S842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 30, 1997 together in the 1950’s, when he was the Evangeline Atwood Theater at An- Army National Guard and the Alaska chairman of the Alaska Statehood chorage’s performing arts center. His Air National Guard. Committee and I was assistant to the generosity touched the lives of thou- He brought the great workhorses of Secretary of the Interior Fred Seaton sands of Alaskans, though they may the air, C–130’s, into service in Alaska, as Alaskans sought Statehood. never have known it. expanded our Eskimo scout contingent Bob Atwood was a leader in that Bob Atwood had the manners of an by establishing training programs for fight. He crystallized the support of old-fashioned gentleman, the curiosity women, and led the guard in helping our Nation’s press to put the 49th star and sense of fun of a youngster, and Alaska and Alaskans through floods on our flag. It was his understanding writing and editing talents that could and other natural disasters. and knowledge of the news media, and only be achieved through graceful ma- While many describe him as a sol- his friendships among editors and pub- turity and a great understanding and dier’s soldier, Nick Necrason was lishers across our Nation that brought love of words. equally as well-liked and at home in the press on board, to champion the In helping to make life better for all the civilian community. cause for bringing Alaska into the Alaskans, Bob Atwood made history. He was known for his skill at bridge union. Not too many years later, he He was indeed a great man, who helped and at poker, and with his wife, Myrle, was responsible for newspapers across to make our great land even greater. who survives him, as a gracious host, our Nation understanding the impor- He was also a dear, good and loyal welcoming people from all parts of our tance of building our great Alaska friend. I will miss him. Our sympathy State and our world to their home. pipeline. goes out to his daughter Elaine and his General Necrason’s heroism during Bob Atwood was more than a great grandsons and granddaughter, to whom combat, his distinguished peacetime publisher, more than the successful he was devoted. career, and his contributions to Alaska chairman of the Statehood Committee. As a visitor comes into my office, will not be forgotten. We extend our He was a cultural renaissance man, there is a photo of Bob Atwood and me deepest sympathy to his wife Myrle, who did much behind the scenes to pro- with our snowmachines in the broad daughters Ginger and Sandy, and his mote the arts and education in Alaska. fields near Alyeska, the ski resort in grandchildren. Bob loved new technology, and my home town, Girdwood, AK. I cher- Thank you, Mr. President. brought his newspaper into the com- ish those days when I spent time there puter age long before most of the Na- with Bob, with Evangeline and Elaine f tion’s largest dailies were on line. He Atwood. Bob was a true Alaskan—a real pio- LIEUTENANT GENERAL SAMUEL E. was the first one on the staff of the An- EBBESEN, UNITED STATES ARMY chorage Times to learn how to use the neer. new computers, while his staff strug- Thank you very much, Mr. President. Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, today gled with the transition from type- f I salute an outstanding military offi- cer, Lt. Gen. Samuel E. Ebbesen, U.S. writers to the electronic age. TRIBUTE TO MAJ. GEN. CONRAD F. Army. General Ebbesen is retiring this His knowledge of history, and of the ‘‘NICK’’ NECRASON many serious- and humorous-stories month with more than 35 years of dedi- Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, our about Alaska and Alaskans who shaped cated service to our country, culmi- Nation lost one of the genuine heroes my State’s history, was extraordinary. nating in assignments as Commanding of World War II, a man who went on to Bob was generous in sharing those sto- General, Second United States Army, a distinguished second career in Alas- ries with organizations and groups who and Deputy Assistant Secretary of De- ka, when Maj. Gen. Conrad F. ‘‘Nick’’ asked him to speak or to attend their fense for Military Personnel Policy. Necrason died this last month. In his most recent position, he was meetings. He was the recipient of the Silver Above all, Bob Atwood understood responsible for the establishment of all Star, the Legion of Merit, and the Dis- the importance of a strong military policies concerning military personnel tinguished Flying Cross. He also re- presence in Alaska, the crossroads of matters including accessions and re- ceived our State of Alaska’s highest the world, and he helped to make the tention programs; compensation and military award, the Legion of Merit. benefits; and the classification, assign- Nation aware of our strategic global He began his career at West Point. ment and career development for the position. After his 1936 graduation, he went on to 1.4 million service members of the De- He was a tireless supporter of our flying school, earning his wings in the partment of Defense. His accomplish- service men and women, and remained Army Air Corps the next year. friends with many of them long after When the Japanese attacked Pearl ments were many, resulting in im- their tours of duty in Alaska were Harbor, General Necrason was flying to proved quality of life for our service over. For 40 years Bob served on the Pearl Harbor as part of a bomber members and the enhanced readiness of military’s civilian advisory boards in squadron. He loved to tell the story of our Armed Forces. Alaska, and was president since 1976 of how he had to land on a golf course General Ebbesen, a native of St. the Alaskan Command Civilian Advi- during the battle—the attack of the Croix, VI, was commissioned in 1961 sory Board. He assured that in Alaska Japanese on Hawaii. through the Reserve Officer Training there was—and still is—a partnership During World War II, General Corps [ROTC]. He holds a Bachelor of between our military stationed in our Necrason flew 360 air combat hours, Arts degree in political science from State and Alaskans. and was recognized for developing low- City College of New York and a Mas- Immediately after the 1964 earth- level bombing techniques. He flew a ters degree in public administration quake, he told me he wanted to buy whole variety of aircraft, most notably from Auburn University. His military land and build a house close to the area P–38 fighters and B–17 bombers. In 1943, schooling includes the Infantry Officer most damaged by the earthquake, to he was wounded in action over Burma. Basic and Advanced Courses, U.S. show his confidence in the future of A few years later, he flew bombers Army Command and General Staff Col- Alaska. He built that house and opened during the Korean conflict. lege, and the Air War College. it up time and again to men and General Necrason came to Alaska at During his distinguished career, Gen- women from our State and hundreds of an exciting time, just as statehood eral Ebbesen served in numerous lead- others he had met during his travels in dawned, and was commander of the ership and key staff positions through- our country and all over the world. Alaskan Air Command at Elmendorf out the Army. He served as the com- My friend Bob was quietly generous Air Force Base from 1958 to 1961. manding general, 6th Infantry Divi- to a number of causes which were never After retirement in 1965, he became sion, Light, Fort Wainwright, AK, as publicized. In addition, he was proud of Alaska’s Adjutant General and com- the deputy commander, Alaska Com- those which bear his name, to which he mander of the National Guard, serving mand [ALCOM] and as the assistant di- donated millions of dollars, including from 1967 through 1972, and again from vision commander, 6th Infantry Divi- the Atwood chair in journalism at the 1974 to 1982. sion, Light. After the division relo- University of Alaska, the Atwood Cen- During those years, he effected a suc- cated—north of the range—in Alaska, ter at Alaska Pacific University, and cessful restructuring of the Alaska General Ebbesen was instrumental in VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:30 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S30JA7.REC S30JA7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY January 30, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S843 successfully integrating the 6th Infan- ensure the continued viability of the McMahon, Robert Patton, Carol Pow- try Division—Light—into the Fair- U.S.-flag merchant marine. It will ell, John Swank, Kenneth Willis, and banks community. He fostered strong guarantee that there will be an ade- Joan Yim. community relationships which endure quate number of private-sector, U.S.- To conclude, Mr. President, I would today. Under General Ebbesen’s tenure, flag vessels on hand for the Depart- like to add that the Maritime Adminis- the 6th Infantry Division achieved safe- ment of Defense in times of war or na- tration will continue to administer the ty records which were unsurpassed in tional emergency. Our Nation will con- Maritime Security Program through- the United States Army at that time. tinue to support a base of maritime out the 10-year life of the Maritime Se- This record was achieved in spite of ad- employment to provide trained, loyal curity Act.
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