Y17, 1945 • • Ano\, CALIINDola =~ MUI8. 'ATII•••• oja.,. CU. "3. &I. T5. US. va. ~. ••• lU. ..0dtlIlID rOOD8. III.. .taDlDl. ~II. ~ .. U. M. Ill, c~, 011, 1I~. 1". aD. G8. SUO"•• 1 ... , Rain " •. N .. A _, I.t I ••• ,.aa •• nlW Fob. I; 10 ..., I .... I.ot.... r I ... ,,__ ....11 ....." •• GASOLINE, .4·A. ,... ..U... '11 ~lil" N'.... '1.. .·G, Co"~ B·e IOWA: Llptn.ID iD IOaUUoIld II •• pII..... FUEL On:•• ,1 p.,I •• 'n, and fin, " ...,I.' eo.... Iw •••• ,..01 '00' '11, •• ,b earren' DAILY IOWAN IDOwiDD~ '.. U.. ........ Pt.... t.t.. ..",•• , .00. DOW. ~ss 880lUI ..... lla ... air,' ••' .ta...... I. I. ..d ... lld City~s 1••• "all.I,. Iowa Morning Newspaper --- t'I'fE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1945 VOLUME XLV NUMBER 98 >nls -----:--.. I and de. ale . • !nls gers, nYlnc .-a ptu res ..... ~. into battle T arsaw army IUld ~r .01 .the 'rk In )ill. *** *** , progrSIlIa MILLION REDS CRUSH FOE IN POLAND part of hil Sixt~ ' Army Nazis Check Russians Push When D- e Rangell, 'Work or Be Drafled'- ' FDR' t with the (uls Highway. Offen·sive Germans Wesl md were W~SHINGTON (AP) _ Presi- are 7,000,00 of that total over 38; action" and the president spiq. .~ ; the Enl. dent Roosevelt told congress yes- 6,725,000 with occupational defer- I will be ~eversed by reporbi "now the day or Manila-Saguio Roqd tJ!rday that the allied "total of- ments; 1,363,000 from 18 to 26 de- c~rrenl m. lhe.press that coneres­ Plunge WithinlS Miles rm 01 hit tense" requires swift action on leg- fer red for physical detects and an- ~JOn~l .. achon IS iJkely to be de­ British 2nd Army e Ranier Severed Twice; Meets Resistance Of German Border becaUse Of islation putting every man 18 to other 710,000 of these 4-F's from a~ltho "h the May bill is not Ya'nks Enter· Po%orrubjo 45 into the war errort, at home or 26 to 30; 1,508,000 4-f"s from 30 u. ..... iI 'I this ad. abroad. t 38 d 1 500 000 dis h rged vet- I com~lete national ser~lce law, the North of Aachen In Winter Offensive ed in the The president sent his viey,rs to 0 an " c a , presIdent said, It "wIll go far to G ENE R A L MacARTHUR'S erans. secure the elfective employment in SUPREME HEADQUARTERS LONDON (AP)-The Rus­ continued HEADQUARTERS, Luzon, Tt)urs­ Chairman May (D., Ky.) of the Selective service estimates 60 the war elrod of all reglstrants ALL lED EXPEDITIONARY sians captured ruined, long.em. day (AP)-8ixth army troops cut house military committee who percent of the occupatlonally-de- under the selective service law be- until the FORCE, Paris (AP)-The new battled Warsaw yesterday in a 0, It Was the main Manlla-Baguio higpway promised action by tonight. ferred could meet army-navy tween the ages of 18 and 45." British Second army offensive Mr. Roosevelt backed up his ap- h . J d d bl1lath·taking en~irelement ma­ ~irst arllly In two more places and patrols peal with a letter from the army. p YSlca stan ar s. "While there may be some dif- north of Aachen ran into stiffen­ entered Pozorrubio in a spurt of neuver as a third great Red ~t he reo. and navy high commands, plead- This was ,Mr. Roos~,;,elt:s third ferences of o1)inion on the qetails ing resistance, including German ignment­ activity on Gen. Douglas MacAr­ ing for young and vigorous" re- plea for natl.onal serv Ice, In some of the bill, prompt action now is tanks. aocl was slowed yesterday army group plunged into the 'n trip. to thur's lelt flank, s)pwed for several placements and picturing an form. He said it is more impor- mul:h more Important in thj1 war after the white-clad Tommies had winter offensive pushing the days by stiff opposition, head­ have ever "acute need" in the field and in lant now than ever. eltort than the perfecting of de- advanced 1,000 yards through Germans westward across Po­ quarters reported today. snow and log and captured the laqd in cataclysmic retreat. Still meetinll the sternest re­ the war factories. "It is true," the president wrote tail. es He urged congress to enact to May, "that there has been a "As the united nations enler village of Dieteren. 1n southern Poland the Rus· less: "The listance of any sector, the Yanks To the south, however, Ameri­ pushed across the vital highway at May's liimled national service bill trend toward increased placement upon a truly total offensive against sians drive to within 15 miles of are aware without 9uibbling over details. of manpower il1 the last two their enemies, it is vital that total can forces smashing at the Nazis' the German border, capturing . indiffer. Babonan, three miles north of Tbis blll applies to 18,806,000 weeks." . offense should not slacken be- vanishing Ardennes salient occu­ Ozestoehowa, 125 miles south· ere. They lOlTll.blo. Nine mile~ to the north I pied VieJsalm and closed within other units moving from tile west men from 18 to 45. II would make But lhat trend, he said, unques- cause of any less than total utili­ w~st of Warsaw, and Poland's me front all liable to assignment some- Honably was due to the belief that zalion of our manpower on the four mlles of the strategic com­ second cIty of Krakow also was re­ ecessities. were within a half mile of Rosario. I where in the war errort. There \ congress contemplated "prompt home front." • munication center of st. Vilh. ROMANIA ported captured in the fast-rolll,., there is Juncture at a fork less than two Snow Grounds Planes Soviet drlve. ld strikes. mn~s beyond Rosario would put The fighting was cloaked in al­ at home the two Yank columns on a moun­ On a {rant at least 2M) milet. most indescribably bad weather long, 2.000,000 or more Russian . the war tain road leading to Baguio, the Iowa Senate to Act with icing conditions so severe )ldier has summer capital of the Philippines, Allies Bomb Steftinius, Eden soldiers sped westward beyond that not a single American tactical sbattered Nazi defenses, reaching efront. It 18 miles away. • air unit was abJe to leave the points from 260 to 290 mUes from ici ency in . Cut Manila-Oa.-ulo HI.-hway On Income Tax Bill IR II d' Propose Conferences ground. Tbe only continental­ SHATTERING· the enemy', Warsaw-Krakow delenae line In Poland, like put. Russia's Jon,-walted-tor wInter offensive mounied In Jts fury as a Berlin. Sixth army trr<)O[ts now havjl cut based fighter-bombers able to see As the Polish capital fell after he learns this main Manila-Baguio highway N Cite Need for any aclion whatever were 150 Red Army of more than 1,000,000 men crossed the Nlda river on a Proposal to Continue a~1 al roa S, M~re 37-mHe tront, drlvlltl' to within 32 miles of Krakow, .-a$eway to rich live years and four months 01 Nazi It home." In four places, the southernmost at British planes which struck at occupation and the Russians raced who has Moncada, Irom which the Yanks Cut of SO Percent Parleys to promote transport targets in northern lIol­ German Silesia and northern Czecho lovakla. Soviet armJes were re­ fronts. ue pressing toward tne important il R f·· portfd by Berlin. to have bel'Un. fresh ma'or attacks north and touth their mammoth new Stalin super­ land. tanks along the main highroad due city Qf ·Tarlac. For 3 More Years OI e Inerles Allied Cooperation Fal·ther southward in the bulge of Warsaw with the double aim of enclrclln.- that charred Polish capital and breaklns- throul"h to the mouth ot tbe VistuJa river In west towards Berlin, the Soviet­ There was no indication in Gen- the United States Third army sponsored Polish provisIonal gov­ • eral MacArthl,lr's communique how DES lV!OINES (AP)- The Iowa WASBlNGTON (AP) - Secr.e- cleared the entire Bastogne-Houl­ DanzIg-. The entire eastern front from the Baltic to Qutlapest ap· tary of State Stetll.nius yesterday (alize road and hammered the peared to be explodln.- Into action. ernment at Lublin announced that far bis foremost spe8l"head had ad- legislature last night appeared LONDON (AP)- Mol'e than Krakow, seat of the German re­ vanced toward Tar/ac. key high- headed for quick action on pro­ 1,000 allied warplanes struck :yes­ endorsed a proposal by Jrorpign enemy back toward the St. Vith­ =- gime for Polnnd, had fallen. The ~menl Minister Eden of Britain for Wiltz ridge. Below the bulge way and rail junction only 70 road posed continuation of the 50 per­ terday at German oil refineries and German radio at Krakow suddenly mornin,• miles from Manila. At last reports cent forgiveness in the state in­ submarine yards in the Reich and periodiC Anglo-American-Russian American Third army infantry, At a Glance- !he chim. conferences to tighten cooperation fighting on German soil between went dead. the Yanks were less than ]8 miles come tax, (ollowing an unusual railroad lines which supply HoI­ 21 Injured Premier S tal in himseU an­ S. Court away, coming down two converg- action by the senate's powerful land coast V-bomb sites. among the allied powers. the Moselle river and Saar east of chimney nounced the capture of Warsaw by Ine roads against nothing more ways and means committee.
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