: N t m m m m a n d , >AGE EIGHT. QCEAN.&IU)VEaiidNEPTUNE,nME3,-TOWNSHH>O F N 8 ^ ^ r 1 ijEW'^1lSEY l!HURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1980 execute the. attached agreement with 105 Years Old Public Legal ^ NEPTUNE LIBRARY Annette Kane. *!;•■*:'.1 ? ■“.-•/ Obituaries 2. This contract is awarded without competltvc bidding • as "Professional FEBRUARY CALENDAR Service" under the provisions of the " ■ .M a n d 'lSEW:^ v. Notices ; BEHNETA C. WAGNER j_K>cal Public Contract Law because it ■V: Thurs.— 8 PM.— Library Association Sheeting. Film.— Is a recognized profession licensed ■>; OCEAN GROVE — Miss and regulated by the law and It Is . Bemeta C. Wagner, 100 Em­ “Yankee Sails Across Europe.” Refreshments served. Al; not /possible to obtain competitive Every Thursday - ;-j* :c 8 welcome. ’ ■';.r - - b i d s . •; v bury Ave., died 'last Wednes- 3. A copy of the Resolution shall be V day in Dunlap, Tenn. Services 8 Fri.— 4 P.M.* Children’s Films, "Case of the Cosmic published' in th e . Neptune Ocean Comic,” “The Cats’ Meow,” “Case of the Cold Storage Grove Times as required by law with­ were held last Friday at the in 10 days . of its passage.. VOL. CV NO. 7 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEB 14, 1980 (USPS402420) FIFTEEN CENTS Ocean Grove Memorial Home. Yeggs.” Three humorous films. 50 mins. DtATED: February. 4, 1980.. Interment was Saturday at the 9 Sat.— 3 P.M.* Children’s Films.1 Same as above.' ‘ '. VERNON A. BRUCOWSKI, Mayor 12 Tues.— 11-11:30 A.M. Story Time for pre-registered 3-5 Attest: - =•'/-• : N. Y. Bay Cemetery, Jersey JOSEPH E. BENNETT, Township Clerk: Chuck Hart Eyes Pro Soccer Career Monmouth Towns Boat Show In Convention Hall Twp. Committee , Ciiy.' ' ' : •' year olds. * $12.74 Orosz Chairm an !j: 13 Wed.— 11-11:30 A.M. Story Time for preregistered 3-5 ' ; : Hiss Wagner, 51, was bom . N O T I C E .. • Following Elizabethtown Col. Degree Of Review Board To Show History Appointees in Jersey City. She lived in '■'../year-olds. Township o frNeptune 1 ’f-'-. Fikeville, Tenn. before moving 14 Thurs.— 4 P.M. — Children's Arts and Crafts— “Old- NOTICE is hereby ^*ven that ^tiie Fashioned Valentines.” For children dn grades 1-6. Sign -undersigned has applied to the Pla­ hert six years ago. She was nning Board! of. the .TownshiP of Nep­ ELIZABETHTOWN, Ba.-^ and: 70 fouls. '■ NEPTUNE TWP.—John ASBURY PARK City! NEPTUNE TWP. — Mrs. Hor- ■ up in advance in.the Children’s Dept. ■ tune • iQ r. slte-plan •; approval ■ for the Hart, said Coach Wright, is Orosz, of Neptune, an As- officials and Monmouth Court- tense West, Heck Avenue, and a s&cretary for Lolzeaux Bro­ construction of parking, building,'and Chuck Hart, of Neptune, N. thers Inc.,. Neptune. 6:30 P.M.—Feature Film— ‘HJlygses”. Based on James drive thru service -window addition to J., is a young man who lives, an above average ball handler bury P ark architect, has ,ty Freeholders are planning1^ Maurice Scully, 36 Country Joyce’s novel. A masterpiece! — 132 mins. existing McDonald's HestaUrant on the Sha was a member of- the Iproperty known, as Block 252, Lots 30 eats land breathes soccer. He’s with the left foot, But 'needs been named chairman of | joint project entitledVMabif Club Dr., were named town­ First Baptist Church, of Asbury 15 Fri.— 4 P.M.*—Children’s Films—r“Airplanes,” and . 34, . located at the. north west beenj playing it since he was to develop his right foot'mOre the township’s Architectur-'.!ly Monmouth County,” ' '& ship representatives to the Bat- : “Clowns,” “Concert,” and “Crafty Animal Caper”— 45 oorner ojt : (Milton :Avenue and State Park. She was active in the Highway 35, Township of Neptune. in sixth grade, & you’d think in order to 'become' a n . eV^ii al Review Board, the sev- 'conuty-wide exposition for tie of Monmouth parade and . Sunday School: of the church mins. A hearing will be held on this ap- that* by now, witih his final better player. Hart1{has been en-member advisory unit June 7th & 8th in Convention muster in June in Freehold. 16 Sat.— 3 P.M.* Children’s Films — Same as above. plSoatlon by the Planning Board, or for many years. the Township of Neptune. ’ ih‘ 'tho season of college soccer be­ working hard at doing1 just that will screen building Hall. Also appointed Monday 18 Mon.— George Washington’s Birthday— Library Closed! Board Meeting Room, Second Bldor. fore; him, that he’d be get- that. plans for Ocean Grove to | The proposal- was submit- night' by the municipal commi- ' .'.Surviving are her father, Neptune Municipal Complex, 25 Nep­ lohn C. Wagner, here; one 19 Tues.— 11-11:30 A.M. — Preschool Films.; “Ira Sleeps tune Boulevard, Neptune, N. J, on ting-a bit tired of it all. “Chuck needs to. work oh hia ensure continuity in the his- ■ ted to the Monmouth County ttee were Alfred Lyons, spec­ Over,” “Rabbits," ‘.‘Lollipop Opera.” Parent must re­ Wednesday, February Z i, 1980, at 8:00 brother, Rev. John F. Wagner A JOINT SENATE RESOLUTION signed by Governor Byrne proclaiming the wiefc PJVI. A ll, interested parties will be concentration -ra^'ijA'/lceeptog toric district. Heritage Committee by As- ial police officer; Kim Elliott, • Huntington, Ind., and several main in library. Open to all preschoolers. of Jan. 20 as State Autistic Week affirmed the need to assure the autistic ample ,oppor­ heard. control of hisineniotiohsi” Mrs. Margaret Goodrich, | bury Plark’s. Special Events probationary c 1 e rk-t y pi s t ; 20 Wed.—11-11:30 A.M.—-Preschool Films—Same as above. Plans of the proposal may . be in. curator of the Neptune Mu- j Director, Anthony Petillo >and nieces and nephews. tunities to develop to the fullest of their capabilities. Discussing the resolution were apccted in tho office of the Secretary Wright said, “arid if he -sv'c- Juana Veney, clerk-typist in ?2 Fri;r—4 P.M .* Childrens Films— “Angel and Big Joe.” A (I. to r.) Artea Lombardi, Vice president, New Jersey State Society for Autistic Chil­ of the Neptune Planning. Board, Nep­ ceeds at th a t,;he\'cari‘' most scum and a board represen- according to Helen Romaine the Family and Youth Services Son of migrant workers is befriended by a telephone re­ tune Municipal Complex, 25 Neptune MISS ELOISE DISBROW ! dren, John O’Connell, president of the Council for Organizations and Schools for Au­ Boulevard, Neptune, Now Jersey, dur­ certainly beQD^’v M ^ '^ ili- tative from the Neptune Scafidi, Heritage Committee Center; Olwyn M. Montigney, X ;; OCEAN . GROVE — Funeral pairer, Mid gets a chaaice for a more stable life, but the tistic Children; Senator William Harrison, Democrat from Middlesex, sponsor of the ing regular business hours. around player he' desifes1' to Historical Society, was - Chairperson,, County Free- CETA clerk-typist in adminis­ choice is painful. Dated: January 30, 1080 services will be held today resolution . and Helmuth Kaunzinger, president of NJSSAC. Mr. Kaurizinger resides be.” ' named vice chairman, holders are most enthusiastic trative office; Barbara Inkeies, “Blind Sunday.” Two young people meet at a swimming MCDONALD'S CORPORATION (Thurs.) at 3:30 P.M. at the at 24 Pinebrook Dr., Neptune, and is the father of an autistic daughter. He is em­ 1455 Broad Street When it conie.v'tq;'positibn, Township Administrator about the exposition. secretary for the Environmen­ pool; one is blind, and through friendship the other Bloomfield, New Jersey First Presbyterian Church of ployed as an electronics engineer in Fort Monmouth since 1938. He is currently as­ -o W.Str Hart is already ■pr6'tty;J ‘nVUi’h Joseph E. Bennett is acting I Each of the county’s 53 tal Commission; Celia Valen­ ' Lakewood for Eloise Ball Dis­ learns about blindness. 60 mins. signed as acting chief of the Data] Informations Systems Branch of the center for Tac­ the all - around player. He secretary. , municipalities will be provid- tine Pullach, CETA clerk-typist 23 Sat.— 3 P.M; Children’s Films— Same as above. LEGAL NOTICE ^ - brow, 72, a local poetress who tical Computer. Systems. ''' "'.'"C.v-’-V started'out at wing in eighth Qther members of the ed with free booth space for in public works, and William 26 Tues.— 11-11:30 A.M.— Story Time for pre-registered ■ Notice or'Election board are Benjamin Wade .displays in Convention Hall, lived at 137 Main Ave. She To the Legal Voters of Fire District grade, then went to irtaide as O'Connor, CETA - laborer in died last Saturday at Jersey . 3-5 year olds. #1 .In Ocean Grove, Coiintar.^or - a high school freshnijcrt';\'ln and Victor Burke, of the !Additional activities will also public works. Reserve. He was one of the Haworth public school^ befoiis'! cha't'fte &>'jj(nany could attend, Monmouth,. State, of; New - Jersey. Shore Medical , Center, Nep­ 8 PM.— Neptune Historical Society Meeting. Interesting high school he played at full­ Ocean Grove Historical So- ibe staged on the boardwalk, An $1,800 bid for demolition , v Program. Refreshments served. All adults welcome. founders of the; St. Marys going into real estate. This resulted in a loss of $100. Notice Is hereby given that an elec_ tune: ; • ' ' v.--:: •' tion will be held on Saturday, Feb- back hia junior year and in Ciety; Township Commit- beach, ocean, and band navil- and clearing of 10-1 Ridge Ave. 27 Wed.— 11-11:30 A.M.—Story Time for preregistered 3-5 Armenian . Church, Long “From the time I was a to us.
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