KINS/HR-749 as D|X|@ Tll&XHOMI# Y-fd St! Ml E o|H *|7||o|| ifxii 7|# 7h ^oii A Study on Regulatory Guideline for the Wireless Network Design in Digital l&C System 2006tJ 69 30ti y^yx^Bfo|.y 7|-y X-1 in 44444444 44 ^ c]x]^ ^ ^ iiim^a ^^Ml 444 44 4# ;H44 44 44"4^1 (4444 "444 4444 444444 444 44 44") 4 4JZ4& 4 #444. 2006. 06. 30. 4444444 : 4 4 4 # 4 4 4 4444444 : 4 4 # 4 4 4 4 4# f! : 4 4 # // : 4 4 4 o 4 I. 4 4 44 4^447114 44 44 MM^a 4M|M| 4^4 if4] 7]# H. 447HVd-4 4& ^ ^^4 O 4 4 4 44 M|^M|47||4 44 ^4 lljEOjg. 4M1M] ffM| 7]# 7)jM}. m. 447HVd4 MI4 ^ ^4 44-#-4 Ml 1 vl 51 7) ^7]#^4 9d 44 id 74 1:| ^1 i! MMMM id4M] id-9. id n'4 Ml mi|a 7|^- m-44^- 44 id 4 4 ^1 id Ml4 4 4 7j] 4 4444 Ml mil n 44M] 4-9. id 4 M| #4 44 i! M 444 51 s14 51411=4 -/ 444 4 m td7ii 7ie -id 4 4^1 444 1 4; id 4 4 44: -rid M|K i]a Ml 4 Ef 44 /I# 44 IV. 4474444 o C]xj^ 44 4 M|. 4 a Ml Ml# 4#444 44# 44 44- 447|4 4 7|14# #4444 4M] 44 4 #4.xfxil Ml 44 Ml 4-4 47M 4M| ci/b/g jE4 7]^, Wi-Fi 7]#. 44^Zl 7]#, 444 44 4 ^44 IEEE 802.11.n 7]#, UWB 44 1394 4^4 7] 4. a44444 44 7|4, 1PTV. 44 7jj^ #4] # (WEAN) 7|4M1 MI&H 44 o A|| .V. ,9- 7) ir y-of/A % id 44 M]m4a 4^M ^74 44 M 4Ml 4444Ml 44 /1-44 4 44 7 14 4444. 4 y |7 44M14 4 4 44 44 Ml 4 4 y l 4 °14 Id 4 c4 J=-_ n44M 4444 4 m 4M| 714. 444 44 44 Ml 44 44. 44 4 4 Ml 4.9.4 ^.444 # 4444 44 o 44-4 4 44 7j#4 444^1 44^ 444 $!4 d]44 4^& 44 44 4f 44 9! 4M % 4 'j-0- #a?M 444 44 ^T #4 444 /j-^4 44 V. 44/11M44 #444 o 4#44 #444^ 4^^ #44 4444 44# 44 Jr4 71 4# 4 -§-44 ^4 32^-0] 5) ^_og. 444a 4^.4, 4# 4-8-# 4" 44 44# ^#44 44, ;H#4 4# 44# 4#^g. 44 4## ^ ^ 4-44 44 444 4 ^-4 4# _&44-4# ^#4 #a# SUMMARY This paper represents the features of wireless communication in order to adopt to the atomic energy power plant system. The power plant environment is harsh for the robust and reliable wireless data transfer. Before practical installation and usage, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of wireless communication at such a harsh wireless communication environment. In the previous systems, high reliable wired data communication system has been used in common. We have checked the requirements which meet the reliability for that environment and analyzed the basic features of wireless communication. After that, we have a more detail analysis of wireless communication specification, such as IEEE 802 series, IMT 2000, Wibro, so on. Based on the result from analysis, the rules for the reliable system are defined. In the near future, low-power low-cost WSN(Wireless Sensor Network) would be dominant all over the industry. In this paper, the performance and considerations for the power plant is described when adopting to the atomic energy power system . The RE circuit design guide lines are defined, the reliability of the network protocol is defined and evaluated. CONTENTS 1. Overview of research 1 1) Goal of research 1 2) Research goal of this year 1 3) Scope of research 1 2. Wireless communication analysis and evaluation 3 1) Study of wireless communication 3 1. Basic modulation and modulation for the digital mobile communication 3 2. Spread spectrum and CDMA 23 3. Optical communication 31 4. Multi-carrier communication and OFDM 39 2) Wireless communication specification 45 1. IMT-2000 47 2. IEEE 802 series 55 3. Wibro (Wireless Broadband) 74 4. 3rd generation IEEE 802.11 a/b/g 88 5. Wi-Fi 94 6. RFUD 94 7. 4th generation IEEE 802.1 In 96 8. UWB and wireless 1394 124 9. HSDPA (Hi-Speed Downlink Packet Access) 138 10. IPTY 143 11. Next generation wireless personal area network (WPAN) 150 3) Analysis of considerations for wireless communication 156 1. High sensitive radio circuit 156 2. Reliable transfer protocol and evaluation 175 3. Requirements for the wireless communication system on atomic energy power system 179 3. Conclusion 210 SL 4 ^ i # i 14 71^7^4 #4 ^ #3# 1 24 #aH4& 1 34 #414]2 7lMM# ^ 44(^14) 1 4 2 4 4#7H# #48 4# 3 14 444 #4#4 7l# #4 3 1 #3: 71^4 444 4##44 4^44 3 2 2z^]m^ #4 #4444 CDMA 4# 44 23 3 ##444 #4 : 4444 44 3#4 4#4 7]# 44 31 4 xHM 44^1144 4##4 "OFDM" 7]# 44 39 24 xHM #4#4 7]# 4444 45 1 7HM 4##44^^ "IMT-2000" 4# 44 47 2 2.44 #4444 #4 4^^ #44 7l# 44 55 3 #4 44^1 (444&) 7]# 44 74 4 344 '802.11 a/b/g' a# #4 88 5 Wi-Fi 7]^ 44 94 6 344a (RFID) #4 96 7 471)4 #44 #4 IEEE802.11n &# #4 114 8 UWB #4 1394 7j^4 44 124 9 3#4#4#4# 4# #4 : HSDPA 138 10 IPTV #4 143 11 47114 44 7H4 #71# (WPAN) 150 34 44 #4444 #4#47l# 3.44# #4 156 1 4# #4# 34 4 3-444 4444 4& 44 7l# 44 156 2 444 4# 44 Mlg.4a 444 4# 4# 44 175 3 44 #44 44 31&2114 4#& 44 3#7}^ ^ if 44# #4 179 4 3 # 4# ^ ##7114 210 14 ^4 ^ ^4.# o ^4 4^#a 4«} a#4#, 314 7]#4 tj-^^)oj]^ ^^444 4-6- 43] 4 #44, 44 44444 ^44 # #44#a #44 M 4441M&4 4#4 44#4 4-4#4 4^#a 444 #44a 4f-. 44 44 #44 #444 4^444## 44#4 3]m4qa 444 44^7} 4## 4# 4447} #4 44 447} 4A}44^]7^ 3143143]#- 44#4 4^43.0]] 134 (^4 7}# 43] 4444 #4 47]4a. 44 44 444 4-6-447} a^# 44. o 3143143]#- 44#-4 3]m#a 444 444 ^444 4 44444^44 43. 4 5]4 44 444 f afif, QOS(Quality of Service) S}3-# 44 7144 444#44 it] 44 44 4£-4 4444 4^)h 4a#44# 3144 4, 4444 4^4a 4 4]7]#7]e ^4 ^ 4-4, 44 444 4444 #43] #a# 4-4 3]3.#a 7]# A 44# 44, 44 44# 3143143]# 44#41 3]m#a 4-6-4 #^.4 44 7]e 7]] # 44 4.A.#. o 44 44#-4 3]m#a 4314 4# 444 #7}# a&4aa. 44444 4#4 # 3]7]##- 7H447] #44# 44#4 4J=4a4#4 44 44-44 44, #4#4 3] 1=431 44a 4#3] 44 #4## # 444 3:44 444a 4-6-4 4 44 44 44 4a44/#s^44 7]## Mf-4 44- #47]4# 447} 4^.#. 24 #44^ 7j]#^-& o 44 44# 31431431# #4 #4 3]E#a #314 444 43] 7]# 7%# 34 #44^ ?i]44]-6- ^ ## o 44#4 31i^4a 7l#7)e ^4 # 44 o #4 #4# 314314 443] 4^-4 44 3]m#a 7j# jGL#^}^} ^4 O 44 44# 443144# 44#4 4 a# a ##3] ^-4 ^-a.4# 4^ ^4 4# e4 o 4^) ^44^ 44^ 4^ ^<d 4^.44a 444 7l# ^4 - 2 - 423- <2^7%# 41* * 344* ^3^E^^(7jH]-)Ol ^A1#A1 7]^o|] 434*. 4 H# 4*471 444 444 4* 32344 44* 44* 4. QPSK * 44# 4**4 4 449 32*44 CMDA 2423 44*4, irDA *4 444 3 444 a* #4^44 4*34(0PDMM 4^ 4444. &4 43414 4**442422 #*3a $14 1MT 20004 4#4 4^44. 13 4 43 *-3*4 4# 3-4 1. 42: y]^4- 443 4**34 32:34 7}. *4 4242a! * 3] 444 * 4* 32344 444 *4444, a 44 32344 #4* 442^4 441 * 4 — 4^4 /lfr-4 4 444 44* 327} #4. [zi3 1.1-1]* #4*442^4 4^4a H* * 444a 44. H43 4*4# 4*4* *4 4m4a44-4, U m 32 * *4 "IN (44)4 *T -44-)e 44 (323 4) ix) 44* 4 a 1 4*44 43 4 * *4-2, 4*4 4*4* 34 (<4412*4 )4* 27M1 7]#'^1 *2 44. '.' r >.'. #4 til E<qg.o]]4 43-4* * 42, (3) 4#344 324. 4 3 (3_ 32 34^14 *444 24 * 33 44, #34 * 322 324:':- 434* 441* x];D4* 44 44. 2 3244 4*3 32* * 44 #44 44 344 322 3 327} 34. 44* 324 4*4% r 7H3A2 '*2 '4 4 4. - 3 - $emiB2£iaS 9 d OH xll [ 1:: ^ . ' seeM£yx| W5«&a- B$W*I I I : wen. ,------------------------ exa a ;§tsi ges 5 i : ^ auaiS-N [ZL^ U-l] #4#4# #44# 7]^ * yshtij-Ai ysH -y^r 7l*0)1^, °JM|^ tij-A)* ^4# #1## 7l# 4 4^4#, 43:4444 4#4444# 444 '##4 4##7} 4^4 44# 4#4 4#4#7}?'4# 7j]^4 3E444 44 44 #44)4 #4.
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