fifllil (HI)? BMM (Slumpm illiiilill Published Semi-Weekly by SMU Students Publishing Company 41st Year Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Friday, October 14, 1955 No. 9 Light Vote of 1,284 Picks 16 Class Officers V* * i by JOE DAVE SCOTT votes, juniors checked 288 Hunt said candidates were Editor of The SMU Campus names and the seniors came in very prompt this year in turn­ 555®::; A turnout of a meager 1,284 cellar position with 230 votes. ing in accurate expense ac­ students chose four sets of class Hunt commented on the num­ counts and getting them to him officers and 77 engineering stu­ ber of freshmen and said that he on time. "I only noticed a few dents in section A of the Engi­ should have gotten two machines signs still up past the morning neering school, elected a Student for the frosh officers. Workers deadline and they were not Council representative in what operating the machines said that there long," he remarked when election committee chairman Sam steady crowds were at the polls asked about violations. Hunt termed a "smooth and well from about 12:30 p.m. until clos­ Offices listed with winner's organized election." ing time. total and other candidates in fin­ Jimmy Rogers, senior from El The number of votes cast this ishing order are: ||§|: Paso, was elected to the presi­ fall barely climbed above the Senior officers: For vice-presi­ JUi !11| dency of his class over Winston total of the 1954 class election dent—Ginger Hamel, 87; Don " * Rhea. Rogers polled 178 votes, which saw 1,230 students vote. (See ELECTIONS, Page 8) SSMSS compiling a margin of over 100 votes to win. Lyle Walker, junior from Clo- vis, New Mexico, will lead his Isaacs To Be Speaker class after compiling 117 votes. Paul Bass, George Reynolds and Bill Bracken finished in that At Forum Awards Dinner order. Rick Herrscher tallied 105 Norman E. Isaacs, managing Charles Yeager, of Texas Indus­ —Campus staff photo by Laugliead votes to lead the sophomore class. editor of The Louisville Times, tries, Inc.; Harry L. Waddell, AND THERE I AM! Finishing in this order were Lip will be the principal speaker at publisher of Petroleum Week; Happy COGS clowns Carolyn Osteen and Joan Morrison generate Norvell, Max Mays and Gregg the Forum Awards dinner in the and Claribel Thompson, editor of enthusiasm and good feelings for tonight's carnival. Wallace. Student Center ballroom at 7 p.m., Blue Blaze, Lone Star Gas Co. In the largest voting group, Friday, Oct. 14, climaxing the Second morning workshop, for and the closest race, in the Southwest Journalism forum. radio and television, starts at presidentials, Phil Williams President Willis M. Tate of 10:30 a.m. and features Tom Students Strive For Skill piled up 107 voles to head the SMU will present the 1955 Forum Journeay, WFAA-TV; Gordon spirit-filled freshmen. awards. Isaacs- will receive an McLendoh, KfilF; Ves Box, The other eight frosh candi­ award "For his dedicated service KRLD-TV, dates for prexy, finishing in or­ to freedom of the press," and Afternoon sessions begin at 1 Carnival time is here again, as pa Kappa Gamma "Dime a der, were Sam Allred, Butch Wil­ James R. Record, associate editor p.m. with a photography work­ COGS transform the Student Dance" booth. And, if you've liams, Cash Baxter, Kenny Rand, of The Fort Worth Star Tele­ shop, featuring exhibits of movies Center terrace into a gaily dec­ worked up an appetite, refresh­ Larry Harrison, Jim Ausmus, gram, will be honored "For dis­ and still pictures. orated carnival tonight, from ments are the subject of consid­ Allan Simmons and Gene Wood. tinguished service to Texas jour­ The news side of daily and 7:30-11 p.m. eration at Delta Delta Delta's J. D. Freeman won the section nalism." weekly papers will be discussed Step right up and try your Sno-Cone Igloo, Zeta Tau Al­ A Engineering school Student Registration for the forum will at 2 p.m., by Paul CrUme, The skill at penny-pitching at the Al­ pha's Covered Wagon, and COGS Council special election. Freeman begin at 7 a.m. Friday in the (See ISAACS, Page 5) pha Delta Pi booth, or test the ice cream booth. tallied 19 votes in the slim bal­ lobby of Storey hall, and will be old arm at the Delta Zeta throw­ Jim Brown's combo will fur­ loting. followed by welcoming remarks ing game. Take a chance at hurl­ nish music for the event, while Other engineers politicking for from John E. King, Jr., president ing those Pi Beta Phi darts, and, Mickey Kavanaugh as "balloon the post finished in this order, of the Dallas Press club, and if you're lucky, collect your re­ vender and a professional clown Herby Asel, Bruce Boss, Don Sterling Wheeler, SMU vice-pres­ ward in Pi Phi "Kisses." See will add to carnival atmosphere. Raney and Merion Reynolds. ident. — yourself as others do in carica­ Barbara Gallaher, national tum­ Total number of freshmen to Morning workshops start at 9 tures from the Sigma Kappa bling champion, will give a spe­ march to the polls led the pack a.m., with the first on public re­ 1,000 Expected booth. cial presentation. with 467. Sophomores cast 299 lations and industrial press, with Approximately 1,000 junior and If drama is your dish of tea, senior high school students rep­ stop in the Kappa Alpha Theta DANCE PRICES DOWN resenting 269 schools in the north theater, ;or take two on the aisle Texas area will be on hand for for Ganima Phi Beta's "Teahouse the annual North Texas Student of the: Crescent Moon." Avid Activities conference, Saturday Southerners will go with Chi Ticket Squabble Nears End morning, according to Barry Hol- Omega's "Went With the Wind." ton, director of community serv­ Married students seated in. the girls to attend the bonfire follow­ Take your Prince Charming to By adopting a resolution to be ices. card stunt section would be ex­ ing the Pigskin review. see Delta Gamma's "Citronella." submitted for the approval of the Workshops in drama, debate, pected to cooperate with the "Dance With Me, Kappa" seems faculty committee on athletics, At the suggestion of Tom Mil­ declamation, extemporaneous stunts, and failure to do so would to be the theme song at the Kap- the SMU Student Council Tues­ ler, sportsmanship chairman, the speaking, interpretive reading, result in revocation of the Mon­ day night sought an <snd to the Council voted to. have Sportsman­ ready writing, radio-TV, student controversial question of tickets day drawing date. Cycen Fjodr Serfs ship week the weekend of Nov. council activities, and journalism for wives of students. Sue Harding, in charge of the 12, the Arkansas game. will comprise the activities of­ Tapped by Knights If the resolution is passed, Homecoming dance, reported that Miss Parker who, with Sam fered. married students will be able to the Faculty Senate had changed Hunt, had been appointed to dis­ Students of Dallas and nearby Ten freshman serfs, tapped by draw tickets for their spouses on the dance hours from 8:30 to cuss with representatives from high schools will lead the panels the Knights of Cycen Fjodr at Monday, instead of Wednesday. 12:30 to 8-12, Oct. 29. the dean of students' office the and discussions within the vari­ Thursday night's pep rally; are Single students will still draw Also, the price of Homecoming list of1 proposed committees sub­ ous sections, and will participate wearing white feathers to classes tickets for out-of-school dates dance tickets was switched from mitted last week, reported that in actual exhibitions. today as an emblem of their se­ ^Wednesday. $2.50 to $2. the group had made recom­ SMU debaters have prepared a lection to serfdom in the honor­ Bob Dickenson, who drew up Miss Harding also reported mendations regarding each com­ demonstration debate on the ary -organization. the resolution, pointed out that that members of the Rice Stu­ mittee. high school National Forensic since tickets are assigned by The senior Knights for this dent Council and Rice cheerlead­ The Council then considered league question this year. SMU year and their serfs tapped out drawing, the chance of drawing ers will be guests of the SMU the establishing of each commit­ faculty members will preside good or bad seats is as strong on Thursday are: Matt Murphy, ray Council members for lunch, at tee, and whether chairmeji over the sectional meetings. burer; Joe 1 Krog, ellis miri- Monday as on Wednesday, so the 12:30 p.m. in the Student Center should be chosen from the Coun­ A general assembly at 8 a.m. change would not be to the dis­ ton; Carlton Wilson, waiter will- ballroom on Saturday. cil or the student body at large.8 will usher in the Conference, over son; Walter Wink, phil williams; advantage of single students. Carolyn Parker, Homecoming Bonnie Fitzwater, coordinator which R. H. McKay, assistant Richard Deats, john kiser; Dave Under the terms of the resolu­ superintendent of Dallas schools, Hawk, h. p. hawkins; Ronnie Mor­ tion, married students could chairman, said that a request for of student affairs, was present at 11:45 p.m. late permission on will preside as general chairman. ris, charles freder icks; Charlie have their activity cards spe­ the Council meeting. Barbara Thursday, Oct. 27, for all dorm Rhodes and Mary Adele Patter­ Dr. Sterling Wheeler, SMU vice- Logan, ned polk; Sid Stahl, bill cially stamped by the council, president, will welcome the vis* bowers; and Kent Beaeley, arch and then would be allowed to girls had been sent to the dean son, Council members* were absent.
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