![S Wilson, NC City Directory [1925]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The First National Bank OF WILSON, N. C. ESTABLISHED 1874 Capital, Surplus and Profits, Over $330,000.00 DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF WILSON AND TOWN OF WILSON Your money is never absolutely, safe unless it is deposited in a good, strong bank. The safety and service of this bank are, yours to command, whether the amount of your funds be large or small. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT AT $3,00 THE YEAR JOHN F. BRUTON, President W. E. WARREN, Vice-Pres. and Cashier Wilson Trust & Savings Bank INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAFETY—SOUNDNESS—SERVICE Resources Over $1,250,000.00 JNO. F. BRUT0N, President E. T. BARNES, Cashier H. D. BATEMAN, President E. W. STAPLES, Vice-Pres. and Cashier Branch Banking & Trust Company WILSON, N. C. Capital and Surplus - $500,000.00 4% paid on Savings Accounts Interest Compounded Quarterly J. T. DEW & BRO. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL WOOD - COAL 5 1 8 E. Walnut St. Phones: 300 ai*d 4SS —————— i PATTERSON DRUG CO. The Safe Drug Store MA )RE I CE Glass COUF& bo* WTION PRESENTED BY t\.Ilt.r\.i UCES HH PATTERSON DRUG GO. TARKENTON & SESSOMS REGISTERED PHARMACISTS Corner Nash and Tarboro Streets Phone 53 HAHI w CQ&GB98S 80RPW& Bunivsrwa The EYE is seventeen times stronger than the EAR. Researc im- pressior igh the eye are s more effectiv LIBRARY ceived through Your advertisement in the City Directory reaches the vision of your prospects all over the city 365 days in the year, because some one is using it every hour in the day. HILL DIRECTORY CO., Inc. PUBLISHERS P. O. Box 879 RICHMOND, VA. ADVERTISING WILSON Do you know that a copy of this Directory of Wilson is being placed in the Directory libraries and among the commercial bodies, Business Men's Clubs, Cham- bers of Commerce and the larger business institutions throughout the United States? No other medium -on earth can convey so complete and comprehensive an index of the city, its various industries, its business, educational and religious in- stitutions, its social life and its people. No other medium can tell so fully of its wonderful growth, its opportunities and its possibilities for the future. The publishers are doing everything possible to make this Directory a representative city catalog of Wilson. Are you as prominently represented as you should be? HILL DIRECTORY CO. Incorporated PUBLISHERS P. O. Box 879, RICHMOND, VA. HILL DIRECTORY CO.'S (INCORPORATED) WILSON, N. C CITY DIRECTORY 1925 EMBRACING AN ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY OF FIRMS, CORPORA- TIONS, PRIVATE CITIZENS, CITY AND COUNTY GOVERNMENTS, CHURCHES, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS, SECRET AND BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS, BANKS AND A STREET AND AVENUE GUIDE A BUYERS' DIRECTORY AND A COMPLETE CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY VOL. VI «JHf '^$8.00 HILL DIRECTORY CO., Inc., Publishers DIRECTORY LIBRARY—CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 108 South Goldsboro HOME OFFICE, .... RICHMOND, VA. Copyright, 1925, by Hill Directory Co., Inc. H£.<Jbfd.(e* V** GENERAL INDEX Page Abbreviations 45 Advertisers—Index to 7 Alphabetical List of Names 45 Banks 258 Business Directory 253 Chamber of Commerce 235 Cemeteries 262 Churches 262 City Government 235 Clergymen 264 Clubs 264 County Officers 236 Courts 235 Fire Department 235 Guide to Streets 249 Hospitals, Homes and Asylums 277 I F 139 Index to Advertisers 7 Junior Order U A M 145 Knights of Pythias 148 Masonic Orders 163 Moose Loyal Order of 170 North Carolina Post Offices 15 Parks 289 Police Department 235 Post Office 218 Schools and Colleges 294 Streets—Guide to 249 United States Post Office 218 PUBLISHERS' NOTE. The information in this book is gathered as far as possible by ac- tual canvass, and is compiled in a way to ensure maximum accuracy. The publishers cannot, of course, guarantee the correctness of infor- mation furnished them nor the complete absence of mistakes, hence no responsibility for errors can be assumed, but we will welcome the bringing to our attention of any inaccuracies so that correction may be made in the next Directory. HILL DIRECTORY CO, INC., Publishers. 6 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS Reference is especially invited to the following alphabetical list of responsible, enterprising, advertising business men. The more yon patronize them the better we can make the Wilson Directory; your at- tention is also invited to the names in DISPLAY BLACK TYPE through- out the book of those who take pride in sustaining the city directory, and who do not borrow their neighbor's directory. Adams Studio & Art Shop left top lines and 39 Aetna Life Ins Co left side lines and 37 Allen-Worley Furniture Co right top lines and 33 Alphin J E backbone and 40 Amerson-Boswell Co right side lines and 32 Anderson & Woodard 36 Atlantic Building & Loan Assn right side lines Automobile Top Service Co left bottom lines and 42 Barnes-Harrell Co The left side lines and 34 Barnes Motor Co 24 Blythe Motor Co 24 Branch Banking & Trust Co front cover and 25 Brewington's Pressing Works 29 Bruton Coal Co right top lines and 29 Carolina Builders' Supply Corp back cover, left side lines and 27 Carolina Laundry left side lines and 38 Churchwell's Quality Shop right side lines and 37 Citizens Bank The 24 Clark Hardware & Provision Co Inc 34 Cullom AN&EM 39 Daily Times The opp back paste down Deans Ernest right side lines and 26 Denny Bros Co right top lines and 37 Dew J T & Bro front cover and 27 Dildy & Agnew right top lines and 35 Dobie Geo R & Co 21 Efird's Dept Store 30 Farmers Banking & Trust Co left side lines and 26 First National Bank front cover and 26 Gilmer's Inc left top lines and 31 Gold P D Publishing Co opp back paste down Harper & Co Inc left side lines and 38 Herring & Dew 43 Herring's Drug Store left top lines and 31 Hill Fredk B & Co 22 Hotel Cherry right top lines and 36 House R W & Bro top stencil and 41 INDEX—Continued. Jomp Jno W left (bottom lines and 86 Meares Thos DJr right bottom lines and 23 Mewborn Jewelry Co 38 Miller's bottom stencil and 31 Moody Transfer Co left top lines and 42 Moody's JL 38 Moore Solon B 23 Patterson Drug Co 2 Planters Bank The back cover and 25 Powell's left top lines and 29 Pullen A M & Co 22 Ruffin's left top lines and 23 Sani-Service Drink Co right bottom lines and 41 Simms W W Co Inc The back cover and 28 Stallings & Riley right bottom lines and 48 Stanton Geo W & Co left side lines and 37 Starr The Florist right side lines and 32 Sugg & Bridgers right top lines and 31 Tanners Shoe Mfg Co left bottom lines Teacher-Woodall Furniture Co 33 Thomas, Yelverton & Co right side lines and 33 Thompson's Pressing Club left bottom lines and 29 Tile Specialty Co The left top lines and 42 Townsend Robt E right top lines and 40 Wiggins W M & Co left side lines and 35 Wilkins & Wilkins left side lines and 30 Williams Lumber Co beginning each letter of Alphabet and 28 Williams & Palmer right 'bottom lines and 30 Wilson Floral Co left top lines and 32 Wilson Hardware Co back cover and 34 Wilson Home & Loan Assn The right side lines and 26 Wilson Ice & Fuel Co Inc right bottom lines and 36 Wilson Insurance & Realty Co right side lines and 37 Wilson Sign Service 41 Wilson Theatre right side lines and 42 Wilson Times opp back paste down Wilson Trust & Savings Bank front cover and 26 Woman's Shop The 38 Wynn E L & Co right side lines and 30 CATALOG OF DIRECTORY LIBRARY MAINTAINED BY HILL DIRECTORY CO., Inc. at Chamber of Commerce, 108 S. Goldsboro Albemarle County, Va. Green Island, N. J. Providence, R. I. (see Charlottesville) (see Troy) Raleigh, N. C. Alexandria, Va. Greene, Me. Redford, Mich. Allston, Mass. (see Androscoggin Co.) (see Detroit) (see Boston) Greensboro, N. C. Richmond, Va. Androscoggin, Me. Hallowell, Me. Roanoke, Va. Atlanta, Ga. (see Kennebec) Rochester, N. Y. Auborn, Me. Hampton, Va. Rocky Mount, N. C. (see Androscoggin Co.) (see Newport News) Rosendale, Mass. Auburn, N. Y. Hartford, Conn. (see Boston) Augusta County, Va. Hopewell, Va. Roxbury, Mass. (see Staunton) Hyde Park, Mass. (see Boston) Bangor, Me. (see Boston) Rutland, Vt. Beacon, N. Y. Kecoughton, Va. Saco, Me. Biddeford, Me. (see Newport News) (see Biddeford) Birmingham, Mich. Kennebec County, Me. Salem, Va. (see Detroit) Kinston, N. C. (see Roanoke) Boston Blue Book Knoxville, Tenn. San Francisco, Cal. Boston, Mass. Leeds, Me. Staunton, Va. Brewer, Me. (see Androscoggin Co.) Syracuse, N. Y. (see Bangor) Lewiston, Me. Taunton, Mass. Brighton, Mas. (see Androscoggin Co.) Torrington, Conn. (see Boston) Lisbon, Me. Troy, N. Y. Bristol, Conn. (see Androscoggin Co.) Turner, Me. Bristol, Tenn. Livermore, Me. (see Androscoggin Co.) (see Bristol, Va.) (see Androscoggin Co.) Vinton, Va. Canton, Ohio Lowell, Mass. (see Roanoke) Charleston, S. C. Lynchburg, Va. Wales, Me. Charlestown, Mass. Lynn, Mass. (see Androscoggin Co.) (see Boston) Mechanic Falls, Me. Walkerville, Canada Charlottesville, Va. (see Androscoggin Co.) (see Detroit) City Point, Va. Miami, Fla. (see Hopewell) Miami Beach, Fla. Washington, D. C. Coconut Grove, Fla. (see Miami) (see District of Columbia) (see Miami) MinolT, Me. Waterford, N. Y. Cohoes, N. Y. (see Androscoggin Co.) (see Troy) (see Troy) New England Biz. Waterville, Me. Detroit, Mich. New Orleans, La. (see Kennebec) Dorchester, Mass. Newark, N. J. Wateroliet, N. Y. (see Boston) Newport News, Va. (see Troy) Durham, Me. Newport, R. I. Webster, Me. (see Androscoggin Co.) Norfolk, Va.
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