בס”ד PROJECT OF THE KOLLEL WEEKLY TORAH OF HOUSTON TORAH CENTER PUBLICATION Va’eira כ”ח טבת, תשע”ו Vol. 2 No. 9 January 9, 2016 Parshas Va’eira Rabbi Moshe Friedman 3) Mirari-va’yimoreru es chayeihem- individual shouldn’t say, I’ll go they made their lives bitter. home and eat and drink, and I’ll In this week’s Parsha, in the midst To express the significance of this live in tranquility.” When others of the story of the servitude and act of solidarity, the Torah points are suffering, it is inappropriate to subsequent redemption from out, “V’aile shmos b’nai Levi-and lead our lives in a normal fashion Mitzrayim, the Torah interjects the these are the names of the children and ignore the suffering of others. genealogy of the shevatim, of the of Levi”. The Torah is calling our Doing so would be lacking in true, twelve holy tribes (Shemos 6, 14). attention to the names that Levi V’ahavta l’raicha kamocha, the The Shlelah Hakadosh notes the chose. Levi could have easily obligation to love a fellow Jew as difference in which the tribe of ignored the suffering of the Jews yourself. Levi is introduced in contrast to and not share in the anguish of It is very easy to read the news the other shevatim. By all of the his nation, but he recognized the from afar and go back to our other shevatim the verse begins importance of empathizing with regular lives. We can read about with, “B’nei Reuvein…the sons the pain of another Jew. terrible stabbings in Eretz Yisrael of Reuvein are…”, and proceeds In Parshas Shemos (2,11), we see and moments later return to our to list the names of the children a similar idea regarding Moshe normal routine. of Reuvein. However, by Levi, the Rabbeinu. The Torah relates, Are we feeling the fear of a child “The importance of empathizing with the pain of a fellow Jew...” Torah begins with an introduction, “Moshe grew up and went out to while she’s walking to school in “V’aile shemos bnai levi- and his brethren and observed their Yerushalayim? Do we have to look these are the names of the sons burdens”. The Medrash (Shemos over our backs every time we walk of Levi.” Why does the tribe of Levi Rabbah 81, 32) explains that when outside? start with an introduction while the Torah says, “Vayaar b’sivlosum- When a meshulach knocks on our the rest of the shevatim have no he observed their burdens”, it is door, how do we react? Do we introduction at all? teaching us that Moshe went out disgrace him and shoo him away and cried over the suffering of his The Shelah explains that the Torah like a mosquito or a fly? Or do we nation. Only after crying, did Moshe is teaching us the importance of really empathize with him? Do we go out and help his fellow Jews with feeling the pain of other Jews. really try to put ourselves in his their back-breaking labor. Although the tribe of Levi was shoes? not subject to enslavement in R’ Aharon Kotler zt”l, the founding We need to follow the lead Mitzrayim, the Leviim didn’t turn Rosh Hayeshiva of the Lakewood of Shevet Levi and of Moshe a blind eye and ignore the severe Yeshiva derives an important Rabbeinu, and in our own small plight of their brethren. In fact, lesson from this Medrash. Not only ways, connect, commiserate, and they gave their children names is it important that we help a friend empathize with the suffering of which would serve as constant when they’re in need, but perhaps our common family. As Jews, we reminders of the suffering of the even more essential is that we cry have an obligation to share in their Jewish nation. For example: with them. Before Moshe Rabbeinu anguish and feel their pain. 1) Gershon-Ki geirim hayeisim- physically helped, he cried. He because we were strangers in a actually felt and internalized their Good Shabbos! strange land. pain. 2) Kehas- shinaihem kaihos- The Gemara in Maseches Taanis because they blunted the teeth of (11a) says, “When the community the Jews. is in a situation of suffering, an KOLLEL OF HOUSTON TORAH CENTER 7823 LUDINGTON DR, HOUSTON, TX 77071 • 713.330.6424 • KOLLELHOUSTON.ORG.
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