PRODUCT OVERVIEW Dell EMC VxBlock System DELL EMC VXBLOCK AND VBLOCK SYSTEMS #1 Converged System* POWERING THE MODERN DATA CENTER Dell EMC Converged Systems hAve helped thousAnds of global enterprise customers transform their IT environments to become more agile, reliable, and cost-effective. Dell EMC Converged Systems integrAte enterprise-clAss technologies—including compute, network, storAge, virtuAlization, and management—into one engineered system, thAt is engineered, manufactured, manAged, supported, and sustained as one. These systems eliminate the slow, complex, and costly process of procuring, Assembling, and the on-going maintenAnce of trAditionAl in-house integrAtion approAches. DELL EMC CONVERGED SYSTEMS OVERVIEW Dell EMC VxBlock And Vblock Systems deliver simple IT solutions for A broAd rAnge of use cAses, significantly reducing costs, time-to-deploy, and on-going management/mAintenAnce-time, enabling your IT staff to spend more time focused on business outcomes and on new initiatives thAn on mAnAging the IT infrAstructure and keeping the lights on. Dell EMC Vblock System UnsurpAssed Simplicity VxBlock And Vblock Systems bring together technologies from leAders like Dell EMC, Cisco, VMwAre, And more. All system elements Are pre-integrAted, pre-configured, then tested And validAted before shipping. SeAmless integrAtion Allows you to operAte And mAnAge your system As a single product, rather than As individuAl, siloed components. On-going, component-level testing, and qualification result in drastically simplified updates and maintenances. The end result is significant time And resource savings throughout the systems life cycle. All FlAsh VxBlock and Vblock Systems enable you to create a modern data center with all-flash storAge, including Dell EMC Unity, XtremIO, and VMAX options. All-flash VxBlock and Vblock Systems are ideAl for mixed-workloAd consolidAtion, ApplicAtions thAt require extreme performAnce And scAle, mission-critical Applications, And where you Are looking for the highest storAge density At the lowest operAtionAl total cost of ownership (TCO). StreAmlined Deployment With multivendor solutions And reference Architectures, considerAble time And resources Are devoted to sourcing, integrating, testing, validating, and on-going maintenance. VxBlock and Vblock Systems cAn be delivered within 60 dAys of order—for the fastest time-to-value. * Source: IDC Tracker, “Worldwide QuArterly Converged Systems Tracker” December 2016 PRODUCT OVERVIEW System SustAinAbility #1 FOR A REASON Rely on the Dell EMC ReleAse CertificAtion MAtrix (RCM) to streAmline software releAse plAnning Delivering real business results and on-going configuration management across all converged infrastructure components. Dell EMC quAlity AssurAnce tests for interoperability of hArdwAre And softwAre to ensure thAt your system And dAtA center drAmAtically reduce downtime due to updAtes And scheduled “The capabilities and reliability of the maintenAnce. This unique experience spAns Across All VxBlock And Vblock Systems for An new system has freed up some of my unmatched customer experience. time, meaning I can focus on the things that really matter, like managing my Converged System MAnAgement teams anD Delivering the best outcome Dell EMC Vision Intelligent OperAtions is heAlth And life cycle mAnAgement software At its best. Its for our internal customers.” intelligence, automAtion, and visuAlizAtion facilitate standArdized, repeAtable IT processes— — BrAd Flintoff, IT MAnAger, Brownes making it eAsier to keep your data center/hybrid-cloud environment heAlthy, stAble, optimized, And secure. The softwAre mAnAges compute, network, storAge, And virtuAlization components together as a single system and multiple systems as a single pool of resources. Functions include health, “With the Vblock System we founD that RCM compliAnce, And security compliAnce mAnAgement. total cost of ownership was significantly lower with higher levels of Simplify ScAle availability and scalability.” Dell EMC VscAle Architecture enAbles scAle-up and scale-out data centers by combining a — Martijn LAnger, Coordinator of modulAr grow-as-needed architectural design with the flexibility to add resources incrementally OperAtions and Service Desk, EquAlit through compute and storAge technology extensions. Through the Dell EMC VscAle FAbric, a scalAble spine-leAf network fabric, you cAn connect multiple systems and modular components to “Moving to a Vblock System allows the creAte A shAred pool of resources. business to focus on innovation and expansion without being burdened by “Vblock is generally regarded as the benchmark for IT limitations.” blade-/SAN-based IIS solutions; the technology is well- — Justin BeAuchAmp, IT InfrAstructure proven across multiple vertical industries, use cases and ManAger, McCoy GlobAl geographies — a status it has achieved since its launch “Now that I’m the CFO, I like the Vblock in 2009.” Systems environment even more. First — Gartner Group, MQ for IntegrAted Systems, Oct 2016 of all it’s saving us on the maintenance and support funding. That allows us to Single-Call Support take those remaining investment Dell EMC delivers fully integrAted, 24/7 support with A single phone cAll. There’s never Any finger- dollars and actually put them into new pointing between vendors, and you can always rely on our fully cross-trAined teAm for a fast innovative investment.” resolution to Any problem. — ChAd Eckes, Executive Vice President And CFO, Wake Forest IntegrAted DatA Protection Baptist MedicAl Center For reliable backup and recovery, your converged systems are built with data protection optimized for your specific needs. Dell EMC offers the most advAnced data deduplication, replication, and “Given that Vblock Systems products data protection technologies for achieving your Recover Point Objective (RPO) and Recover Time are pre-packaged, pre-engineered, and Objective (RTO) requirements. pre-integrateD, we have more time to focus on the value-added nature of Security And CompliAnce cloud.” VxBlock And Vblock Systems Are engineered to ensure the highest levels of security And Are built — Steve Houser, CTO of Cloud Services to simplify complicAted compliance requirements. All components and softwAre are tested and and Engineering, Xerox Business Service validAted to eliminAte security vulnerAbilities And to enhAnce performAnce And integrity. In Addition, Vision softwAre AutomAtes the inspection and other time-consuming Aspects of system security and software compliance policy, greatly reducing the time needed to pinpoint and eliminate security vulnerAbilities. PRODUCT OVERVIEW #1 FOR A REASON VXBLOCK AND VBLOCK SYSTEMS Delivering real business results Dell EMC Converged Systems portfolio of VxBlock And Vblock Systems provide A wide rAnge of solutions to meet your requirements for size, performAnce, And scalAbility. Both VxBlock And Vblock Systems Are built with enterprise clAss compute And networking from Cisco and storage “We chose a Dell EMC Vblock System from Dell EMC, while VxBlock Systems offers increAsed flexibility in network virtuAlizAtion solutions 540. It provided us the flexibility we with support for VMwAre VDS And a choice between Cisco Application-Centric InfrAstructure (ACI) needed for both our revenue-generating and VMware NSX. mixeD workloaDs anD all-flash back end. We’ve already seen the benefits Enterprise-ClAss Performance for GenerAl, File, and Block Workloads from having XtremIO on the floor.” Dell EMC VxBlock System 350 and Vblock System 350 are agile and highly scalable, unified, — Carlos Sotero, IT Director, Insight converged infrAstructures designed for general-purpose mixed workloads. They Allow for rapid rollout or expAnsion of A virtuAlized dAtA center, cloud environment, or service-provider solutions. These systems can be easily tailored to meet specific workload or SLA requirements, like VDI, “The Vblock System is a single Microsoft ExchAnge, OrAcle, And SAP while minimizing risks and costs. Available with the powerful integrateD solution, not a mix of Dell EMC Unity All-flash or hybrid-flash storAge option, these are perfect for mixed workloAds. components. It’s pre-built and pre- testeD, anD offereD us high availability, Industry’s Leading, Most Efficient, All-FlAsh Converged InfrAstructure scalability, and automation to make Dell EMC VxBlock System 540 And Vblock System 540 Are all-flash-based converged systems for provisioning new services faster high-performance/low-latency workloAds And emerging third-platform applications. Leveraging Dell and more efficient.” EMC XtremIO storAge, with in-line efficiencies, these systems deliver scale-out performance at — JonAs Esko, IT Architect ultralow latency. AdditionAlly, combined with Dell EMC Converged Technology Extensions for ManAger, LKAB Isilon, and these systems are an ideAl platform for big dAta anAlytics and end-user computing. “Since moving to Vblock Systems, The Most AdvAnced DatA Services in A Converged InfrAstructure we’re now 100 percent responsive to Dell EMC VxBlock System 740 and Vblock System 740 are the industry’s most advAnced the business.” intelligent converged systems with unmAtched performAnce, scAlability, and avAilability for the — MichAel Tomkins, Chief Technology most demanding mission-critical Applications. With A choice of Dell EMC VMAX All-flash or hybrid- Officer, Fox Sports AustrAliA storAge options, these systems deliver multidimensionAl scAle, high IOPS for extreme levels of performance with low latency, and are ideal for large-scale, mission-critical
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