4348 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE APRIL · 12 summer with a view to construction as soon which are appropriate to authorize the peace. Breathe we Thy breath, our as possible; to the Committee on Public United States to negotiate with other na­ Nation shall not die. 0 God, preserve Works. tions, subject to later ratification, a consti­ Also, memorial of the Legislature of the tution of a world federal government, open us, Thy Nation, a union of States, one Territory of Alaska, urging the construction to all nations, with limited powers adequate and indivisible. of a road between Livengood and Nome, to assure peace, or amendments to the Con­ Grim are the signs we sight as rolling Alaska; to the Committee on Public Works. stitution which are appropriate to ratify any wrecks drift by, nations with decks world constitution which is presented to the awash, nations in frantic fear. Death United States by the United Nations, by a riding at the masthead, with mutiny PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS world constitutional convention, or other­ aboard, against Thy holy will, O God, Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private wise; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 553. By Mr. HESELTON: Petition of the our captain! Preserve us Thy Nation, bills and resolutions were introduced and Board of Aldermen of the City of Holyoke, a union of States, one and indivisible. severally referred as follows: Mass., regarding the immediate repeal of the When a nation drops God as a pilot, By Mr. CLEMENTE: Taft-Hartley law; to the Committee on God abandons the ship of state to gales H. R. 4134. A bill for the relief of Michael Education and Labor. of pernicious doctrines, to cross-currents Zare~hnak; to the Committee on the Judi- 554. By Mr. LECOMPTE: Petition of Robert of greed, to the lash of pirates, to the ciary. R Dalziel, druggist, and other citizens of lot of slaves, to the doom of drowning. By Mr. DINGELL: What Cheer, Iowa, urging repeal of the 20 O God, our captain! Preserve us Thy H. R. 4185. A bill for the relief of Edward percent excise tax on all toilet goods; to the W. Delimater; to the Committee on the Ju­ Committee on Ways and Means. Nation, a union of States, one and diciary. 555. By Mr. SADLAK: Resolution of the indivisible. By Mr. GWINN: Court of Common Council of the City of O Father of the nations! Great is H. R. 4186. A bill for the relief of Jan Liga; Meriden, Conn., memorializing the Congress Thy trust in us, sacred our hope in Thee. to the Committee on the Judiciary. to pass and the President to approve, if In Thee, we pledge our faith with the By l.\l'"JI. JACKSON of California: passed, the General Pulaski's Memorial Day blood and tears of our bravest! Beside H. R. 4187. A bill for the relief of Mrs. resolution now pending in the- Congress; to us lie the tasks of the hour. Before us Ada Svejkovsky; to the Committee on the the Committee on the Judiciary. Judiciary. 556. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the shine the goals to be won. Bless us, O By Mr. TAURIELLO: president, Gulf Ports Association, Inc., Gal­ God, with unity; unity of heads, sharing H. R. 4188. A bill for the relief of Dr. Ferdi­ veston, Tex., stating approval of the wording common counsels; unity of hands, shar­ nando Schiappa; to the Committee on the of the bill H. R. 1340; to the Committee on ing common toil; unity of hearts, shar­ Judiciary. · Merchant Marine and Fisheries. ing common hopes. Our unity reveal­ By Mr. WILLIAMS: 557. A:so, petition of T. S. Kinney and oth­ ing Thy strength and our will. H. R. 4189. A bill for the relief of Charles ers, Orlandq, Fla., requesting passage of H. R. O God, our Father! Preserve us Thy E. Crook and B. L. Fielder; to the Committee 2135 and 2136, known as the Townsend plan; on the Judiciary. to the Committee on Ways and Meanc. Nation, a union of States, one and in­ 558. Also, petition of Mrs. Robert L. Rice divisible. and ?thers, Miami, Fla., requesting passage of THE JOURNAL PETITIONS, ETC. H. R. 2135 and 2136, known as the Townsend Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions plan; to the Committee on Ways and Means. On request of Mr. LucAs, and by unani­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk 559. Also, petition of Mrs. Ruth Childers mous consent, the reading of the Journal and ref erred as follows: and others, Avon Park, Fla .. requesting pas­ of the proceedings of Monday, April 11, sage of H. R. 2135 and 2136, known as the 1949, was dispensed with. 547. By Mr. ASPINALL: Memorial of the Townsend plan; to the Committee on Ways MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Colorado State Legislature, memorializing and Iv.eans .. the Congress of the United States to enact 5W. Also, petition of Arthur C. Almy and Messages in writing from the Presi­ · pending legislation for the amendment of others, Orlando, Fla., requesting passage of dent of the United States were communi­ the Social Security Act to provide assistance H. R. 2135 and 21.36, known as the Townsend cated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of to unemployables; to the Committee on plan; to the Committee on Ways and Means. his secretaries. Ways and Means. 561. Also, petition of Mrs. Anna Pinckard 548. Also, resolution of the senate of the and others, St. Petersburg, Fla., requesting MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE State of Colorado, petitioning the President passage of h. R. 2135 and 2136, known as the of the United States to prohibi~ the importa­ Townsend nlan; to the Committee on Ways A message from the House of Repre­ tion of furs from Russia; to the Committee and Means. sentatives, by Mr. Swanson, one of its on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 562. Also, petition of J.M. Villa and others, reading clerks, announced that the House 549. By Mr. BARING: Senate Joint Resolu­ Tampa, Fla., requesting passage of H. R. 2135 had passed a bill (H. R. 3932) to exempt tion 10, approved by Governor Pittman on and 2136, know"l as the Townsend plan; to artificial limbs from duty if imported for March 29, 1949; to the Committee on Banking the Committee on Ways and Means. personal use and not for sale, in which it and Currency. 563. Also, petition of I. C. Ellis and others, requested the concurrence of the Senate. 550. By Mr. CARROLL: Memorial of the Orlando, Fla., requesting passage of H. R. Colorado State Legislature, urging passage of 2135 and 2136, known as the Townsend plan; TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE BUSINESS the Local Public Health Services Act of 1949 to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. LUCAS. Mr. President, a parlia­ and that the appropriation of $10,808,000, "Assistance to States, general public health," mentary inquiry. which was deleted from the appropriation The Ji!RESIDENT pro tempore. The bill H. R. 3333 for the Public Health Service, Senator will state it. passed March 9, 1949, by the House of Repre­ SENATE Mr. LUCAS. Do I understand correct­ sentatives, be restored so that adequate TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1949 ly that the Senator from New Hampshire financial assistance will be available; to the [Mr. BRIDGES] retained the floor under a Committee on Appropriations. unanimous-consent agreement last eve­ 551. Also, memorial of the State Legisla­ (Legislative day of Monday, April 11, ture of Colorado, urging the Congress to 1949) ning? approve proposed legislation providing for The PRESIDENT pro tempore. There amendments to the Sdcial Security Act in The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, was no express agreement, but he had order to provide for assistance to the chroni­ on the expiration of the recess. offered an amendment and was on his cally ill, physically or mentally handicapped, His Eminence, Francis Cardinal Spell­ feet yesterday at the time the Senate or otherwise unemployable persons between man, of New York City, offered the took a recess. the ages of 18 and 65, who have been deter­ following prayer: will mined by clinical and laboratory tests or Mr. LUCAS. Mr. President, the otherwise to have a chronic or prolonged dis­ O God of our Fathers! In this solemn Senator from New Hampshire yield to me ability which causes them to be unable or hour we call upon Thy name. We are to make a unanimous-consent request? unavailable for gainful employments; to the Thy people. Thou art our God, our The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Does Committee on Ways and Means. watching, mighty God. Thou hast the Senator from New Hampshire yield 552. By Mr. HALE: Memorial of the Senate carved us a nation out of the wilderness, to the Senator from Illinois? and House of Representatives of the State of sealing us with high destiny, to be light Mr. BRIDGES. I yield. ·Maine, asking that the Congress of the United States, pursuant to article V of the Constitu­ to peoples in darkness, to bring freedom Mr. LUCAS. Mr. President, I ask tion give serious consideration to the calling to· nations in chains. Thou didst breathe unanimous consent that Senators be per­ of a convention fqr the sole purpose of pro­ Thy breath into the face of our sires, mitted to present routine business and posing amendments to the Constitution Thy breath of freedom, of justice, of matters for the RECORD without jeopard- 1949 CON_GRESSIONAL R·ECORD-SENATE 4349 izing the parliamentary situation and This affectionate regard for Roosevelt cations and a letter, which were ref erred without debate.
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