Vol: 23 , No. 20 28 May 2009 AUSTRALIAN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF TRADE MARKS Did you know a searchable version of this journal is now available online? It's FREE and EASY to SEARCH. Find it at http://pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/ols/epublish/content/olsEpublications.jsp or using the "Online Journals" link on the IP Australia home page. The Australian Official Journal of Designs is part of the Official Journal issued by the Commissioner of Patents for the purposes of the Patents Act 1990, the Trade Marks Act 1995 and Designs Act 2003. This Page Left Intentionally Blank (ISSN 0819-1808) AUSTRALIAN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF TRADE MARKS 28 May 2009 Contents General Information & Notices IR means "International Registration" Amendments and Changes Application/IRs Amended and Changes ...................... 6943 Registrations/Protected IRs Amended and Changed ................ 6944 Registrations Linked ............................... 6939 Applications for Extension of Time ...................... 6942 Applications for Amendment .......................... 6942 Applications/IRs Accepted for Registration/Protection .......... 6565 Applications/IRs Filed Nos 1297149 to 1298512 ............................. 6547 Applications/IRs Lapsed, Withdrawn and Refused Lapsed ...................................... 6945 Withdrawn..................................... 6946 Refused ...................................... 6946 Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Matters Decision Given by the ACCC ........................... 6949 Assignments,TransmittalsandTransfers.................. 6946 Cancellations of Entries in Register ...................... 6949 Notices........................................ 6942 Opposition Proceedings ............................. 6939 Removal/Cessation of Protection for Non-use Proceedings ....... 6951 Renewal of Registration/IR ............................ 6950 Trade Marks Registered/Protected ....................... 6940 Trade Marks Removed from the Register/IRs Expired ........... 6953 This Page Left Intentionally Blank For Information on the following please see our website: www.ipaustralia.gov.au or contact our Customer Service Network on 1300651010 Editorial enquiries Contact information Freedom of Information ACT Professional Standards Board Sales Requests for Information under Section 194 (c) Country Codes Trade Mark and Designs Hearing Sessions INID (Internationally agreed Numbers for the Indentification of Data) ‘INID’ NUMBERS in use on Australian Trade Mark Documents ‘INID’ is an acronym for Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data’ (200) Data Concerning the Application. (210) Serial Number of the application. (220) Data of filing the application. (300) Data relating to Priority under the Paris convention. (500) Various Information. (510) List of goods and/or services. (511) Nice Classification of goods and/or services. (540) Reproduction of the mark. (551) Indication of the effect that the mark is a collective mark or a certification mark. (554) Shape mark. (556) Sound mark. (557) Scent mark. (591) Colour mark. (700) Information Concerning Parties Concerned with the Application/Registration. (730) Name and address of the applicant or owner of the registration. (750) Address for service for correspondence. NOTE: Trade marks marked with an asterisk (*) or an IR number are international applications designating Australia AUSTRALIAN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF TRADE MARKS 28 May 2009 ABSTRACTS OF DECISIONS ABSTRACT OF REASONS FOR A DECISION OF A DELEGATE OF THE REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS Trade Mark Application : 1113062 : Applicant : Anest Iwata Australia Pty Ltd Opponent : Wagner Spraytech Australia Pty Ltd Decision : Section 52 opposition: sections 42(b), 58 and 60 – opposition successful under sections 58 and 60 – application refused - costs awarded against applicant. Decision Issued : 15 May 2009 This Page Left Intentionally Blank AUSTRALIAN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF TRADE MARKS 28 May 2009 Proceedings Under The Trade Marks Act 1995 Applications/IRs Filed Nos 1297149 to 1298512 Representations of the trade marks comprised in the following list of applications/international registrations designating Australia may be inspected at the Trade Marks Office , Canberra and in the Trade Marks Sub-Offices at Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Hobart. The date following the class is that on which the application was filed; in the case of convention applications the country of origin and the date claimed are in parentheses. 2 B DELIGHTED NV (BX, 4 Jun 2008) Cl. 11, 37, 42. 1297679 ALCOPACK GmbH (DE, 20 Jun 2008) Cl. 6, 20, 35. 1297689 (IR 999014) (IR 999080) A & P Power Dustributors Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 129 1297256 Alibaba Group Holding Limited Cl. 9, 16, 35, 38, 1298053 326 745 Cl. 9. 41, 42. A & TJ Riccio ATF Mia Moneta Family Trust Cl. 12. 1298296 Allcrete Industries Cl. 1, 2, 19. 1297332 A AND S POWERSELLER PTY.LTD Cl. 12. 1297847 Allen, Trevor Cl. 37. 1298123 A BARCS & CO NOMINEES PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 1297599 Allender, Toby Cl. 25. 1296983 002 404 579 Cl. 14. Allender, Toby Cl. 25. 1296985 A BARCS & CO NOMINEES PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 1297602 Alli, Alliance of Action Sports, LLC (US, 23 Sep 1297716 002 404 579 Cl. 14. 2008) Cl. 16, 41. (IR 999207) AAMHatch Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 106 160 678 Cl. 9. 1296765 ALOHA HEMP AS (NO, 17 Mar 2008) Cl. 14, 23, 25. 1297672 AB Mauri Technology Pty Ltd Cl. 41, 42. 1297415 (IR 998966) AB Mauri Technology Pty Ltd Cl. 41, 42. 1297418 Alphapharm Pty Limited ACN/ARBN 002 359 739 1297305 ABBOTT LABORATORIES Cl. 5. 1298376 Cl. 5. Abbott, Craig Neville and MacCormack, Murray 1297192 Alphapharm Pty Limited ACN/ARBN 002 359 739 1297306 Thomas Cl. 41. Cl. 5. Abbott, Craig Neville see Trollope, Neale ALTERNATIVE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. 1297721 Alexander (SG, 30 Apr 2008) Cl. 7, 9, 37, 40, 42. (IR 999231) ABERCROMBIE & KENT GROUP OF COMPANIES, 1297257 ALTERNATIVE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. 1297722 S.A. Cl. 39. (SG, 30 Apr 2008) Cl. 7, 9, 37, 40, 42. (IR 999232) Abergeldie Contractors Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 004 1297985 Altrex Investments Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 009 557 1297278 533 519 Cl. 37, 42. 635 Cl. 43. Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia 1297981 ALVEOLA Kft. Cl. 3, 8. (IR 999372) 1297749 ACN/ARBN 114 220 478 Cl. 16, 41. Ambika, Ambika Cl. 41. 1298114 Access Pacific Ltd Cl. 19. 1297367 American Sporting Goods Corporation (US, 14 Oct 1297831 ACIL Training PTY LTD as trustee for ACIL 1298036 2008) Cl. 18. (IR 982989) Training Unit Trust ACN/ARBN 135 072 730 Cl. 41. American Sporting Goods Corporation (US, 14 Oct 1297832 ACN 097 362 920 Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 097 362 920 1298284 2008) Cl. 18. (IR 983314) Cl. 9, 11, 42. AMG Company, Inc Cl. 25. 1297950 Action Twins Pty Ltd Cl. 35. 1295786 Andreus Neocleous & Co LLC (CY, 16 Sep 2008) 1297792 Active Building Systems Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 083 1297988 Cl. 16, 45. (IR 999583) 195 420 Cl. 19. Andrew LLC A Delaware Corporation Cl. 9. 1297167 ACXIOM CORPORATION Cl. 35. 1298462 AngioDynamics, Inc. Cl. 10. 1297574 ACXIOM CORPORATION Cl. 9, 35. 1298476 Anhui Forklift Truck Group., Ltd. Cl. 7. (IR 999005) 1297676 Adaptatune ACN/ARBN 173 923 427 Cl. 7, 37. 1297559 Animal Welfare League NSW Cl. 44. 1297254 Adbri Masonry Pty Ltd Cl. 19, 37. 1298270 Animal Welfare League NSW Cl. 44. 1297255 Advance Magazine Publishers, Inc. Cl. 14, 16, 24, 1297275 ANTONS MOULDINGS PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 005 1298457 25. 649 838 Cl. 20. AEG components s.r.o. Cl. 9. (IR 221542) 1297810 ANTONS MOULDINGS PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 005 1298460 Affliction Holdings LLC a California Limited 1297382 649 838 Cl. 20. Liability Company Cl. 3, 9, 18, 28, 35. ANTONS MOULDINGS PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 005 1298459 AFT Pharmaceuticals Limited Cl. 5. 1298025 649 838 Cl. 20. AgFix Technologies Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 136 116 1297987 ANTONS MOULDINGS PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 005 1298458 231 Cl. 5. 649 838 Cl. 20. AGRIMED SA Cl. 31. (IR 642191) 1297813 Anwar, Ejaz Cl. 29, 30. 1297136 AHL Investments Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 105 265 861 1297906 AOL LLC a Delaware limited liability company Cl. 1297907 Cl. 36. 41. Alam, Andrew Cl. 14, 35, 42. 1297448 AONE PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 105 486 897 Cl. 33. 1298309 Albacom Australia Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 130 978 684 1297666 AORTECH BIOMATERIALS PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 1298482 Cl. 9, 35. 079 265 286 Cl. 10, 17. Alcohol Countermeasure Systems (International) 1298011 AORTECH BIOMATERIALS PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 1298483 Inc (CA, 29 Dec 2008) Cl. 9, 37, 42. 079 265 286 Cl. 10, 17. - 6547 - AUSTRALIAN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF TRADE MARKS 28 May 2009 APACK PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 064 250 693 Cl. 35. 1297576 Australian Rugby Union Limited ACN/ARBN 002 1297665 APACK PTY LTD ACN/ARBN 064 250 693 Cl. 35. 1297577 898 544 Cl. 25, 28, 35, 38, 39, 41, 43. Appleton, Frederick Cl. 36, 45. 1297325 AUSTRALIAN SOIL PLANNERS ACN/ARBN 121 1297219 288 159 Cl. 44. Aqua Real Estate Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 132 116 226 1297001 Cl. 36. Australian University Sport Inc Cl. 16, 25, 28, 35, 1298083 39, 41, 43. Aqua Technica Pty Ltd Cl. 9. 1296991 Austrend International Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 095 733 1298150 AQUATEC EQUIPMENT Cl. 5. 1297191 092 Cl. 30. Aquatics & Recreation Victoria Inc Cl. 41. 1298186 AV Enterprise Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 105 695 305 Cl. 1297647 ARC - Australian Road Cycling Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 1297835 9, 14. 128 737 002 Cl. 41. AWDTech Pty Ltd Cl. 7. 1297174 Are There Productions Pty. Ltd. ACN/ARBN 135 1297224 AWDTech Pty Ltd Cl. 7. 1297177 414 390 Cl. 41. AWDTech Pty Ltd Cl. 7. 1297176 Argyle Lawyers Pty Limited Cl. 45. 1297265 Ayam S.A.R.L. Cl. 29, 30, 31. 1298223 Artemides Holdings Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 079 406 1297434 321 Cl. 25. B-free Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 097 846 458 Cl. 9. 1298333 Artemides Holdings Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 079 406 1297536 B2B ITC Pty Ltd Cl. 9, 45. 1298147 321 Cl. 25, 35. Bachelor Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 116 132 784 Cl. 25. 1298156 Artemides Holdings Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 079 406 1297534 Back-Roads Touring Co Limited Cl. 39. 1297583 321 Cl. 25, 35. Back-Roads Touring Co Limited Cl. 39. 1297586 Artemides Holdings Pty Ltd ACN/ARBN 079 406 1297440 Backyard Adventures bv and Aussie Dutch Tubs 1298327 321 Cl.
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