Media Operations 703-697-5342 Personnel Records Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Active and Reserve Records Branch 901-874-4885 Public Affairs 703-692-5307 Discharged, Deceased, Retired before 1994 Chief of Chaplains 703-614-4043 National Personnel Records Center 314-801-0800 www.chaplain.navy.mil Military Section Officer Assignments www.npc.navy.mil/officer 9700 Page Ave. www.archives.gov/st-louis/military-personnel/ Enlisted Assignments 866-827-5672 St. Louis, MO 63132 Worldwide Locator Service 866-827-5672 Discharged, Deceased, Retired 1995—Present Medals and Awards 202-685-1770 Navy Personnel Command 901-874-4885 Navy Mutual Aid Association 800-628-6011 5720 Integrity Dr. Henderson Hall www.navymutual.org Millington, TN 38055-3130 29 Carpenter Rd. [email protected] Officers Separated before 1902 and 866-272-6272 Arlington, VA 22212 Enlisted Separated before 1885 Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society 703-696-4904 Old Military and Civil Records and Textual Archives Service 875 N. Randolph St., Suite 225 www.nmcrs.org National Archives and Records Administration Arlington, VA 22203-1977 8601 Adelphi Road Naval Services FamilyLine 877-673-7773 College Park, MD 20740 1043 Harwood Street SE (DSN) 288-2333 Suite 100, Bldg. 154 [email protected] Pay Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374 www.nsfamilyline.org Defense Finance & Accounting Service www.dfas.mil 1240 E. 9th Street [email protected] Community and Personnel Services Cleveland, OH 44199-2055 Navy Personnel Command www.npc.navy.mil/channels Active/Reserve 888-332-7411 5720 Integrity Dr. 866-827-5672 Retired (all branches) 800-321-1080 Millington, TN 38055-0000 Military and Maritime Agencies General National Transportation Safety Board 202-314-6100 TRICARE Management Activity (North) 877-874-2273 Office of Public Affairs www.ntsb.gov Skyline 5, Suite 810 (South) 800-444-5445 490 L’Enfant Plaza, SW 5111 Leesburg Pike (West) 877-988-9378 Washington, DC 20594 Falls Church, VA 22041-3206 www.tricare.mil Office of Servicemembers’ Group 800-419-1473 Directorate for Defense Information www.defenselink.mil Life Insurance (SGLI) and Veterans’ www.insurance.va.gov Public Affairs Office 703-697-5131 Group Life Insurance (VGLI) Federal Maritime Commission 202-523-5725 80 Livingston Ave.
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