WASIllNGTON STATE DAILY UNIVERSITY EVERG EE Volume LXX Pullman, Washington, Tuesday, Ostober 1, 1963 Number 7 8,268 enroll; Unrest in Alabama previous mark surpassed Bombing explored; Monday evening was the last day of enrollment with 8,268 stu- dents enrolled, according to Reg- istrar Claude Simpson. This was two men arrested 18 over the 8,250 predicted and • BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - said no formal charges had been • almost 400 over last year's record • high. Two white men were placed in filed. - [ Included in the 8,268 total are city jail early today for further 40 Bombings 5,445 returning graduate and un- investigation into the series of The city has had more than 40 dergraduate stude n t s, 1,979 bombings that have rocked this bombings since World War II, but freshmen, 544 transfer students racially-troubled city for several the one which nearly destroyed 274 new graduate students, and years. the Sixteenth Street B apt i s t 26 special students. Col. Al Lingo, head of the State Church was the worst. Simpson said that no applica- Highway Patrol, said others pick- _ . About 20 persons were injured tions will be accepted after the ed up in the intensified investiga- m the blast, which inflicted more Monday night deadline. tion have been released. than $44,000 in damage to the He declined to say how many church and damaged nearby cars others had been questioned. and buildings. Night warden L. A. Holcomb Bombing Sparks Violence Iy oungsters' idntified the two being held as The church bombing almost R. E. Chambliss and Charles Ca- sparked a riot. Sporadic out- gle, both of Birmingham. Both bursts of violence con tin u e d apprehended appeared to be in their late 30's. through the day and night. LEXINGTON, KY. (AP)-Hen- Lingo would give no informa- Two young Negroes were shot ry Gibson, charged with breach of tion on the men, or on results of to death-one by police officers peace, and John Hill, charged the questioning. and the other as he was riding with malicious striking, were He also declined to definitely a bicycle. summoned to police court Mon- link them with the blast at the Two white youths are free on day. Sixteenth Street Baptist Church $10,000 bonds in the death of the Patrolman Harry Robinson said Sept. 15 in which four young Ne- second Negro. he halted. a brawl- between the gro- girls were killed. President Kennedy dispatched two men': Sunday at a private Faces Covered former Army secretary Kenneth The two men arrived at the Royall and former Army football CHOWIN' DOWN-Pledges of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority dig into horne but the two broke away and city jail-the same one where coach Earl Blaik to Birmingham their slices of watermelon during the speed-eating contest of Lambda started the fight again. some 2,400 Negro demonstrators to help sooth the troubled racial Chi Alpha fraternity's annual Watermelon Bust held last Saturday at Robinson said Gibson, 87, and were held last spring-in a high- waters. the women's play field. The contest was won by Sue Rosellini of Chi Hill, 94, were-beating each other The emissaries conferred with Omega. Additional picture on Page 4-Photo by Perdue . with walking canes. Gibson was way patrol car with two troopers. ________________________ ~.-- treated for a scalp cut. Dressed in' sport shirts and leaders of both races last week slacks; they covered their faces and planned to return for further as they were led into the jaul. talks today. Although the investigation into Birmingham's racial situation the bombings had been intensi- was further clouded over the 77 file. for class.. offices fied since the church explosion, weekend when two prominent Ne- these were the first arrests. gro leaders- millionaire A. G. Gaston and attorney Arthur D. A tip-off that they were coming came Sunday night in Montgom- Shores-took issue with Dr. Mar- tin Luther King Jr. over King's prior to final day rush ery from the office of Gov. threat of renewed demonstra- George C. Wallace. tions. Filing for class offices closed offices were; president: Kim aren Mynar, Wyanne Bunyan, The governor's office said in a at 5 p.m. Monday with a total Herman, Butch Meisel and Jer- Thea Eliassen, Sheila Zangar, statement that "arrests were im- of 77 students submitting their ome Carlson; vice presi den t: Georgia Snort and Jerome Carl- minent" in the church bombing names to the Election Board bv Kim Herman, Jim Case and Jer- son. Filing for Executive Board Chinook seeks students in which the Negro girls were Students interested in working Sunday night. Filing had opened ome Carlson; and secretary: Ka- (Continued on Page 5) killed. Sept. 23. on the Chinook, WSU yearbook, No Formal Charges are invited to a meeting at 7:30 Party caucuses are scheduled Later, a statement from the for Oct. 8-11, followed by meet-- p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3, in the Chi- governor's office said only that nook office, CUB B-29. No pre- ings of the candidates on Oct. Rusk, Gromyko meeting two persons were taken into cus- 15. Elections will be Oct. 30-31,. vious experience is necessary ac- tody in connection with the Bir- cording to Lynda Hofstad, editor. utilizing voting machines located mingham bombings. It did not in the CUB lounge. specify the church blast. Rich Perteet, chairman of elec- might bring aqreemenis Lingo said the men were being tion board, said that all those NEW YORK, N. Y. (AP) - disarmament philosop h i call y questioned and would be trans- Today's weather filing will be reviewed in the Reg- U. S. diplomats believe the meet- without giving enough details on ferred to Jefferson County Jail. Mostly fair through tonight; istrar's Office to check grade ing Wednesday night between Se- the Soviet proposal for an ex- He would not definitely link them high today, 78-88; low tonight, point averages, which must be cretary of State Dean Rusk and change of observers for the West- with the church explosion, and 45-55. at least 2.00, and class certifica- Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei ern ministers to judge whether it --------~--------------------------- - tion. A. .Gromyko is the best bet would be acceptable. The observ- Any candidate failing to meet . among forthcoming talks' for de- ers would guard against surprise . _the requirements will be dropped veloping new accords between attack. from the list, prior to caucus Washington and Moscow. meetings. The list should be pro- Gromyko Didn't Press Rusk had a breakfast date with For Rusk and Home, it appear- cessed within a few days, said British Foreign Secretary Lord Perteet, and any irregularities ed just as well that Gromyko did Home Monday morning. The two not press another Soviet proposal will be reported to the party joined Gromyko, Monday night at chairmen and the candidates in- for a nonaggression pact between a dinner being given by U.N. Sec- the NATO and Warsaw military volved. retary-General U Thant. It was Watchnight, which falls on Hal- blocs. The Western allies have described as a social affair to be not agreed what to do about this loween this year, will climax attended by quite a few of the election activities. The annual plan, which is linked to the Ger- foreign leaders here for the Gen- many-Berlin issue. dance will be held in the CUB eral Assembly session. Ballroom and women may re- Meanwhile, U. S. sources be- Rusk's private appoint men t lieve there is room for secondary ceive extended hours. with Gromyko was for dinner Those filing for freshman IP AC U. S.-Soviet deals on matters of Wednesday at the headquarters mutual interest. They lis ted of the Soviet mission to the U. N. among possible items: Rusk May Explore A convention setting forth con- Forum U. S. sources said Rusk may sular arrangements in each coun- slates explore a considerable variety of try . • U. S.-Soviet projects, ran gin g Building new embassies in race movie from a consular agreement to co- Washington and Moscow. "We'll Never Turn Back," a operating in outer space. A private communications line movie filmed by the Student Non- This week's talks, which will from the U.S. Embassy in Mos- Violent Coordinating Committee include a Home-Gromyko lunch cow to a U. S. post in Western will be shown at 4 p.m., Wednes- Tuesday, were about all that em- Europe. day, Oct. 2, in the CUB Jr. Ball- erged from a meeting of three A commercial air route be- room, for the Popcorn Forum, ministers Saturday. tween New York and Moscew, according to Julie Twohy, Pop- The 2V2-hour parley-first-high Expanded cultural and other corn Forum chairman. level East-West session since the exchanges, including in the field "The film supports integration, Aug. 5 signing of the limited nu- of space medicine. what the Negroes have done and clear test-ban treaty-was de- what conditions they have scribed as cordial but unproduc- A ban on orbiting atomic wea- faced," Miss Twohy said. Cir- tive of any agreement of sub- pons. SHINED AND READY-I. K. members Steve Porter left, Roger cumstances, atrocities and intimi- stance. Cooperation in space ventures, Whitehead center, and Gary Berg shined the victory bell, located on dations of the Mississippi crises Gromyko was said to have including some portion of the pro- the roof of College Hall, last Saturday. The bell is rung following a are featured. talked about general, complete ject to send a man to the moon.
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